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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck)

Been on a few dates with a girl, the last date was last Tuesday, we had sex for the first time. She went kind of silent for 2 days afterward and i thought she had lost interest, but she calls me up on Thursday night and wants to "hear my voice" and chat, we end up talking for 40 minutes and laughing at jokes.

She told me she's been busy with music practice which i know is legit. Her interest in me still seems high from what i've picked up.

She also told me on the phone she has an exam coming up this week, so i haven't texted or called her at all, wanted to give her space. it's been 5 days with silence.

Should i wait for her to text me when she's done with her exam? And also show some abundance and let her miss me even more this way.

Or is it bad to have this long of silence and i should instead send her a little cute text telling her good luck with the exam and im looking forward to see her again?

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