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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Quote: (03-18-2019 07:12 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Tinder and similar apps make it an uneven playing field for the modern man. It's girls' "weapon of choice", especially the ones who like boost their self-esteem. How did you meet her? What was your leverage in your making her go out on date with you?

We met on my birthday when my friend and i were out celebrating at the club. He hit it off with her friend and i hit it off with her, so we decided to skip the boring traditional first date and try out a double date. Turned out to be great success.

Quote: (03-18-2019 07:12 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

No good, you have violated the scarcity principle - read on that. People value what is rare and inacessible. You don't "chat" (honestly, how long those phone converesations were?) to a new girl with whom you've had sex just once. You're older, you're busy, you're a catch who just doesn't hand himself out on a silver platter to some teen girl.

So much truth to this post. We chatted way too much, thats my problem. But she would always initiate and send me texts and pics randomly when the interest was high, while still in the "honeymoon phase" so i couldn't just ignore the messages. But next time i should definitely reduce the amount of responses/lenght of conversations.

Quote: (03-18-2019 07:12 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

By the way, read the Commandments, then re-read some more. Memorise, if needed. There are all the key rules of the game. The more you play by them, the more sucess you'll have. Have a thought or two, which of the principles you have violated?

I think i violated Rule V, was texting too much, VI was too predictable and even VII, got a minor onetis and didn't game other girls on the side.

Quote: (03-18-2019 07:12 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

If she truly were with one guy only, she wouldn't have much in terms of demands - young girls are emotional and fall for a man easily, not really knowing what they are looking for. From your descriptions, she didn't seem to be "lost", "confused" or facing a drama "you vs him". Seems like she acted methodically, and all was planned out. She dated concurrently at least one other male, went on dates and fucked over the silence period but didn't tell you, just to keep you as an insurance, in case it wouldn't pan out with the other guys. Does that make her evil? Not at all. She's had it hard-wired evolutionarily (btw., read Evolution of Desire by David Buss), to maximise her returns, aka hypergamy. It is common that girls shop around just as you'll try a few brands and models before you buy a car. You stopped being shiny - it's normal, even the best of men can't be interesting all the time (and I guess that's why the pool boy can score the billionaire's wifey). And vice-versa, we get bored of that one special girl. The trick is to figure out how to be shiny for long enough and when you're not shiny anymore - but a good insurance policy aka playing the field helps out (easier said that done though - hence the rise of alternative methods, such as daygame)

It's a basic mistake (don't worry, everyone makes them, I made it too) to put all your eggs in one basket, don't do that - always diversify (just like with stock market - buying shares of one company only is like asking for trouble). Always play the field, and have a girl want to be with you, never the other way round - you'll always lose. Why? Beause of scarcity principle. What's common and easily available, isn't appreciated. Countless scientific studies corroborate this fact.

This is some of the best advice i've ever read before. Seriously. Thank you so much.

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