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The Ukraine Thread III

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:28 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

Hey guys how is the situation on the ground there related to the war? There is a story in the paper today from Tribune Media saying that there is no pretense anymore of the Russian military pushing into Ukraine. They even say they are rolling into the country with heavy weapons and tanks. Even Obama is complaining. That means it's got to be really serious. How is it affecting gaming?

World War III could be on the verge and you ask about how it effects gaming? With just 6 posts you seem to already have gotten the grasp of this forum.

[Image: wb2.gif]

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-19-2014 06:24 AM)Akula Wrote:  

^^^ good to hear that.

In fact I was out this morning and ran into a younger student who I opened. She had some sort of paperwork that looked like registration material and although receptive she had to run off after a few minutes bc she was late for class (I guess). So does seem like they are starting to trickle back into Kiev which is good news.

Did 3 approaches this morning all felt pretty good but the one thing I notice is that many girls here seem to be wary of cold approach. I can only assume to the sex tourist thing here in Kiev. I recently re-read Bang Ukraine and boy what Roosh wrote about this certainly rings true for me. Chicks here seem to be very wary of daytime random approaches and even though they give out numbers it's hard to get follow up meetings. Contrast that with internet game where I guess women feel they can build rapport better - esp. for these late 20s early 30s types who are more willing to hook up and less idealistic.

I'm going to re-focus a bit more on internet game as the quality is pretty good. Came close with one girl a couple weeks ago and have started a massive push this week online we'll see what happens.

Running internet game while in Ukraine means failure.Internet game has meaining only before you arrive for the first two days to have prearranged meetings.After that the amount of pussy on streets and clubs surpasses the quality of internet sites in such degree that it is waste of time to be any minute online.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-30-2014 10:58 PM)ohionukes Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2014 07:30 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2014 09:58 AM)Lika Wrote:  

Quote: (08-14-2014 08:07 PM)Thailand_Veteran Wrote:  

On thursday night you should try Forsage. The only place in Kiev where you can party every night.

So we went to Forsage with Akula and another friend on a Friday night around midnight. There are 3 floors, we took a table downstairs, close to the bar, which was more target rich. It was very cheap (600 for the table for 3 but you can drink then for the 600 you paid)

On all floors, the music is so loud that it is practically impossible to have a conversation. At our table by the bar, my wing would shout in my ear and I would not understand him.

During around 2 hours, I danced and opened about 6-7 cute girls (7-8-9) outside the dance floor. They were friendly and smiling to me but didn't seem to be open to meeting a foreigner. The music level made it impossible to have a conversation and on the dance floor they were not open to dance close to me or to anyone else.
There were lots of aggressive Arabs in groups in this club too.

Funny now that you mention it but yes it was dam loud inside as I recall now too.
Still I think the club serves it's purpose. A steady stream of mainly 6 & 7's at dirt cheap prices for Kiev.
I remember last year my buddy who is oriental was attempted cocked blocked by 3 of her friends but she was that much into him she finally told her friends to take a hike.
She was a 21 year girl next door type cutie from Odessa.

I feel your pain. I am in Kiev now. Compared to other countries, I am having incredible interest on the internet. So much so that I am flaking on a lot of girls, to which I say - Fuck them, they have flaked on men so much, they need a fuckin' wake up call. Ukrainian men are shit. They don't treat their women well, no ambition, cheat, etc etc. Ok - I am judgmental. I will judge a woman by who they date. Almost all Ukrainian women date losers. I spent the whole night watching guys grope a woman, who would half heartily protest, that it turned my stomach. At the clubs at least, many of the women have no sense of self worth. Be an alpha man, don't give a shit how she reacts or protests, and I think that will give you the best chance for a ONS.

My night? Shit, I have a date with a lawyer. A solid 8, probably an 8.5. After 3 hours she tells me she has to meet a girlfriend who is sad. Fuck it, I just told her ok, I like her but she is not the one for me. (My online game is - successful male looking for wife). I told her I am looking for my "soulmate", someone with whom I have a connection and passion with). After I tell her this, I tell the waiter I need the check and tell the chick I need to piss (to give her time to think). After taking more than enough time, I come back to the table to find the chick has ordered tea and dessert - and clearly has decided to stay longer. Yadda yadda, I don't give a fuck any more, and she stays with me for another 2 hours. She suggests having a drink with me at a club, to which I decline. I am fucking pissed off now (sorry - just honest. I close in the USA too damn easy), and I ask her where I could go after that for music and a good crowd. She suggested Barcardi Club at arena. I thought arena was just hookers, but she wasn't like that, so I consider that good intel. She tells me her and her girlfriends go there on the weekends to dance.

So she gives me a car ride to Arena. Shakes my funkin' hand. I go to Arena. It is 1:30 am. They tell me no entrance without table. Face control? Probably not. I see lots of hot chicks who can't get it. Fuck it. I walk to my apt near Maidan square. My dates texts me - wants to meet me for drink at Arena. Being alpha male plays it dividends. She tells me if I wanted to kiss her, I should have taken control. Beta fuckin' sucks. Lesson learned - I need to grow a couple. I was afraid that being too aggressive would make her think I was a sex tourist looking for just a hook up. FML.

I tell her no, I don't think she is serious about a relationship. In honesty, prior posts about ONS are accurate. Among QUALITY girls, 3 dates is the magic number. The date continues to text me. I continue the whole I am looking for the "one" and we don't have any chemistry. A gamble? you bet. But she tells me she wants to see me tomorrow. In all honesty, it is fuckin' nice to diss a girl once in a while and I didn't give a shit. I already had a date set up for the next date with a doctor, a single (separated) mother (i.e. - I will promise her and her child the world and fuck her by second date minimum) and a couple other chicks from Badoo.

So I say goodnight, she makes me promise to call her tomorrow, and I go to Vodka Bar. WHAT A FRECKIN' SAUGAGE FEST! But don't be discouraged. Seriously, I got there at 2:30am. It was literally 6:1 male to female. But the female talent was solid, average was a 7.8. Only one old hooker and one young hooker that I could spot. It was crazy though, hot 20 something girls dancing on stage, lots of turks, arabs, and natives. Surely the girls must be paid to be there. I don't think they were.

Alpha game in full force by the guys there. I saw guys grabbing girls left and right, sometimes with resistance, but minimal. In the USA, the guys would have been slugged by the girls for their actions. I say one guy suited up, very persistent, leave with a girl who was a solid 8.5. He looked like someone who would be on this forum. God bless him.

The rest of the girls? Lots of fuckable girls, but when I see a girl grind on a turk, junior doesn't work so well. You can find a young 7-8s here, but I am not sure if you would want her when all is said and done. I was surprised. For a Saturday night, I expected to see a bunch of 30+ something women here looking for a foreigner. There were a lot of young attractive women here. I think I could have easily invited one of the many girls sitting outside the club to my apt (pimp location overlooking maidan square) for a drink, but I needed to sleep since the real prizes were the next day (doctor, model, single mom). I had a 9+ model eye fuck the hell out of me when I left my apt (she was leaving a cab) - she clearly thought I had cash since I was living there. Like the soon to be ex-beta, I ignored her eye-fuck. FML

I don't know how things will turn out but I will update my report so that others can learn from my many mistakes.

You were simply defeated by the Turks and Arabs.Simply inconceivable.When I am there I give my battles inspired by Leonidas one against hundreds.Go there take their heads.It is challenge and competition but when you get defeated you leave Kiev in the hands of Arabs and Turks(it is not my terrain etc).

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:49 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:28 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

Hey guys how is the situation on the ground there related to the war? There is a story in the paper today from Tribune Media saying that there is no pretense anymore of the Russian military pushing into Ukraine. They even say they are rolling into the country with heavy weapons and tanks. Even Obama is complaining. That means it's got to be really serious. How is it affecting gaming?

World War III could be on the verge and you ask about how it effects gaming? With just 6 posts you seem to already have gotten the grasp of this forum.

[Image: wb2.gif]

WWIII? Talk about overreaction...

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 04:02 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

You were simply defeated by the Turks and Arabs.Simply inconceivable.When I am there I give my battles inspired by Leonidas one against hundreds.Go there take their heads.It is challenge and competition but when you get defeated you leave Kiev in the hands of Arabs and turks(it is not my terrain etc).

I found his post a bit odd. He seems too focused on wanting to find a wife, and discarding every other girl that showed a behaviour which didn't comply with his idea of a wife. The fact is that all girls can be sluts and all girls can be wives. It's a question of knowing them and screening, but preconceived notions are not helpful.

The Ukraine Thread III

Looking for a wife or a serious relationship is a common scam foreign guys pull in Ukraine since they think it applies to the traditional image of an Ukrainian woman.The problem is the latter possess a weaponry of proven shit tests to find out if you really are what you are supposed to be and this weaponry shoots most men out except the very experienced ones.
Nonetheless Ukrainian women pull so many scams when dealing with durak(idiot) foreigners that foreigners lying is expected and appreciated.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 04:12 PM)Lucky Luke Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:49 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:28 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

Hey guys how is the situation on the ground there related to the war? There is a story in the paper today from Tribune Media saying that there is no pretense anymore of the Russian military pushing into Ukraine. They even say they are rolling into the country with heavy weapons and tanks. Even Obama is complaining. That means it's got to be really serious. How is it affecting gaming?

World War III could be on the verge and you ask about how it effects gaming? With just 6 posts you seem to already have gotten the grasp of this forum.

[Image: wb2.gif]

WWIII? Talk about overreaction...

Hopefully, yes. Still, compared to what the situation was only a year ago it's not going in the right direction. Putin has recently mentioned his nuclear weapons. If Ukraine would gain entry into Nato there would be a war between heavy members of Nato and Russia. I don't know what the exact definition of a world war is but it would still be a nasty war unless Russia would just give up if Ukraine gains entry into Nato.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 04:24 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Hopefully, yes. Still, compared to what the situation was only a year ago it's not going in the right direction. Putin has recently mentioned his nuclear weapons. If Ukraine would gain entry into Nato there would be a war between heavy members of Nato and Russia. I don't know what the exact definition of a world war is but it would still be a nasty war unless Russia would just give up if Ukraine gains entry into Nato.

This is not the right thread for this, so let's stop here. Let's just say that NATO can't accept Ukraine under it's present rules and that the west has been understandably slow to help Ukraine as they, precisely don't want an open confrontation with Russia. But this discussion belongs elsewhere.

About the original question. Has it affected gaming? Well, in my opinion there's less people in clubs now and also less foreigners in general. But I've been here just for a few days this year so I don't really know.

The Ukraine Thread III

In answer to the conflict question I posted here

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:49 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:28 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

Hey guys how is the situation on the ground there related to the war? There is a story in the paper today from Tribune Media saying that there is no pretense anymore of the Russian military pushing into Ukraine. They even say they are rolling into the country with heavy weapons and tanks. Even Obama is complaining. That means it's got to be really serious. How is it affecting gaming?

World War III could be on the verge and you ask about how it effects gaming? With just 6 posts you seem to already have gotten the grasp of this forum.

It's not such a stupid question. It's always interesting to know if the timing is right or not. In my opinion, from what I see here in Ukraine, the rise of patriotism and nationalism always goes hand in hand with xenophobia. This is what I read on the couch surfing profile of a pretty girl:

"The last thing was surprised me a lot this is how Ukrainians have change for the last half a year. Most of my friends of the same age were dreaming of leaving Ukraine, start a new life somewhere else but now people are proud of being born in Ukraine. This is really amazing!"

It is quite understandable that Ukrainians don't particularly appreciate to see pretty young girls hand in hand with a foreigner when young men are dying on the frontline. And Ukrainian girls know that very well...

When the war turns out to be a real disaster and when people understand that their exacerbated nationalism led them to an economic and human mess, things will change. In 3-4 months in my opinion...

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 05:29 PM)Lika Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:49 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Quote: (09-01-2014 03:28 PM)reco2100 Wrote:  

Hey guys how is the situation on the ground there related to the war? There is a story in the paper today from Tribune Media saying that there is no pretense anymore of the Russian military pushing into Ukraine. They even say they are rolling into the country with heavy weapons and tanks. Even Obama is complaining. That means it's got to be really serious. How is it affecting gaming?

World War III could be on the verge and you ask about how it effects gaming? With just 6 posts you seem to already have gotten the grasp of this forum.

It's not such a stupid question. It's always interesting to know if the timing is right or not. In my opinion, from what I see here in Ukraine, the rise of patriotism and nationalism always goes hand in hand with xenophobia. This is what I read on the couch surfing profile of a pretty girl:

"The last thing was surprised me a lot this is how Ukrainians have change for the last half a year. Most of my friends of the same age were dreaming of leaving Ukraine, start a new life somewhere else but now people are proud of being born in Ukraine. This is really amazing!"

It is quite understandable that Ukrainians don't particularly appreciate to see pretty young girls hand in hand with a foreigner when young men are dying on the frontline. And Ukrainian girls know that very well...

When the war turns out to be a real disaster and when people understand that their exacerbated nationalism led them to an economic and human mess, things will change. In 3-4 months in my opinion...

I did find the text somewhat ironic going from describing the seriousness of the situation to just 'How is it affecting gaming'. The question itself might still be valid.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quick Kiev update:

1) beautiful day here today, you wouldn't have known that there was a war going on in the east other than for the fact that there are so many army recruitment billboards and posters all over + commercials on TV;
2) first day of school & the students are back! I guess that means the clubs will improve? [Image: lol.gif]
3) with the currency so depressed man it feels cheap here. Full meals for lunch are like $5 or less (e.g. not that I'm eating there but a Big Mac value meal is like $3.50). Assume this is across Ukraine now but it's like 1/2 or 1/3 the price of Moscow in most instances (except at Dali Park where prices are like the Moscow clubs);
4) agree with Lika that there may be some reticence to hang out with foreigners a bit at least due to the war situation. It doesn't seem to be helping in any case, hard to know. As I've written before most of the women I talk with are worried about their relatives in the east and/or boyfriends & brothers having to fight which I assume inspires more tribal loyalty and/or potential cockblocking guilt (?); it's not that I'm not doing ok, it's just that I sure don't feel like women are jumping into my arms bc I'm going to take them away from all this. The sex tourism thing also makes it a bit of a different animal compared to Moscow (where I never even really thought about it bc it's largely absent other than some Turks whoring it up);
5) met a lot of transplants from Donetsk so far; one girl I approached today said "yes it's like half the town are here now trying to find work!"
6) my date last night told me she thinks that the younger girls in Ukraine are eating shittier food, more McDonalds and getting fatter (!!). She's probably right, but from what I've seen there's luckily no obesity crisis here yet at least among the under 35 crowd. They still look very thin compared to Anglosphere ladies - seen quit a few 'gaps' walking around today.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

Do we have a definitive answer on how the war has affect game there?

Better or worse?

The Ukraine Thread III

OK guys, since Akula is lucky enough to be "on the groud" I wish he would just go on a date with an intelligent chick (not necessarily for a bang) just to pick her brain on the current economic/political/military situation in Ukraine and what the young people are thinking of doing in the near future. If he reports on that I'd definitely give a big fat +1 to him [Image: smile.gif]

Common sense would dictate that there are more women who would be trying to get out of the country as best case scenario "eastern ukraine" will cease to exist and will become a semi-independent autonomous region (kind of like Western Sahara with Morocco) with close Russian ties and even then it will take months of fighting to get there and unfortunate sponsorhip (weapons exports) from the west to stop the Russian tide. With thousands of refugees fleeing from the east into Kiev and looking for few available jobs and barely enough financing from NGO's such as IMF to keep the UA government operating and borders to the west closed you'd think that the more educated Kiev hotties would keep their options open and think of immigrating to the west. So in theory gaming should be easier for us foreigners (especially those who are looking for LTR/wives) but then I keep hearing mixed reviews from Lucky Luke and Akula and my mind starts to wonder. Has UA ceased to be the "pussy paradise" i remember it being last year?

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 08:52 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

OK guys, since Akula is lucky enough to be "on the groud" I wish he would just go on a date with an intelligent chick (not necessarily for a bang) just to pick her brain on the current economic/political/military situation in Ukraine and what the young people are thinking of doing in the near future. If he reports on that I'd definitely give a big fat +1 to him [Image: smile.gif]

Common sense would dictate that there are more women who would be trying to get out of the country as best case scenario "eastern ukraine" will cease to exist and will become a semi-independent autonomous region (kind of like Western Sahara with Morocco) with close Russian ties and even then it will take months of fighting to get there and unfortunate sponsorhip (weapons exports) from the west to stop the Russian tide. With thousands of refugees fleeing from the east into Kiev and looking for few available jobs and barely enough financing from NGO's such as IMF to keep the UA government operating and borders to the west closed you'd think that the more educated Kiev hotties would keep their options open and think of immigrating to the west. So in theory gaming should be easier for us foreigners (especially those who are looking for LTR/wives) but then I keep hearing mixed reviews from Lucky Luke and Akula and my mind starts to wonder. Has UA ceased to be the "pussy paradise" i remember it being last year?

Well, I've certainly had a lot of discussions with ladies here [Image: lol.gif] Probably like 30+ dates - everyone is just a little scared and wish this whole thing would go away. Most seem to be drinking the anti-Russian Kool Aid a bit given that it's all over the news. But they have to go on living their lives and just keep on truckin' - after Maidan and all the chaos that ensued people in Kiev are just happy that's over with but also more aware of how to live under such circumstances so it's not a completely foreign concept to them i.e. they've lived under more stressful war-like environments and weathered the storm. Also, the thin reed of hope of European membership and easier visa processes means they can travel more freely in the near future so that would help comfort them a bit I guess. All the women I have spoken too have said getting a Shengen visa ain't all that hard these days anyway (but tougher to get a US visa).

In addition, since people are just working and living normally here in Kiev at least, they don't have a ton of excess time and if anything are working harder to keep their jobs and put food on the table. If they lose their jobs they mostly are going home back to their families somewhere else, not hanging around in more expensive Kiev. So I would assume that would take some of the potentially 'easier' or more desperate ones out of the mix here. 3 girls I've opened have lost their jobs and returned home in the past couple of weeks.

One big issue now is the fact that he clubs are suffering because of the war and lower incomes, so that reduces your chances at one of the historically better avenues for getting prospects/SNLs here. Maybe now that school is back in session it will pick up a bit but August was awful for the most part in terms of night life. Also, lot of people went to Odessa for the weekends in last July & August so would assume that also affected things negatively here as well - but didn't hear that made too much of a difference in 2013.

So I think the consensus from Lucky Luke and Lika and me I guess so far is that while the war doesn't seem to help gaming, and can make some women more reticent to date outside their men (bc they are fighting/dying in the east) it's still a pussy paradise of sorts if you work hard, but nobody is throwing you any freebies or favors. And nightlife is not up to par compared to years past so internet/day game is where to focus (again, that could change since school's back in session).

FYI, I re-read Roosh's "Bang Ukraine" the other day and all the stuff in the book pretty much holds true (dating culture, cold-approach can be somewhat tricky, fewer SNLs, lots of interrogation on dates, etc.)

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

The nightlife in Kharkiv last night was quite busy, unusual for a Monday night. I was told it was because September 1st is the first day of the university semester and students go out to party. That makes sense as it was a young crowd. I've been told by locals that tonight will likely not be as good, so put September 1st on your calender for next year! Hopefully this weekend will also be busy.

The Ukraine Thread III

Well it was good while it lasted.


Even though the European Parliament ratified the European Union-Ukraine Association agreement, the country may not secure visa-free travel to the EU until early next year.

EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan Tombinski said in May that Ukraine is “months away” from being able to travel freely to the 26 nations that make up the Schengen Zone within the EU by year-end.

However, deputy Foreign Minister Lana Zerkalova in an interview to Ukrainska Pravda website said Ukraine won’t get visa free regime with the European Union countries until next May.

Even though many Ukrainian officials was hoping for visa cancelations starting Jan 1, Zerkalova says it’s more likely for Ukraine to get visa free travel during the Eastern partnership Summit in Riga in May 2015.

The major obstacle for Ukrainians to travel free to the EU is shortage of biometric documents.

Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers promised to start issuing biometric passports to Ukrainian citizens in January 2015.

But Oleksandr Sushko, an analyst for the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, a Kyiv-based think tank, predicts “it may take up to five years to issue biometric passports,” adding that the demand will remain high even when visa-free travel comes into effect.

The State Migration Service officials promised to open offices in every Ukrainian oblast to publicize the information needed to get biometric travel documents.

Russia's war against Ukraine, which has claimed the lives of more than 930 servicemen and 3,000 civilians, won’t affect the EU decision on granting visa-free travel to Ukraine, according to Zerkalova.

“Ukraine just need to make it clear for the EU that “not a single person who illegally comes from the eastern territory can’t get a Ukrainian passport and travel without visas to the EU countries," Zerkalova was quoted as saying.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-01-2014 08:52 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

OK guys, since Akula is lucky enough to be "on the groud" I wish he would just go on a date with an intelligent chick (not necessarily for a bang) just to pick her brain on the current economic/political/military situation in Ukraine and what the young people are thinking of doing in the near future. If he reports on that I'd definitely give a big fat +1 to him [Image: smile.gif]

Common sense would dictate that there are more women who would be trying to get out of the country as best case scenario "eastern ukraine" will cease to exist and will become a semi-independent autonomous region (kind of like Western Sahara with Morocco) with close Russian ties and even then it will take months of fighting to get there and unfortunate sponsorhip (weapons exports) from the west to stop the Russian tide. With thousands of refugees fleeing from the east into Kiev and looking for few available jobs and barely enough financing from NGO's such as IMF to keep the UA government operating and borders to the west closed you'd think that the more educated Kiev hotties would keep their options open and think of immigrating to the west. So in theory gaming should be easier for us foreigners (especially those who are looking for LTR/wives) but then I keep hearing mixed reviews from Lucky Luke and Akula and my mind starts to wonder. Has UA ceased to be the "pussy paradise" i remember it being last year?

I'm still in contact with a few girls from my 3 Ukraine trips and I always ask them what the situation is like now. Three people I know in Odessa (one living there and two who visit every summer) say it was much more quiet this year than in previous years and that there were no Russian tourists this year. As for Kiev, hotels are supposedly offering deeply cut rates and there are not many Western tourists at all. Every two months or so hotties I know whom I basically had given up on write me out of the blue to ask if they can come visit me or just to see what I'm up to. One told me that lots of Ukrainians are trying to leave (including her), prices are up and salaries are not. So life is all around more difficult.

On the Russian front, I've heard from several sources that as of around July, it was difficult or impossible for Russians to get visas to the USA or the UK. One of those girls I know from Odessa is a Russian in St P and she seemed to know something about it, as she invited me to visit her and said that if I had problems getting a visa she could write an invitation letter for me.

The Ukraine Thread III

The one thing I don't like about Ukrainian girls that is unique to them is that they will go on a date even though they have no sexual interest in you. You can give a clear statement of intent that you are not looking to be friends, and then after 1-2 hours or so on a date, you get the cold shoulder when trying to escalate. Ukrainian girls I eventually bang and ones I don't show the same pre-kiss interest levels, so it's quite the guess if she will reciprocate when I do make a move. I don't understand why they would waste their time with a guy that they don't want to get intimate with soon. My dates are cheap (walk + cafe) so I don't care about the money, just the time.

The Ukraine Thread III

^ In Ukraine specifically do more expensive dates yield better results? Or perhaps worse?

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-22-2014 10:08 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The one thing I don't like about Ukrainian girls that is unique to them is that they will go on a date even though they have no sexual interest in you. You can give a clear statement of intent that you are not looking to be friends, and then after 1-2 hours or so on a date, you get the cold shoulder when trying to escalate. Ukrainian girls I eventually bang and ones I don't show the same pre-kiss interest levels, so it's quite the guess if she will reciprocate when I do make a move. I don't understand why they would waste their time with a guy that they don't want to get intimate with soon. My dates are cheap (walk + cafe) so I don't care about the money, just the time.

I have had this happen a few times to me before. The main thing when it comes to the fact we are not seeing the level desperation among the girls considering what is going on in the country is the fact that these girls are very resourceful. Sometimes as many 3-4 girls sharing a place if they have no family or friends to stay. For a girl to live alone if she is "single" she must certain income in a big city like Kiev so either she has a good job or a few wealthy lovers or both even.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-22-2014 10:08 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The one thing I don't like about Ukrainian girls that is unique to them is that they will go on a date even though they have no sexual interest in you. You can give a clear statement of intent that you are not looking to be friends, and then after 1-2 hours or so on a date, you get the cold shoulder when trying to escalate. Ukrainian girls I eventually bang and ones I don't show the same pre-kiss interest levels, so it's quite the guess if she will reciprocate when I do make a move. I don't understand why they would waste their time with a guy that they don't want to get intimate with soon. My dates are cheap (walk + cafe) so I don't care about the money, just the time.

Kinda obvious why they do it:

a. many are bored and don't go out otherwise.

b. More likely they believe in romance and think it is a slow journey. Remember since they usually date from social circles many feel they NEED to know a guy longer before kissing, etc.

c. both a & b and waiting for a guy who will keep trying.

I found it similar with Russians and girls from Kazakhstan as well even after they immigrated to USA if they were inexperienced with Western escalation. Usually they say" i need to know you longer" and turn their head away( strongly even).

I believe you mentioned this in Bang UA. But what is confusing is that one shouldn't always take it as non interest. You can literally keep going for it and WIN. They often have a belief that a STRONG guy goes for what he wants.

In contrast USA women will say the same thing If ONE DOESN'T MAKE the move fast enough thus being thought of as a friend because of lack of sexual tension..friend zone.

I kind of don't believe FSU women even have a stable friend zone. The lines can be moved since they aren't using sexual tension as a gauge of their readiness. Unfortunately part of the gauge often measures the amount of green we spend on our date lol.

That being said, since they are usually looking for a provider/relationship type thing they often gauge that the guy isn't the right material(often quickly) and still try to take away your time and money. It is always like a game of paper- rock- scissors it seems.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-22-2014 10:08 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The one thing I don't like about Ukrainian girls that is unique to them is that they will go on a date even though they have no sexual interest in you. You can give a clear statement of intent that you are not looking to be friends, and then after 1-2 hours or so on a date, you get the cold shoulder when trying to escalate. Ukrainian girls I eventually bang and ones I don't show the same pre-kiss interest levels, so it's quite the guess if she will reciprocate when I do make a move. I don't understand why they would waste their time with a guy that they don't want to get intimate with soon. My dates are cheap (walk + cafe) so I don't care about the money, just the time.

It is mostly because they do not see you as being a suitable investment for the future.
The way Ukranian women look at men is the same way a man looks at investment property: possible long term gain, feasibility, whether it fits within the lifestyle, and whether it doesn't involve significant sacrifices.

Things like social status/money/novel fashion-label logos are significantly important.

I'd imagine several years ago, it was a worthy long term investment to invest in a foreign male who could provide her with a more suitable future that post-soviet Ukraine could not provide her with.

But with the horde of sex tourists, the change in economic status and visa regulations, access to the internet sponsor market has granted FSU women more opportunities.

A girl of significantly high value will not sleep with you with basic approach tactics, interesting stories, some minor American banter and a phd in RSD. She will sleep with you if you're a worthy long-term investment i.e. an American oligarch who is doing business in Ukraine.

Ukranian women from a young age are trained with significant knowledge on how to spot a high status male -- but this is exaggerated according to slavic mentality i.e. having a Range Rover in Kiev, iphone6, gucci suits etc.

This is how these women work -- they put minor investments (emotions) depending on the availability of such males, and work accordingly with what sort of resources they have.

It's not so much about spending big money on a girl, but rather you have to implicitly show that you're of someone of such pedigree.

Just to give you an indication:
A girl who would be considered in the top 5% of Kiev's women went on a first date with a friend of a friend and explicitly, within the first few minutes of conversation, requested that if we are to date and be boyfriend and girlfriend, then I expect to be provided for.

This is pretty much how it works for most of the girls who date Hryvnia oligarchs.

A girl in the top 50%-30%, obviously doesn't receive similar affections and would be pleased with males who show reasonable commitment value.

The other thing is, Ukranian women are like women from other traditional cultures. If you don't match the appearance of the guy that she perceives as Romeo.. then she simply will not see worthy investment value. Slavic girls are very romantic fantasy driven... for instance, Polish girls were MTV'fied and western-europified and begin craving Enrique Iglesias since a young age. The same can't be said for Ukraine which is a more insular culture.

There are more exceptions now, granted more and more Ukranian girls are doing 'sex tourism' (or validation tourism) in Schengen countries such as Italy and Spain, and have had some romantic exposure to males with darker appearances -- for this reason you may find the women you date unfortunately had sexual experiences with really weak beta supplication types in Italy/Spain which you can barely respect, making the entire interaction with the Ukranian girl extremely anti-climatic.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-22-2014 10:08 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The one thing I don't like about Ukrainian girls that is unique to them is that they will go on a date even though they have no sexual interest in you. You can give a clear statement of intent that you are not looking to be friends, and then after 1-2 hours or so on a date, you get the cold shoulder when trying to escalate. Ukrainian girls I eventually bang and ones I don't show the same pre-kiss interest levels, so it's quite the guess if she will reciprocate when I do make a move. I don't understand why they would waste their time with a guy that they don't want to get intimate with soon. My dates are cheap (walk + cafe) so I don't care about the money, just the time.

They do this to gain control over guys who are players.They want to see all routines by first hand so they can get a broader view of the situation judge similar cases of men etc.It is like revelation for them.
In this case the shit tests come the one after the other as bombs.If you answer right you make things very difficult for the next guy because the girls learn all the answers.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (09-22-2014 01:10 PM)tonipepperoni Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2014 10:08 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The one thing I don't like about Ukrainian girls that is unique to them is that they will go on a date even though they have no sexual interest in you. You can give a clear statement of intent that you are not looking to be friends, and then after 1-2 hours or so on a date, you get the cold shoulder when trying to escalate. Ukrainian girls I eventually bang and ones I don't show the same pre-kiss interest levels, so it's quite the guess if she will reciprocate when I do make a move. I don't understand why they would waste their time with a guy that they don't want to get intimate with soon. My dates are cheap (walk + cafe) so I don't care about the money, just the time.

It is mostly because they do not see you as being a suitable investment for the future.
The way Ukranian women look at men is the same way a man looks at investment property: possible long term gain, feasibility, whether it fits within the lifestyle, and whether it doesn't involve significant sacrifices.

Things like social status/money/novel fashion-label logos are significantly important.

I'd imagine several years ago, it was a worthy long term investment to invest in a foreign male who could provide her with a more suitable future that post-soviet Ukraine could not provide her with.

But with the horde of sex tourists, the change in economic status and visa regulations, access to the internet sponsor market has granted FSU women more opportunities.

A girl of significantly high value will not sleep with you with basic approach tactics, interesting stories, some minor American banter and a phd in RSD. She will sleep with you if you're a worthy long-term investment i.e. an American oligarch who is doing business in Ukraine.

Ukranian women from a young age are trained with significant knowledge on how to spot a high status male -- but this is exaggerated according to slavic mentality i.e. having a Range Rover in Kiev, iphone6, gucci suits etc.

This is how these women work -- they put minor investments (emotions) depending on the availability of such males, and work accordingly with what sort of resources they have.

It's not so much about spending big money on a girl, but rather you have to implicitly show that you're of someone of such pedigree.

Just to give you an indication:
A girl who would be considered in the top 5% of Kiev's women went on a first date with a friend of a friend and explicitly, within the first few minutes of conversation, requested that if we are to date and be boyfriend and girlfriend, then I expect to be provided for.

This is pretty much how it works for most of the girls who date Hryvnia oligarchs.

A girl in the top 50%-30%, obviously doesn't receive similar affections and would be pleased with males who show reasonable commitment value.

The other thing is, Ukranian women are like women from other traditional cultures. If you don't match the appearance of the guy that she perceives as Romeo.. then she simply will not see worthy investment value. Slavic girls are very romantic fantasy driven... for instance, Polish girls were MTV'fied and western-europified and begin craving Enrique Iglesias since a young age. The same can't be said for Ukraine which is a more insular culture.

There are more exceptions now, granted more and more Ukranian girls are doing 'sex tourism' (or validation tourism) in Schengen countries such as Italy and Spain, and have had some romantic exposure to males with darker appearances -- for this reason you may find the women you date unfortunately had sexual experiences with really weak beta supplication types in Italy/Spain which you can barely respect, making the entire interaction with the Ukranian girl extremely anti-climatic.

Several years ago in all slavic countries but particularly in Ukraine there was a high percentage of women with absolutely no future.These girls lived for the moment they were just content with one night of passion.It was like dream for them.
Till 2005 you could still find some girls of this kind in CR not anymore.They also tend to vanish in Poland.In Ukraine they still exist but in considerably less quantities.This was the biggest advantage of the eastern Block the masses of people below desperation line.
Now men go there just because their odds of finding beautiful women are better,the former dreamy situation is lost.Some describe this period till 2003 as golden age I doubt we will see sth like this again in our lives.

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