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What Do Foriegn Guys Think Of Anglosphere Girls?

What Do Foriegn Guys Think Of Anglosphere Girls?

I'm a foreigner(with citizenship) living in the States so here's my 2 cents.

They're straight forward in that it's easy to see where you stand with them from a conversation. That and they're easy lays. Banging girls stateside is like checking off a checklist. Once you've ticked all the right boxes you're in.

I'd also say rich(er) than their foreign counterparts on average so you can get them to buy you things and very easily mooch off them for a place to stay.

The main con is that they tend to be insufferable if they're the annoying type and of course not fit for something longer than a year. Not to mention on average dress like shit and aren't as good looking.

All in all 5/10 WB.

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