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Tinder App

Tinder App

Dont know it's been posted. but ...

"eat, pray, ride the carousel"


Tinder App

Just matched with this chick. In her profile she says she's bisexual. Threesome city right? Yes, but not the kind you'd want.

Her profile goes on to say she is in an open relationship with her boyfriend and they're looking for a bi dude or chick.

No mmf for me thank you very much.

Guaranteed if she was single I probably wouldn't have gotten the match.

Tinder takes another loss for the day.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-27-2015 06:52 PM)Virtus Wrote:  

Dont know it's been posted. but ...

"eat, pray, ride the carousel"

Tinder is selling men the rope to hang themselves by. Just keep in mind that app isn't meant for us men. But the payment options for "+" will be expected for men to pay for of course.

Tinder App

The only problem I'm having with Tinder is that I simply don't have enough free time to bang all the girls.

I am booked 7 nights a week since the new year and no signs of slowing down yet.

This is the golden age of anonymous poon, boys. Get it while the gettin' is good!

Tinder App

@BlurredSevens, based on your posts in this and the I just had sex thread do you recommend directly inviting over EVERY Tinder match you get or is there a screening process you use for determining which ones are down to come directly over? I will admit my main fear/concern is by inviting everyone over I may scare the cat and they bail due to ASD whereas I could have easily bagged them by using Tuth's first date bang recipe. On the other hand, I know I've lost some who were DTF by literally talking them out of banging me. I have an extensive alcohol collection and joke about being a wannabe mixologist which I use as bait on my first dates. I would love to save the $20-30 in drinks at a bar and start directly at my place.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 02:11 PM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

@BlurredSevens, based on your posts in this and the I just had sex thread do you recommend directly inviting over EVERY Tinder match you get or is there a screening process you use for determining which ones are down to come directly over? I will admit my main fear/concern is by inviting everyone over I may scare the cat and they bail due to ASD whereas I could have easily bagged them by using Tuth's first date bang recipe. On the other hand, I know I've lost some who were DTF by literally talking them out of banging me. I have an extensive alcohol collection and joke about being a wannabe mixologist which I use as bait on my first dates. I would love to save the $20-30 in drinks at a bar and start directly at my place.

That's a really good but tough question to answer. There are so many variables that it's hard to make a blanket one-size-fits-all recommendation.

Personally I have no interest in meeting a girl that's not down to come over and make dinner with me, or to drink on the balcony and play card games for a couple hours. That's a cool as hell first date!

Even when it's not sexual, her refusal to do something legitimately cool like make dinner with me is a sign that she's either not seriously interested in me, or is just using me for attention. If she can't stand being alone with me for at least an hour, then she is straight up lame and boring.

I'm not interested in those girls.

Couple key points.

1. I apply the direct invite to every girl, the fact that they're on tinder is irrelevant.
2. All girls want to get fucked so if you scare the cat, it's not ASD, it's bad game or you didn't make her feel comfortable via "getting to know you" chat while texting. Has to be real though, you can't fake it. Got to put your personality out there.

If you are having success with Tuth's recipe, then absolutely 100% continue to use it to your advantage and to get a lot of dating experience. Keep the direct invite technique in the back of your mind, and when the time is right you'll instinctively know to use it.

One more thing:

Oftentimes it's cool to be honest and real with girls. Sounds like you have an affinity for mixology, and that you're on a budget. That's legit in my book because it means you're responsible and that you have hobbies. Automatically that puts you in the top 25% of single men.

Tell the girls: "I'd love to meet up with you, but I'm on a budget because I'm saving up for [summer trip/puppy adoption fund/spanish classes/etc.] and I think it would be silly to spend $18 on a margarita just to see if I like you. I'm a bit of a mixologist, so let's do drinks at my place at 7 and [play board games/sit outside/listen to the new XYZ album/etc.]

That is pretty much how I do it now. I tell girls I like to cook (which is true; I cook almost every night) and that she's welcome to come help me make dinner, and that I'm not really much of a loud expensive bar person anyway. Or I tell her I just grabbed a new bottle of whatever cool whiskey or wine I discovered, and that she's welcome to come hang out with me and try it.

Remember: you're inviting these girls into your world! They should be lucky they get to hang out with a guy that has his shit together. If sex happens, then it's a natural byproduct of the interaction. If it doesn't, then hey no big deal, and at least y'all didn't waste $30 on shitty beers at the bar!

Tinder App

Quote: (01-27-2015 09:08 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2015 06:52 PM)Virtus Wrote:  

Dont know it's been posted. but ...

"eat, pray, ride the carousel"

Tinder is selling men the rope to hang themselves by. Just keep in mind that app isn't meant for us men. But the payment options for "+" will be expected for men to pay for of course.

Love how she doesn't even try matching in Turkey.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 05:49 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2015 02:11 PM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

@BlurredSevens, based on your posts in this and the I just had sex thread do you recommend directly inviting over EVERY Tinder match you get or is there a screening process you use for determining which ones are down to come directly over? I will admit my main fear/concern is by inviting everyone over I may scare the cat and they bail due to ASD whereas I could have easily bagged them by using Tuth's first date bang recipe. On the other hand, I know I've lost some who were DTF by literally talking them out of banging me. I have an extensive alcohol collection and joke about being a wannabe mixologist which I use as bait on my first dates. I would love to save the $20-30 in drinks at a bar and start directly at my place.

That's a really good but tough question to answer. There are so many variables that it's hard to make a blanket one-size-fits-all recommendation.

Personally I have no interest in meeting a girl that's not down to come over and make dinner with me, or to drink on the balcony and play card games for a couple hours. That's a cool as hell first date!

Even when it's not sexual, her refusal to do something legitimately cool like make dinner with me is a sign that she's either not seriously interested in me, or is just using me for attention. If she can't stand being alone with me for at least an hour, then she is straight up lame and boring.

I'm not interested in those girls.

Couple key points.

1. I apply the direct invite to every girl, the fact that they're on tinder is irrelevant.
2. All girls want to get fucked so if you scare the cat, it's not ASD, it's bad game or you didn't make her feel comfortable via "getting to know you" chat while texting. Has to be real though, you can't fake it. Got to put your personality out there.

If you are having success with Tuth's recipe, then absolutely 100% continue to use it to your advantage and to get a lot of dating experience. Keep the direct invite technique in the back of your mind, and when the time is right you'll instinctively know to use it.

One more thing:

Oftentimes it's cool to be honest and real with girls. Sounds like you have an affinity for mixology, and that you're on a budget. That's legit in my book because it means you're responsible and that you have hobbies. Automatically that puts you in the top 25% of single men.

Tell the girls: "I'd love to meet up with you, but I'm on a budget because I'm saving up for [summer trip/puppy adoption fund/spanish classes/etc.] and I think it would be silly to spend $18 on a margarita just to see if I like you. I'm a bit of a mixologist, so let's do drinks at my place at 7 and [play board games/sit outside/listen to the new XYZ album/etc.]

That is pretty much how I do it now. I tell girls I like to cook (which is true; I cook almost every night) and that she's welcome to come help me make dinner, and that I'm not really much of a loud expensive bar person anyway. Or I tell her I just grabbed a new bottle of whatever cool whiskey or wine I discovered, and that she's welcome to come hang out with me and try it.

Remember: you're inviting these girls into your world! They should be lucky they get to hang out with a guy that has his shit together. If sex happens, then it's a natural byproduct of the interaction. If it doesn't, then hey no big deal, and at least y'all didn't waste $30 on shitty beers at the bar!

Ummm.... to state the obvious in many parts of the world a lot of girls have a "i will not go directly to the house of a man i have never met in real life because he might kill me" rule. In my experience this is usually something that no amount of comfort building over text or the phone will fix.

There are only two ways I know of to get a girl to come straight to your place:
1) have amazing bait of some activity that can only be done at your place - swimming, cooking, your pool table, a unique movie she will love, drugs etc
2) she is already dtf based on your pics

If the girl is not dtf then amazing bait is the only thing that does not scare the cat.

Everywhere I have been most girls are not willing to come straight to my place. When I have enough leads that I can throw out the girls who are not willing to come straight over then I invite them over. Otherwise it is the tuth same day bang recipe.

Tinder App

^ BlurredSevens if I am not mistaken is in NYC.

That is a different world than anywhere else in the U.S. When I visited I was shocked at how easily girls off Tinder were willing to meet quickly for drinks, even that night with a few hours of notice. This has never happened to me in SoCal.

slubu calls Manhattan, Whore Island. It is true. These girls are easier to get over to your place than anywhere in the U.S. by a long shot and it seems they don't give a shit if you have a roommate listening to you bang in your room 10 feet away.

NYC game is completely different. I once having had a good amount of gaming experience could see how easy it is to take the city to your advantage. It is a logistical and alcohol heaven where girls will routinely stay out past midnight on a weeknight on dates or with friends.

Here in SoCal I have had girls freak out that it is 9:45pm therefore I learned quickly to start my dates early at 6:30-7:30.

soup also had his Fresh Direct thread. He is also a NYC (Brooklyn) guy. It is not a coincidence. Girls there are just more down and independent. The anonymous nature of the city, the logistics, the nightlife hours, and the urge to get fuck out of your cramped apartment to find adventure makes this possible.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:03 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Ummm.... to state the obvious in many parts of the world a lot of girls have a "i will not go directly to the house of a man i have never met in real life because he might kill me" rule.

You sound like the girls that are too uptight to hang out with me. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:03 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

In my experience this is usually something that no amount of comfort building over text or the phone will fix.

If the girl is not dtf then amazing bait is the only thing that does not scare the cat.

You know what's *really* good bait?



Emotional attraction.

Fuck your record collection; she wants to FEEL something.

Be the guy that makes her FEEL something and you will not believe what those nice girls will do.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:21 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ BlurredSevens if I am not mistaken is in NYC.

I wish I were in NYC!

I'm in a second-tier city in the mountain west.

I have not been to SoCal but I'd wager the girls there are similar to where I'm operating from.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:28 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:21 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ BlurredSevens if I am not mistaken is in NYC.

I wish I were in NYC!

I'm in a second-tier city in the mountain west.

I have not been to SoCal but I'd wager the girls there are similar to where I'm operating from.

Nice. That makes things much more difficult. Props.

And +1 I thought I repped you like over a year ago. [Image: lol.gif]

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:24 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:03 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Ummm.... to state the obvious in many parts of the world a lot of girls have a "i will not go directly to the house of a man i have never met in real life because he might kill me" rule.

You sound like the girls that are too uptight to hang out with me. [Image: biggrin.gif]

hahaha you must be kidding because it is not my rule, but the girls.
Quote: (01-28-2015 06:24 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2015 06:03 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

In my experience this is usually something that no amount of comfort building over text or the phone will fix.

If the girl is not dtf then amazing bait is the only thing that does not scare the cat.

You know what's *really* good bait?



Emotional attraction.

Fuck your record collection; she wants to FEEL something.

Be the guy that makes her FEEL something and you will not believe what those nice girls will do.

In NYC I can get a new girl almost every night to meet for a drink near my place and then run the tuth recipe (I wish I had been there for the snow - I always clean up during storms).

But I have found it very hard to get them to come straight to my house. Obviously I would prefer that!

That said there is no danger in my game. My game is fun, adventure, creativity, connection, comfort, logistics and bait. I have no idea how to inject danger. Any ideas on that?

Tinder App

^ Ask her if she has a rape fantasy on the first phone call.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Tinder App

Quote: (01-28-2015 07:03 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ Ask her if she has a rape fantasy on the first phone call.
[Image: popcorn3.gif]

Tinder App

Great advice @BlurredSevens, thanks so much for the detailed answer. Rep point given!

Tinder App

I unexpectedly had to travel to a smaller city than my normal bace (about 250k vs. 5mil+).

I am getting about 4 matches a week in the smaller city vs. 2/wk in the larger (not counting bots).
As far as quality, the profiles induce the Christian Bale face 50x more often in the larger city.

I think I stand out more as something diff. here but not so much back "home".

Tinder App

Well I have given up on tinder again it just sucks too much in Australia at least for me that is. The amount of fake profiles I matched with was retarded combined with ugly girls. If I can't match quality girls its a waste of time for me as I'd rather meet in real life. Like talked about above trying to get a girl to meet you is a fucking wait and a half. Even the girls that are eager to give their number took time to meet, and most use it just for attention or 'to see' what the app is like. Got a couple bangs off of it in the past, but lately I can only get a couple average matches that I could number close out of probably 300-500 swipes. Might reinstall in another 4 months.

Tinder App

Little wrinkle here you guys may want to add. So much is made about finding a good opener, something unique/funny/etc, and that's hard to do when the girl has nothing written in her profile, or uses all emoji, or has no shared interests, or whatever.

Well, stop making it about her profile and make it about yours.

Add something very random/silly to your profile about something you own. The weirder/more random the better. Make this totally unique to you.

For example - "I have a pet giraffe"

When you match with a girl, your opener is "be honest, you matched with me because you want to see the giraffe."

She either replies "lol what? I didn't even see that." To which you tease her for not reading your profile or play cocky/funny and say "So you swiped right for my good looks alone? Sweet."

Or she plays along and says "I do want to see your giraffe" to which you tease her again and say "I knew it. I came here hoping to avoid giraffe-diggers."

It can really be anything. "I knew it. Girls are only interested in me for my extensive chia pet collection."

The funnier and more random, the better.

Simple ice breaker to get the ball rolling.

Tinder App

^^^very similiar to what I have in my picture as I'm holding a baby sea turtle. Girls always message me about it.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Tinder App

Quote: (01-29-2015 03:06 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

^^^very similiar to what I have in my picture as I'm holding a baby sea turtle. Girls always message me about it.

Yeah. Yours is even more legit because you have an actual picture.

It's a built in opener.

Tinder App

Great outside the box thinking! I've already incorporated into my profile and state "I own a Chia Pet Ranch" We'll see how this plays...

Tinder App

Matched with a girl on Tinder that claimed that she was in an abusive relationship for TWO YEARS. The little interest I had in her dropped to zero after hearing this. She then went on to tell me that she deserved the abusive relationship, because she's not pretty/skinny enough. Very fucked up. I don't think I've ever talked to a girl with less self esteem than her.

She kept pushing to hang out, and obviously no guy in their right mind would want to meet this girl. Since she seemed borderline suicidal I decided to be a little tactful in rejection. I told her I was only interested in casual sex, and that I was not interested in a relationship at that time. She said "Ok bye" and that was that.

Tinder App

^ My first Tinder date ever was with a girl that had just quit her job after filling a lawsuit against her former boss for "sexual harrasment".

[Image: jordan.gif]

Tinder App

I saw a profile on tinder where this chick said: "Alpha" and "Jackhammer"

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