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How bad the average guys game is

How bad the average guys game is

Quote: (03-14-2012 09:16 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Anybody else notice this:

I'm like really? "Yeah, most guys come on dates and talk about their cars, or their ex girlfriends, or some other stupid shit and I end up getting bored and just leaving them right then and there."

Yup, I was just out to dinner with 5 chicks I work with (good ratio). Basically, they were complaining that 25-30 year olds just couldn't hold a conversation. Seems like all dudes know how to do is drink and babble, no one approaches until 7 sloppy drinks later. I chalk it up to 1) entitlement and upbringing, plus 2) Madden only teaches you talk s--- to your boys (though I'm guilty of excessive Madden too).

I got on the women about expectations and shields that contribute to the problem, but they had a point. Also interesting was I found that these career broads are not as good as communicating attraction as they should be. They complain about men, but they can't flirt very well. But I guess if you're serious 9 hours a day its tough to go back into ANY sort of alluring mode.

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:06 PM)at350zguyy Wrote:  

if a girl asks what you do, do you tell them straight up or do you try to avoid answering the question?

Whatever is most interesting, IMO. Most jobs can be split into 2 or 3 components, i.e. Financial stuff, connections stuff, creative stuff. Pick the angle you think she wants to hear and connect it to stuff she does.

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