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Rio De Janeiro - Overrated ??? - My three weeks in February

Rio De Janeiro - Overrated ??? - My three weeks in February

You can't anyway talk seriously about Brasil wthout mentioning P4P, it's a cultural thing there. Literally every brasilian man, and even true gamers who have a stable of top-tier GFs, has been/goes/will go (or see nothing wrong with going) to a "boite" or a "terma" as they call it ......... well, maybe at the exception of a few born-again bigots or moral zealots, but I'm pretty sure that even in that population, most of the men partake (or secretly wish to) from time to time the P4P scene. Moral codes are very different in Brasil and in North America. It is not even shameful for a girl to confess that she is "accompanhante" (escort). As a side note, and I hope I'll not be banned for mentioning that,, those venue are usually very fun, with live (brasilian of course) music, busy dance floor, good food, great ambiance, ect....... nothing to see with the american or european soulless and grim whorehouses/strip bars.

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