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High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

Words without any ability to enforce anything is a losing game with kids. It becomes a negotiation. Then they just learn to use their big words and white SJW articles when they grow up. Kids need boundaries and structure. Words do not provide that. Personally, spanking to a degree is acceptable. Fine you don't to hit kids. What punishments can be handed out that are relatively immediate and do not require a group of people to figure out.

I'm fine with spanking. I'm not ok with headshots, etc. But spanking is fine.

Edit: also the reason some of these kids are so out of control is that they know nothing will really happen to them short of murdering someone. And even then some pathetic lawyer will get them off or probation because the shithead had a tough home life. The punishment needs to be real and likely in order to be used as a deterrent.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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