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Beta males on a train let a thug stab a man to death and do nothing.

Beta males on a train let a thug stab a man to death and do nothing.

Quote: (07-16-2015 02:18 PM)offthereservation Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2015 05:51 PM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Goodbye America indeed.

Once, American men, as simple as semi literate farm boys from Indiana, hopped in the cramped seats of a Dauntless dive bomber, and flew them into hot lead fire storms of the most feared combat group in the world at the time...

the Imperial Japanese Navy taskforce at the Battle of Midway

a thug with a knife would have seemed trite to them. Now his great grandson watches by as another human being gets stabbed, and that grandson hopes that if he does nothing, stares away and avoids "whatchyu lookin' at" that everything will be ok. Then he can go home, put on his pyjamas, drink hot chocolate and go go on twitter to post how we need to ban the confederate flag to make the world a better place.

It doesn't take much training to disarm a wielded knife with nothing more than a jacket, only we cant teach our boys this because they instead have to attend sensitivity training.

Something brilliant, western civilisation, is being dismantled here.

very well said

Even worse his great grandson is the guy being stabbed and didn't have the common sense to hand over the phone. Didn't build his body to protect himself and thought it was ok to riot.

I am starting to think some liberals who are so ok with the nonsense really don't like their country very much. Or more like they didn't have to sacrifice to earn any of what they have (freedom of speech, etc). So they don't appreciate it and don't give it much value, so they piss it on it so easily.

I will say conservatives, despite their own craziness, seem to love this country more sometimes. Liberals seem to show their love for country by demanding more from it.

JFK was right, but sadly these new Democrats have no appreciation for the message.


And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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