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Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 07:40 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

You are never going to convince guys (like GM) that are banging tons of hot chicks in the states that it is a good idea to go to Colombia and struggle with a foreign language and culture even if they can get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging.

Here is the thing, I do speak Spanish (not fluent, but have been traveling and living in Spanish speaking countries since I was 16). Lived in Spain. Lived in Mex. Been to Colombia, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama etc multiple times.

I use Spanish when I swoop in Miami. And to a lesser degree in Southern California.

But I still don't find Colombia easier than big city America in general or Miami in particular.

This is how I see it break down:

(A Miami VS Colombia Comparison Data Sheet of sorts).

Miami has nightlife 7 days per week. Correct me if I am wrong, but Colombian cities don't.

Nightlife vibe. Miami is wide open. Colombia is mixed groups.

Logistics and travel times are better in Miami.

Variety is greater in Miami. Is someone in Medellin swooping a grip of Cuban girls, Argentinians, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Mexicanas, along with Calenas, Paisas, Costenas and Rollas? I would love to be corrected, if I missed out.

Smoking is more accepted in bars in Miami than Colombia.

More variety of nightspots. I saw two real high quality nightspots in Bogota. I might have missed some. Miami has 20 in walking distance.

Beach. I didn't see a beach in Bogota for day Game. Medellin doesn't have one either according to Google maps. Cartagena doesn't stack up.

Relatability. I am just going to relate better to a club owner from NYC or LA in Miami than I am some Colombian club owner.

Juice. I have juice in America. In Colombia, I don't (I actually have a friend that is a DJ in Medellin but I still haven't looked him up).

So how am I going to "get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging." in Colombia?

I have asked you before and I am not sure if you saw my question because you never answered, but how do you create higher value for yourself in Colombia?

I am asking you because I think you are one of a handful of older cats I can really learn from on here. I would love to give Colombia another try.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

2 thegmanifesto:

If Miami is your turf, of course it's better for you than Colombia. I've been to both. To me, it's easier to get laid in Colombia than Miami even though I don't speak Spanish. Everything is also much cheaper in Colombia compared to Miami.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:16 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

2 thegmanifesto:

If Miami is your turf, of course it's better for you than Colombia. I've been to both. To me, it's easier to get laid in Colombia than Miami even though I don't speak Spanish. Everything is also much cheaper in Colombia compared to Miami.

Look I hear you.

Everyone says that and never elaborates.

My question is "how"?

That is what no one seems to answer.

I just busted out a indisputable fact based comparison of why I do better in Miami and Miami is easier.

So how is it done?

How are guys getting "a two point jump in the looks of the women they attract in Colombia"?


Everything is also much cheaper in Colombia compared to Miami.

Yeah, I know.

That is one of many reasons why I am interested in the subject matter.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 08:10 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

Tunnel vision....Guy also got upset with every chick he went out with if she didn't put out on the first date....even though I stressed repeatedly how important it is to make friends with chicks even if they never put out....I would estimate that at least 25% of my bangs come from introductions made by other women.

That is more like common sense then tunnel vision or hindsight. Not making friends with chicks? Oh lord, hope this guy has changed because it appears he had a lot to learn.

@Truly Mars

You made some good points. For me personally, I am kind of a simple person as I have everything I need in all the other major cities. Clubs, malls, gyms, movies, parks, women, etc. If your an artsy person or need to hit up alternative music scenes then I guess Bogota would be your city. For me, picking a city in Colombia just comes down to preference of the women (paisas, costenas, calenas, rolas, etc as they can be be quite different), logistics, beaches, number of tourists & foreigners, and some other things.

Ill look to make a stop over in Bogota on my next visit.

Cheers for the informative break down and perspective. Def waiting on that Bogota data sheet.

@G Man

A simple way to answer your question is DHV. Unless you are a celebrity, look like a model, or super rich you will not hold any significant DHV in Miami. Hell even being very good looking and having a lot of money is nothing spectacular as many guys there fall under those categories. As a foreigner (especially a blonde haired blue eyed guy) you simply hold a level of DHV that you do not in America. Which generally translates to higher quality and easier bangs.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:13 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2013 07:40 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

You are never going to convince guys (like GM) that are banging tons of hot chicks in the states that it is a good idea to go to Colombia and struggle with a foreign language and culture even if they can get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging.

Here is the thing, I do speak Spanish (not fluent, but have been traveling and living in Spanish speaking countries since I was 16). Lived in Spain. Lived in Mex. Been to Colombia, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama etc multiple times.

I use Spanish when I swoop in Miami. And to a lesser degree in Southern California.

But I still don't find Colombia easier than big city America in general or Miami in particular.

This is how I see it break down:

(A Miami VS Colombia Comparison Data Sheet of sorts).

Miami has nightlife 7 days per week. Correct me if I am wrong, but Colombian cities don't.

Nightlife vibe. Miami is wide open. Colombia is mixed groups.

Logistics and travel times are better in Miami.

Variety is greater in Miami. Is someone in Medellin swooping a grip of Cuban girls, Argentinians, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Mexicanas, along with Calenas, Paisas, Costenas and Rollas? I would love to be corrected, if I missed out.

Smoking is more accepted in bars in Miami than Colombia.

More variety of nightspots. I saw two real high quality nightspots in Bogota. I might have missed some. Miami has 20 in walking distance.

Beach. I didn't see a beach in Bogota for day Game. Medellin doesn't have one either according to Google maps. Cartagena doesn't stack up.

Relatability. I am just going to relate better to a club owner from NYC or LA in Miami than I am some Colombian club owner.

Juice. I have juice in America. In Colombia, I don't (I actually have a friend that is a DJ in Medellin but I still haven't looked him up).

So how am I going to "get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging." in Colombia?

I have asked you before and I am not sure if you saw my question because you never answered, but how do you create higher value for yourself in Colombia?

I am asking you because I think you are one of a handful of older cats I can really learn from on here. I would love to give Colombia another try.

Here are my thoughts on this matter. There are guys who can go to a top-tier U.S. city completely cold and get top-tier talent. I've done it before, although I can't say that it has happened each and every time I have landed in Miami, Los Angeles, or New York. Not even close. There is at least a handful of guys on this forum who fall into this category. Among the general population, the percentage of guys who can and have gotten top-tier talent by going to top-tier U.S. cities cold is extremely low. It's a complete joke. If the same guys who are able to get that kind of talent in the U.S. go to another country, such as Colombia, completely cold, they may very well get lower quality than what they are used to getting in the United States. They may very well have success, but the quality is likely to be lower. If a guy gets no women in the United States, he is almost guaranteed to either do the same in Colombia or end up with prepagos (I don't even know where to find prepagos). A guy who gets mediocre, substandard, or above-above average talent in the United States can in many cases upgrade his quality by taking a trip to Medellin or to other parts of Colombia. I think what G is getting at is that he may be able to have some success in Medellin, but that it would be a step down from what he is getting in Miami, so it doesn't make much sense to go to Colombia.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:38 PM)Parcero Paisa Wrote:  

@G Man

A simple way to answer your question is DHV.

Again, my question is "how"?

Are guys buying into nightclubs? Restaurants? Opening up salons? Webcam studios? Tanning salons? Plastic Surgery practice?



As a foreigner (especially a blonde haired blue eyed guy) you simply hold a level of DHV that you do not in America. Which generally translates to higher quality and easier bangs.

Yeah, I don't see that there.

I don't have blond hair and blue eyes though.

Is that really the way guys are "DHV'ing" (to use pua lingo)?

Is everyone doing well there blond hair and blue eyes?

There must be some other guys on the forum with brown hair and something other than blue eyes right?

I don't see how someone flys down to Medellin cold and all of a sudden has more Juice than in America where he has lived and made connections his whole life.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

@ Gman

Most normal guy's DHV in Colombia is just being exotic. It's not something you do. You either have it or you dont.

However, there are other ways to hold DHV. Being a celebrity, rich, powerful connections, model looks, etc.

Those dont count as they apply to America as well.

So when most guys go to Colombia, the DHV the hold is in relation to them being exotic and appealing physically and mentally (perceived American influence)

When you roll out to Miami, you are just another joe on the street or in the club. ie Nothing special about you.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:13 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2013 07:40 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

You are never going to convince guys (like GM) that are banging tons of hot chicks in the states that it is a good idea to go to Colombia and struggle with a foreign language and culture even if they can get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging.

Here is the thing, I do speak Spanish (not fluent, but have been traveling and living in Spanish speaking countries since I was 16). Lived in Spain. Lived in Mex. Been to Colombia, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama etc multiple times.

I use Spanish when I swoop in Miami. And to a lesser degree in Southern California.

But I still don't find Colombia easier than big city America in general or Miami in particular.

This is how I see it break down:

(A Miami VS Colombia Comparison Data Sheet of sorts).

Miami has nightlife 7 days per week. Correct me if I am wrong, but Colombian cities don't.

Nightlife vibe. Miami is wide open. Colombia is mixed groups.

Logistics and travel times are better in Miami.

Variety is greater in Miami. Is someone in Medellin swooping a grip of Cuban girls, Argentinians, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Mexicanas, along with Calenas, Paisas, Costenas and Rollas? I would love to be corrected, if I missed out.

Smoking is more accepted in bars in Miami than Colombia.

More variety of nightspots. I saw two real high quality nightspots in Bogota. I might have missed some. Miami has 20 in walking distance.

Beach. I didn't see a beach in Bogota for day Game. Medellin doesn't have one either according to Google maps. Cartagena doesn't stack up.

Relatability. I am just going to relate better to a club owner from NYC or LA in Miami than I am some Colombian club owner.

Juice. I have juice in America. In Colombia, I don't (I actually have a friend that is a DJ in Medellin but I still haven't looked him up).

So how am I going to "get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging." in Colombia?

I have asked you before and I am not sure if you saw my question because you never answered, but how do you create higher value for yourself in Colombia?

I am asking you because I think you are one of a handful of older cats I can really learn from on here. I would love to give Colombia another try.

I won't dispute anything you have said....If you can fly into Miami and swoop hot chicks every night in Miami clubs then I don't think Colombia is going to have the same type of attraction that it does for a lot of guys. And I don't know how YOU can get chicks that are even hotter than what you are currently banging.

However there are countless ways to get laid in Colombia in fact ever single time you meet a chick in Colombia you should view it as an opportunity to laid....waitresses and barmaids are incredibly easy marks. If I remember correctly I think I got laid 3 times doing interviews for a maid. jajaja

Posted a link to a guys facebook page that set up a photo studio to meet chicks to bang. Anyway you can think of that will put a chick in front of you is a good way to get laid in Colombia.

There are lots of ways to demonstrate higher value....not appearing to be a tourist is a good start if you are aiming for 8 or above.
If you don't have access to a nice car....a chill pad and nice threads are an absolute must.

But if I had to name just one thing that will demonstrate higher would be going out and being seen with other super hot chicks. I don't even like chicks with fake boobs and asses but I go out with them when I go to high end clubs because colombianos like them....Also never go out with just one or people will think she is your girlfriend....three seems to be the magic number.

You will be surprised at how easy it is to break closed groups with super hot chicks in high end clubs if you have something to offer. When Colombianos start offering you drinks and you get invites to the after hours party you know you are on the right track. Having at least one of your girls that is a social butterfly who will approach other women and even get phone numbers for you is a big big plus.

But the truth is..... if I could just fly into Miami and pull smoking hot chicks from Miami clubs I'd probably just skip it.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 11:46 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

Also never go out with just one or people will think she is your girlfriend....three seems to be the magic number

That's exactly the strategy of my older friend who is very successful in Bogota. Go out with 3 girls or more

He usually ends up paying most of the drinks though.

Do you do this as well wedo? if yes, how much does it cost you per night in the high end clubs?

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:34 AM)Lika Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2013 11:46 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

Also never go out with just one or people will think she is your girlfriend....three seems to be the magic number

That's exactly the strategy of my older friend who is very successful in Bogota. Go out with 3 girls or more

He usually ends up paying most of the drinks though.

Do you do this as well wedo? if yes, how much does it cost you per night in the high end clubs?

I pay for all the drinks.

It costs me a little more than going to a high end club with one usually have to buy a bottle to get a table anyway.
40 mil cover for 4
120 mil for a bottle of Absolute
20 mil for something to mix the drinks
careful some places charge as much as 15 mil for one redbull.

I hardly drink so most of the time I can get away with one bottle..if I have to order another I sometimes order a bottle of Guaro for about 60 mil.

I don't really make a habit of doing this unless there is a very good I know that there are going to be 100's of the best looking women in Cali out.

There is a Club in Cali called Elipitica and when certain DJ's come to town the place is just packed with the absolute hottest chicks in Cali. I mean you could go months to other high end clubs in Cali and not see as many drop dead gorgeous women as you will when certain acts come to town....Worst thing you could do is bring your girlfriend. And you will get no where if you show up empty handed.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

WEDO, what's your approximate yearly expenditure living in Colombia?

Are there any points to be won with chicks by subtly communicating academic attainments? I have a PhD and the right to use the title Dr.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:54 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

If the same guys who are able to get that kind of talent in the U.S. go to another country, such as Colombia, completely cold, they may very well get lower quality than what they are used to getting in the United States. They may very well have success, but the quality is likely to be lower. If a guy gets no women in the United States, he is almost guaranteed to either do the same in Colombia or end up with prepagos (I don't even know where to find prepagos). A guy who gets mediocre, substandard, or above-above average talent in the United States can in many cases upgrade his quality by taking a trip to Medellin or to other parts of Colombia. I think what G is getting at is that he may be able to have some success in Medellin, but that it would be a step down from what he is getting in Miami, so it doesn't make much sense to go to Colombia.

Merenguero, I was hoping you would weigh in as you know both places well.

Which do you do better in; Colombia or Miami?

It is not so much that what I get in Colombia, it is a "step down" its that it is easier in Miami.

Do you disagree with this?:


(A Miami VS Colombia Comparison Data Sheet of sorts).

Miami has nightlife 7 days per week. Correct me if I am wrong, but Colombian cities don't.

Nightlife vibe. Miami is wide open. Colombia is mixed groups.

Logistics and travel times are better in Miami.

Variety is greater in Miami. Is someone in Medellin swooping a grip of Cuban girls, Argentinians, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Mexicanas, along with Calenas, Paisas, Costenas and Rollas? I would love to be corrected, if I missed out.

Smoking is more accepted in bars in Miami than Colombia.

More variety of nightspots. I saw two real high quality nightspots in Bogota. I might have missed some. Miami has 20 in walking distance.

Beach. I didn't see a beach in Bogota for day Game. Medellin doesn't have one either according to Google maps. Cartagena doesn't stack up.

Relatability. I am just going to relate better to a club owner from NYC or LA in Miami than I am some Colombian club owner.

Juice. I have juice in America. In Colombia, I don't (I actually have a friend that is a DJ in Medellin but I still haven't looked him up).

Quote: (07-25-2013 10:26 PM)Parcero Paisa Wrote:  

@ Gman

Most normal guy's DHV in Colombia is just being exotic. It's not something you do. You either have it or you dont.

So far I have gotten from you that it is blond hair, blue eyes, and magic.

Yeah, I don't know how to make it any more clear that I just don't see it when I am there.

I am from America. California. I even have one of these:

[Image: california-drivers-license.jpg]

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 08:03 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

So far I have gotten from you that it is blond hair, blue eyes, and magic.

Yeah, I don't know how to make it any more clear that I just don't see it when I am there.

I am from America. California. I even have one of these:

If you don't "see" it then I don't know what else to tell you.

Latin women, in general, prefer and are more attracted to white guys. (with the exception of Boricuas, Spaniards, and Argentines) At least that has been my experience.

As a white guy you stand out in Latin America and in a good way.

And as I mentioned earlier, you are just another Joe Blow in Miami.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

When I started going to Colombia over 10 years ago, I stopped by Medellin and didn't' see one gringo. It amazes me how the situation has changed and now there seems to be a minnie industry to colonize gringos in Medellin. When I first went to Colombia, Americans were treated like rock stars. I met an American guy there who was dating a Colombian Supermodel. He told me that to meet here, he checked into a hotel in Cartagena during the Miss Colombia pageant and approached her in the lobby. I was married to a Colombian for a while and brought her back to the US. But those days are gone thanks to the Internet.

Rico... Sauve....

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 08:03 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:54 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

If the same guys who are able to get that kind of talent in the U.S. go to another country, such as Colombia, completely cold, they may very well get lower quality than what they are used to getting in the United States. They may very well have success, but the quality is likely to be lower. If a guy gets no women in the United States, he is almost guaranteed to either do the same in Colombia or end up with prepagos (I don't even know where to find prepagos). A guy who gets mediocre, substandard, or above-above average talent in the United States can in many cases upgrade his quality by taking a trip to Medellin or to other parts of Colombia. I think what G is getting at is that he may be able to have some success in Medellin, but that it would be a step down from what he is getting in Miami, so it doesn't make much sense to go to Colombia.

Merenguero, I was hoping you would weigh in as you know both places well.

Which do you do better in; Colombia or Miami?

It is not so much that what I get in Colombia, it is a "step down" its that it is easier in Miami.

Do you disagree with this?:

In terms of quality, I do better in Miami. In terms of quantity, I do better in Colombia. I think Miami is much better than any city in Colombia in terms of quality and overall diversity. I think I would definitely be able to consistently get better quality in either of those cities if I lived there. Just passing through for a week, ten days, or two weeks, certainly doesn't help me with the top tier in either Medellin or Miami. I find Costa Rica easier than Colombia and the rest of Latin America for that matter, although I don't get better quality in Costa Rica than I get in either Colombia or Miami. The quality I get in Costa Rica is at least slightly worse than I get in Colombia. I believe my overall results in Latin America are different from those of many other forum members. For example, I don't have the extreme amount of success that other forum members seem to have in the Dominican Republic. I did much better there during the Cafe Trio days, but when I went back in December 2009 (it was only for six days), I struggled. At this point, I want to focus on Las Vegas, Miami, and maybe parts of Europe. I don't have a strong inclination to go back to Colombia and in my opinion, it wouldn't be a huge loss if I just stop going there.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Can you look at a photo and tell if a guy took it or chick snapped it?

Maybe if I put up 100 facebook profiles of women in Medellin that date a
gringo we might be able to come to some conclusions on how it goes down.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

I need to get my shit together because I would really like to be able to split my time between Bangkok, and somewhere in Colombia I think. 4-6 months here, 1-2 months back home in California, and 4-6 months in Colombia and just repeat it.

Enough time to put down roots and have a social circle in each place, but you leave for half the year so it takes much longer to get bored of the place, and its exciting to go back.

What's people's take on making local friends? If you speak Spanish and spend a good part of each year there, will you make many? Will they accept you as real friends, or will you always be an outsider?

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 07:33 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I need to get my shit together because I would really like to be able to split my time between Bangkok, and somewhere in Colombia I think. 4-6 months here, 1-2 months back home in California, and 4-6 months in Colombia and just repeat it.

Enough time to put down roots and have a social circle in each place, but you leave for half the year so it takes much longer to get bored of the place, and its exciting to go back.

What's people's take on making local friends? If you speak Spanish and spend a good part of each year there, will you make many? Will they accept you as real friends, or will you always be an outsider?

I would make it less time in the states so you can bank the first 90K+ tax free.

An extra month in America wouldn't be worth the taxes.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

The bigger question is how someone quickly engrains themselves into the Colombian culture.

I agree with all of wedo's advice on rolling with more people.

When I went to juanchito I was with a girl who came to visit and her cute friend. Literally 30 mins after sitting down a girl in another group asked me to dance.

Basically,you have to get into the groups fast, but no idea how one does that going in cold with no connects, that is info I'd pay for.

Hit the ground with zero contacts how do you quickly build a social circle? I don't want hand holding because you have to build it yourself, but a guideline building from zero would be useful.

Sounds like the best plan is meet a few in the states. Have them refer you, go from there.

I did this in brazil it was golden, but any info on penetrating social circles is key.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

WestCoast, Jiu Jitsu has been a great way for me to meet people. You can show up to almost any major city in the world and jump right into a gym of 20-100 guys you will train with several times per week. Beating the crap out of each other is a great bonding activity.

Bangkok's Jiu Jitsu scene is mostly expats, however in many other countries it is mostly a local scene. Checking out the gym websites in Colombia it appears to be largely locals and some expats, so probably a great way to meet locals and hopefully get you into a social circle.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 07:36 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 07:33 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I need to get my shit together because I would really like to be able to split my time between Bangkok, and somewhere in Colombia I think. 4-6 months here, 1-2 months back home in California, and 4-6 months in Colombia and just repeat it.

Enough time to put down roots and have a social circle in each place, but you leave for half the year so it takes much longer to get bored of the place, and its exciting to go back.

What's people's take on making local friends? If you speak Spanish and spend a good part of each year there, will you make many? Will they accept you as real friends, or will you always be an outsider?

I would make it less time in the states so you can bank the first 90K+ tax free.

An extra month in America wouldn't be worth the taxes.

If it wasnt for my mom, and missing the California blue skies and sunshine so much I would say so as well. I also don't pay taxes now, so its not an issue for me yet.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

@rio I was looking at BJJ gyms in Colombia when I was there. I think there's a low-key Gracie Barra somewhere in Medellín and a 10th planet gym in Barranquilla. Other than that, it seems to be kind of slim-pickins.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

There's also Alliance in Bogota, Carlson Gracie in Cali, GB in both of those cities as well as the head school in Medellin, and some MMA schools in various cities. Probably more, but that's what I found quickly on Google.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 07:33 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I need to get my shit together because I would really like to be able to split my time between Bangkok, and somewhere in Colombia I think. 4-6 months here, 1-2 months back home in California, and 4-6 months in Colombia and just repeat it.

That sounds like a good move. I'm thinking about doing something similar starting sometime in 2014. I haven't been to MDE since 2010 but I have some family visiting me in NYC from PR & DR that I might take down to MDE with me in September and scope the place out for future long-term rentals. I also want to get to Cali b4 this year is up.

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-26-2013 06:18 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

Maybe if I put up 100 facebook profiles of women in Medellin that date a
gringo we might be able to come to some conclusions on how it goes down.

You can really do that?

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