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I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:54 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

After reading this thread, and finally realizing what all the "Little Dark" references I've been reading are referring to (yes, I'm that late), I believe this guy was some kind of pathological liar. Not a psychopath or anything trying to get over on anybody, just a dude who likes to make up stories to boost his self-esteem. I come across people like this in real life all too frequently.

How do you deal with people like this? Just play along or just tell them to go fuck off?
They are to be enjoyed and celebrated.

I have a guy that works here on and off and I spoil him because he entertains me and it pisses off the other employees.. Shit like he shows up 3 hours late and claims his pancreas fell out so I go buy him sushi and don't ask anyone else if they want anything.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:54 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

After reading this thread, and finally realizing what all the "Little Dark" references I've been reading are referring to (yes, I'm that late), I believe this guy was some kind of pathological liar. Not a psychopath or anything trying to get over on anybody, just a dude who likes to make up stories to boost his self-esteem. I come across people like this in real life all too frequently.

How do you deal with people like this? Just play along or just tell them to go fuck off?

Man, why overthink this?

Just accept him in your heart.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

In recent news the Governor of California has taken extreme measures to combat issues of drought in that state. All biologically female women will be required to stand in line at appointed water reclamation areas while Little Dark passes by. Widespread flooding is expected.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:40 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I've actually been in the same type of situation more than once.

Yes, El Mechanico, we know all about you.
[Image: youtheman.gif]

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:21 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Anyone feel like this when the little dark thread pops up? Like he is still among us? Long live little dark you will not be forgotten.

I'm glad Suits bumped this thread mere hours after I read through it all over again.

Today I had to pull over to the side of the road, because I was laughing so hard at "Little Dark gets banned from the safari park".

Also, in about two years, some poor RVF n00b is going to paste "Little Dark" into the RVF search engine and get 25 pages of threads to click. (Right now, the number is only 5.)

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I think I found Little Dark


I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I wish he could be brought back. I suspect that if he was he'd wouldn't troll anymore, so he'd have to come back on the condition that he stuck to his original persona.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:40 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This thread wasn't really ban material I've actually been in the same type of situation more than once.

I've been in that type of situation once, but the guys weren't white knights and I didn't end up doing anything to all the guys who wanted to beat me up. Some guy who barely knew me jumped in and not only got all the guys to back off, but also got them to voluntarily leave the venue we were in. To this day, I have no idea what that guy said to them. I haven't been back to that venue since and that was almost fifteen years ago.

I like the Throwing Shit on Girl thread better than this one, but this one is not far behind.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

This is still by far one of the funniest threads in RVF history.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I've just realised it was me he replied to with the famous line:


This thread isn't going in the direction I had hoped

I feel immortal!

[Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Holy shit I never read this thread until today....I haven't laughed this hard in days.

LITTLE DARK THIRTY [Image: lol.gif]

The Peru Thread
"Feminists exist in a quantum super-state in which they are both simultaneously the victim and the aggressor." - Milo Yiannopoulos

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 06:25 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:40 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This thread wasn't really ban material I've actually been in the same type of situation more than once.

I've been in that type of situation once, but the guys weren't white knights and I didn't end up doing anything to all the guys who wanted to beat me up. Some guy who barely knew me jumped in and not only got all the guys to back off, but also got them to voluntarily leave the venue we were in. To this day, I have no idea what that guy said to them. I haven't been back to that venue since and that was almost fifteen years ago.

I like the Throwing Shit on Girl thread better than this one, but this one is not far behind.
See the problem with all this is that her crew/friends could've gotten elevated fast and like I said it happens. Like he said he went to another town. The situation is very plausible in my eyes.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 08:44 PM)NovaVirtu Wrote:  

Holy shit I never read this thread until today....I haven't laughed this hard in days.

LITTLE DARK THIRTY [Image: lol.gif]

If you missed this thread, then you missed the sequel.

The best part about the sequel is the three minute [Image: heart.gif] lag-time between the original post and SteveMcMahon's reply.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 06:25 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:40 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This thread wasn't really ban material I've actually been in the same type of situation more than once.

I've been in that type of situation once, but the guys weren't white knights and I didn't end up doing anything to all the guys who wanted to beat me up. Some guy who barely knew me jumped in and not only got all the guys to back off, but also got them to voluntarily leave the venue we were in. To this day, I have no idea what that guy said to them. I haven't been back to that venue since and that was almost fifteen years ago.

I like the Throwing Shit on Girl thread better than this one, but this one is not far behind.

[Image: linktothread_zps206279b0.jpg]

I'm the King of Beijing!

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 06:25 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I like the Throwing Shit on Girl thread better than this one, but this one is not far behind.

You can't leave us lazy bastards who are too lazy to search for the thread hanging. Link please? [Image: lol.gif]

So lazy I used lazy two times, err three.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 10:10 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2015 06:25 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I like the Throwing Shit on Girl thread better than this one, but this one is not far behind.

You can't leave us lazy bastards who are too lazy to search for the thread hanging. Link please? [Image: lol.gif]

So lazy I used lazy two times, err three.

Google It![Image: banana.gif]

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

^^That thread isn't off to a good start, I thought the OP was going to talk about throwing real feces on someone. But I'll keep reading.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 10:18 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

^^That thread isn't off to a good start, I thought the OP was going to talk about throwing real feces on someone. But I'll keep reading.

As of page three, I'm still very disappointment.

Thread was WAY over sold.

I'm the King of Beijing!

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

This thread has to have the most 'likes' of any other thread on the forum. I reread to page 3 and had to stop cause my face hurts too bad from laughing. Best thread ever.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:02 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I'm 6'4", 240lbs and have been involved in the kickboxing world my whole life.

I once had a fight with three much smaller dudes. I was sober and they were not.

It ended in a stale mate due to exhaustion.

I still have the scars.

You were very very lucky; don't let this go to your head.

This post flew under the radar but it is also lowkey suspect.

Fights just don't "end in stalemates" unless one ran away, or the fight was broken up.

And fights especially don't end due to exhaustion. You have enough adrenaline flowing through you in a fight where you either kill or are killed (subdued).

See also:

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:30 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

It's always guys who have never been in nor been in the proximity of a real street fight who post this stuff.

In 20 seconds you can have catastrophic damage inflicted, including brain damage or death (e.g an idiot who saw someone hit someone with a beer bottle in a movie and tries it in real life, or getting knocked out with a punch and hitting your head on the ground). Lesser injuries include knocked out teeth, broken nose, or similar from just one punch.

Or if you are inflicting it, you'll have a load of legal problems or worry about reprisals.

Self defense is one thing but anyone who has fought recommends that the best thing is to avoid it.

Example is @CrashBangWallop post above

Add in a boxers fracture to that list too.

Scars is far less likely than getting this type of fracture in your cheekbone and having to have that fixed, unless someone was swinging around a knife or clawing. Even fight winners sometimes need this surgery.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-18-2015 04:54 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

After reading this thread, and finally realizing what all the "Little Dark" references I've been reading are referring to (yes, I'm that late), I believe this guy was some kind of pathological liar. Not a psychopath or anything trying to get over on anybody, just a dude who likes to make up stories to boost his self-esteem. I come across people like this in real life all too frequently.

How do you deal with people like this? Just play along or just tell them to go fuck off?

In real life, I have also met quite a few guys like this, and a few girls too - however, in my experience, it seems that guys like this tend to be bigger and better story tellers than girls, once these kinds of guys take on that kind of persona.

Personally, I believe that these kinds of people are seen through by others and a form of entertainment.... however, there are going to be some gullible people who believe their various fantastical stories.

In order to fit in society, frequently they will have moments of seriousness and then revert into moments of delusion and fantasy, and most people know that they have their tendencies to be full of shit and to read into facts in such a way that their version of events is NO longer reflective of reality.

Sometimes you can get pissed off at these kinds of people and call them out on their bullshit; however, frequently, it can be just better (and more practical) to go along with them and to be entertained because in the end, it is NOT likely that you are going to be able to change them by calling their bullshit, and it is likely just to cause you stress and to make you the fud dud of the party.

Make fun of them behind their back and also make fun of them to their face will likely be much more practical, especially when they provide sufficient ammunition for such. These kinds of people can be fun, as long as NOT too many people believe their exaggerations.

So, in sum, to me it seems that these kinds of people are fairly valuable to society and social circles for entertainment purposes, and as ice breakers and just keeping boring and routine aspects of life more interesting. And, sometimes they can challenge the imagination under the right circumstances.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

JJG, let me tell you about my experience with a creature that we shall, for the purposes of this post, call "The Bowling Pin". Why Bowling Pin, you ask? Because of the weirdly narrow and stretched facial features, which went hand in hand with his empty braggart personality like the one described here. This was the guy who had zero skills combined with a zero sense of personal boundaries, and would sit on your desk and start telling you how he beat up some guy in a club last night, followed by what he ate for breakfast and which torrents he downloaded.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

This guy was so annoying that one time, when he was utterly boring a girl with that bullshit and she went to the toilet, he followed her through the entire hallway and kept droning while standing in front of the closed bathroom door. Everyone around either made fun of him or was horrified by his lack of common sense.

Unfortunately, this guy stuck to me and a few friends like a tick. While we were fresh and inexperienced, we accidentally talked to him one time and he immediately started viewing us as best mates. We started avoiding him afterwards, but it was too late. The Bowling Pin could not be dislodged. He could just never understand the concept of someone not being interested in hanging out with him.

6 months later, I was hanging out with a group of hot girls and one of them commented how "she's only now realized that I'm such a cool guy".
"Why only now", I asked.
"Oh", she says, "it's because I thought you were friends with the Bowling Pin."

[Image: whoa.gif]

I haven't seen the Bowling Pin in almost a decade now (thank God!!!), but I hear that he still rings up two of my female acquaintances at least once a month and asks them out for coffee to "talk about the good old times" [Image: lol.gif] .

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (02-19-2015 06:09 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

JJG, let me tell you about my experience with a creature that we shall, for the purposes of this post, call "The Bowling Pin". Why Bowling Pin, you ask? Because of the weirdly narrow and stretched facial features, which went hand in hand with his empty braggart personality like the one described here. This was the guy who had zero skills combined with a zero sense of personal boundaries, and would sit on your desk and start telling you how he beat up some guy in a club last night, followed by what he ate for breakfast and which torrents he downloaded.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

This guy was so annoying that one time, when he was utterly boring a girl with that bullshit and she went to the toilet, he followed her through the entire hallway and kept droning while standing in front of the closed bathroom door. Everyone around either made fun of him or was horrified by his lack of common sense.

Unfortunately, this guy stuck to me and a few friends like a tick. While we were fresh and inexperienced, we accidentally talked to him one time and he immediately started viewing us as best mates. We started avoiding him afterwards, but it was too late. The Bowling Pin could not be dislodged. He could just never understand the concept of someone not being interested in hanging out with him.

6 months later, I was hanging out with a group of hot girls and one of them commented how "she's only now realized that I'm such a cool guy".
"Why only now", I asked.
"Oh", she says, "it's because I thought you were friends with the Bowling Pin."

[Image: whoa.gif]

I haven't seen the Bowling Pin in almost a decade now (thank God!!!), but I hear that he still rings up two of my female acquaintances at least once a month and asks them out for coffee to "talk about the good old times" [Image: lol.gif] .

hahaha........ Yes, a specific example can really illustrate the kind of tensions when people are trying to deal with these kinds of people who have weird social skills or tend to exaggerate experiences....

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Ok he was weird. But why no one doesn't notify him about this?
This story affects me because a few years ago I was quite similar, and if I did not have an electrochoc which awoke me to the true nature of girls and boys who would praise my academic skills, but laugh at me because I had no clue about social skills, then I might have ended up like him.

Of course, if someone is violent at school and has no social skills, it makes sense to avoid him. However if someone is just quite simplistic, harmless, and does truly not understand what's wrong, then at least taking him apart one day he comes to you, and talking to him about this (if he does not believe you, then you leave him) might yield a far better result than just ignoring him.
Yes, he probably has to make the first step by himself. However, how many people just give him that chance to even have a clue about that step? Not everyone has the reflex to go to the internet and search for answers to this problem.

Often the manosphere talks about helping others, gaming together, etc etc. But more than you, or me, or anyone else already on this forum or manosphere for some time, people like "the Bowling Pin" are even more concerned by the fight of the manosphere.

Sometimes, some of you remind me of naturals, who are "horrified" by "mistakes" others make, laugh about them, and congratulate themselves about their last flings/LTR, whereas there are a bunch of guys out there who are just waiting for a sign, a tip, an indication about the true nature of the game.

The end .

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Mikado, it's because you and I are both normal, balanced, mentally sound people with at least average amounts of empathy, intelligence, wisdom and self-awareness. Our hiccups as far as social skills go are self-correcting in the end. Given our normal levels of sensitivity to feedback, it is guaranteed that we will eventually realize if we've been doing something wrong. For example, you and I will always be concerned if we're boring someone or if we're coming across as assholes, and will then correct for it.

But severely boring people or assholes are never concerned about how they come across; they lack the empathy and self-awareness to stop to ponder this, and instead just keep plowing through. To think that they are just one piece of sensible advice away from changing is just naive.

To quote one recent book on mental problems, "If you are wondering whether you might be a psychopath, then you almost certainly aren't one."

And trust me, I am saying all of this as the complete opposite of a natural.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

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