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Review of Medellin, Colombia

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Wow, what a trip. Just got back from 12 days in "the city of eternal
spring." I highly recommend this city for its beautiful weather,
amazing views, beautiful girls, and extremely friendly people.

Here is some info for those looking to travel there.

We didnt do that much during the daytime because we were usually
planning out dates and trying to translate texts from Spanish to
English. But here are my recommendations:

Go up the metrocables. Enjoy the view and talk to the working-class
locals. Up here, you can see what it's like to be a kid growing up in
Medellin. Join a pick-up impromptu game of soccer (warning: they are

Go to a soccer game. You can't understand latin culture without going
to a game.

Jardin Botanico has some of the nicest people I met in Medellin (ask
for a guide). Great for learning about Medellin and Colombia history.
Always something cool going on there, and it's right next door to
Parque Explora which has an aquarium which is relatively expensive.

Check out Universidad de Antioquia. Easy to make friends there.

The best spot that we hit was in Barrio Colombia, aka Industriales.
There are 5-6 clubs (one of them is called Karma) which has the
hottest girls we saw on our trip. No gringoes at all.

Go to Babylon on Thursday nights for ladies night. Get there before
10. All the girls there are single, lots of all-girl sets, very easy
to approach. If you really like to salsa, bounce a girl from her
table to another part of the club to dance. If you're not into salsa,
isolate girl(s) outside the club. We did really well there.

Stay away from Mangos. Worst girl/guy ratio ever.

Parque Lleras is ok, but dont spend too much time there. Good places
to eat, ok for walking around mon/tues/weds since everything else is

The language:
Very few people speak adequate english here so either a) know at least
a little spanish, b) be with someone who does, or c)have your
nonverbal game strong.

Game tips:
In 12 days, the three of us combined got 4 bangs, about 30 numbers,
about 8 make-outs.

Step 1: It is easy to get #'s. We all felt that if that was our goal,
we could each collect 10 #'s per night. There were many times that we
only spent about 1 minute with the girl before number closing her.
Since girls here give out their numbers so easily, you have to either
get a lot of them and play the odds, or spend more time with a few and
bounce them as much as you can. If you decide that you want to do
fewer approaches and spend more time with them, you need to test their
compliance and gauge them to see how likely it is that she will let
you bang her in the end. Lots of Colombian girls are conservative and
want to date you for weeks or months before banging you. You need to
weed those out. Talk to them for a minute and plan out your next
date. What worked great for us was telling them we loved colombian
food and whether they could cook. I had two day2's where the girl
came to our apartment and cooked for me and my friends. Another great
way to plan out the next date is to role-play that they are your
spanish teacher and you need a second lesson. Always be high-energy
and super-playful with lots of kino. One of my friends was the best
opener I've ever seen even though he spoke no spanish. Having a
fun/playful vibe is crucial.

Step 2: Warning: Be prepared for some ridiculous flakes. Talking on
the phone is very hard and here in Colombia many girls either dont
have a cell phone or they will not want to use their minutes (you only
get charged if you make the call). Text as much as you can (use
google translator), and you can also use MSN Messenger which we didnt
try but we hear everybody is on all the time b/c it's free. Text
girls the same night you get their # and then contact them the next
day. The longer you wait, the more likely the flake. Get girls to
meet you where you live out front. We never had resistance to getting
girls in our place.

The perfect day2 (which I did twice) is meeting the girl at your
place, taking them up for a celebratory shot of aguardiente, then
going together to the grocery store to shop for food (you pay), then
coming back to your place (which hopefully has a kitchen). Now, pop
open a beer and admire your work. At this point, you will realize one
of the reasons you came to Colombia in the first place! Comment that
American girls are crazy and can't cook. Reward them with praise and
compliments! Stay playful and touch a lot.

Step 3: Closing the deal. Get ready for some shit tests, but if you
handle them well you'll do fine. For the most part, I found it
similar to closing game in the USA. You want to have your logistics
figured out since most girls live at home so dont try to go back to
her place. Some girls simply will not bang you no matter what you do,
so dont let them hurt your feelings. Escalate the kino as normal. A
common shit test we heard was whether we were on the trip just for
sex. A reply that works well is that American girls are much easier
than Colombian girls (true), so why in the world would we go to
Colombia for sex?

Here are a couple stories to cap off the post:
1. Our third night there, all three of us had day2's set up for the
same time. My date doesnt show up but one of the other two girls
brings her cousin (even though we specifically asked to make sure she
was coming alone). So I wing for my friend to distract the cousin, at
least until my date shows up. We go to Parque Lleras pizza place for
our date and my date (the cousin) finds out that I'm waiting for
another date which hurts her feelings and my chances. To add to the
mix, my date was being gamed a couple nights earlier at Babylon by my
other friend who was now with a totally different chick. After we
bounced to a park, my friend took his date back to the apartment and
banged her. Me and my other friend went back to the apartment with
our dates but didnt get past the make-out. My original date that
night didnt show up, but I ended up banging the cousin.

2. On a dead night we went to Lleras to chill and ended up
approaching 3 girls. One is black and very frisky, another is rather
shy, and the other is older and much sluttier looking. After about 20
minutes one of my friends just walks away with the black chick and
takes her to our apartment. Just as things are heating up in the
apartment, the shy chick gets concerned about her disappeared friend
and calls her. They end up coming back. Two out of three of them
showed up for day2's and they cooked for us. My friend banged the
black chick on day2.

3. I approached a cute girl outside the club Palmaia who was working for
the club and got her number in about 5 minutes. She was hesitant
because she was on the job and the cameras were watching. I told her
that she could tell them that she was giving me info about places to
go. The next day I talked to her on the phone and planned a date.
She insisted that she bring her sister and I relented. Right on time,
I got a call saying she had arrived. When I came down to meet them,
there was only one girl and I didnt recognize her. It was only her
sister! Her much uglier, older, more desperate sister. Pissed off
and not knowing what to do, I took her back inside to figure it out.
She was a typical single mom gringo-hunter who had gotten completely
made-up and took a 30min taxi here just for her gringo blind date. I
could have fucked her right then and there. Unfortunately, I had no
desire to so I took her out for a pity beer and gave her words of
encouragement before hailing her taxi back home.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

These guys came down motivated and worked at it every day until all of them succeeded. 3 for 3 is just under two weeks is both impressive and admirable.

I'm stealing their strategy of making girls cook for me (instead of the other way around).

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Nice review. Was cool hanging with you guys in Medellin. Would have been able to hang more if I was not so busy with the Colombian GF and you guys were not so busy on your days 2s lol.

The whole group vibe thing that you guys had going works great in Colombia.

Having a baller pad to bring them back to helps too.

Having them cook for you taps right into the home-maker / looking after their guy thing that Colombian women like to do.

And , yes, there is a background assumption that if you are a gringo in Medellin that you are there for the pay for play scene but you handled that shit test well too.


Review of Medellin, Colombia

Great review.

Yeah, I am going to grab that "come over and cook for me" move as well.

Great qualifier. And you get some good eats out of it as well.


The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Roosh and Lumiere, It was great meeting you guys and hanging out. I'm sure this was not the last time we'll meet.

I want to add a couple of quick notes to Gringoed's post.

- You absolutely need a cell phone to get laid. Bring an unlocked cell and buy a sim card for about $8. Its impossible to set up a day 2 without it.

- In story number 1 above, Gringoed mentions that his date ends up flaking on him. We'll the next day she keeps calling him, and so he texts her the following text in Spanish: "You are a nice girl, but you play too many games. Come over now and cook for me, or stop calling me." Within 10 minutes of sending this message, the girl sends 3 text messages apologizing and insisting shes not trying to play games. It was beautiful to watch.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Pleasure hanging out with you too

btw you can get a sim card for free in medellin

just go to a general mobile phone store (as opposed to an official movistar shop for example) and they will sell you one for 10,000 pesos but it comes pre loaded with 10,000 pesos credit

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Yes Medellin has a lot of attractive women and the weather is nice. You can even find blondes there, or girls of all types. But they tend to be skinny.

As a gringo you're already high value so you can even come out with a compliment and the girls will eat it up, as long as you compliment first and then take it away as I explain how to compliment a girl. Just give the compliment, put your hand on her waist, lean back and let the girl chase. The key is to make her chase, and it's even easier in a place like Medellin because you've already got high value to start.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

man after reading about medellin from this forum i really want to go. sounds like a good spot to pick up columbian chicks. and im thinking im gonna need to get a sim card to use in rio de janeiro, to help get laid.

whats a good site to rent apartments in medellin?

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (12-23-2009 03:37 AM)dlmelvin86 Wrote:  

man after reading about medellin from this forum i really want to go. sounds like a good spot to pick up columbian chicks.

whats a good site to rent apartments in medellin?

Check out:

I stayed with them when I went in '07. Good location, I had no complaints at all...

If you haven't been to Medellin, I'm sure you'll like it, I was there for a week and had an amazing time. I've heard Cali, Colombia has hot women too.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

This is just the forum I was looking for. Gringoed, you are my hero. Sounds like you pulled off some serious game out in Medellin. I am going to be there in August. I would be a first timer and am looking forward to the women scene as I hear they are some of the hottest in the world. (If you want a U.S. alternative, Elizabeth, NJ is awesome...Ghetto area but colombian women everywhere). I am brushing up on my espanol so that I can have small talk with these broads. Without trying to brag, I have game in the U.S. I wonder if it would be different in Medellin. I've hit on a lot of colombian girls in the states and its funny you mention the "hand on the hip" tactic while asking a quick question or giving a quick compliment. They see that as affection and if she thinks you are attractive, she will chase.

I'm staying at a condo building in El Poblado. My buddy and I got a 3 bedroom furnished condo with great view and nice pool area. I've got a full kitchen also so I'll try the "cooking" routine. Is it that easy to just ask them to cook for you? Do they actually enjoy doing that?

I am a good looking and physically fit guy in my early 30's. Although I'm nervous as to how I will be perceived, I'm guessing I should be fine. My friend has the impression that we have to go to clubs, drop some serious money and draw attention. I told him that is the total opposite of what we should do or we'd have the mafiosos all over us! Thanks for the read. Describe the girls you guys hung out with on a scale from 1-10. I can't imagine anyone being a 5 or less except the fat sister. HAHA. You're a good dude for taking her for a pity beer.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-03-2011 07:18 AM)NJMedellin Wrote:  

This is just the forum I was looking for. Gringoed, you are my hero. Sounds like you pulled off some serious game out in Medellin. I am going to be there in August. I would be a first timer and am looking forward to the women scene as I hear they are some of the hottest in the world. (If you want a U.S. alternative, Elizabeth, NJ is awesome...Ghetto area but colombian women everywhere). I am brushing up on my espanol so that I can have small talk with these broads. Without trying to brag, I have game in the U.S. I wonder if it would be different in Medellin. I've hit on a lot of colombian girls in the states and its funny you mention the "hand on the hip" tactic while asking a quick question or giving a quick compliment. They see that as affection and if she thinks you are attractive, she will chase.

I'm staying at a condo building in El Poblado. My buddy and I got a 3 bedroom furnished condo with great view and nice pool area. I've got a full kitchen also so I'll try the "cooking" routine. Is it that easy to just ask them to cook for you? Do they actually enjoy doing that?

I am a good looking and physically fit guy in my early 30's. Although I'm nervous as to how I will be perceived, I'm guessing I should be fine. My friend has the impression that we have to go to clubs, drop some serious money and draw attention. I told him that is the total opposite of what we should do or we'd have the mafiosos all over us! Thanks for the read. Describe the girls you guys hung out with on a scale from 1-10. I can't imagine anyone being a 5 or less except the fat sister. HAHA. You're a good dude for taking her for a pity beer.

You're right on about spending lots of money. Medellin is the kind of place where you do not want to attract attention by throwing money around. While Poblado is generally very safe, you can get in a lot of trouble if people think you are "a rich foreigner."

Review of Medellin, Colombia

This makes me think twice about going to colombia... In 12 days you each banged about 1.33 girls. ie 1 girl each and someone banged 2? You probably have a lot more game than me so i'd be lucky to even bang a girl in a 2 week period after working at it like a beast... I'm the type of guy that doesn't really approach much and work at it per say and hence my numbers aren't as high as they could be. But after spending 3 weeks in philippines where i did 0 approaches I managed to bang a few decent girls. It seems like if I went to colombia i'd be lucky to come back with any flags after reading about the effort you guys put in.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 11:22 AM)Craig88 Wrote:  

This makes me think twice about going to colombia... In 12 days you each banged about 1.33 girls. ie 1 girl each and someone banged 2? You probably have a lot more game than me so i'd be lucky to even bang a girl in a 2 week period after working at it like a beast... I'm the type of guy that doesn't really approach much and work at it per say and hence my numbers aren't as high as they could be. But after spending 3 weeks in philippines where i did 0 approaches I managed to bang a few decent girls. It seems like if I went to colombia i'd be lucky to come back with any flags after reading about the effort you guys put in.

As long as you are not ugly, have style you should be able to bang 2 girls in 2 weeks. If not you are doing something wrong. The good news is it can easily be fixed with a venue & strategy change.

If you want a higher ROI than i have always found that the working class clubs/bars are better. The rich educated girls are gonna be harder to fuck on the first night. You can find HOT gems outside of the main expensive nightlife spots.

I like to hit up alot of diff places in one night.

For instance if I go into a club or bar and I aint getting no IOI's I know Im in the wrong place. I will be planing on bouncing after 2 beers and a few openers. As a young stylish white guy you should at the very least be getting eye fucked by a few females in an establishment.

If all else fails you can go to a place with working girls and try and pull a girl from there. If that fails you and u dont wanna go home with ur dick in ur hand just get a grl for 40-50 bucks.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 11:22 AM)Craig88 Wrote:  

This makes me think twice about going to colombia... In 12 days you each banged about 1.33 girls. ie 1 girl each and someone banged 2? You probably have a lot more game than me so i'd be lucky to even bang a girl in a 2 week period after working at it like a beast... I'm the type of guy that doesn't really approach much and work at it per say and hence my numbers aren't as high as they could be. But after spending 3 weeks in philippines where i did 0 approaches I managed to bang a few decent girls. It seems like if I went to colombia i'd be lucky to come back with any flags after reading about the effort you guys put in.

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you. Or, when you ask them for directions, place an order a restaurant, ask them the price of a shirt in a store, you might just get a tremendous amount of vibe. When you get enough vibe in a situation like that, it's almost as if you are being approached.

The only girls that approached me in Manila were hookers -- maybe outside Manila is different? The girls that approached me in Peru were most definitely not hookers. One time I was approached in the park by a cute teenage girl with her friends. She was wearing a Catholic school uniform. She wanted to take a picture with me and she handed me her contact info without me asking. My brother was approached by a girl at the beach.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 03:30 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2011 11:22 AM)Craig88 Wrote:  

This makes me think twice about going to colombia... In 12 days you each banged about 1.33 girls. ie 1 girl each and someone banged 2? You probably have a lot more game than me so i'd be lucky to even bang a girl in a 2 week period after working at it like a beast... I'm the type of guy that doesn't really approach much and work at it per say and hence my numbers aren't as high as they could be. But after spending 3 weeks in philippines where i did 0 approaches I managed to bang a few decent girls. It seems like if I went to colombia i'd be lucky to come back with any flags after reading about the effort you guys put in.

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you. Or, when you ask them for directions, place an order a restaurant, ask them the price of a shirt in a store, you might just get a tremendous amount of vibe. When you get enough vibe in a situation like that, it's almost as if you are being approached.

The only girls that approached me in Manila were hookers -- maybe outside Manila is different? The girls that approached me in Peru were most definitely not hookers. One time I was approached in the park by a cute teenage girl with her friends. She was wearing a Catholic school uniform. She wanted to take a picture with me and she handed me her contact info without me asking. My brother was approached by a girl at the beach.

unfortunately that is unique to peru. colombia, ecuador, bolivia, panama.....nope, got to work for it. dude i was a rock star in peru, people would stop me on the street to take pictures with me too.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 03:30 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you.

Keep dreaming Pal!

Colombian women value themselves more than Peruvian girls, and it is considered lower value for a knock-out Colombiana babe to even be seen with a foreigner. The beautiful, top model $$$ women of Colombia want the big fish in their own gene pool.

The best you'll get in Medellin (if you're lucky) is solid eye-contact, and an obvious smile if she is interested - but she will NEVER approach you or initiate a conversation with you.

Peruvian women are the only ones in latin America desperate enough to initiate and approach a gringo or any foreigner that does not look Mestizo or Mulato.


Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 05:03 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2011 03:30 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you.

Keep dreaming Pal!

Colombian women value themselves more than Peruvian girls, and it is considered lower value for a knock-out Colombiana babe to even be seen with a foreigner. The beautiful, top model $$$ women of Colombia want the big fish in their own gene pool.

The best you'll get in Medellin (if you're lucky) is solid eye-contact, and an obvious smile if she is interested - but she will NEVER approach you or initiate a conversation with you.

Peruvian women are the only ones in latin America desperate enough to initiate and approach a gringo or any foreigner that does not look Mestizo or Mulato.

Just as long as the ones approaching are worth your time. Its nice to have women approach, or show affection in any form. Maybe someone can vouch, if you have an 8 out of 10 scale peruviana and an 8 colombiana, which one would you take? As well, if the 9s and 10s are out of reach for foreigners to an extent in medellin, why not get a peruviana at that level if its is attainable. Or do they suffer from the same complex?

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 05:03 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2011 03:30 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you.

Keep dreaming Pal!

Colombian women value themselves more than Peruvian girls, and it is considered lower value for a knock-out Colombiana babe to even be seen with a foreigner. The beautiful, top model $$$ women of Colombia want the big fish in their own gene pool.

The best you'll get in Medellin (if you're lucky) is solid eye-contact, and an obvious smile if she is interested - but she will NEVER approach you or initiate a conversation with you.

Peruvian women are the only ones in latin America desperate enough to initiate and approach a gringo or any foreigner that does not look Mestizo or Mulato.


Mixx, have you even been to Peru?

redneckpunk, thanks for the distinction. i'm ok if I have to open the girl in Colombia or Ecuador. Once you opened girls in Colombia/Equador, was it at all similar to Peru? A guy in another thread indicated girls were easy in Ecuador for him.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 05:03 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2011 03:30 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you.

Keep dreaming Pal!

Colombian women value themselves more than Peruvian girls, and it is considered lower value for a knock-out Colombiana babe to even be seen with a foreigner. The beautiful, top model $$$ women of Colombia want the big fish in their own gene pool.

The best you'll get in Medellin (if you're lucky) is solid eye-contact, and an obvious smile if she is interested - but she will NEVER approach you or initiate a conversation with you.



I can't think of a single time I was approached by a girl in Colombia.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 07:59 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

Mixx, have you even been to Peru?

Yup! Even got the T-shirt. I am not blonde or green eyed, I am a tan skin Spaniard, so they did not see me as a foreigner.


Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 07:59 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2011 05:03 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2011 03:30 PM)The Duke Wrote:  

If Colombia is anything like Peru, girls will approach you.

Keep dreaming Pal!

Colombian women value themselves more than Peruvian girls, and it is considered lower value for a knock-out Colombiana babe to even be seen with a foreigner. The beautiful, top model $$$ women of Colombia want the big fish in their own gene pool.

The best you'll get in Medellin (if you're lucky) is solid eye-contact, and an obvious smile if she is interested - but she will NEVER approach you or initiate a conversation with you.

Peruvian women are the only ones in latin America desperate enough to initiate and approach a gringo or any foreigner that does not look Mestizo or Mulato.


Mixx, have you even been to Peru?

redneckpunk, thanks for the distinction. i'm ok if I have to open the girl in Colombia or Ecuador. Once you opened girls in Colombia/Equador, was it at all similar to Peru? A guy in another thread indicated girls were easy in Ecuador for him.

Peru was hands down easiest of any of the countries I listed earlier. Never had a girl flake on me in Peru, in Colombia it happens weekly/daily. I don't remember any girls flaking on me in Ecuador. Panama they flaked. Apparently flakiness occurs north of the equator, i don't know.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Excellent trip report!

Review of Medellin, Colombia

Quote: (06-06-2011 09:17 PM)redneckpunk Wrote:  

Peru was hands down easiest of any of the countries I listed earlier. Never had a girl flake on me in Peru, in Colombia it happens weekly/daily. I don't remember any girls flaking on me in Ecuador. Panama they flaked. Apparently flakiness occurs north of the equator, i don't know.

From the looks of your name you're probably a white gringo. This is a automatic DHV in countries like Peru and Ecuador where a majority of the population is mestizo or has indigenous roots.

Colombia is a different story...

Also, Colombia has seen bigger amount of poon hungry gringos cross it's boarders while places like Peru and Ecuador still haven't seen too many gringos at all.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

The majority of Colombians are mestizo, black, or have indigenous roots also. They might have more light skinned people than the others but it is definitely a minority. Peru has more gringos in it than Colombia. I seriously doubt that over the last 20 years that Colombia has had more gringo travelers than Peru or probably Ecuador, people were too scared to go. Other South Americans might have visited Colombia but i doubt near as many gringos as the others.

Review of Medellin, Colombia

I remember seeing a good number of Gringos in Peru -- not sure about Colombia. People say Gringos ruin a place, but actually it might be the opposite. Perhaps after having a positive experience with a Gringo, a girl will tell their friends and then their friends may decide they also want to give a Gringo a try. I think in India this is part of the reason it's so hard to pickup -- very few foreigners in proportion to the massive native population (one of many reasons). The only girl I got in India was a girl who's sister was married to a Westerner. In Bangkok, there are swarms of "Farangs" and lots of girls there are hunting them. I'm very interested to learn how picking in the Ukraine will be -- it seems it's a popular sex tourist / mail order bride destination...maybe foreigners have paved a nice road there for us there too.

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