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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-17-2012 06:59 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2012 06:14 AM)Way Cool Jr Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2012 05:51 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Im not gio, but i would just think that 10 women have bad taste and i would continue on gaming other women. You gotta be a strong mothefucker in this game, cant be emotional about anything. Just dont give up, even if you approach 1000 girls and you dont get a number, you keep on approaching..just remember one thing that Gio taught us and has been very effective in my game, build comfortability.

Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker.
What do you mean by "build comfortability"?
Do you mean that we have to achieve the complete outcome independence and to be able to be comfortable with rejections (mild or harsh rejections, it shouldn't matter)?
I'm wondering if I got the point or you're talking about something different, thanks.

No. For example, instead of you trying to get her number as soon as you meet her, you want to connect with the girl. Find something that you guys may have in common, talk more or listen more, make her laugh, connect with her as much as you can, give her a favourable life lesson that may apply to your circumstance at that specific moment. Let me give an example for this last one. Actually this shit has been very effective in my gaming routine, it doesnt matter how intelligent or dumb she is, everybody likes to learn a new thing (note that i dont recommend playing the intelligent guy when meeting a new girl, i have a friend who is a super social and cool cat but his biggest flaw in game is that he likes to teach girls new things about life all the time and guess what, that shit doesnt get him laid)

Going back on comfortability topic, gio has few posts on this, have a look.

Thanks Pitt, I got the point, what you say it's totally true and i agree with that.
It's not about getting the number in 2 minutes and then going for another chick, it' about making her have a good time and find some commonalities and shared interests.
Sometimes it's not that easy, especially if you are into non-mainstream stuff, but it can be done with some practice.

By the way, how can I give you a reputation point for all those great insights in the topic? there should be a button somewhere...

Her pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola...

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-17-2012 02:27 AM)starmaze Wrote:  

So Gio, if you approach 10 girls in row and no one is interested, how are able to maintain your positive attitude?

10 is such a small number!!! It doesn't mean anything!!! It has no statistical significance!!!10 is not a big enough sample size to really determine anything! I have had weeks were I approached 10 girls and ended up banging 2 of them. I have also had weeks were I approached 10 girls and they all rejected me.

These little hot and cold streaks don't matter. The important thing is to identify areas where you can get better and then improve everyday, every week, every month.

What did you learn from these 10 approaches???

That's what you should be focused on. Where you can get better and how you can get better. You should not be emotionally invested in these approaches. Especially, as a beginner, you are training, you are practicing.

Think about anyone who is learning a new skill - It's hard in the beginning.The ones who give up will never learn. The ones who tough it out, keep going, and keep working are the ones who will learn it.

Its really that simple. Give up and fail OR keep going and succeed. Those are your options. It's a simple decision for me. I have been in your shoes. When I first started day gaming I got rejected and blown out 99% of the time. I had to approach 100 girls before I even got a makeout. Did I ever get discouraged? Maybe a little, but the next day I went out and approached 10 more. Little by little, I noticed things that I was doing wrong, I noticed patterns that I could change. My confidence grew. My skills improved.

You can't control the reactions of girls but you can control your attitude and your effort. And, in game, the most important things are your attitude and your effort.

If getting rejected by 10 girls causes you to get discouraged, then you need to get tougher, you need to be less emotionally invested, you need to be more positive.

My positive attitude is so strong that even if a million girls rejected me, I would still not be discouraged!

Even if a million girls reject me, I know there are still another 4+ billion out there!!!

In my opinion, a positive attitude is the most important tool in a players toolbelt!

The Approach Thread

OK I'm feeling money today (8 hrs of sleep F,S and S night) , Work out 1.5 hr on F and S, Dressed sharp , high on ACV and trolling at my Lunch Break and I see a girl (6-7 range) on the other side of the street in bright red rain boots with earbuds, I cross the street and am walking about 10 steps behind her and slowly catch up and Just when I am a step ahead of her, turn and Open while motioning towards her shoe

Me: Looks like it is going to rain today (Slight smirk on my face)

Her: (Takes off her headphones) sheepish smile on face yeah That's what I thought this morning
Me: Don't worry they still look cool, I saw them like a mile away ..
Her: Laughs and says See there is prediction for rain today and tomorrow.
Me: are you heading to the Pharmacy school ?
Her: No, I'm a Pre-med student...... wanting to be a Physician
Me: Let me steer you away from doing that [Image: smile.gif]
Her: Oh no, why does everybody keep on telling me that...
Me: It's a long speech....

we were walking alongside upto this point and we reach a pedestrian crossing , She turns to me and..

Her: What do you do ?

Me: Take a Guess
Her: You are a -----
Me: wrong, You are allowed 2 more guesses and then you are buying me a coffee.
Her: You are a ------
Me: Wrong again and I give her a hint
Her: -------- ( She guesses right this time)
Her: So what is it like to be a -----------
Me: It is great where I am right now but wouldn't advice you as you have long way to get there.
Her: What should I do then
Me: Give her a mini version of my talk and ask her if she has time for coffee.
Her: Would love to but I have to get to Physiology class, can we get together some other time but I guess you are superbusy with your schedule.
Me: I will just have to look at my schedule

(A new thing I have started doing is to have few days/times/places in the back of my mind for a possible meetup in the near future) [Image: evil.gif]

Me: The only day I can get together is tuesday (Which is tomorrow) What time do you get done from your classes.
Her: I will be done by 12:30
Me: That's good. lets meet tomorrow at ---- at----- (Venue).
Her: sure thing.

We exchange numbers and I comment on her accent is from Eastern part of the state and she says no I'm from the Western part but Dad is from such and such area in eastern part. We talk a bit about that area as I have worked there in the past and she mentions she would like to eventually settle in that part of the state.

I will send her a confirmatory text tomorrow about 30-45 min before the agreed meeting time. Suggestions...........

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

1 approach today.

Girl standing at tram stop. I asked how can i get to x as the street got closed and no trams work. She said she is not from here. Meanwhile somebody told no trams are going for 1 hour.
I started to walk away from tram stop and she is walking behind me. I turned back and reopened her.

Me: Welcome in Poznan. That’s the beauty of public transportation here.
She: haha its my first day here
Me: wow, you are lucky. It’s your first day and all trams stopped working. Nice job!
Her: haha is it all my fault?

We started talking and it turned that we are heading in the same direction. We walked a couple of streets and then took different tram.

She is a first year student, 18 years old.

When she was about to leave the tram I told her:

Me: if you need a guide just let me know
Her: ok
Me: ok take my number and contact me

I didn’t want to put pressure on her and ask for her number.I dont know why but i think i felt too old for her. Usually if they are interested when I offer my number they give me their instead or offer exchanging. She didn’t so I think she was just friendly but not interested. Anyway it was long and pleasant interaction.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-17-2012 12:25 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (09-17-2012 02:27 AM)starmaze Wrote:  

So Gio, if you approach 10 girls in row and no one is interested, how are able to maintain your positive attitude?

10 is such a small number!!! It doesn't mean anything!!! It has no statistical significance!!!10 is not a big enough sample size to really determine anything! I have had weeks were I approached 10 girls and ended up banging 2 of them. I have also had weeks were I approached 10 girls and they all rejected me.

These little hot and cold streaks don't matter. The important thing is to identify areas where you can get better and then improve everyday, every week, every month.

What did you learn from these 10 approaches???

That's what you should be focused on. Where you can get better and how you can get better. You should not be emotionally invested in these approaches. Especially, as a beginner, you are training, you are practicing.

Think about anyone who is learning a new skill - It's hard in the beginning.The ones who give up will never learn. The ones who tough it out, keep going, and keep working are the ones who will learn it.

Its really that simple. Give up and fail OR keep going and succeed. Those are your options. It's a simple decision for me. I have been in your shoes. When I first started day gaming I got rejected and blown out 99% of the time. I had to approach 100 girls before I even got a makeout. Did I ever get discouraged? Maybe a little, but the next day I went out and approached 10 more. Little by little, I noticed things that I was doing wrong, I noticed patterns that I could change. My confidence grew. My skills improved.

You can't control the reactions of girls but you can control your attitude and your effort. And, in game, the most important things are your attitude and your effort.

If getting rejected by 10 girls causes you to get discouraged, then you need to get tougher, you need to be less emotionally invested, you need to be more positive.

My positive attitude is so strong that even if a million girls rejected me, I would still not be discouraged!

Even if a million girls reject me, I know there are still another 4+ billion out there!!!

In my opinion, a positive attitude is the most important tool in a players toolbelt!

thanks for encouraging words. I need to work on my attitude. i am by no means gonna quit , i would rather die trying.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-17-2012 05:02 PM)starmaze Wrote:  

thanks for encouraging words. I need to work on my attitude. i am by no means gonna quit , i would rather die trying.

You're welcome. Read this post from Roosh..

The Approach Thread

0-10 is nada player! The less you care about the approach the better you'll do. I suggest you practice your tone of voice, based on her initial reactions you're not coming off as friendly.

You only live once try to go 0-1000... Wont happen.

The Approach Thread

I was in Wholefoods today. I was in the freezer section when this CRAZY-SEXY Filipina chick came down the aisle in her form-fitting workout gear--very short shorts included. She was a few freezer doors down. I walked over to the door immediately next to hers then opened the door long enough for it to fog up. So I closed it & re-opened it to get that good, thick condensation. I drew a tic tac toe sign on the door and drew an "X".
I turned to her & said, "Hey." When she looked up, I had the sinister-grin-with-squinty-eyes look on my face. I nodded my head toward the door, gesturing to her to make her move. She laughed, and without saying a word, she drew her "O".
She smiled the whole time we played. Of course it ended in a tie.
She started laughing then said, "I guess we're evenly matched."
Then I said, "That's too bad. I was testing you. I only seduce girls who can beat me at tic tac toe. Guess who just lost out."
She laughed, touched my hand, then said, "Uh, it's pretty obvious who's losing are."
"That's strike two, sexy lady. I can't believe you got that answer wrong. I'm trying my best to add some fun & adventure to your life and you're blowing it." As she laughed, I continued, "For future reference, you are the one losing out if I don't sweep you off your feet."
By now, she's really laughing hard. She said, "You are so crazy...and full of yourself. What's your name anyway?"
"That's the wrong sequence. You're supposed to say, 'My name is...'and then I'll say, 'Good to meet you. My name is...' So take a deep breath, shake it off, get back into the right mind-state, and let's start over...the right way this time."
So of course she's laughing and unconsciously touching my forearm. She closed her eyes, being silly as if she's taking deep breaths to get ready. She couldn't keep a straight face while doing this. Then she started shaking her arms as if to "shake it off."
I said, "You ready?"
"I'm ready."
"You sure."
"I'm sure."
"Ok, let's do it...right this time."
" name is..." then she burst into laughter. She said," Ok, ok, I'm ready."
"I hope so."
"I'm ready. My name is Lailani," as she put her hand out for a handshake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Lailani. My name is Mon, and since you diminished the impact of this introduction by getting it wrong the first time, you gotta make up for it by doing better than a handshake." I leaned forward, turned my face to the side, and touched my my cheek, gesturing for a kiss on the cheek.
She said, "Oh my god Mr. Mon, you are so demanding."
"Yeah, I know, it only gets worse."
"I'm sure it does."
Then she kissed my cheek and said, "Did I do that right, or do I have to re-do that again?"
I laughed and said, "Listen at you trying to con me into multiple kisses. You gotta at least buy a brother a meal first...or something."
She laughed and of course, touched my arm and said, "Oh my god, you are too much. How does your girfriend put up with you?"
"My girlfriends--as in more than one--deal with me happily. How else would they deal with me?"
"Girlfriends? Ok Mr. Mon, is your last name Hefner?"
"No, not since the adoption."
She laughs hysterically, then I said, "I'm still not sure if my strategy is to make you mine, or long pause) just a friend."
She had an ear-to-ear grin on her face and said, "Really? And why is that?" "
I said, "You seem cool and you're definitely my physical type, but you seem like the type of girl who will only bring your ugly girlfriends around to make sure I don't try something with them. I can't stand girls who do that. Bring your sexy friends around so we can have some real fun...that's my philosophy."
She's laughing and said, "Oh my god, you are too much."
"I'm much more than that. But listen, I really gotta get outta here. I was in a rush but wasn't gonna miss out on meeting someone as tiny & sexy as yourself. I would love to continue this some conversation other time. How do you suggest we do that?"
She pulled out her iPhone and said, "What's your number?" I gave it to her then she said, "You have an email address?"
After I gave her the number & email she asked, "So is it spelled how it sounds--M,O,N?"
I said give me your phone; I'll put my name in. She gave it to me and I saved it as "Future Ex-Boyfriend."
Then I called my number from her phone. I gave her her phone back and called her. "When she saw "Future Ex-Boyfriend," she started laughing really hard. Then she said, "Oh my god, you are gonna be a handful."
I grabbed her hands and started looking at them like I'm examining them, then I said, "With these tiny hands, I think I'm more than a handful. You'll definitely have to use them both."
Again...hysterical laughter. Then she said, "Well, maybe we'll see."
"No doubt. So I'm outta here." Then I held my arms out in the "gimme a hug posture." She hugged me and slid her hands from my shoulders to the bottom of my back. By now, my dick was on DINOSAUR and I made sure she felt it by pulling her in...pelvis-to-pelvis.
When we released the hug, she looked at me smiling. She bit her bottom lip, looked at her hands and said, "Definitely both hands." Then we both laughed for about a full minute.
I said, "I'm outta here Lailani. Call me."
"I sure will."
About five minutes after I left, I got a text from her saying, "But what if I all I have is ugly friends."
Ten minutes later I sent back, "You need to get out & get social NOW, because tha's unacceptable. Our future depends on it."
She sent back, "LMAO!!!"

The Approach Thread

I was standing in a huge line at Walmart with a box of condoms in my hand. These two girls got in line behind me.

Girl1: Wow this is a long line.

I turn around holding the condoms near my inner thigh

Me: Yeah it does look pretty big doesn't it? [Image: icon_razz.gif]

The girl I was sharing eye contact with looked down and smirked.

Then I swiveled around and tried to listen to their whispers and giggles.

The Approach Thread

Um, one night game question.

Now this year I've been getting hot at parties. I've been getting a good streak of first-base makeouts. But my problem now is how do I get them back somewhere?

See, I've tried the "Hey, lets go outside to smoke some cigs" and the "Want to come to my place?" lines and to no avail. Most girls at the college don't really smoke cigs like that. So is there anything else I need to do before taking them back?

This is a good thread too guys. I'd advise writing the approaches in a physical notebook then post it here for extra player help. [Image: smile.gif]


The Approach Thread

Follow-Up on post # 303:

This one didn't flake [Image: smile.gif] We agreed to meet yesterday and she was there at the agreed time. I thought about sending her a reminder text but didn't and just showed up at the agreed place on time with a book to read so I am not too much vested.

WOW... she was showing off her Nicely Tanned legs, had a little make up, Solid 7. ( I got a boner last night thinking about her legs) 20 yrs old, Ahhhh Youth.....She's from a small town and been in this Univ town for a year.

We conversed for about an hour and fifteen minutes. In my approach I might has been too Indirect and thought she might be meeting under the pretext of getting some guidance from me, That's fine, but to clear my Intentions I started resting my hand on her legs and touched her face within first 10 min , She blushed and didn't move , rather her body molded into mine.

I framed her into being soo serious about studies and to have some fun in college , she agreed and wants to hang out and hinted towards doing an outdoor activity like Rock Climbing. We agreed on a day next week, I told her i will take her to the River, Suggestions from RVF brothers are welcome......

One thing that bothered me was that she had ring on the finger which she didn't on the Approach day. Well she didn't bring it up and I don't care and will keep on escalating...

Plan: Outdoor activity and some wine/Champagne and make out and push to as far as I can get. Suggestions Welcome.......

Note: This is a young naive 20 yr old that I am gaming and I haven't been able to get much attention from this age-group but this one is on the hook.......

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-19-2012 10:38 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

Follow-Up on post # 303:

This one didn't flake [Image: smile.gif] We agreed to meet yesterday and she was there at the agreed time. I thought about sending her a reminder text but didn't and just showed up at the agreed place on time with a book to read so I am not too much vested.

WOW... she was showing off her Nicely Tanned legs, had a little make up, Solid 7. ( I got a boner last night thinking about her legs) 20 yrs old, Ahhhh Youth.....She's from a small town and been in this Univ town for a year.

We conversed for about an hour and fifteen minutes. In my approach I might has been too Indirect and thought she might be meeting under the pretext of getting some guidance from me, That's fine, but to clear my Intentions I started resting my hand on her legs and touched her face within first 10 min , She blushed and didn't move , rather her body molded into mine.

I framed her into being soo serious about studies and to have some fun in college , she agreed and wants to hang out and hinted towards doing an outdoor activity like Rock Climbing. We agreed on a day next week, I told her i will take her to the River, Suggestions from RVF brothers are welcome......

One thing that bothered me was that she had ring on the finger which she didn't on the Approach day. Well she didn't bring it up and I don't care and will keep on escalating...

Plan: Outdoor activity and some wine/Champagne and make out and push to as far as I can get. Suggestions Welcome.......

Note: This is a young naive 20 yr old that I am gaming and I haven't been able to get much attention from this age-group but this one is on the hook.......

Good work! I was just going to ask you about post #303..

I like the next day date. When you meet a girl during the day, its important to continue the momentum created in the first encounter and not let it die down. Girls do not get approached that much during the day, when it happens it seems like a serendipitous moment, well, hopefully it seems like that. After a serendipitous meeting, waiting 2-3 days to call kills all the momentum. The longer you wait to call, the less serendipitous it feels, the more time passes before seeing her again, the more that sexy, spontaneous feeling goes away.

When you meet a girl during the day and the conversation goes well, act quickly, go for a date as soon as possible, insta-date, same day date, or next day date, The sooner the better. You want her to think that meeting you was a unique and rare meeting unlike any other guy she has ever met. You approached during the day with strong masculine confidence, you engaged her emotions, hamster, and vagina in ways that she has rarely experienced. You want her to think that its a little fantasy, getting swept off her feet at 2 in the afternoon. You have to sell it like that. Waiting a week to see her again does not play into that fantasy. You are different from other guys, you don't wait a week to contact her, you set up a date before you even got her number.

A great example of this is in Mons post:

Quote: (09-18-2012 08:13 PM)Mon Wrote:  

I said, "I'm outta here Lailani. Call me."
"I sure will."
About five minutes after I left, I got a text from her saying, "But what if I all I have is ugly friends."
Ten minutes later I sent back, "You need to get out & get social NOW, because tha's unacceptable. Our future depends on it."
She sent back, "LMAO!!!"

Within 5 minutes of exchanging numbers, they were already texting each other! The momentum never stopped, They met in the afternoon and were texting that same evening.

Recently, I met a girl and we were talking about music. As I was getting her number I told her I would text her some songs later that night, we met in the afternoon and were texting by sunset, exchanging songs that we wanted to share. This continues and strengthens the initial interaction, this makes it seem truly serendipitous.

The Approach Thread

Thanks for the Input Gio, My excitement meter is pretty high on this one, Do you have any suggestions as to what kind of day activity I should do with her

1. Rock Climbing
2. Hiking
3. Walk along the river

and try to go for a bang in my car ........

Also How are you guys sending the songs to Girls via texts [Image: huh.gif] Break it down I am technology naive on this.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-19-2012 02:05 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

Thanks for the Input Gio, My excitement meter is pretty high on this one, Do you have any suggestions as to what kind of day activity I should do with her

1. Rock Climbing
2. Hiking
3. Walk along the river

and try to go for a bang in my car ........

Also How are you guys sending the songs to Girls via texts[Image: huh.gif] (Break it down I might be technology naive on this one.

Do a walk along the river, but scout out the area beforehand. Bring with you multiple blankets and find a secluded area where you can set up a picnic type deal. Bring wine, and interactive foods/fruits. Escalate. Bang.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-19-2012 02:35 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

Um, one night game question.

Now this year I've been getting hot at parties. I've been getting a good streak of first-base makeouts. But my problem now is how do I get them back somewhere?

See, I've tried the "Hey, lets go outside to smoke some cigs" and the "Want to come to my place?" lines and to no avail. Most girls at the college don't really smoke cigs like that. So is there anything else I need to do before taking them back?

This is a good thread too guys. I'd advise writing the approaches in a physical notebook then post it here for extra player help. [Image: smile.gif]

Learn how to make a caipriniha or moscow mule, most girls have not had them especially at college age. Say you are going to go back to have a drink, you can make her one of these. Then take her back and progress. Worked for me a for a while.

Really you just need an excuse. I've used everything from let's drop my jacket off, to I have to take a piss, to I have to let my dog out, to the drinks mentioned above. The drinks one is the best because it is harmless yet communicates your intent indirectly. If you want to be safer just add the classic false time-constraint, say you have to be up in the morning early so only can hang out for a bit. It helps if your place is close by to where you are trying to bounce her from.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-19-2012 02:35 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

Um, one night game question.

Now this year I've been getting hot at parties. I've been getting a good streak of first-base makeouts. But my problem now is how do I get them back somewhere?

See, I've tried the "Hey, lets go outside to smoke some cigs" and the "Want to come to my place?" lines and to no avail. Most girls at the college don't really smoke cigs like that. So is there anything else I need to do before taking them back?

This is a good thread too guys. I'd advise writing the approaches in a physical notebook then post it here for extra player help. [Image: smile.gif]

The best tactic I've used successfully is when your making out with her stop her about 5 seconds into the kiss and say "I don't like making out in public, let's go to my house" this way this gives her the benifet of a doubt that you guys are just gonna "kiss" in private

The Approach Thread

Went last night to a networking event that is basically just a bunch of young good looking people "networking" when in reality people go to socialize. It's an amazing concept this guy developed that really I have never seen before and it has taken off like no other. Packed with attractive girls that go there to meet professional guys.

Approach #1:
She approached me, asked if this was the line to the bar. Grabbed her arm, said "Don't be upset, but turn around. That's how far the line goes." Started talking to her and her friend for a bit. End of night ran into them again and asked them where they were headed, said some other bar got their # to potentially meet up.

Approach #2:
Two girls standing outside, asked one what she was drinking. Said they are doing whiskey tasting in the corner there. My buddy and I spent almost an hour with these girls, walking around the silent auction, things of that nature. The girl my buddy was occupying was a class A bitch, but mine was friendly.

There were more but I don't remember. I got way too drunk, so that ended everything. Don't really remember how it ended with these girls. I failed to eat dinner beforehand and also had barely a lunch, so I was probably operating on less than 1k calories before going hard with the alcohol. I'm leaving for a month to Europe on Sunday so this was a bang-only scenario, so I wasn't that upset. Two things I realized which were somewhat of an "aha" moment:

1. My buddy who was with me while I was approaching girls said for as drunk as I was, I was able to carry on conversations with girls at ease. Basically said I was on auto-pilot. Nice, seems like my game is getting more ingrained and less of a trying mode with thoughts and analysis. If I was that drunk and still doing well, it means I must have internalized it.

2. I've gotten to know the guy who runs this networking program. He's figured it out. He has made something that puts him in a power position and girls love him for that. His gf? The hottest and youngest girl at the event. Solid 8.5 super cute and thin 22yo brunette. He's 32. Respect.

The Approach Thread

Just had the smoothest approach with an extremely cool woman so I want to make some notes about it in here. I'm 50 years old, I like black women and all ages. Place: Zürich, Switzerland, hard terrain usually.

Saw her in the supermarket. We checked out, I observed her for a bit and came up with a plan to approach her on the escalator. Waited by the flowers in pots, saw her coming, entered the escalator in front of her, so that I was lower and in front of her. Now I had 12 seconds or so she couldn't escape.

Me: "Hallo" (big smile)
She: (looked around, behind her, priceless), looked back. "Erm, hello, do I know you"
Me: (thinking: she speaks English, great) "No, you don't know me yet, I'd just like to chat a bit"

A bit later:
She: "It's OK, I'm glad, but I don't have time"
Me: "Can we phone some later time?" (meaning I want her number)
She: "I'm a married woman (I thought wow, awesome, chance for an affair)
Me: "It's up to you."
She: "Ok buy me a fancy tea at this stand"

I buy her a lifestyle tea that turns out to be digusting. We chat a bit then this woman showed her awesome coolness.

She: "Do you do this a lot, just talking with women in the supermarket?"
Me: "Once in a blue moon".
She: "No one does that in Zürich."
She: "Women in Zürich are very picky."
She: "You're not Swiss, are you?" (I am)

And a few other things. She knew more about game than I do without being explicit about it.

She: "I've lived here for too long already"
She: "You look like an outgrown university student" (very true)

Great communication skills, great sense of humor, attractive black brit. She gave me her business card so I can reach her at work.

The Approach Thread

Got approached by a smoking hot 51 year old at the gym. Made plans to weight train with her tomorrow morning, I'm 20.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-22-2012 06:03 PM)PJ25 Wrote:  

Got approached by a smoking hot 51 year old at the gym. Made plans to weight train with her tomorrow morning, I'm 20.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

PJ25 proceed normally and whatever you do , Don not bring up the age difference, Never mention Cougar etc , Do the work out with her, Touch and Physically escalate any chance you get, Isolate to a banagable location , her or your place under the pretense for a post work out recovery shake and you know the rest.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Quote: (09-22-2012 06:03 PM)PJ25 Wrote:  

Got approached by a smoking hot 51 year old at the gym. Made plans to weight train with her tomorrow morning, I'm 20.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Why doesn't this happen to me?? Follow Lothario's advice.If it doesn't work, get number and schedule 'work out sessions' at her or your place.Better be at yours since her husband, kids could be potential cock blockers.

Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

The Approach Thread

I love reading this thread before going out.

The Approach Thread

Well this was a first for me.

Was at a good friend's wedding last night, only about 50 people. Most couples, only two single girls were there. One was chunky, the other was pretty good, great body decent face, tats and drunk so she was ready to go. Problem, it was my good friend who's getting married's sister. I was dared to try and get her anyway so I went ahead and she was into it. Was working on her then out of nowhere I get put in a "friendly" headlock and it was her dad who's 6'5 probably 220 or so. Starting talking random stuff but he was squeezing pretty hard and it was obviously in response to me working on his daughter. After he relented I backed off for a bit but then proceeded as normal. She invited me to an afterparty at her hotel room (but she was staying with her mom) so I did not go. Plus it was my buddy's sister and I shouldn't have done anything anyway.

I've actually pulled a girl from her father before for an SNL, but this was my first sort of physical altercation with a father.

The Approach Thread

LMAO ..... Slubu , part and parcel of gaming 24/7, carry on my friend ........

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Sunday Approaches:

1) I number closed a very fine greek chick (23) from NY who was with her mom at a wine bar. The girl was standing with her mom near the bar area, holding a rose (most likely given to her by some beta white knight, they sell them everywhere in miami at night). I walked up to the girl:
Me: "Thank you"
Her" "For what?"
Me: "For the early Valentines day present, very thoughtful"
Her: "Hahah oh this? Some guy gave it to me! Do you want it?"
Me: "What I really want is to get to know you"
Her: "Haha, this is my mom, xxxx"
Mom: (shake hands) "Where are you from?"
Ran standard game from here. Until it came time to eject.
Me to Mom: "Look, I really have to get back to my friend, I haven't seen him in awhile and I think he's jealous already <smirk>, but I'd love to take your daughter out for a drink and show her around town."
Her: "Sure, <turns to daughter>, but just warning you, she has 3 greek brothers who are very big, so you better be careful."
Me: "I lived with a greek guy who had 3 sisters for 2 years, TRUST ME, I can relate"
Number closed, she's meeting me at the NYC Food and Wine festival in a few weeks, I've also got her texting me a Greek word of the day everymorning.

Approach 2: Half Black (7.5) Girl sitting with her dog at a table outside. I stroll by, (this is a small white fluffy dog very feminine)
Me: <jokingly>She looks like she has aheart of stone, and a killer instinct
Her: Hahaha no no, she's a sweetheart.
Me: Is that so? Bend down petting the dog.
Her: Yeah! Careful, you'll fall in love, and she might just take you home...
Me: Wouldn't be the first time...
Her: Hahahahah whats your name?
Drink date on tuesday

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