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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread


How would you go about finding a private tutor in Medellin? I'd like to find someone who charges around $10 USD (give or take) per hour. Can anybody recommend one to me? I've been getting many hours of practice and improving a lot simply by going out with girls who don't speak English, but I'm hitting a plateau. I've been pretty lazy to study on my own, so I think spending money for a tutor will give me the extra push I need.

On Time in Pereira I went on a facebook group of people looking for work. Busca trabajo Pereira. I put a post up for a teacher and got about 10 responses in 2 hours. You could probably try the same thing.
- filter on price
- hot chicks preferred
- get a real teacher, unless you're on a real tight budget.
- set appointments/lessons with 3 , continue with which one you like

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

The Colombia Master Thread

NoMoreTo what do you like about Pereira besides it being cheaper?

The Colombia Master Thread

Will anyone be in Cartagena next week.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-26-2019 04:02 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

NoMoreTo what do you like about Pereira besides it being cheaper?

vs. Medellin

Less Pollution
Less Traffic
Closer to Nature

Less Party
Day gaming is a little harder, tinder too
Colombian social circles are even harder to crack, they are not as used to ex pats
Very few RVF bros to wing/go out with
Chicks are not quite Medellin level, but still hot.
A little harder to find a turnkey place on Airbnb

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

The Colombia Master Thread

I am 6 months into being single after my divorced finalize 6 months ago. I am coming out of my introverted shell and have started opening chicas here almost every day. Sometimes it hard but I push myself.

I have been in a 2nd tier Colombian city for 2 months now.

Today at a Juan Valdez coffee shop 3 chicas sat at the table next to me… They were at another table, but moved to the table by me.
After they sat down I made eye contact with one of them and then they started power gossiping. It took me about 10 minutes to come up with something to say as I knew I will have to interrupt their conversation.

I was nervous so I opened with a situational question and they were receptive to my approach and we all ended up talking for about 40 minutes.

The girl in the yellow who is really pretty did most of the talking telling me about the area, answering my questions and telling me a few things about themselves. Overall we had a good conversation.

The other two were pretty and I engaged the in conversation as well. I could tell the girl in the black jacket was somewhat interested in me as she kept staring at me…

After the 40 minutes they get up and tell me it’s time for them to go.
I couldn’t think of a way fast enough to get a number close because I liked both the girl in the yellow and black.

I was not sure who to ask for their whatsapp and I did not want to make it awkward. So we went our different ways. I felt proud for opening a set but disappointed for not closing.

What would you guys have done in this situation?

[Image: attachment.jpg41710]   

The Colombia Master Thread


Ask for one of the girl’s number

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-26-2019 09:37 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  


Asked for one of the girl’s number

I was bit overwhelmed, didn't want to offend the other 2 chicas by asking for 1 number... Lesson learned.

The Colombia Master Thread

Best of luck!
You did the approach, great. What you can do next time is give them your Facebook or what’s app. The girl that I would be interested in, I would’ve did my best to add her number and say something like, let’s all hang out sometime.

Don’t fret, you’ll have more opportunities.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-26-2019 08:05 PM)dfw1 Wrote:  

I am 6 months into being single after my divorced finalize 6 months ago. I am coming out of my introverted shell and have started opening chicas here almost every day. Sometimes it hard but I push myself.

I have been in a 2nd tier Colombian city for 2 months now.

Today at a Juan Valdez coffee shop 3 chicas sat at the table next to me… They were at another table, but moved to the table by me.
After they sat down I made eye contact with one of them and then they started power gossiping. It took me about 10 minutes to come up with something to say as I knew I will have to interrupt their conversation.

I was nervous so I opened with a situational question and they were receptive to my approach and we all ended up talking for about 40 minutes.

The girl in the yellow who is really pretty did most of the talking telling me about the area, answering my questions and telling me a few things about themselves. Overall we had a good conversation.

The other two were pretty and I engaged the in conversation as well. I could tell the girl in the black jacket was somewhat interested in me as she kept staring at me…

After the 40 minutes they get up and tell me it’s time for them to go.
I couldn’t think of a way fast enough to get a number close because I liked both the girl in the yellow and black.

I was not sure who to ask for their whatsapp and I did not want to make it awkward. So we went our different ways. I felt proud for opening a set but disappointed for not closing.

What would you guys have done in this situation?

I'm curious to know what question you asked to get their attention?

In terms of getting their number, its a difficult one when you have 2 targets, but I probably would have said 'is it possible to stay in touch with you girls' as you're still new to the area and see which one comes forward first.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-26-2019 10:04 PM)dfw1 Wrote:  

I was bit overwhelmed, didn't want to offend the other 2 chicas by asking for 1 number... Lesson learned.

Don't even ask for their phone numbers. Open your phone to "add contacts" and just hand it to them. Each and every one will put their numbers in your phone.

It just works. Trust me.

The Colombia Master Thread

This is kind of out the blue, but a Colombian friend suggested I open a restaurant in Colombia. He wasn't suggesting a joint venture just an idea though. He is an artist too. I cook a lot and he has seen my pictures. If I did anything it would probably be a food truck. Would this be really hard to do, and would it even be worthwhile? A food truck seems like a fun type of job compared to a restaurant. Downside its very location dependent and probably wouldn't make that much money.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-27-2019 08:08 AM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2019 10:04 PM)dfw1 Wrote:  

I was bit overwhelmed, didn't want to offend the other 2 chicas by asking for 1 number... Lesson learned.

Don't even ask for their phone numbers. Open your phone to "add contacts" and just hand it to them. Each and every one will put their numbers in your phone.

It just works. Trust me.

Unless you're using android and she goes to type in "maria" and 7 suggested contacts pop up like "maria cityname 4" etc pop up

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-27-2019 07:06 PM)kbell Wrote:  

This is kind of out the blue, but a Colombian friend suggested I open a restaurant in Colombia. He wasn't suggesting a joint venture just an idea though. He is an artist too. I cook a lot and he has seen my pictures. If I did anything it would probably be a food truck. Would this be really hard to do, and would it even be worthwhile? A food truck seems like a fun type of job compared to a restaurant. Downside its very location dependent and probably wouldn't make that much money.

Starting a business like a food truck is not really a business but more so using your money to buy yourself a job. I don't see that being a good payoff since you would be doing the work that a local would do for $300-400 per month.

The only times I've seen people start businesses that worked in their favor is if they had some kind of leverage or advantage that locals don't have. However I believe the investment visa for a business only requires $30k so doing it to get a visa could be an advantage. I'm sure there are easier ways to get one though.

The Colombia Master Thread

You'd make mince meat selling street food, there is too much competition.

These guys get robbed once in a while as well.

The Colombia Master Thread

Dont forget that certain industries can get harrassed by local gangs and pay a vacuna. Aside from dealing with the local municipality and getting licenses, you're in for a deep learning curve.
On a side note. I heard of a story that happened in Croatia. This example will help highlight the retarded nature of doing business in developing countries. Back in the early 90s or so, when Croatia gained independence, there was a Croatian construction worker in Canada, who noticed that the coffee/food trucks that frequent the new home construction zones make decent money. Low and behold he had an idea to buy a coffee/food truck and ship it to Croatia and start a business on the coast. Did he succeed? no. The local city officials cited that he functioned like a restaurant and needed to have access to a restroom!!!!????!!!??? So, he closed up. Now, I am sure this has probably changed, but these are the sort of "retarded" things that you will come across when running a business in Colombia etc.

Nevermind dealing with local employment laws. If you do employ workers, how much you need to pay in case they get fired. etc. I suggest you hire a local consultant if you plan on opening a business who knows the bylaws and the unwritten rules needed just to operate.

Maybe it will be easier just to find a proprietor and see their business and maybe ask to form a partnership. Become a silent partner/investor. The influx of cash may allow the company to buy more food trucks etc. Of course, make sure you do everything through a lawyer.

However, if you just want to open a business just to keep yourself busy and not have to worry if its making money, well sure. go for it....... You would get to interact with lots of people, make friends and meet chicas if that was your goal.

You can always go the franchise route as well. Just be careful as you're not 100% your own boss with franchises as head office calls the final shots. THere are horror stories of franchisees. So make sure you do your homework.

The most common business that foreigners seem to take on that is visible to all, is operating an AIR BNB or rental for apartments. Hostels are quite popular as well. Is this market oversaturated? Just be aware that more and more buildings are changing their rules and allowing short term stays. Some buildings dont allow rentals less than 6 months etc. Some allow daily rentals. You just need to realize that more are approaching the daily rental side. Im speaking for Medellin. OF course, each city probably has similar situations.

Dont even bother dealing with drugs or the sex industry. It will usually end up bad. Even opening up a webcam studio can go sideways. For the last several years we have all read of some gringo getting killed in some sketchy situation. Even the Israeli sex tourist operators get killed.

On a side note,
IMHO, I think the entire situation especially in Medellin is going to get worse. I see and read about more and more people getting robbed at gun point by guys on motorbikes. I actually saw new home real estate prices with discounts just recently.
Dont make any big investments until after the 2020 US election and the "upcoming" recession. (I hope that I am wrong, but this is just my opinion, Im no financial advisor, so do your research)If the economy takes a big hit, It will cause a big ripple effect. Less tourists will go to Panama, Costa Rica and Curacao etc and pay for Colombian workers and dare say hookers. This translates to less money being sent back home. Likewise, less tourists will bring in less dollars for the whole local economy and spin off jobs will suffer. It is going to get desperate for some. Plus their local healthcare insurers are at times highlighed by the Colombian program SEPTIMO DIA on caracol that is similar to a 60 minutes type of show. How they just shut their doors down, dont pay their doctors etc leaving policy holders with no help. Shit like that happens.

The Venezuelan refugees can be a positive and negative for the locals and us too. Seems like a zero sum game. Winners and losers only.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-27-2019 08:08 AM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2019 10:04 PM)dfw1 Wrote:  

I was bit overwhelmed, didn't want to offend the other 2 chicas by asking for 1 number... Lesson learned.

Don't even ask for their phone numbers. Open your phone to "add contacts" and just hand it to them. Each and every one will put their numbers in your phone.

It just works. Trust me.

I took this advise from you and field tested it. It definitely works.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (04-27-2019 07:27 AM)Redcrus Wrote:  

I'm curious to know what question you asked to get their attention?

@Redcrus It was about 5pm in the afternoon and this coffee shop has a large patio on a main street. This street also has many other restaurants and night clubs... So I got up walked to their table, said "discuple me but I have a question" In spanish of course. Then I inquired about how are the restaurants and night clubs nearby?

They all started telling me about the area and started asking me questions like why I am here, ect. So I grabbed a chair, sat down with them and had a great conversation.

However it took me a few minutes to get the balls and just walk up to their table. Now it's getting easier for me to cold approach.

The Colombia Master Thread

Whats up everyone, first post here. I was really looking forward to visiting Colombia last month, but unfortunately my trip had to be delayed because of a couple of things that arose. Now I' m ready to go later this week, but unfortunately, when I look at the weather reports, Medellin is raining everyday for the next 2 weeks, same with Cali, and many other Colombian cities, except for Bogota, which seems to have a few days of clouds, then rain. I was planning on doing Bogota as well, but not first, since I didn't know how I would adjust to the altitude, but it seems like I might not have a choice.

Is it even worth going during this time? I was mainly looking to go just for the women, and I will still enjoy my trip if I can meet women, but I was also looking forward to relaxing in a warm, tropical weather paradise, not in a rainstrorm the entire time. I know the weather affects everyones moods, and I'll be pissed if its raining all the time, (daygame/street approach opporunities are greatly reduced by this), and people generally want to stay in when the weather sucks. I don't want to have to rely on online game the entire time while I am there, I'd rather meet normal women organically than the same few girls on CC banging foreigners.

I am looking to go in the next 3-4 days and stay for about 2 weeks. What are good, non rainy Colombian cities I can stay during this time? I might just skip the rest of Colombia and do Bogota then Lima during my 2 weeks. But I was really looking forward to banging some super hot Colombianas more than any thing. But Lima has good weather right now, so idk.

What do you guys suggest? Am I looking too much into the whole weather aspect? Rain makes me sleepy, plan to stay in Apartments and get rooms hostels to meet people as well btw

The Colombia Master Thread

People in Colombia are always happy, rain is the least of their problems. It's not like people in the US who have their day ruined because the line was too long at Starbucks in the morning. Most of the time when it rains in Bogota it means that it's raining for 10 minutes at a time. With that said if not being sunny bothers you that much Bogota may not be for you, you have a very short window of sun early in the afternoon.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (05-06-2019 01:06 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

People in Colombia are always happy, rain is the least of their problems. It's not like people in the US who have their day ruined because the line was too long at Starbucks in the morning. Most of the time when it rains in Bogota it means that it's raining for 10 minutes at a time. With that said if not being sunny bothers you that much Bogota may not be for you, you have a very short window of sun early in the afternoon.

yea, but I'd rather clouds and no rain in Bogota than the 10+ consecutive days of rain it looks like Medellin will receive in the coming week or two. But thats good news, that Colombian ppl don't worry too much about the rain. I just want to interact with people, in the streets, near universities, coffee shops, bars, etc. I wanna meet Colombian locals, I worry that the rain is going to force everyone indoors or at least kill the mood a little, I mean who wants to stop and talk a random guy when you are running home trying not to get soaked and already in a bad mood cause youre having a bad hair day? Ppl are much more open and happy in tropical weather, but hopefully I can find some ppl to meet.

The Colombia Master Thread

A good high level summary on Colombian visa options and rules.


Different Types of Visas in Colombia

In Colombia, there are many different types of visas that allow you to stay in the country. Citizens of countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States do not need a visa to enter Colombia as a tourist.

A Colombian tourist visa isn´t a formal visa, only an entry visa which can be extended by 90 days at any Migración Colombia office in the country. However, if you don’t have a formal visa, your stay in Colombia is limited to a maximum of 180 days.

New Classification for Colombian Visas Colombia has three (3) types of visas: Temporary (TP), Resident (RE), and Business visas. The most common type of visa among expats are TP or RE. It is important to note that in late 2017 according to Resolución 6045 (resolution 6045), Colombia changed its visa rules and classification. The new classification only includes three types:

Visitor (V) Migrant (M) Resident ®

The new R type visa is the same as the old RE visa. The different categories of TP visas will become either M or V visas.

1- New Migrant (M) Colombian Visa
The most common TP visas used by expats such as marriage (TP-10), investment (TP-7), retirement (TP-7), work (TP-4) and student (TP-3) are becoming M visas. For this type of visa there are different conditions and requirements, which include but are not limited to: Being a spouse or partner of a Colombian resident Being a national of one of the States party to the “Agreement on Residence for nationals of Mercosur, Bolivia and Chile” (Old TP-15 visa) Being recognized as a refugee in Colombia according to the current regulations (Old TP-9 refugee visa) Having permanent employment in Colombia (Old TP-4 work visa)

Having a qualification to practice a profession independently (Old TP-13 visa) Coming to Colombia as a missionary (Old TP-5 visa) Being admitted or enrolled in primary, secondary or a higher education program at an undergraduate educational institution in Colombia (Old TP-3 visa) Registering a foreign direct investment in Colombia (Old TP-7 real estate investment visa) Receiving a retirement pension or receiving a periodic income from a credible legal source (Old TP-7 pensioner or rentista visa) Unlike the TP visas, the M visas are valid for three years. The only exceptions are for the work visas (category 5) and student visas (category 9) which can be valid for less than three years depending on the length of employment and studies.

2- New Resident ® Colombian Visa

This new type of visa will replace the RE (resident) visa. There are five categories of the R visa:
Returning Colombian The parent of a Colombian national by birth Has held an M visa category Investment of at least 650 times the minimum monthly wage in Colombia. *According to Resolution 6045, holder of an M category 1 visa (marriage visa) can become eligible for an R visa after two years.

3- New Visitor (V) Colombian Visa

This type of visa can be granted to individuals in the following situations: Visitors to Colombia for leisure, tourism or culture interest purposes (Old TP-11 visa) Individuals conducting business negotiations, market studies, plans or procedures of direct investment and constitution of commercial society, negotiation, the conclusion of contracts or commercial representation Individuals who participate in an academic exchange program

Individuals who attend medical consultations, or accompany the person who attends the consultation To carry out administrative and/or judicial proceedings before entities or authorities in Colombia To participate in an events as a lecturer, exhibitor, artist, athlete, jury, contestant or logistical staff For those who volunteer in development cooperation projects or in the promotion and protection of human rights For individuals who perform temporary services People who hold a position in a Colombian branch of a company Individuals who come to Colombia as a foreign government oficial *A V type visa can be valid for up to two years. The time permitted in Colombia with a V visa is limited to a maximum of 180 days (continuous or discontinuous days) per year.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (05-06-2019 06:55 PM)Rubix Wrote:  

I mean who wants to stop and talk a random guy when you are running home trying not to get soaked and already in a bad mood cause youre having a bad hair day?

Get creative, once I remember forum member Linux went out when it was raining with a large umbrella and looked for girls with no umbrella to approach.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (05-06-2019 10:28 AM)Rubix Wrote:  

Whats up everyone, first post here. I was really looking forward to visiting Colombia last month, but unfortunately my trip had to be delayed because of a couple of things that arose. Now I' m ready to go later this week, but unfortunately, when I look at the weather reports, Medellin is raining everyday for the next 2 weeks, same with Cali, and many other Colombian cities, except for Bogota, which seems to have a few days of clouds, then rain. I was planning on doing Bogota as well, but not first, since I didn't know how I would adjust to the altitude, but it seems like I might not have a choice.


What do you guys suggest? Am I looking too much into the whole weather aspect? Rain makes me sleepy, plan to stay in Apartments and get rooms hostels to meet people as well btw

Yes you are looking to much into the weather.

I know that pretty much everyday in Medellin is 23 cloudy with some showers when you check your phone.

It rains every day, it comes through and heads on its way.
Its raining now, but today was 24 all day. You should be fine.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

The Colombia Master Thread

I need some tips on locations on instagram or hashtags to find hot girls in Medellin. Even though there are so many hot chicks, I never managed to find prime locations where you just scroll through and all you see are hot chicks. I've been using all the malls in poblado, some clubs as well and eafit. Most of them are just filled with commercial bs.

The Colombia Master Thread

I'm in Bogota during its non-dry season now, and the weather's been fine. At most it would rain or drizzle for an hour.

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