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Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Fisto Invades SEA (Starting in BKK)

Truly an epic thread... To me the funniest bit was Fisto's recurring theme of picking up fat chicks:

Quote: (02-25-2013 05:14 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

There was an enormous fat girl working there with an even bigger attitude. I started chasing her around the bar and would pick her up. She would yell "NOOO" and everyone would laugh. The bar girls had to be astounded by this. Once I chased her and tackled her and my face crashed into a broom closet that opened up a cut on my brow. My girl came and looked concerned but I just laughed. THC got some good shots of me picking up her heavy ass.

Quote: (02-28-2013 01:38 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

While I was waiting on THC I said to the fat girl "I bet I can pick you up" both girls said "no you can't". I handed them my camera phone and lifted her giant ass off the ground. She was so happy to be picked up and my girl was clapping.

Quote: (06-27-2013 07:27 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Backstory first; I have been going around all of Asia hoisting fat girls and THC or someone will snap a shot of me doing it. It's been classic, egregiously sized fat girl gets seen, I run up and say "can I pick you up?" And before they can answer my arms are around them and they're coming off the ground. They ALWAYS smile because it makes then feel like a little girl.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

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