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Rio De Janeiro - Overrated ??? - My three weeks in February

Rio De Janeiro - Overrated ??? - My three weeks in February

Hi guys, here comes a new report on Rio. Enjoy.

When and Where:
I have been to Rio and Buzios for roughly 3 weeks; spending 3 days in Buzios - a luxury seaside resort town three hours to the North along the coast of Brazil - and the remaining days in Rio. During the first week Carnival was still going strong. I changed accommodation quite a bit. The first couple of days I stayed in a shaby hostel in Centro, the next days in hotels in Copacobana (beach) and Santa Teresa (artist region). Then I had my stint to Buzios - before I returned to have another night in a Western style hostel in Ipanema. In short, I had a good opportunity to see most places of Rio.

First, to give you some background on myself: I am in my end-thirties, from a German-speaking country, rather short by Western European standards - 175cm (US guys - learn the metric system[Image: wink.gif], extrovert, light-skinned, an experienced traveller and PUA, good in spontaneously talking with strangers, but not an approach robot. Speaking English, and tourist Spanish. I was travelling by myself. I had a Brazilian girl to visit, but we ended up spending only a day together (involving some drama). So as always, take what I say with a grain of salt. If you are younger and significantly taller you will have an easier time, but this is valid for every place.

I made out with one girl and kissed a couple of girls during Carnival, had sex with one girl I knew before, and had a couple of Pay6 experiences. In terms of Pay6 Rio - and Brazil in general - has a lot to offer and if you are of the more adventerous and non-PU-hardcore kind it is an interesting additional ingredient to spice up your holiday trip.

"Social street bar game" is king. If you go to Rio, you need a super extrovert wing, who always pushes you and who has no qualms to chat up other groups of people non-stop. Of course you should do the same. Outdoor bars are the place to meet and as people come in groups (often mixed sets) you want to crack up these groups. You can do the same on the beach, or on street parties, probably the best option. At one place I became friend with a regular, at another one with the waiters. I was another good way to get to know people. By the way: Age difference is not that much a deal as in Western countries.

Tinder is possible, but without speaking Portuguese you are getting nowhere. My Rooshian friend from Chile told me about the additional problem of girls being very unreliable and flaky. I made the same experience with groups of girls I chatted up in bars and on the street to meet later. I have not been to clubs. I think they are not a big thing. The same goes for standard daygame (which is not very big either because the average girl on the street is often not that attractive - but I have not really tried). On a rainy day I went to some museums to look for upper-class girls, but it was really only couples.

Carnival is huge and amazing. Do not let anybody else tell you otherwise. The whole city is a big streetparty, and it is not too difficult to kiss a girl - sometimes with friends clapping and cheering at the same time. Because of health issues - I only really experiences two days of Carnival. The first day I made out with a girl from my hostel, but then she got too shy because of her friend. The other time I went to a big party near the beach where they played Beatles music. This time I was not that lucky.

Brazilean girls come in all shapes. They have an above average tit-size and ass-size. That is for sure. The typical Carioca from an affluent neighborhood looks actually quite European with a bit on Indian and Black admixture. You rarely see them walk by themselves.
Another good option: Instead of going for Brazileans you can also try to game Western girls in hostels. They are open, love to get to know people and sometimes quite slutty. I only stayed at an international hostel for 1 night. The girls were amazing, but unfortunately sleeping or busy doing something else.

General information:
Rio is just an amazing town. Beaches, mountains, amazing fruit juices and steaks, street parties, painted houses. And of course girls with oversized asses and tits. In terms of prices Rio is a bit cheaper than Western places, but not much cheaper. A standard dish is 5 Euros (in corner snack bars) to 15 Euros (expensive places in Santa Teresa or Buzios). Taxis are cheap. Hotels affordable (unless you want to stay in Ipanema or Copa during Carnival time). People do not speak English (ok, maybe 5-10% speak proper English), and very often not Spanish either (30-60% speaking Spanish, with tourist towns like Buzios having a lot of Spanish speakers). Speaking Portuguese helps a lot! If you want to work out, use some of the pullup bars that are everywhere along the beach or buy a 5Euro daypass to on of the Smartfit fitness clubs everywhere across the town.

Concerning safety: Get a hip belt or something to store your money. Always leave your passport and one ATM card in the hotel safe. Be careful with taking out your smartphone. Better buy a cheap one. BTW, I did not witness any crime, but Brazilians themselves are rather paranoid.

Locations and directions:
My recommendation. When in Rio, stay in Copacobana or Lapa. Copacobana has all the amenities that make life easy; lots of restaurants, beach bars, drug stores, pharmacies, fruit juice shops. Ipanema is more expensive and more residential. There are more expatriate bars for nightlife in Ipanema, but in my experience most of these places suck, at least during the week. Canastra bar on Thursday (please check) is an exception. Lapa on the other hand is THE nightlife district of Rio. There are a couple of streets full of bars and nightclubs. I visited Lapa - famous for some kind of aquaduct - in the course of an organized pub crawl, which is an excellent way to get to know some expat girls or potential wings. I have not been able to visit because of rain, but the street parties are suppossed to be amazing.

Santa Teresa is nice to spend a day to take pictures for your Tinder profile, but it is 15 minutes fron the subway (which is safe) and super expensive. A place for romantic French couples who like to enjoy the view. Lagoa and Gavea are two more residential areas, with Gavea having a street bar scene itself and Lagoa the botanical garden - one of the main attractions of Rio. Finally you have Botafogo right in the middle between the Centre and the beach district (Copacobana and Ipanema in the south - Zona Sul). If you are not sure if you are more interested in the beaches or the museums and parties in the centre Botafogo is a nice compromise. It has some streets of bars/restaurants and a shopping mall as well.
Finally do not forget to go to the Sugar Loaf or the Corcovado if you like to get some nice pictures.

As concerns Buzios, this beach resort calls itself the "St.Tropez of Brazil". While hotel costs are modest, restaurants are quite expensive. If you are into visiting beaches, this is paradise. I found it however rather boring. Lots of overweight Latinoamericans from Argentia and Chile.

Guys & other people - The competition
Going to Rio by myself I was looking forward to meet some Gringo-guys to rock the party together. Boy, was I surprised. Actually apart from specific tourist locations like the sugar loaf and obvious places such as backpacker hostels I did not come across a lot of Westerners. Very few indeed. And those I met where often going to meet and stay some local friends they knew before. Most tourists are from Argentina or Chile. Most of them speaking Spanish only. I met a fellow Rooshian, which was a pleasure. However still affected by his yellow-fever vaccination he was a bit low energy, so we did not spend too much time doing approaches.

As concerns guys, it depends. During Carnival and on the beaches you can see a lot of very ripped guys. Many with tattoos, looking like a soccer player or an MS13 gang member. Despite looking dangerous, they are rather polite when being approached as part of a mixed group. BTW, In terms of ethnicity, Rio was much more white than I thought. There are some Brazilean tourists from Southern Brazil who may look like a farmer from Kansas. The same goes for girls. So competition is not bad. And no Gringo bonus, unless maybe you are a tall Scandinavian with light blond hair.

Tipps to Prepare
- Learn as much Portuguese as possible
- Download Google Maps for the Rio Region
- Download Google Translate Portuguese (contrary to what other people say here, only max. 10% of people speak proper English, and maybe 30% Spanish)
- Work out and get a good body (because you will only wear a T-shirt or Muscle shirt)
- Have a very social and extrovert wing (best would be somebody EddyMurphy Style)
- Have I forgotten to say you should learn Portuguese?

So to answer the question: During Carnival, not overrated at all. Outside of Carnival season, no easy sex, if you are not going for the Pay6 option. But you will have a great time and as somebody speaking Portuguese, in good shape and with some extrovert wings, you will rock the place

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