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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Damn, reading this thread just confirmed to me that I have not been missing much by not going out much in TO. I was in Montreal last weekend for a wedding and the difference was quite striking to say the least.
So Roosh, have you captured a TO flag yet?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 11:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's 11:25. I've been ready to go out the past 30 minutes but I'm having trouble making it to the door. A man can only take so much abuse in one weekend.

I just woke up. Roosh, you have to GET BITCH or DIE TRYING. Think of the others that had to take this abuse from umpteen years. Trust me, I feel your pain especially when you didn't grow up around that numbing shyt.
Get out there, brother.

Our prayers are with you.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 01:13 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Roosh find yourself the grimiest university bar you can. There's one by my place where all of the mega sluts go. They go to that bar after they have gotten a rep for fucking everyone at the main student bar.

Don't you live in Vancouver?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Met Roosh out tonight, had a great chat about game and travel. Needless to say he's not a huge fan of Toronto.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:09 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2012 01:13 AM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Roosh find yourself the grimiest university bar you can. There's one by my place where all of the mega sluts go. They go to that bar after they have gotten a rep for fucking everyone at the main student bar.

Don't you live in Vancouver?


The Toronto thread

I must say that I am grateful for Roosh making it here to TO -- it confirms for me that I need to now make some extra hard effort to get out of this city. Having been here for most of my life you get numb and begin to think that is just how women are -- which is not true. This place has really messed up women's minds -- which in turn has made men's minds also fucked up. The relation dynamic between men and women is so off balance -- women control the scene and men have been reduced to puppets. There is this constant men bashing by women --done openly and also sublimily and hidden. If you happen to be downtown at the north east corner of King st and Peter St -- take a look at the billboard above -- promoting a radio sports show -- it has a women with a baseball bat about to clobber a man. That pretty well sums up what TO is about.

The Toronto thread

Btw, most places are great to visit -- but to live there is another matter. Montreal for example maybe great to visit -- but living there has its own problems. I have heard about some guys who moved there and were glad to get out. TO however is a shitty place to visit and to live is a lot worse.

The Toronto thread

There are no good jobs in Montreal. So living there you take a major pay cut and if you don't speak French you will never get a legit salary. This is bad prospects for living but this dynamic keeps Montreal a cheap (er) place to visit and stay short term.

What venue did you make it too last night @Torontokid?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 12:31 PM)kosko Wrote:  

There are no good jobs in Montreal. So living there you take a major pay cut and if you don't speak French you will never get a legit salary. This is bad prospects for living but this dynamic keeps Montreal a cheap (er) place to visit and stay short term.

What venue did you make it too last night @Torontokid?

That is a little harsh isn't it?

People there seemed to have plenty of coin to roll out, and I was rolling to places that were legitimately expensive. By California standards.

Places were busy 7 days per week.

Ubisoft is there. I met a bunch of people doing things in Fashion and tech. Film. And of course the restaurant, tourism industry is humming.


if you don't speak French you will never get a legit salary

This seems to make sense.

But of course you could live there with a mobile biz also.

The Toronto thread

@ g there are definitely people flush with cash in montreal. in particular lots of old money... Familes like the Bronfman's are a good example

but comparative to other provinces, it is a backwater. Alberta/saskatchewan is where its at. while ontario if faltering, it still has the financial services industry. so the average quebecer makes much less than elsewhere in canada without doubt

MTL used to be the financial and cultural heart of canada, until the flq crisis sent droves of anglos and jews to ontario. The city has never really recovered and until a few years ago, real estate was insanely cheap.

Every trip to mtl has me thinking 'why the f don't i move here' but friends living there quickly remind me 'living here is different' . Its a never ending assault on the english language and the province is one of the most taxed jurisdictions in all north america

The Toronto thread

Housing costs in Montreal are half of what they are in Toronto. Their incomes are lower, but people in Montreal have more time and more disposable income to spend on things like sitting in restaurants and cafes 7 days a week.

A friend of mine was telling me people in Montreal would freak out if it cost $30,000 to renovate their house. $30,000 in Toronto might get you a parking spot at your condo.

The students have more money to spend going out to get drunk because Quebec has the lowest university/college tuitions in the country. Tuition at the Université de Montreal is around $2200. Tuition at the University of Toronto is $5400.

A 'good' job there for someone in their 20s is telemarketing.

If you can't speak excellent Quebec French you can't get a decent job. You can work construction or in the kitchen of a restaurant, or maybe as a janitor. In any business with 50 employees or more, French has to be spoken in the workplace at all times - they actually have language police coming around to enforce this. Even global multinationals have come in conflict with the laws for receiving company emails from their head office, in English, as per company policy. It doesn't matter that all their branches around the world use English in emails - for simplicity, rather than translating everything into 200 different languages - any company emails that end up in Quebec have to be in French. So multinationals close their Montreal office and move to Ontario. This puts a downward pressure on salaries and real estate.

I've spoken to a number of people who grew up in Quebec and have fled because of the language laws and the political climate. Montreal is a divided city sort of like Beirut. Going there on vacation for a weekend can be a lot of fun but actually living there and being constantly insulted might be a little different. And it's not a simple matter of learning French. You're still an Anglo and the focus of all their resentment at not having their own country.

You tell them you're from Toronto and typically they'll look at you like you're Satan himself. They grew up on bedtime stories that Toronto is the HQ of the evil Canadian Empire which is enslaving them and trying to destroy their culture.

However the women in Montreal are beautiful and despite everything, generally more approachable than the ones in Toronto even if you're a maudit anglais. So if you can deal with all the negatives, Montreal does have that as a positive.

The Toronto thread

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto.

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto.

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

So what did you say? Did she walk?

In Montreal, if they know you're an American, they'll usually give you a pass for not speaking French. If you're from some other part of Canada, not so much...

Quebec is anti-Canadian in the same way that English Canada is anti-American.

An American came into one of my regular bars in Toronto. He started chatting with me and told me he was a student. I asked "which school". He almost had tears in his eyes. He said "You know, you're the first person who asked me what school I go to. Everyone else just turned their backs." They were snobbing him for being American. I felt bad for the guy.

I know a few Americans who have moved to Toronto and they love it, but they're married or have girlfriends. It's completely different for people in that situation.

The Toronto thread

I said, "It would be like choosing between Coke and Pepsi."

Politics came up a few times. 100% of the girls I met are pro-Obama. I didn't debate them.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto.

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

That's pretty damn funny about Romney cockblocking you Roosh!

I bet there were a few of these in the Canadian DC:

[Image: facepalm.png]

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

Not only have I heard this exact question/presumed answer before, but when I said I'd prefer Romney (not I am not American, but it was a hypothetical) girls lost their shit. Apparently

1) You cannot care about economics, only social issues matter
2) Gay marriage and abortion > everything else
3) Bringing up things like unemployment, food stamps etc leads back to #2
4) Gays and women will be sent to concentration camps if Romney gets in
5) See #2

I feel like I am in an abusive relationship with this city. I love the people "in my neighborhood", so to speak, like the Sesame Street theme song. I love going to the barbershop and shooting the shit with the barbers who came here from Italy 40+ years ago and still speak with the thickest Calabreze accents. I love going to the butcher shop and getting hooked up with the bombest cuts of meat they hold back for themselves and others. I love having my tailor who I also grew up with. I love hanging out at cafes and bar patios until 2 AM in the summer, and hopping the fence to sneak into public pools after the bars have closed. I love how whatever I want, food, music, drugs, clothes, book's all here.

But hearing about Roosh's run-ins with the women has me shaking my head in disbelief. I cannot believe it, yet this is what I've gone through my whole life, thinking it's normal, thinking stories of my friends living in other cities and plowing through pussy were tales spun of pure bullshit.

I am having an existential crisis. But at the same time, it is somewhat liberating to know that I am playing on the toughest field there is, and that makes the victories all that much sweeter.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 06:41 PM)Donnington93 Wrote:  

I feel like I am in an abusive relationship with this city. I love the people "in my neighborhood", so to speak, like the Sesame Street theme song. I love going to the barbershop and shooting the shit with the barbers who came here from Italy 40+ years ago and still speak with the thickest Calabreze accents. I love going to the butcher shop and getting hooked up with the bombest cuts of meat they hold back for themselves and others. I love having my tailor who I also grew up with. I love hanging out at cafes and bar patios until 2 AM in the summer, and hopping the fence to sneak into public pools after the bars have closed. I love how whatever I want, food, music, drugs, clothes, book's all here.

Keep in mind though, that the above is a better scene than 99% of the people.

You got a good fishmonger on your team?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 04:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can say that girls in Montreal were slightly more impressed that I was American than girls in Toronto.

In Toronto they were more antagonistic about it, asking me about the presidential election. Two girls asked me who I was voting for, and before I could answer they said something to the effect of, "If you say ROmney, I'm walking away."

This happened to me at a house party this weekend. A bunch of drunk poli sci majors were being boring as shit and talking about politics. I overheard them and butt into the conversation going "excuse me are you talking about the election" They start jabbering and I say "well if I were eligible to vote I would definitely vote for Romney" They all stared at me, completely silent, looking at me as if I'd just vomited all over the floor right in front of them hitting their shoes. I paused, cracked a shit eating grin and told them there are better things to discuss than politics.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 05:06 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I said, "It would be like choosing between Coke and Pepsi."

Politics came up a few times. 100% of the girls I met are pro-Obama. I didn't debate them.

Did that work? I tend to find that sort of deflection to be the best approach, but it sounds like broads in Toronto might just see that as instigation.

Also, do any of you guys ever just go full asshole? What if you answered that question with something like "What the fuck do you care? Why don't you try talking to me like a real person?" or "What kind of gestapo-like question is that? Do you want to see my papers too?"

In the U.S. you can often smack down bitch shields. Does that work in Toronto?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 08:07 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2012 06:41 PM)Donnington93 Wrote:  

I feel like I am in an abusive relationship with this city. I love the people "in my neighborhood", so to speak, like the Sesame Street theme song. I love going to the barbershop and shooting the shit with the barbers who came here from Italy 40+ years ago and still speak with the thickest Calabreze accents. I love going to the butcher shop and getting hooked up with the bombest cuts of meat they hold back for themselves and others. I love having my tailor who I also grew up with. I love hanging out at cafes and bar patios until 2 AM in the summer, and hopping the fence to sneak into public pools after the bars have closed. I love how whatever I want, food, music, drugs, clothes, book's all here.

Keep in mind though, that the above is a better scene than 99% of the people.

You got a good fishmonger on your team?

Depends on what you mean: Do I have someone who can literally throw me amazing cuts of wild Atlantic salmon for 50 percent off? Yes. Do I have friends who are born with 10 figure silver spoons in their mouth and are willing to drop money on bottle service to bring in the fly girl gold diggers? Yes.

Do I have friends who can really spit game at the girls of Toronto in the way most of us would define the term? Not really. I have a couple friends who are male models and can throw me some table scraps. My friends and I can (sort of) work the social circle game, but it is also hard.

I need to get to a proficient level of game for Toronto, which, anywhere else in the world, would let me do very well. Here it is elementary.

Such is the Faustian bargain of living here. The social circle connections are powerful and let you live the Playboy lifestyle easily; I rolled around all summer in brand new Jaguar demos, for free (as long as I kept the tank full upon return) thanks to my buddy hooking me up, but it was a drought as far as tang goes.

The Toronto thread

Seems like no one in Toronto has sex.

So who are all the girls fucking?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-05-2012 10:58 PM)Rocky2 Wrote:  

Seems like no one in Toronto has sex.

So who are all the girls fucking?

Guys from California when they visit.

Quote: (09-15-2012 07:27 PM)Qwest Wrote:  

Fellas I was just in Toronto for 4 days last weekend for TIFF and had a blast. Stayed at my boys condo in the Thompson Hotel and did pretty well there. The lobby bar had tons of girls every night I was there and we took advantage. All in all, in 4 nights I got two bangs and left a bunch of chicks hanging who also wanted it. A Polish/Canadian girl and a Pakistani/Canadian bartender. Had an Italian girl come up to the condo in the middle of the day who I met the night before, and made out with her before she had to go meet her friends. I could have banged that night I suspect, but I went back for 2nds on the Polish one instead.

Pulled a ton of numbers the first night alone in the lobby bar on a Thursday night who I messaged back and forth all weekend but just didn't have time to see them all between the partying and everything.

Some hazy memories on some venues but here's what I remember:

The Hoxton had tons of girls (especially when Skrillex performed) but it is definitely a little hipster.

Bloak & 4th- Went there twice and it sucked both times. Never going back there.

F stop- I think this was the name. Was pretty drunk there and don't remember a whole lot about it but do remember a lot of hot chicks there. Managed to pull a # only.

Overall, I had a blast in the city, but maybe that's only because it was TIFF. Good logistics was key, and staying at the Thompson was prime for that. I saw TONS of hot girls out and about during the day also. Not just TIFF related chicks, but girls from the city you could tell. All of this was around the Thompson hotel/ King St.

I'm definitely gonna go back and definitely didn't experience the bitch shields others have mentioned.

The Toronto thread

Lol guys still trying their luck in Toronto?

No one listens...

Hit up other cities close by. Hamilton is a gem.

Girls in Toronto are brainwashed unless you shine them the $$$.

The Toronto thread

G, keep in mind its November.

Toronto is a ton better during TIFF or summer. Its not great but I could see how a California Playboy can do well during that period.

Lot more hot girls out during warmer weather and everybody's in a better mood.

The problem with Toronto is inconsistency, some nights are good but many are shitty.

The Toronto thread

One thing odd is how many guys are having tatoos in TO. I go to the Y and in the showers and change room you see almost every other guy with often some big tatoo -- sometimes covering a good part of their body. One guy even had "Bad Boy" on his side arm. What is going on here? TO girls also have a lot of tatoos. But for the guys, I can't help but think they do it just to impress TO skanks. IF that be the case which I think it is, I really beleive the problem in TO is pussified men who go to extremes and try to fit the part of a pretend bad boy. Such pussified men are the ones who keep the female supremacy system maintaining in high gear. So as I have said before, the real problem in TO is pussified men -- if you can somehow get them to straighten out, TO supremacy skank system would collapse.

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