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Oneitus/Breakup Blog

Oneitus/Breakup Blog

Cruisen_Chubby: Your story is exactly why I wrote the book. I don't know if it's a break up or oneitis "cure" but it illustrates both of those scenarios and shows a guy getting out of it. I wrote it to place red pill information directly into the mainstream by using a fiction piece that shows a nice guy getting beat down (if you read the preview you see he takes it to the extreme). Even though it's called The Red Pill, I don't use those terms in the story or very much PUA lingo, the focus is really on self improvement and living for yourself. It's not very long and there's a good twist at the end. The story actually wound up with a lot of unintended symbolism that's pretty fitting.

You don't need an actual Kindle to get any Amazon books, you can download a Kindle Viewer for free onto any computer, Ipad, smartphone etc. Just google Kindle Viewer and whatever you're using and download that, then synch the viewer to your Amazon account, shouldn't take more than a few minutes. I've been getting a ton of Amazon books on my computer since I got the Viewer, they look great and read well.

Definitely let me know if you get it, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Your post was exactly why I wrote it, to help save the guys coming up behind us a lot of time and frustration by giving them a short story to read instead of trying to tell them what you know or sending them to different websites where they may or may not understand it. This way they can read the book and get into the manosphere on their own.

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