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The Toronto thread

The Toronto thread

Forget about ONS. It's not common there. It's hard enough to get a Toronto female to go out with you, period. If you manage to get their numbers, even 4s and 5s probably won't return your messages.

I used to watch American & British movies and TV, seeing all these people effortlessly hooking up in bars, clubs, etc. It all looked completely fake to me, because I had never seen it happen in real life. In Toronto, the only girls who will go home with you are either crazy, or shit-faced drunk, or ugly, or possibly all three. You can also sometimes get them to go home with you if you offer drugs - but they have no intention of sleeping with you, they just want the drugs. As soon as it's gone, so are they.

Guys shouldn't stay there too long unless they have a steady girlfriend. You'll start to think something's wrong with you. You might sink into various addictions to deal with it. But there's nothing wrong with you, it's the women. Just get out while you can. It's so much better overseas.

If you're stuck there for your job, don't waste your money going out. Save all that money you would have spent going out for the month, and go to Montreal or New York for a weekend. With your hotel and transportation it will cost you the same and you'll probably have a better time. A month or two of Toronto nightlife will cost the same as an all-inclusive week in Cuba where I guarantee you'll be happier with the women than you would in Toronto.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 03:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


What I want to know from you, Roosh is, is Toronto WORSE than DC?

I'll have to think about that one.

Another thing I noticed that if you utter one lame joke or say something that can be construed as sexist, the girl is disgusted and walks away. You need 100% perfect game, no mistakes. In the US I could get away with a lot more than in Toronto. It's almost like Scandinavia. Last night I said "I like feminine women" and the girl (a 6) got offended and went back to her huge group (at least six people).

At one point in the night I was standing in a packed bar and thought, "This is just pointless." Now I know what the PUAs I saw at Madison was approaching like monkeys. That seems to be what you got to do here.

Yep, the reason Toronto PUAs approach like monkeys is because they have to.

I've seen guys get ONS here with 6s and 7s, its usually through approaching like a madman, and plowing through shittests.

Some of the best RSD guys in the city bang some hot girls for sure-

Its pretty much a full time job if you want to get good at the game here. Some of the most hardcore guys I know go out 5-7 nights a week.

One guy I know did a "Pull or sleep on the streets" challenge for 30 days this summer. I think he pulls ONSs quite often.

The Toronto thread

With Toronto, you have to be so careful with what you say that you can't even flow. You can't speak without sounding like a robot because as soon as you have an opinion, you are looked up on as a monster. No sense of humour and the jokes are lame, dry and wack.

To get ONS in Toronto, LOCATION is extremely key. You have to find certain spots in odd areas and they really close up quickly so you have to strike and move.

I should have told Roosh about the Parkdale drink. I was two for two there on two black lizards. It's got a good Pinay crowd, whites and some blacks..with a non ghetto vibe. Cheap cover too.

But you would never think it's a place to get lizards.

Yea, good luck with Toronto, you have my sympathies.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

'what's the point' ...

I often feel that way I'd prefer to simply chill at home when in the dot ...

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 03:56 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

'what's the point' ...

I often feel that way I'd prefer to simply chill at home when in the dot ...

ROI is lower than a muthafuka..I have to check out instinct is telling me that DC beats Toronto



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

torontokid, do you know will the german? last name beck, i think. he's an rsd guy whose game is... approach 25 girls --> find 1 that's DTF and bang her within 20 minutes in the bathroom... and do this every night while being mostly unemployed.

The Toronto thread

Yikes. Didn't expect such a bleak review of Toronto. Maybe we should instead call DC the "Toronto of the USA". LOL!

Anyways, like I said earlier in the thread, anyplace with a high number of PUAs per capita has to be a tough place to get laid. PUAs are the "canaries in the coal mine" as to the state of the dating market.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 04:11 PM)bodmon Wrote:  

torontokid, do you know will the german? last name beck, i think. he's an rsd guy whose game is... approach 25 girls --> find 1 that's DTF and bang her within 20 minutes in the bathroom... and do this every night while being mostly unemployed.

Sounds like a fairytale character. What are the quality of these lizards? Will any do?

Will the German? Reminds me of one my favourite books, Charlie and the Chocolate factory.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 04:11 PM)bodmon Wrote:  

torontokid, do you know will the german? last name beck, i think. he's an rsd guy whose game is... approach 25 girls --> find 1 that's DTF and bang her within 20 minutes in the bathroom... and do this every night while being mostly unemployed.

Yes, I do know him.

Guy is hardcore.

I'm sure he bangs hot girls, I've seen him in set and he's crazy good. His eye contact is ridiculous.

He probably banged fatties during his homeless change. A small price to pay for sleeping inside.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 03:37 PM)allgood Wrote:  

I used to watch American & British movies and TV, seeing all these people effortlessly hooking up in bars, clubs, etc. It all looked completely fake to me, because I had never seen it happen in real life.

+1. That and the "girls more excited to go and eat" comment are dead on.

This time last year, I had a gf, she was a 7, very fit, feminine, I was the second guy she'd ever been with, but she was only interested in Toronto girl things like being a foodie, doing yoga and shopping. I dumped her in the hopes of playing the field and finding someone better. I've come up pretty empty aside from banging her during dry spells. I hope I didn't throw away that rare unicorn ideal of a woman.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 02:47 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I don't believe it sucks this bad for a city this big. The type of bars I went to should have open girls who want to fuck. But girls are doing their thing and then they all hop in cabs. They seem to be more excited about eating after the bar than getting with dudes.

Seriously, don't get in between them and that hotdog cart, after 2AM. You are an obstacle and they will get hostile.

Quote: (11-04-2012 04:31 PM)Donnington93 Wrote:  

+1. That and the "girls more excited to go and eat" comment are dead on.

This time last year, I had a gf, she was a 7, very fit, feminine, I was the second guy she'd ever been with, but she was only interested in Toronto girl things like being a foodie, doing yoga and shopping. I dumped her in the hopes of playing the field and finding someone better. I've come up pretty empty aside from banging her during dry spells. I hope I didn't throw away that rare unicorn ideal of a woman.

I've been in your situation. You get an attractive, decent girl in Toronto, (your ex sounds like she qualifies) you're supposed to hang onto her. Just look at all the guys hovering around when you're out with her. Witness the desperation and sadness in their eyes as they eye her up and down. They'll even come to your table while you're sitting with her, in a restaurant!!! and try to pick her up. That should tell you something.

The Toronto thread

We should have a Toronto charity, with money donated for a custom suit for the best PUA (or a raffle can be held) or a nice lizard from patriarchal upbringings for the winner to date bang for about a week or so.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 04:58 PM)allgood Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2012 02:47 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I don't believe it sucks this bad for a city this big. The type of bars I went to should have open girls who want to fuck. But girls are doing their thing and then they all hop in cabs. They seem to be more excited about eating after the bar than getting with dudes.

Seriously, don't get in between them and that hotdog cart, after 2AM. You are an obstacle and they will get hostile.

Quote: (11-04-2012 04:31 PM)Donnington93 Wrote:  

+1. That and the "girls more excited to go and eat" comment are dead on.

This time last year, I had a gf, she was a 7, very fit, feminine, I was the second guy she'd ever been with, but she was only interested in Toronto girl things like being a foodie, doing yoga and shopping. I dumped her in the hopes of playing the field and finding someone better. I've come up pretty empty aside from banging her during dry spells. I hope I didn't throw away that rare unicorn ideal of a woman.

I've been in your situation. You get an attractive, decent girl in Toronto, (your ex sounds like she qualifies) you're supposed to hang onto her. Just look at all the guys hovering around when you're out with her. Witness the desperation and sadness in their eyes as they eye her up and down. They'll even come to your table while you're sitting with her, in a restaurant!!! and try to pick her up. That should tell you something.

Competition is harsh. Because of the ratio of guys to girls guys have no problems going for a guy's girlfriend. You have to. When most of the girls are in mixed sets you have no option.

My friend just got kicked out of a bar on Friday because a boyfriend shoved him away. He gets shoved or threatened at least a few times each time because he'll hit on guy's girlfriends.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 03:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


What I want to know from you, Roosh is, is Toronto WORSE than DC?

I'll have to think about that one.

Another thing I noticed that if you utter one lame joke or say something that can be construed as sexist, the girl is disgusted and walks away. You need 100% perfect game, no mistakes. In the US I could get away with a lot more than in Toronto. It's almost like Scandinavia. Last night I said "I like feminine women" and the girl (a 6) got offended and went back to her huge group (at least six people).

At one point in the night I was standing in a packed bar and thought, "This is just pointless." Now I know what the PUAs I saw at Madison was approaching like monkeys. That seems to be what you got to do here.

I'll answer that for you. I spent two weeks in DC and its easier. My stance is that it's easier to bang you counterparts there in DC. Nerdy 5s bang equally nerdy policy wonks. All the couples there looked equal and minus the bulshit drone work culture you still get women whom attempt to put thenselves out there I find. DC is just full of dorks which kills the overall vibe of the City, its just not a cool place.

In DC You don't have successful men there slumming it with wilderbeasts like in TO. You can get your equal in DC which I think is kosher and fair. In TO you go home with blue balls unless you drop your quality down since Females are at a buffet of choice here. You see Men clutch their women here like a vice grip, they probably went to hell and back to land her but they are shooting themselves in the foot being so needy. The Toronto femake: she's always snuffing around for the next dude whom will give her more then the current man.

Your right about having to be 100% sharp on your words @Roosh. Quickest way to get a girl to walk away is to tell a joke from the Chapelle Show lol. You can't be offensive here. It's the Politcal Corectness Capital of the globe.

@TorontoKid brings up a good point. You do feel pressure to approach a lot here because you just can't chill in things. The second you smell shit going sour you bounce. This is why last night was such a mess for me as my time was limited. I probably approached 10 women in the time frame of 1230-230. I could not gather a groove though it was just a monkey plowing through the trees.

If your going out Sunday night hit up Cheval.

The Toronto thread


If your going out Sunday night hit up Cheval.

I'm thinking about it. Anyone else going?

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 06:07 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Competition is harsh. Because of the ratio of guys to girls guys have no problems going for a guy's boyfriend. You have to. When most of the girls are in mixed sets you have no option.

My friend just got kicked out of a bar on Friday because a boyfriend shoved him away. He gets shoved or threatened at least a few times each time because he'll hit on guy's girlfriends.

This might be on Church and Wellesley but I didn't see much guys with boyfriends when in Toronto NOR guys going for these 'boyfriends'.[Image: angel.gif]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Me and my friends are thinking of going to Tattoo Rock Parlour(Packed on Sundays but a loud club)

How much is cover at Cheval. I'm thinking of going there too.

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 10:52 AM)kosko Wrote:  

It's a assortment of things. I am a avid social observer and IMO Toronto is the future of most North American large cities. This is what North American Cities will rot into since this is what you get when females run the show. Females are so hostile here because they ALL have options waiting. When you have a steady rotation of beta dick on standby you dont itch for bangs.

Kosko you've been dropping gems throughout this post. would like you to break down the 'future of most north american large cities...' when you get a chance. i think you're on to something.

The Toronto thread

I've heard cheval is good too. You lot (Roosh, Tdot kid etc) should try it. Cover can't be higher than 15. Probably a 10 spot.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Toronto thread

Damn. TO sounds like Date Lab.

The Toronto thread

Right now I'm sitting in an ajisen ramen in chinatown and overheard this stunning exchange.

A couple came and sat down and checked the menu for a few moments. Obviously she was giving attitude about the food not being to her tastes.
Girl: what's that??
Guy: its hot tea
Girl: oh
Guy: do you wanna eat here or go somewhere else?
Girl: let's go

He stands without barely a signof protest.
He at firat appeared like a cool guy. He should have said, "it's 930 on Sunday your goddamn ramen so we can get home and fuck"

The pussification of man in modern TO?

The Toronto thread

*double post*

The Toronto thread

Quote: (11-04-2012 01:48 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

You will be fine, you will have new guy look written all over. Once you drop the OZ lingo then it should be game/set/match, just don't talk too much and play stupid.
A good friend of mine does well with the ladies, he has been here for over ten years but still acts like he just arrived when he meets girls. He has a cool trini accent and plays dumb.
I am sure alot of these girls have not travelled to Oz, so you can tell them you are crocodile dundee's cousin with a straight face and they would believe you.

What do you mean by dropping the Oz lingo? Isn't that the point of difference?
I'll play dumb about my Toronto knowledge for as long as I can though...

The Toronto thread

It's 11:25. I've been ready to go out the past 30 minutes but I'm having trouble making it to the door. A man can only take so much abuse in one weekend.

The Toronto thread

Roosh find yourself the grimiest university bar you can. There's one by my place where all of the mega sluts go. They go to that bar after they have gotten a rep for fucking everyone at the main student bar.

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