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Paris Yellow Vests

Paris Yellow Vests

This is a side debate (and a philosophical one), but the role of the police is to uphold Republican laws, not to make political pronunciamentos, otherwise we’re in Banana Republic. I hope that they continue to do so.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-20-2018 05:10 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

The Interior Minister received them yesterday and agreed to a salary boost of up to 150 euros / month, which was "hailed by the police unions". They have announced that they are pleased with the negociations and will call off most of the strikes.

Unfortunate but not surprising.

Autocrats pay generously to the people they depend on to keep in power.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-19-2018 09:58 PM)Uprising Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2018 09:16 PM)911 Wrote:  

E. Michael Jones, who has lived in Germany for a long time, is more optimistic about Germany. In his recent appearance on Tim Kelly's podcast, EMJ was surprised at how his formerly NPCd German friends have been getting red pilled. One of them has described Merkel's open borders implementation of the Kalergi Plan as "a Jewish final solution for the German people".

EMJ also called out the German Catholic clergy for treason. Here's the hour long podcast link:

I hope you're right 911. It saddens me to meet Germans who seemed to be so ashamed of their country, despite its rich history. You should see how happy many Germans get during the World Cup, when they can finally be "allowed" to have some pride in themselves and in their great country, by display their flag and flag colors.

I don't want to derail the thread, but look at this shit I'm posting below. It's disgusting, absolutely disgusting what has happened to Germany. This bitch throws the German flag to the side, while the Turkish flag flies high in many German cities by 2nd or 3rd generation Turks who still identify first and foremost as Turks.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

That's one thing I'll give the French, those are some proud mother fuckers. Can you imagine if a French politician pushed away the French flag in public? They'de be marched to the guillotine, no doubt.

There is a growing backlash in German too, the globalists are going too far in their hatred of all things German. One young woman was stopped by the stasi-polizei at a Christmas market just for having braids, which is now for them a sign of verbotten nationalism:

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

I plan on going to some nationalist marches in East Germany next year—Dresden most likely.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Paris Yellow Vests

Hey Dalaran,

I hope you're fine. Do you have any other perspectives from your friends, family, etc? Would be nice to get an even more bigger picture. Your insight is good. All I can do is standby from halfway across the world. Obviously the MSM isn't going to tell the truth about what's going on.

--More prayers being sent.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Paris Yellow Vests

Last Friday there were Yellow Vest demonstrations across multiple cities in Portugal, here's a few notes on it and the general situation in this small country, for those who are interested:

Two days before the protests, the Facebook group that was organizing it was taken down. The organization then switched to Whatsapp.

Numbers were low (in the low hundreds in each location), and they mostly failed to stop traffic in the locations they chose, at least for the most part.

There were significantly more police than protestors, most of them 'riot police', but there was no violence on either side.

The most interesting aspect of it was not the demonstrations, but the MSM reaction: all TVs, newspapers, 'official' sources and commentators are deeming the protest a 'fiasco' and making fun (seriously) of the low numbers, stopping just short of calling the protestors idiots. Whereas usually the TV stations will cover a minor protest for some leftist cause organized by one of the far-left parties as 'massive' (and especially during center right government tenures), using special camera angles to inflate the numbers, here they used 'drone shots' and other wide angles to show exactly how many people were there and show, for example, that the 2 to 3 hundred people in a certain location failed to fill the square or whatever it was. All headlines use words like 'fiasco' or 'fail' to describe the protests and treat the protestors as morons, as if the country is doing well (it isn't) and people aren't hurting financially, socially and the government is not faced with many corruption scandals, minor and major, and some incredible failures for the last two years. Most articles contain mentions in the article to 'far-right' support for it, despite the organization being clear about its apolitical nature. The fact that the only nationalist party (PNR) showed support for it didn't help, but the fact was the protests were not politically affiliated.

In other words, the propaganda is blatant, and running from far-left to center-right sources. The neoliberals and neocons especially seem to take their positions as safe. However, on Reddit, Twitter, etc - it seems a lot of people are seeing through this propaganda.

To give some context: the current government is a coalition between center-left and far-left. Their policies however are socially liberal and economically conservative (in the sense of being good for oligarchs and bad for the people), and get support from center-right parties as well. So the usual suspects doing usual suspect things. The big difference this time is that, unlike anytime previously in our democratic system, the far left parties (PCP and BE) are part of the government, and have completely failed (purposefully or not) to stand up for the little guy, instead selling out to capitalist interests in exchange for public sector guarantees (PCP) and LGBT/Gender Ideology (BE). They have literally turned the country into a tourist resort, which will completely bankrupt us once we lose our 'novelty' status or there's a dip in the world economy. In the meantime, outside of tourism jobs, there's been contraction everywhere and both prices and taxes are going up. So the common man, as opposed to the cosmopolitan atomized man, has majorly lost their faith in the 'people's parties' - he doesn't really care about LGBT ideology and has seen his economic well-being decline or at the very least fail to increase since the recession 10 years ago. At the same time, the MSM paints the country as never having been better, despite all outward signs of it being on the verge of collapse.

Despite not having a massive immigration problem as France, Germany, Italy, etc, I wouldn't be surprised if next year's election was the first where the nationalist party (socially conservative and economically reactionary) got some of its people elected to parliament.

I guess only time will tell.

Paris Yellow Vests

Despite Christmas Holidays, a lot of peaceful protests are taking place today in France, in a lot of cities.

Since it's always the fights who draw attention, here we go:

police motorcyclists versus rioters



Paris Yellow Vests

A little brawl in Paris


Paris Yellow Vests

A better video of the attack


Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-22-2018 03:09 PM)balybary Wrote:  

A better video of the attack

Dude at minute 1:04 is about to throw a christmas tree at the police.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-22-2018 02:14 PM)balybary Wrote:  

A little brawl in Paris


Arroseurs arrosés.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Props to the French for keeping up with these protests week after week. These things tend to run out of energy, but the French are still going strong.

We'll see how this plays out. Maybe some of you Frenchmen can help me out here - These protests are still mainly about economic and tax reforms, right? Immigration doesn't play a part in these protests, right?

If I'm wrong, what is the main point of these protests or is their no main point because it's not really a centralized movement with a clear leader and clear objectives?

Also, 911, are you a Quebecer or French? You don't have to answer if you don't want, but I'm just wondering since you seem to be up to date on this thread and the French people in general.

Paris Yellow Vests

It's mostly a France Profonde middle class/lower middle class tax revolt, but mass immigration is definitely a part of this, if only because of the economic weight that these hardworking French taxpayers have had to carry for "diversity". Very similar to the populist heartland support for Trump who want The Wall.

This being said, people are getting woke on the globalist agenda and the Grand Remplacement Kalergi Plan that is being implemented in France, and they instinctively understand that the establishment hates them, and that Macron is their tool, giving tax cuts for his oligarch puppetmasters while the middle class gets the shaft.

I'm French, have relatives here in Canada and in the States.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-22-2018 04:08 PM)Uprising Wrote:  

Props to the French for keeping up with these protests week after week. These things tend to run out of energy, but the French are still going strong.

We'll see how this plays out. Maybe some of you Frenchmen can help me out here - These protests are still mainly about economic and tax reforms, right? Immigration doesn't play a part in these protests, right?

The people are protesting for various reasons.

One of the reason is that in France the levels of taxes are high and rising even more, but the quality of life is decreasing in a lot of places. You have a bad return on the taxes you are paying.

Most people would gladly pay some taxes if the state was making a fair use of their money.

Many people know that some adult migrants are posing as poor young refugees. These fuckers cost a lot of money to the tax payers, so there is a connection that can be made between the false refugees and the rise of the taxes (for a few percents).

Since the crowd are chanting the patriotic song "La Marseillaise ", there is a patriotic part in the Gilet Jaune movement.

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-22-2018 04:57 PM)911 Wrote:  

It's mostly a France Profonde middle class/lower middle class tax revolt, but mass immigration is definitely a part of this, if only because of the economic weight that these hardworking French taxpayers have had to carry for "diversity". Very similar to the populist heartland support for Trump who want The Wall.

This being said, people are getting woke on the globalist agenda and the Grand Remplacement Kalergi Plan that is being implemented in France, and they instinctively understand that the establishment hates them, and that Macron is their tool, giving tax cuts for his oligarch puppetmasters while the middle class gets the shaft.

I'm French, have relatives here in Canada and in the States.

So it appears from 911 and Balybary's responses that it's an economic revolt and the refugees play a part in that because the 26 year old "child migrant" from Sudan is getting more government support that Francois in the rural village of Normandy, despite Francois having contributed to the French system for 4 decades of his life.


911, that comes as a surprise that a lot of people would know about the Kalergi Plan. Do they specifically say the Kalergi Plan by name, or do they just come to the conclusion that there's a deliberate push to make the ethnic French (and Europeans) minorities in France (and in Europe)?

I have seen videos from these protests, which were posted in this thread earlier, where some of the protestors called Macron something like the equivalent of a Jewish banker puppet, so the French population must be aware of these matters to some extent at least.

Paris Yellow Vests

The mainstream medias are saying that the Gilets Jaunes movement is dying.

Cool story, bro.

[Image: th?id=OIP.xEdH2QDofQ5s9dwWfzH7UgHaFS&pid...7&rs=1&p=0]

The answer from an Internet poster:

Few demonstrators, but the police are overwhelmed? Isn't that contradictory?

[Image: smile.gif]

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-22-2018 12:06 PM)ilostabet Wrote:  

...the far left parties (PCP and BE) are part of the government, and have completely failed (purposefully or not) to stand up for the little guy, instead selling out to capitalist interests in exchange for public sector guarantees (PCP) and LGBT/Gender Ideology (BE)....

Interesting. I knew Portugal was under a far-left to center-left coalition, but didn't know how it would manifest. Seems like a similar iteration as we have in the Northern European countries. The countries have been taken over, in almost every area, by an upper middle class that has seen no struggle and is doing OK. They tend to have a huge sense of their own virtue, which they assign to themselves with their feigned caring. Fourty years ago they pretended to care about the working class, but all the areas they held have done worse than the areas the voted for the now in name only conservative parties. These people tend to have contempt for the lower classes, while taking over the labour parties as luvvie parties. In the UK, you have seen the wholesale removal of the former widespread affirmative action for the more able working class. Instead this new upper middle class gets their sense of virtue by rolling out nice words, welfare and affirmative action to the new sanctioned victim groups: trannies and illegal immigrants. They working class have been replaced by people just like them: upper middle class, but from different countries, women and increasingly whatever freaks they can find at the end of the spectrum. But of course, they will never bang these trannies they pretend they like so much. They prefer young boys. And they can't reverse as the disaster of their actions unfold and their voting blocks disintegrate.

They're doubling down to extinction:

[Image: b9m8j4mox0l11.jpg]

[Image: 12-post-crisis-crisis-for-social-democrats.jpg]

[Image: FT_18.09.11_EuropeCenterLeft_decades-decline.png]

Five years of socialists in France:

[Image: C-KsmfqXgAA3TZb.jpg]

Macron may not even make it to the embarrassing bowing out Hollande was forced into.


On Portugal, tourism is a terrible thing to build an economy on, it's essentially the import of foreign capital owing to the naturally occurring environment and proximity in relation to the sun. It's an economic dead-end. All the money (stored wealth) is combuseted via tourism. You create nothing new of value from it.

I doubt any of the likely over-educated sectioned off faux elites of Portugal would know that.

Peter explains.

Given that all these parties are in the process of dying it's time to start coming up with the policies that will replace theirs. High on my list is:

*) All MPs who voted for the Iraq war to be forcibly drafted

There is a sister party to Macron's En Marche! in the UK, Renew. Their Youtube is hot:

[Image: Screenshot-at-2018-12-22-17-47-52.png]

Paris Yellow Vests

One new video of the attack, again [Image: smile.gif]

You can see in this new video that the fight was initiated by the policemen who viciously have launched explosive grenades on the people who were passing by, walking like normal people.

Also today one of the leader of the protesters was arrested arbitrarily in the street of Paris.

If all these events were occuring in Russia there will be long articles and TV news about the savage, blood thirsty, Russian government.


Paris Yellow Vests

^^^^Those grenades have 25g of TNT, they can blow off a limb, these bastards are provoking peaceful demonstrators. The MSM will only show the GJ's response and portray the CRS as victims.

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:10 PM)Uprising Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 04:57 PM)911 Wrote:  

It's mostly a France Profonde middle class/lower middle class tax revolt, but mass immigration is definitely a part of this, if only because of the economic weight that these hardworking French taxpayers have had to carry for "diversity". Very similar to the populist heartland support for Trump who want The Wall.

This being said, people are getting woke on the globalist agenda and the Grand Remplacement Kalergi Plan that is being implemented in France, and they instinctively understand that the establishment hates them, and that Macron is their tool, giving tax cuts for his oligarch puppetmasters while the middle class gets the shaft.

I'm French, have relatives here in Canada and in the States.

So it appears from 911 and Balybary's responses that it's an economic revolt and the refugees play a part in that because the 26 year old "child migrant" from Sudan is getting more government support that Francois in the rural village of Normandy, despite Francois having contributed to the French system for 4 decades of his life.


911, that comes as a surprise that a lot of people would know about the Kalergi Plan. Do they specifically say the Kalergi Plan by name, or do they just come to the conclusion that there's a deliberate push to make the ethnic French (and Europeans) minorities in France (and in Europe)?

I have seen videos from these protests, which were posted in this thread earlier, where some of the protestors called Macron something like the equivalent of a Jewish banker puppet, so the French population must be aware of these matters to some extent at least.

The Kalergi Plan is well known in France under the "Grand Remplacement" moniker, guys like Zemmour, Goldnadel, Finkelkraut and other zio-nationalists/controlled opposition who are always on TV and in the french MSM have popularized it. Zemmour and his fellow tribe members rile up the public about Muslim invasion. Fair enough, except these gatekeepers never mention their enablers, or the usury central banking system running the whole show and destroying the middle class and national culture.

The better informed segment of the public does get the bigger picture from intelligent patriotic sources like Alain Soral, Hervé Ryssen, Michel Drac or Boris Le Lay. It's still a small segment but has been growing fast, despite the fact that guys like Soral, Ryssen and Le Lay have been severely repressed by the government, all three having jail sentences hanging over their heads for innocuous thought crimes.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

It's hard to understand the GJ movement without understanding the French. I wouldn't compare it to the USA. The sentiment is different and the motivation is different. Though to be fair, if the French has guns like in USA this would have been way different.

The French TRULY, deeply believes in their creed of freedom, fraternity and equalities. Their republic was built upon the idea and, frankly, for a long while it worked. The 70s-90s truly were a great period in France and from endless accounts from my French "parents" and older friends I believe it was really what France was supposed to be. High quality, free education from the best schools in Europe. Excellent "free" medical insurance. Great food. Good career opportunities. Strong state and infrastructure. And despite having a lot of migrants at the time, they were generally well integrated. Imagine the golden age in America where everywhere can have a happy life if they worked hard. Except that in France you can have a happy life even if you dont work too hard.

But that was a whole Ponzi scheme that exploded way too quickly for various reasons you all know about. The French quality of life depends hugely on the government so when things go wrong, that's where people look to blame. That's why the French ALWAYS seem to go on strike. Plus, French culture is a bit more collective and has a stronger social structure than their Anglo counterparts, so the difference in standards of living is not lost even among the young.

Most middle age people making up the GJ know what they are supposed to have, and when you contrast it to the harsh reality it's just a big slap to the face. While Americans are quick to blame you for not trying hard enough, the French know that they system is working against them and it's not their fault. There's also a certain hatred for financial success in general in France. This ties back to the idea of equalities, and they firmly believes that the rich must do their parts i.e pay their shares.

This sentiment has been brewing in France for two decades now, and the French love grumbling about it while things keep getting worse. Macron's presidency is a big Fuck You to the middle class and his policies, one after another, seek to blatantly punishes the French middle class. The GJs movement is a huge explosion of hundreds of sentiments longggggg suppressed. If you read the GJ demands you will find that a lot of them are contradictory. That just goes to show the decentralized, popular nature of the movement.

One theme that keeps reapeating on social media is the revelation most GJs are having: they are making an impact. French liek to grumble but not take action because 1) it make you look foolish 2) you can't change the system. But now they are realizing that whatever they do is workingand they are closer than ever to the goal. That's why I believe they won't give up easily. A lot of them rediscover a sense of belonging to a tribe when they don that yellow vest, something they had lost for quite a while. Many say they even miss the time spent huddling under the cold with strangers who just turned family, and wouldnt give up.

Watching all the news there's one thing that dawns on me: there's almost little to no help from Parisians. The movement could be way smoother if some of the Parisians offer to help with logistics, i.e storing equipment, hosting GJs overnight, provides provisions. Hell if I was French I would certainly offer my help. But most Parisians are neutral at best and hostile at worst towards the GJ. That just speaks to the sad division in France's society of which Macron embodies.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Paris Yellow Vests

I would be mad too if I was in Paris and had my weekends and business disrupted by them. [Image: lol.gif] Paris has been ground zero for a lot of events and goings on so I guess they are less sympathetic to most things.

Paris Yellow Vests

As usual true words from Delaran1991 & 911

I would second them , and also add a few things which I believe , are interesting.

1) generational gap

I am right now in France visiting my family and I can see that independantly of the political visions on the spectrum - there is a huge generational gap.
A majority of the young white people are living in the constant fear of having the perspective of being REPLACED and even more in minority.
The older (50 or more) generation still believes in TV and still trusts the government to fix things and to actually love their country.

There is a very strong generational gap , which would logically give the real french patriots/common sense a triumphal win if we had no immigration. To put it in a nutshell , young people want more action , more rebellion and more presence of a strong state. Older people want to let things go , dilute , and believe in a big naivity that things will get fixed by themselves if the republican(!) institutions remain in place. Older people see the problems , they understand that their kids have tougher conditions , but they still believe in the old world as they were fighting all their life to keep their social privileges (on the world scale it s still good to get a pension in france or a mortgage at a good loan etc etc)

2) There is a hate against the establishment

People have enough of lies , taxes , and of this 5th republic. I would say that the hatred is not united , but there is a growing feeling of making things more fair for people.
One thing which is often asked is to have referendums on many matters of society. Switzerland does it , and I don't understand why MAcron didn;t do anything. IF he had said he would organise a referendum for the Marrakech pact , I am almost sure he would have got a 20+% in appreciation polls. Of course he is an anti-french globalist agent so this won't happen.

3) The centralized state and their lack of alternatives

One big issue in essence , is that the French centralized model does not offer any alternative for people who , like me , are totally against a "Republique". If you believe in dictatorial communism , or in divine rights of the king in a catholic state (As I do) , there is no way for you to have a piece of land in which you could live closer to your beliefs. I have asked an educated member of my family what alternative do people have if they despise the "Republique" , and they had to admit that I was right . I do not know the functioning of the USA in and out , but I am sure that if you feel oppressed about something you can go to one state which has a few laws that you like.

My belief is that the GJ movement is dying little by little. But this was a big warning for the establishment. We know how they can answer , and I must repeat again and again that the real key will be the day the police will give up on the government when a similar movement will erupt. Politicians and the "Republique" is panicking , they have arrested thousands of people and had to mobilize 89k policemen + tanks.

Victory on paper for the government , but panache and potential is on the GJ ranks.

I dream of such movement next year by ALL EUROPEAN PATRIOTS gathering in Brussels and burning european union flags. I think we could do this during the Euro 2020 when there is a real reason of having millions of foreigners travelling to Brussels without raising suspicion.

In any way , I am happy that the world see the French not totally dead.

Paris Yellow Vests

Good post Poniy.

About Brussels, the reason why the false flag event took place in Strasbourg is that like Brussels, it an EU capital, with EU parliament and other key EU bodies there that would be extremely vulnerable to popular uprising. With the false flag shooting, it will be easier to intimidate the locals into accepting a police lockdown.

As well, there an ongoing session in the EU parliament about a vote extending the right of police, designated authorities and big tech to bypass the judicial system in order to directly censor from the web any material or person they deem to be dangerous subversives without having to go through the court system first. The shooting event last week precipitated their votes. Very convenient...

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Paris Yellow Vests

Quote: (12-22-2018 09:21 PM)Polniy_Sostav Wrote:  

I dream of such movement next year by ALL EUROPEAN PATRIOTS gathering in Brussels and burning european union flags

Two words: European Elections (in May of 2019).

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Paris Yellow Vests

We already know how the establishment will react. They'll learn entirely the wrong lesson and think they need to double down on police state tactics..... And won't address the actual problems because it's much easier to believe Russia is behind it than it is to admit that it's your own raging incompetence that caused things.

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