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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

At 18, I'm still a child, but so far I think in the respect of giving me a home and shelter as well as providing me with most of what I needed materially/emotionally(I still hold a couple of grudges here and there but they are for petty things that I will look back and laugh on but still feel them important right now). I personally want to have kids: not for the retirement, not for the genetic evolution, but for the fact that I'm instilling individuals with values and raising them to be proper people in today's dark age. If I can introduce one sane person to the world, then I think I will have died happy especially if it is my own progeny without the trouble I had to go through.

The one thing my parents did not do for me was mentally i.e. give me social awareness towards what was around me and to give me a thorough spiritual starting point rooted in logic(not the zealous religious attitude they currently have and I personally would not have want them atheistic to the point of them denying any soul searching or spirituality while not letting me believe/belittling me). I became jaded, spiritually lost until I found my personal beliefs, dealing with loss, and having had reality forced on me at an age where I knew nothing at all. I want to give my progeny the chances I never had, and have them enter the world better than I had with the struggle I experienced or the losses I had.

Sidenote: I think I'm an exception to samsamsam's question towards people who don't want to have kids in that some of the events in my earlier childhood actually forced me to want to have kids in comparison to not.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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