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Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

How to get laid in Japan (easy version):

1. Go to Roppongi

2. Go to whatever club is hot at the moment. I used to frequent Gas Panic Club 99, but this was some time ago. Black guys should go to rap or reggae type clubs where there are lots of other black dudes and Japanese women. Whites or Latins should go to the other dance type clubs that are popular right now. These clubs will be filled with eager Japanese clunge.

3. Have a few drinks and have a good time. Approach, but be aware of the shy Japanese approach: proximity alert with accidental touching (it is very subtle and if in doubt, assume the sale).

4. Go for the makeout. Take them to your hotel or to a love hotel and bang.

Once you start to sex up a Japanese girl, they get really aggressive in the sack. They really love sex and have no western Christian shame about it.

It really is this easy. I saw some of the biggest nerds getting more ass than a toilet seat, and they didn't want to go back to the West.

Outside of Tokyo this will be different. I can only speak for Roppongi. I had a blast there.

NOTE: Do not neg, be cocky-funny, or over-game. A little game goes a long way in Japan. Use anti-game here or you risk causing offense and loss of face. Completely different culture on all levels. Childish cutesy humor works best.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-13-2012 08:46 PM)Twister Wrote:  

How to get laid in Japan (easy version):

1. Go to Roppongi

2. Go to whatever club is hot at the moment. I used to frequent Gas Panic Club 99, but this was some time ago. Black guys should go to rap or reggae type clubs where there are lots of other black dudes and Japanese women. Whites or Latins should go to the other dance type clubs that are popular right now. These clubs will be filled with eager Japanese clunge.

3. Have a few drinks and have a good time. Approach, but be aware of the shy Japanese approach: proximity alert with accidental touching (it is very subtle and if in doubt, assume the sale).

4. Go for the makeout. Take them to your hotel or to a love hotel and bang.

Once you start to sex up a Japanese girl, they get really aggressive in the sack. They really love sex and have no western Christian shame about it.

It really is this easy. I saw some of the biggest nerds getting more ass than a toilet seat, and they didn't want to go back to the West.

Outside of Tokyo this will be different. I can only speak for Roppongi. I had a blast there.

NOTE: Do not neg, be cocky-funny, or over-game. A little game goes a long way in Japan. Use anti-game here or you risk causing offense and loss of face. Completely different culture on all levels. Childish cutesy humor works best.

Very accurate. Went to 2 of those of the Gaspanics places as well. One of the places I went could have been a black club in ATL. Though didn't really see much action going on in there.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-13-2012 08:46 PM)Twister Wrote:  

How to get laid in Japan (easy version):

1. Go to Roppongi

2. Go to whatever club is hot at the moment. I used to frequent Gas Panic Club 99, but this was some time ago. Black guys should go to rap or reggae type clubs where there are lots of other black dudes and Japanese women. Whites or Latins should go to the other dance type clubs that are popular right now. These clubs will be filled with eager Japanese clunge.

3. Have a few drinks and have a good time. Approach, but be aware of the shy Japanese approach: proximity alert with accidental touching (it is very subtle and if in doubt, assume the sale).

4. Go for the makeout. Take them to your hotel or to a love hotel and bang.

Once you start to sex up a Japanese girl, they get really aggressive in the sack. They really love sex and have no western Christian shame about it.

It really is this easy. I saw some of the biggest nerds getting more ass than a toilet seat, and they didn't want to go back to the West.

Outside of Tokyo this will be different. I can only speak for Roppongi. I had a blast there.

NOTE: Do not neg, be cocky-funny, or over-game. A little game goes a long way in Japan. Use anti-game here or you risk causing offense and loss of face. Completely different culture on all levels. Childish cutesy humor works best.
i think number 5 should be:

5. Get ready for some full bush.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

^ Hilarious! [Image: lol.gif]

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-13-2012 01:02 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2012 07:18 AM)memcpy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2012 04:00 AM)Lemmo Wrote:  

There is a small subset of Japanese women (maybe 10%) who love foreign guys. These are the type who hang out in Roppongi. They are significantly less attractive than the general population and lower class. Most Japanese women have no interest in foreign guys and wouldn't consider one even if you could overcome the language barrier. That said, you can certainly go through a large quantity of Roppongi-type girls if you want.

This is bullshit, i'm doing daygame roosh style, in japanese and putting in work everyday here, doing many approaches, on the train, at the conbini, near the station, at the grocery store, etc.

I'm not even a white dude, more spanish looking than anything.

I can say that if you got your ramble game, come suited down, and are an interesting guy they will get with you. You need to speak the language though.

I second this!!! That is absolute B.S. It is in there culture to want to be seen talking english to a foreigner. The Jap.'s who come to the states and speak good english are normally rich business men. So it makes them upper class to be seen speaking to you. What that comment says is absolutely NON-SENSE. I cant even believe someone would write this.... O my qualification, I was there in Nov for a few weeks. They wont attack you in day-game, because they are shy culturally. But, you can easily open them up, and they will blush and smile like u would never imagine. Its weird because they hold it back at first, and then burst out,...kinda in a laugh. I got that three times. I though i was bothering the first by talking to her, based on body language. But, also its cultural for them to resist staring as much as possible, unlike latin america and some other places. Ask them to come to your hotel or place to drink a couple beers, and watch a movie. Its so ridiculous, I actual had to be walked through this by my friend who lives there. O yeah, I did get my flag. But, you are severely limited by not speaking jap.... obviously!!!

I lived there for years and was talking about the country as a whole. If you are only in Tokyo for a few weeks and are hanging out in Roppongi, yeah, you'll get a different impression. I went through the same phase as a youngster. Japanese are wealthy and well-traveled. It is fairly small subset that is going to be impressed by the fact that you speak English. It isn't the 1980s. You will have women coming up to you to practice English and some women who just have a thing for your ethnic group (like some guys have a thing for Japanese). It can seem like that is the whole country if you are staying in foreign enclaves in Tokyo. But it isn't.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Can you expect daygame to work in a similar way in Kyoto as it does in Tokyo, or will you have to adjust? Do Kyoto and Osaka have districts that are analogeous to Roppongi?

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Good shit, Twister. I love Asian girls and Tokyo is for sure high up on my list of places to visit. Good Jiu Jitsu and hot Asian chicks? Really all I need in a location.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Gaspanic 99 is closed down (or at least was when I was there in the spring).

ALIFE was where all the sloots seemed to be now (and less foreign guys). There is a lady only section but guys can go in as long as they dont sit. I just strolled down the tables until I saw my type and started chatting to her. The music is a bit quieter in this section so it makes it easier. Upstairs is more chilled and has a different vibe. If the girls goes upstairs with you, the lay is almost guaranteed. Also there is a love hotel almost next door.

I have not encountered much hairy growler lately. The Ropponggi girls have likely been with a hundred or so foreign guys and are more likely to have a landing strip.

Remember to wrap it up fellas. Especially with girls in foreigner bars. The clap is ridiculously rampant in those circles. Especially for newbies, J-girls can come off as being virginal.


Do Kyoto and Osaka have districts that are analogeous to Roppongi?

Try Namba in Osaka. Shinsaibashi and Amerikamura for daytime adventure.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Are these girls throwing themselves at any foreigner they see or are they at least a bit selective?

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 05:10 AM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

Are these girls throwing themselves at any foreigner they see or are they at least a bit selective?

I get very skeptical whenever I hear claims about the women of any country on earth throwing themselves at every random foreigner in sight.

What does common sense tell you?

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 06:54 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

I get very skeptical whenever I hear claims about the women of any country on earth throwing themselves at every random foreigner in sight.

What does common sense tell you?

I agree, but I think Alpha specifically meant the girls who like to chase foreigners at Roppongi, not Japanese girls as a whole.

Personally, I would like to know the quality of girls at Roppongi, and how easy/hard they are in general for a foreigner/white guy? How do Roppongi girls compare to other J-girls in Tokyo? Are they generally lower class? Middle? Upper? Are they more/less stylish compared to other Japanese girls?

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 07:22 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I agree, but I think Alpha specifically meant the girls who like to chase foreigners at Roppongi, not Japanese girls as a whole.

Personally, I would like to know the quality of girls at Roppongi, and how easy/hard they are in general for a foreigner/white guy? How do Roppongi girls compare to other J-girls in Tokyo? Are they generally lower class? Middle? Upper? Are they more/less stylish compared to other Japanese girls?

From what I've read so far, Roppongi sounds very much like Tokyo's equivalent of Sanlitun in Beijing (an area packed with bars and clubs, near the most of the foreign embassies; full of foreigners, with local women often coming to hook up with them).

If the women in Roppongi are anything like the ones in Sanlitun, then I imagine it's comparatively easy to pick up girls. However, I can still remember quite a few nights in Sanlitun where I went home empty handed, and I saw plenty of other guys, both foreign and local alike, get rejected there (despite rumors of it being pussy paradise). I still had to put work into getting girls.

Basically, if you're a foreigner in an area crowded with local women who have a reputation of being easy pickings for foreigners, obviously, you're not going to be the only foreign guy there chasing tail. The Europhiles/Xenophiles in places like these will likely have legions of horny Westererns to pick from, so of course they're going to be somewhat selective...

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 07:22 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 06:54 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

I get very skeptical whenever I hear claims about the women of any country on earth throwing themselves at every random foreigner in sight.

What does common sense tell you?

I agree, but I think Alpha specifically meant the girls who like to chase foreigners at Roppongi, not Japanese girls as a whole.

Personally, I would like to know the quality of girls at Roppongi, and how easy/hard they are in general for a foreigner/white guy? How do Roppongi girls compare to other J-girls in Tokyo? Are they generally lower class? Middle? Upper? Are they more/less stylish compared to other Japanese girls?

It is not that every Japanese girl throws themselves at you when you show up at Roppongi. Not even most of them. But when you show up in Roppongi, you will be outnumbered by Japanese girls, and the girls that go to Roppongi only go there to hang out in the foreigner area. They self-select to be around foreigners. If you go out on a Friday or Saturday night and don't either get laid or a solid prospect for getting laid on a day 2 then there is something wrong with you.

The quality of girls at Roppongi reflects the general population of Tokyo and Japan as a whole. Cute girls and dogs all go. There are no class differences. Their clothes look the same as the general population. Japan is not a third-world country- the girls in Roppongi have no ulterior motives for wanting to be around foreigners.

The reason Japanese girls start to show up in Roppongi begins in high school. They start to listen to foreign music a lot and hang out in the "I like foreign stuff" clique, just like the jock or nerd cliques in high school. Once they get to around about 20 (age of adulthood in Japan) then they descend on Roppongi with all their friends.

I understand the skepticism, but any Westerner who has spent time in Roppongi will tell you the same thing. I had zero game when I went there and I was pillaging with the best of them.

Fuck, you guys are making me nostalgic now. Time to look at air fares.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

I was going to Roppongi over a decade ago and it was off the hook. I'm sure it's changed, so I can't comment on the current situation. Back then it wasn't even required to dress suited up. I'd rock cowboy boots, Levi 501's, and a nice jacket. They ate that shit up.

One of the guys I rolled with banged 4 girls in 4 days. He had been around the culture for a couple years, and spoke conversational Japanese. These girls even paid for the fuck motels. Crazy.

We used to fly in from Oki on a 96, and couldn't afford rooms, and have to work on getting laid the first night for a place to stay. We'd call some chick and drop off our bags, then hit the ground running. Worse case one of us would get laid, and the other would sleep in the living room till the next morning. That was rare. They usually called in their gf's to meet.

I'd love to go back, but with the yen kicking the dollars ass, it's a no go.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 07:22 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 06:54 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

I get very skeptical whenever I hear claims about the women of any country on earth throwing themselves at every random foreigner in sight.

What does common sense tell you?

I agree, but I think Alpha specifically meant the girls who like to chase foreigners at Roppongi, not Japanese girls as a whole.

Personally, I would like to know the quality of girls at Roppongi, and how easy/hard they are in general for a foreigner/white guy? How do Roppongi girls compare to other J-girls in Tokyo? Are they generally lower class? Middle? Upper? Are they more/less stylish compared to other Japanese girls?

Quote: (05-15-2012 08:33 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I was going to Roppongi over a decade ago and it was off the hook. I'm sure it's changed, so I can't comment on the current situation. Back then it wasn't even required to dress suited up. I'd rock cowboy boots, Levi 501's, and a nice jacket. They ate that shit up.

One of the guys I rolled with banged 4 girls in 4 days. He had been around the culture for a couple years, and spoke conversational Japanese. These girls even paid for the fuck motels. Crazy.

We used to fly in from Oki on a 96, and couldn't afford rooms, and have to work on getting laid the first night for a place to stay. We'd call some chick and drop off our bags, then hit the ground running. Worse case one of us would get laid, and the other would sleep in the living room till the next morning. That was rare. They usually called in their gf's to meet.

I'd love to go back, but with the yen kicking the dollars ass, it's a no go.

We need to see pics from the japanese girls, that the forum members there have banged. I havent seen any. It seems like some sort of mythical wonderland, but is the qualilty that much higher than in the Philippines or even Vietnam, where they speak english way better? Now VP mentioned a a special area, that i forgot the name where they are all 8, 9s and 10's. I trust him on that, but the easiness of those girls isnt that high, if you dont speak japanese, as he has mentioned. So if you are paying 4 times as much, staying in Japan, to bang a 6 or 7 , I dont see why you wouldnt pick a country in SE Asia, where 8s are available to us. I think some forum members, on this thread,need to re-think their pussy economics in Asia.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

The place I mentioned is Shibuya. Google it and you will know what I mean.
A J 7 or even a well dressed 6 is a 10 or 11 Pinay or Thai.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

J-girls are on a whole different level than Thais or pinays. Bottom line though it's just not cost effective to chase it over there. Even up in Sopporo. You do need some of the language, and I'm not gonna relearn any of it just to go chase tail.

Back then, you'd see a lot of busted dudes doing well in Tokyo. I'm certain half these guys were virgins before coming to the Mainland. They worked in the conversation houses, and you'd see their faces on the flyers. Admittedly, nerdy worked over there. More power to them.

I'll settle for pinays at a fraction of the cost. [Image: banana.gif]

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 09:03 AM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

The place I mentioned is Shibuya. Google it and you will know what I mean.
A J 7 or even a well dressed 6 is a 10 or 11 Pinay or Thai.

Ok, I might take your word for it. But here in the forum, we want real life experiences from forum members, who have actually banged these girls. You are putting your reputation, on the line,when you say that a J6 or J7,that is well dressed is the same as a 10 Thai or Pinay. That is an extreme statement, that if true, needs backing up. How they dress and doll up, though very important to all of us, is not as important as how they look naturally, physically. At most, 1 or maybe 2 points can be added for age, style or high heels. Give me the hottest village girl in any country and if we bang, the next time, I will pay for her to go a nice beauty salon, to improve on what she naturally has. It is the same with celebrities, in general, i would take the hottest girls in any decent club over J-lo, at any age.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

@choche- I agree with VP. It's not just physical looks, but their demeanor. Those girls would pay for EVERTHING all weekend. It's hard to explain. Plus it's like fucking an anime character. The biggest downside was the giggling. That shit would grind on your last reserve nerve after a few days.

It's just the whole culture in general. The food, work ethic, cleanliness, smell of the place. The only thing I experienced even remotely close was Hong Kong.

As for style, I'd go with the rockstar look. Suited down is ok, but over there you can dress wild, and fit in. I can't find a pic of what I'm looking for, but google image japanese girl fashion, and you'll get an idea. The more bold you go, I believe the better you'll do. And learn to sing some karaoke. That's gold in itself.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 09:29 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

@choche- I agree with VP. It's not just physical looks, but their demeanor. Those girls would pay for EVERTHING all weekend. It's hard to explain. Plus it's like fucking an anime character. The biggest downside was the giggling. That shit would grind on your last reserve nerve after a few days.

It's just the whole culture in general. The food, work ethic, cleanliness, smell of the place. The only thing I experienced even remotely close was Hong Kong.

As for style, I'd go with the rockstar look. Suited down is ok, but over there you can dress wild, and fit in. I can't find a pic of what I'm looking for, but google image japanese girl fashion, and you'll get an idea. The more bold you go, I believe the better you'll do. And learn to sing some karaoke. That's gold in itself.

I understand demeanor. That is why Brazilian girls are still my favourites. Just for being how they are, adds an extra point, compared to other girls in South America, of the same level of looks, for example. But that doesnt mean, I would prefer a brazilian 6 over a filipina 8 or 9. Im not looking to get married yet, so i just look for the hottest girl of any race or nationalilty to bang.
I am going to Japan, next time I go to Asia, and i definitely believe that on average,it has the hottest girls in the region. I just dont believe the hype, on the difference in looks or anything else, that would overwhelm me. Most japanese girl lovers have a love, more for their culture, taste and style than for the actual looks of the girls. I am more impartial in that regard. Now, if I go to Japan and I am banging 7s, 8s and 9s regularly on top of their great demeanor, then i would have found a pussy paradise and I will eat my words.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 08:53 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

[...] So if you are paying 4 times as much, staying in Japan, to bang a 6 or 7 , I dont see why you wouldnt pick a country in SE Asia, where 8s are available to us. I think some forum members, on this thread,need to re-think their pussy economics in Asia.

That would assume your only reason for visiting a country is to fuck. While women are definitely one reason for visitting a country, a lot of people don't necessarily see that as their one and only intention. Language, culture, experience, food, etc. All of these things play a role.

Hypothetically, if a country was a complete and utter backwater shithole, then nothing short of armies of 9s and 10s (none of whom were pros) throwing themselves at me the moment I stepped outside could make me want to visit.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:52 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 08:53 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

[...] So if you are paying 4 times as much, staying in Japan, to bang a 6 or 7 , I dont see why you wouldnt pick a country in SE Asia, where 8s are available to us. I think some forum members, on this thread,need to re-think their pussy economics in Asia.

That would assume your only reason for visiting a country is to fuck. While women are definitely one reason for visitting a country, a lot of people don't necessarily see that as their one and only intention. Language, culture, experience, food, etc. All of these things play a role.

Hypothetically, if a country was a complete and utter backwater shithole, then nothing short of armies of 9s and 10s (none of whom were pros) throwing themselves at me the moment I stepped outside could make me want to visit.

Friend, though rating women on a 1 to 10 scale, on their looks and femininity, is not a perfect science, there are certain parameters that most of us can agree upon. Now, rating the culture, language, food, experience, etc... is something way more subjective and harder to discuss or debate upon. Now, I love all the things you mention too, but my priority when I travel and for most forum members, is banging the most foreign hot girls as possible. There are many other websites geared more, for the culture, language or nature traveler. Also in my early 20s, I did more of that type of traveling and in my 50's i might start again. But your 30's is the best and ripest time to maximize your pussy possibilities. You will never get those years back. Just think about that when you pick your next destination.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Great info on Japan. Thanks for making a destination that I can not afford right now sound so enticing, fuckers.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

Quote: (05-15-2012 11:10 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Friend, though rating women on a 1 to 10 scale, on their looks and femininity, is not a perfect science, there are certain parameters that most of us can agree upon. Now, rating the culture, language, food, experience, etc... is something way more subjective and harder to discuss or debate upon.

Ugh, No. It's not. I see no reason why the 1-10 scale for women is any less subjective than a 1-10 scale for food, culture, and entertainment.

Granted, I understand this is a forum geared mostly towards banging women, and it's definitely one of the main things on my mind when I choose a destination, but it's still not the only thing I'll consider when travelling somewhere.

As I said, if I had to choose between a.) an ugly shithole country/city with horrible food, an insanely high crime rate, constant rain and blizzards etc. that had easy 8s and 9s walking around everywhere, and b.) a temperate country or city that offered me the time of my life in entertainment, food, scenery,and general quality of living, but had only moderately easy 6s and 7s at every turn, I think I would choose the latter.

Picking up J-Girls in Japan

You just gotta go check it out choche. I've been to:

Pattaya, (meh)
BKK x2 (cool)
Phuket (ok)
Hong Kong (fucking awesome)
Bali (good)
Singapore (fuck that)
Oki (bollocks)
Japan (holy fuck)
S. Korea (double bollocks)

Maybe more. Nothing stacked up to Japan. Go for a week, and see what kind of tail you can pull. Regardless, you won't regret the trip.

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