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Soros vs Xi(China)

Soros vs Xi(China)

Quote: (01-26-2019 03:12 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2019 01:58 AM)NikNik Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2019 07:27 AM)Mage Wrote:

Out of all people imaginable - George Soros has voiced opinion, shared with many in this forum, that electronic surveillance and total control are biggest threat to freedom in modern world. This total surveillance is currently championed by China and their citizen credit system as well as Facebook, Google and similar silicon Valley big tech companies.

I find it surprising that he out of all people says something I have felt for a long time - China as raising economic and military power, with it's communism, censorship, soft colonization of Africa, most advanced prototype for a technocratic total 1984 type control system, it's export or oppression to other countries like Venezuela and even dumbing down of consumer products like movies and video games is the biggest global threat to freedom in modern times.

What do you think? is Soros pretending? Trying to turn coat? Afraid of raising nationalism? Maybe simply jealous China has surpassed him in successful implementation of social engineering of total control?

Who do you think is more the enemy of freedom? Soros and his supposed covert Cultural Marxism or China with open and unashamed censorship and communist dictatorship?

OP are you Chinese? If not can you please explain how are the Chinese threatening your freedom? Or the freedom of your countrymen?

Are you low on IQ? If not then can you please explain how you don't see that?

China has big and increasing global influence. Western countries and companies change their politics all the time to cater to china. The question of Taiwan, the question of Tibet, the content of movies and TV shows exported to China, the content of social networks. It's many things.

Also China will support raising socialist and communist governments elsewhere even on other continents like evident with Venezuela.

Also China serves as excuse for many communist sympathizers to show that communism can be working, because on the outside China is successful. At cost of health and liberty of it's people of course. if we would have no lingering communism states, there would be less communist sympathizers among western youth and academia.

Also there is something called precedent. China sets a precedent with it's citizen surveillance and evaluation system. Once a precedent is set the whole world is in danger of fallowing it. Another dictatorship willing to introduce such a system will no longer have to design it, they may just buy it from China. This can lead to oppression in many poorer dictatorship countries and can make them somewhat dependent from China too, increasing their power.

World is global, if you think something needs to be close to influence you you just ain't too smart.

You may argue about what is more dangerous China or Soros, but if you mean do declare then China is nothing to worry about you are not credible.

You might even be a Chinese commy yourself, they have their state sponsored net of influences in internet too.

Some people on this thread said Xi cares about his county and people. No, communism has destroyed the traditional culture of China to avoid ideological differences. Only in Taiwan can you still see traditional Chinese culture still practiced in an unmolested form.

Here's some traditional Chinese culture practiced in its unmolested form in Taiwan:

[Image: 5b59f638ee06c.jpg]

[Image: f-taiwanmarriage-a-20181201-870x580.jpg]

As to the mainland, this is not Mao's China, the Cultural Revolution is long gone. While mainland China has been investing hundreds of millions in the production of grand historic series arousing Chinese nationalistism and confucian values, Taiwan is promoting homoglobo culture, with subversion agents like Ang Lee.

I've visited Taiwan back in the 1990s, it was a fairly pristine culture and country. It is now basically like California circa 2000, the degeneracy is there and is set to accelerate, while China actively blocks baizuo, clamping down on pornography and homoglobo subversion. You're going to see this cultural divergence grow in years to come.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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