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Summer - How do you carry your personal essentials

Summer - How do you carry your personal essentials

(There are 2 threads on the forums regarding what essential items you should have with you when going out. Good stuff to check out)



However, I cant find any discussion on how people are carrying them, especially during the summer.

I've googled quite a bit but most style forums are not aware of the fact that you need to optimize your sexual appearances. Which means:

-No phone in front pockets. Kill your sperm.
-Absolutely nothing in back pockets. You did your squats and got your beach body right? Why would you want to make your ass look weird by shoving stuff in the back pockets.

I carry everything in my jacket's pocket but summer is simply way too hot to wear one. Adding to that you often need a water bottle and a flask.

So you either carry a sport bag, a leather briefcase or a satchel. Frankly the satchel looks the best to me and very practical, but there's this whole thing against man purse.

How do you gentlement do this?

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

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