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Kiev 2013

Kiev 2013


How much of them speak English? And is it easy to learn Russian? How many months is needed?

How many speak English?
I have no idea, but I'm looking to find out.

Is Russian easy to learn?
Not at all...but I must say I have enjoyed learning the little I do know more than any other language I have taken up. I'm on Pimsleurs and hired a Russian language tutor for the last 3 months. I will be in no way close to fluent, but I won't starve either. One of the big things is learning the Cyrillic alphabet, and practicing reading the words as they sound out will actually see that many of the words are much the same, or sound very similar to, the English translation.

Kiev 2013

Quote: (08-19-2013 09:45 PM)coopers317 Wrote:  


How much of them speak English? And is it easy to learn Russian? How many months is needed?

How many speak English?
I have no idea, but I'm looking to find out.

Is Russian easy to learn?
Not at all...but I must say I have enjoyed learning the little I do know more than any other language I have taken up. I'm on Pimsleurs and hired a Russian language tutor for the last 3 months. I will be in no way close to fluent, but I won't starve either. One of the big things is learning the Cyrillic alphabet, and practicing reading the words as they sound out will actually see that many of the words are much the same, or sound very similar to, the English translation.
I already started learning the alphabet and phonetics but I don't really have the time at the moment to bite in the meat of the subject. Learning a new language takes a lot of time and especially concentration. Already speak a lot of languages but I'm first going to make my German perfect since that has my priority. Probably 2014 going to start with Russian and I have a lot of time since I won't be traveling to Slavic lands anytime soon.

Kiev 2013

If I'm going to Kiev, is it more useful to learn Russian or Ukrainian?

Kiev 2013

Quote: (08-19-2013 11:50 PM)Sparks123 Wrote:  

If I'm going to Kiev, is it more useful to learn Russian or Ukrainian?

Either. Western Ukraine prefers Ukrainian, to the east and south they prefer Russian. Russian is a much more widely spoken language worldwide.

Kiev 2013

Ukrainian is a waste to learn. Except for Lviv every other Ukrainian speaking city is small. They all understand Russian. Everyone speaks Russian but a lot don't speak Ukrainian. It wouldn't hurt though to do some pimsler in Ukraine language if going west.

Kiev 2013

Ok...first impressions, the women are as advertised. Took a stroll down Khreschatyk yesterday, and the convergence of high heels and good looking women would probably only be surpassed by an actual fashion show. I was met at the airport by the mob below, fortunately their passions weren't directed at me, and they seemed to be smiling. In all seriousness, I think they were waiting to greet their team I think. I haven't had any problems, but definitely getting plenty of gazes...mostly out of curiosity probably. Definitely looking forward to checking out more of the city.

Will just add pic as attachment later...the size is way too big.

Kiev 2013

[Image: attachment.jpg14601]   

Kiev 2013

Quote: (08-20-2013 08:15 AM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Ukrainian is a waste to learn. Except for Lviv every other Ukrainian speaking city is small. They all understand Russian. Everyone speaks Russian but a lot don't speak Ukrainian. It wouldn't hurt though to do some pimsler in Ukraine language if going west.

Pretty much agree with this - Russian is much more practical, and most Ukrainians seem fine speaking Russian particulary in the Eastern part and Kiev/Odessa etc.

Although they are closely related, all the Russian girls I date say they really only understand parts of Ukrainian, and it's not like they just can flip to it easily - it would take time for them to master. So think it makes much more sense to just learn Russian. But learning a few words of Ukrainian might be useful too so get guidebooks for both.

On a personal level I'd say that given my intermediate knowledge of Russian I could read a lot of what was in Ukrainian when I was in Kiev/Lvov, and even a fair bit (say 25-30%?) in Bulgarian too (when I was in Sofia).

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Kiev 2013

^^^besides most Ukrainians in the top cities identify as Russians. Ukrainians are the village folks that get joked on like westerners joke about Polish folks. If you speak polish you understan ukrainian a bit.

Kiev 2013

Quote: (08-19-2013 11:50 PM)Sparks123 Wrote:  

If I'm going to Kiev, is it more useful to learn Russian or Ukrainian?

Definitely Russian, unless you plan to go to Lviv and some other parts of Western Ukraine. I have family and friends living in Eastern Ukraine, and Russian is by far the predominant language over there.

Kiev 2013

I will write a little bit more about my experience here after I'm here for a few days, partly because I want to give an accurate portrayal of my time here. But after sitting down and relaxing with a glass of wine at a cafe today and watching the women go by, the one thing I can state as a fact is that these women absolutely smoke just about anything coming out of the west...and I am not a guy given to hyperbole. Unless you are already dating a 9 or 10 (in your mind), you would be blown away. And guys here are saying the Russia is even better? Lawdy have mercy. That is all...

Kiev 2013

Copper's - keep the reports.
I will return to Kiev when the weather is better in May before University lets out.

Kiev 2013

This will not be your typical datasheet, and I'm not going to get into my notches, though I cleared the hurdle [Image: smile.gif] And even though I'm posting it here, it really is to just give guys of color a view through my experience when I was there. I went there partly because when I tried to find information I was reading and hearing such mixed things about how I might be received, that I just decided to go and see for myself. Originally, I was only going to spend a couple of days in Kiev, and then move on to Zagreb.

[Image: attachment.jpg14949]   

Contrary to a lot of opinions on the board, I really did not experience any. In my little over two weeks there I was not stopped once by the police, and I was walking all over the place during all times of the day and night. I would walk past them, and they would be in groups of 2, 3, and as many as 5 on a couple of occasions…but no stops. I rode the Metro and buses, no problem. I can't guarantee that everybody's experience will be the same, just as I cannot promise that the next time you step on a plane it won't go down. But what I am saying is that I think this concern is a little bit overblown, most of all by other blacks, who have probably never stepped foot in Kiev due to the exaggerated fears of what might happen. I was the ONLY black person around for 98% of my time there, and so obviously I got plenty of stares and a few glares…but the vast majority of it I believe it was out of curiosity more than anything else. I did meet a couple of black guys, one who plays in the basketball league there, and met a guy from the UK who I hung out with a bit.

I hung out on Kreschatyk plenty for the first week, simply because there was a lot happening, especially on the weekends, and also to get my bearings and develop a feeling of safety (because of all the stories I heard about). The next time I go (and I will go back), I will definitely venture off a bit, but maybe not too far, as there is a lot more to the city than just this part…something I discovered during the second week. If you go and feel that you are being mean-mugged, it may not be racial at all, especially if you are seen as an American. There were a few people who I was convinced were itching to give me a beat down at the start of my trip (particularly in the clubs), who then were the same guys fist bumping me and high fiving me by the time I was leaving. I think it's just the (cautious, smile-less) way that they are personality wise
until they get to know you, even to each other. I could write so much more on this, but the bottom line is this, it's not as bad as you've could in fact, be pretty good.

The Women
Ok, what can I say that already hasn't already been said? The woman are hot…very hot. Let me qualify this though. Am I saying that a 9 here hotter than an 9 in Brazil, the States, Colombia, France (you pick the place)? No. In my opinion a 9 is a 9 is a 9. I personally am a little more naturally attracted to a more exotic look, i.e Brazilian. What you will be blown away by though is just the sheer numbers. If you see maybe three 9s in a week where you are, here it's not a stretch to say you will see three 9s within 5 minutes. If you are into exclusively black, latina, or asian women…save your money, you will not kind it here. Another misconception that I had was that the women would be really mostly waify looking, but I was surprised and blown away by the level of curves, especially with some sporting some hellacious legs.

And then…after about 5 days, I sort of got somewhat acclimated to all of the hotness and started seeing some of the flaws, and at this point you can start to see what separates the top women from the rest of the crowd. Sitting in a café and watching them walk by you don't notice it as much, but walking down the sidewalks and along the streets interacting, these things start to show themselves. My top 3 are that some (not all) of the women:
  • wear a little too much makeup
  • have skin issues
  • have some dental issues
Can you hook-up as a black guy? Yes. I got the impression though, that most of the women (the ones I wanted anyway) were pretty conservative and wanted a couple of dates, and were definitely looking for something long-term and wanted to be sure there was something in it for them. But they are very, very curious…I was getting looks and eye-f**ked aplenty. I would stand in line at the Puzata Hata (cheap but surprisingly good eats), and invariably some chick would squeeze behind me in line, and I could feel the side of my face and skin being measured and analyzed…one girl ran her hand through my hair when we were alone because she wanted to feel the hair…lol. They do have to be convinced that a guy is worth the investment, and this probably goes doubly for guys of color, because it is a big statement for her to step out with you…and they definitely act a lot more on logic than emotion of the moment. There is definitely a sex-tourist fear and she will have to be convinced that she is not just another notch. You can get a SNL, but this is definitely more of a place you'd probably come if you are looking for an end-game girl. I get the feeling that they are a bit tired and weary of the sex tourist thing. When I hung out with a couple of Ukrainian guys, one of which who spoke decent English, I noticed a definite uptick in the reception I got.

I did get my Ukrainian flags, but honestly, they were not up to par with what I'll be going for next time. Though some here would disagree, I think in addition to Kreschatyk, a black guy should try to hit cafes and restaurants a bit off of the beaten path, but not too far, and some of the nightlife (not the usual spots). I got some great intel from a UK ex-pat and his friend on some cities outside of the capital that are a lot more receptive to all shades of visitors and haven't been overrun with tourists, that I definitely plan on hitting next time.

The information that I have may or may not be definitive, as I am not really a nightclub guy. I much more prefer lounges and low key out of the way spots, but I went to a few just to get the vibe of a few different places. Anyway, anyplace I went to I had absolutely no issues getting in…i.e.face control. Maybe the way I dressed…presented…but no problems…and I went to most of the usual spots talked about here. The one spot that I did not hit was Shooters (the one spot mentioned as being known for face control), mainly because it was a little out of the way from the areas I was hanging out in. I don't think it was that far away, but I made no special effort to check it out and I have a strong aversion to places that engage in face control anyway. As I said, I'm not really a club guy anyway. But some of the other spots (Buddha Bar, Vodka Bar, Decadence, Skybar, Dockers, Art 44, Duvanns, and a couple of others I can't remember)…no problem. Buddha Bar I remember because it was the first place I hit. I had dinner downstairs, and after went up to the lounge for a few drinks, made nice with the door guy on the way out, and was in from that point on for the rest of my stay. Decadence and Skybar had the hottest women I've ever seen congregated in one spot, all 9s and 9.5s…I actually think they screen for only the hottest girls to get in. I got the feeling that I may have been the only black American guy that had rolled thru for weeks…and it helped to be remembered and in making a mark to build a little social proof after I was seen a few times. If I had been there a few more weeks, I have no doubt that I could have locked a couple of the places down as "the black guy". Remember, they really have very little frame of reference besides what you bring to the table. Be cool. Be strong. Be respectful. Treat the workers and bartenders right. Tip well. Show them that you are ok. You are in.

Bottom Line
Would I go back? Definitely... wish I had 3 months straight to spend there to really do it right. I will probably be going back to Kiev, in the May/June timeframe when the skirts will be in full force, but will probably hit a couple of other cities further south next time. But then again, I really want to do Romania in the near future, and I got real good feedback on parts of Poland, so who knows.

Kiev 2013

C317 - Great report. I pretty with much agree with most of what you wrote. In terms of racism/safety I too never experienced any issues until that 1 night on last trip which I reported on. Luck of the draw I guess.

Did you make it clubs away from the center like Forsage or Indigo ?

From what I'm hearing currently the ratio's in the club are better now the when I was last month which was similar to my experience back from February too. I still would not go back in the cold weather although... I'm planning for May/ June next year currently.

Kiev 2013

I am in Kiev now.

I am going to do a full report at the end of my trip, but so far;

Daygame: good

Online game: best ever

Clubs: terrible. Just god awful

I will have another week of data, adventures and bangs coming up soon.

Kiev 2013

Quote: (10-16-2013 10:08 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

C317 - Great report. I pretty with much agree with most of what you wrote. In terms of racism/safety I too never experienced any issues until that 1 night on last trip which I reported on. Luck of the draw I guess.

Did you make it clubs away from the center like Forsage or Indigo ?

From what I'm hearing currently the ratio's in the club are better now the when I was last month which was similar to my experience back from February too. I still would not go back in the cold weather although... I'm planning for May/ June next year currently.

I didn't make it to either of those clubs...sound like places I'd like to hit at least once next time though. Yeah, I've heard the ratios are better as the weather gets colder. During my first week the weather was a little chilly, but mild. But by the second week, it started to turn downright cold, especially for me.

But like you, my next time there will be when its warmer when the winter clothes come off and the high heels are out in full, probably around the same time you're there in May/June. If so, maybe we'll cross paths.

Kiev 2013

There are good clubs in Kiev.You should visit Carribean,Decadence and D Lux.Kiev is the only city which combines daygame,nightgame and online game decent.

Kiev 2013

Quote: (10-17-2013 01:54 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

There are good clubs in Kiev.You should visit Carribean,Decadence and D Lux.Kiev is the only city which combines daygame,nightgame and online game decent.

What about Shooters Ladies Night for the win??? Heard it can be awesome...

DaveR also recently recommended SkyBar.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Kiev 2013

^ I went to this Shooters "ladies night" last night. They should have named it sausage party, with a few hookers.

Akula, you still in Moscow? I might be headed there next week if I can get this visa sorted.

Kiev 2013

Quote: (10-17-2013 01:54 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

There are good clubs in Kiev.You should visit Carribean,Decadence and D Lux.Kiev is the only city which combines daygame,nightgame and online game decent.

These are good places but they tend to have higher percentage of pure 4P4 girls there and a place like D'Lux you cannot always tell the situation. Decadence would require some serious game skills, the hottest girls I saw there came with guys and were at the tables with some serious spenders.

Kiev 2013

Quote: (10-16-2013 08:34 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

I am in Kiev now.

I am going to do a full report at the end of my trip, but so far;

Daygame: good

Online game: best ever

Clubs: terrible. Just god awful

I will have another week of data, adventures and bangs coming up soon.

Courage, I need a map to follow your adventures. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Thanks for the reports, posts and pics!

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Kiev 2013

Quote: (10-17-2013 09:28 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

^ I went to this Shooters "ladies night" last night. They should have named it sausage party, with a few hookers.

Akula, you still in Moscow? I might be headed there next week if I can get this visa sorted.

[email protected] heard 'Ladies Night' was really good there, maybe it was an off night? Too bad.

I'm still here, but am back in the States all next week...return on Sunday..When would you be coming?

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Kiev 2013

Quote: (10-17-2013 09:28 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Akula, you still in Moscow? I might be headed there next week if I can get this visa sorted.

No visa needed for Kyrgyzstan. Kiev to Bishkek is like $300. I'm just saying.

Kiev 2013

I've traveled to many many cities, and Kiev is the only one that when I think about its nightlife I get tingles and flashbacks and get excited. I just absolutely love the nightlife there.

Shooters was bad?!? Did you go on a Wednesday or Sunday? Sure you won't find many 8s and 9s there, but if you want a quick 7 the girls there are as slutty as they get. Qwest was in and out in 45 minutes and left with a girl. I took a girl home who claimed she was a virgin but then banged me the next date.

What else...Sky Bar is great in the outdoor area so not sure about now given the weather. Like others said leave the main area and you will get some wow factor. Indigo, Saxon, etc. Vodka bar is always good for quick action and off nights. Yes there are turks there but then think of the girls that go there - huge sluts. Went out with a Megan Fox look alike I met there though I couldn't crack through her shields.

Ugh I hate you all [Image: biggrin.gif]

Kiev 2013

Quote: (08-10-2013 05:15 PM)Thespaniard Wrote:  

Now i feel much more confortable here. Tomorrow im hittiing the streets for more new victims.

Imagine if our enemies read that final line! Hahahaha

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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