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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

NFL Legend Jim Brown Says He’d ‘Never Kneel’ During the Anthem

by Warner Todd Huston

NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown is once again slamming player protests during the national anthem, as the National Football League continues to be roiled over the continuing controversy.

Brown spoke before the HBO premier of Hard Knocks and said, “I’ll never kneel and I will always respect the flag,” according to Fox News.

“I am not going to denigrate my flag, and I’m going to stand for the national anthem,” the Hall of Famer continued. “I’m fighting with all of my strength to make it a better country, but I don’t think that’s the issue. Because what is the top side? Are you not going to stand up? This is our country, man.

“We work hard to make it better, and that’s my attitude,” the 83-year-old added, “so I don’t relate to this issue because it’s newsworthy because where are your superstars? And where are they at? Aren’t they making comments?”

The famed Cleveland Browns running back said that he preferred players stand in honor of the flag during the anthem, but did say he respects their right to free speech.

This is not the first time that Brown has spoken out against the anthem protests. Last year Brown reportedly told the Cleveland Browns to respect the flag. “Do not disrespect your country, do not disrespect the flag,” he said in August.

“I’m going to give you the real deal: I’m an American,” Brown told ThePostGame. “I don’t desecrate my flag and my national anthem. I’m not gonna do anything against the flag and national anthem. I’m going to work within those situations. But this is my country, and I’ll work out the problems, but I’ll do it in an intelligent manner.”

In May the NFL floated a rule to ban anthem protests but backed off when the player’s union filed a grievance to stop the rule’s implementation. Since then the league and the players have been in talks to figure out what to do about the protests. No decision has been made even with the 2018 season about to start.

The NFL is dying

It's ALL y'alls fault for not watching MNF and letting the Ijits voice their Believe this shit??

I seriously had a dilemma on which thread I wanted to post this in...Death of America; Slow Death of California, etcetcetc...

"New ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro said on Friday that the network will not show the national anthem during Monday Night Football broadcasts, which is a return to standard operating procedure and a recognition of fans’ desires..."

The NFL is dying


[Image: tumblr_mjb8ro58961r1067lo3_400.gif]

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-19-2018 08:27 AM)budoslavic Wrote:  


[Image: tumblr_mjb8ro58961r1067lo3_400.gif]

I seriously want to believe this is photoshopped.

The NFL is dying

The global-homo project is so extensive into every aspect of life I can't decide if they're aided by some sort of super natural force like Lucifer, or if it's just some highly intelligent, powerful douschebag.
Did you really think they would stop with the pink shoes and towels for 'breast cancer awareness'? This is just getting their foot in the door. Eventually they'll trot out a whole dance team of fags with no women.

The NFL is dying

Honestly, who even wants to watch that, is some ugly beta bitch of a man really attractive to women. It's going to actively turn off straight men and honestly, if you're a gay man watching football, are you watching that piece of soy based estrogen or the jacked up football players, pretty sure they've already got their fill of man meat.

The NFL is dying

Those guys are fags and probably smoke more dick than the whole cheerleader team combined.

The NFL is dying


"There is a war on masculinity and football is at the head of that"

The NFL is dying

So who will be bitchier?
The female cheerleaders no doubt annoyed / envious of the attention the soy-boys are getting?
Or the soy-boys themselves...?

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-24-2018 09:39 PM)zoom Wrote:  


"There is a war on masculinity and football is at the head of that"

Whitlock speaks the truth. A lot of people don't like him, but he is the rare conservative in sports broadcasting these days. Just about everyone else (especially those at espn) are your typical soyboys and liberal cucks.

The NFL is dying

I wonder when did he redpill? There are posts from me in the past, on the forum trashing him for his race baiting and ultra liberal bluepill views.

It's amazing what changes men can go through in the span of a year or two.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying

He probably saw all these no-name bitches and other trash getting contracts worth a lot of $ and here he is sitting on a career in sports and they're just mouth-pieces who dont even show off their tits.

Maybe a bit of frustration over the sluts in the broadcasting game lifting their skirt up for a promotion but then biting that hand once they're settled and getting more $$ and those guys getting fired.

The NFL is dying

For those of you that have lost interest in the NFL, what do you fill you time now with instead.

I’ve lost a bit of love for my favourite sport (apart from skiing), football or what the Americans call soccer. I’m tired of all the bullshit and basically watching millionaires play amougngst themselves, a bit like F1.

It doesn’t relate to the common man any more.

If you’re doing something else instead of watching MNF or whatever, curious to know what it is. Mine is work, motorbikes and I’m taking up clay shooting and ball room dancing. ( no homo)

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-25-2018 02:50 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

For those of you that have lost interest in the NFL, what do you fill you time now with instead.

I’ve lost a bit of love for my favourite sport (apart from skiing), football or what the Americans call soccer. I’m tired of all the bullshit and basically watching millionaires play amougngst themselves, a bit like F1.

It doesn’t relate to the common man any more.

If you’re doing something else instead of watching MNF or whatever, curious to know what it is. Mine is work, motorbikes and I’m taking up clay shooting and ball room dancing. ( no homo)

^^^^ Why do you think so many people love stars that came from the bottom up?

Its the reason why so many Filipinos love Manny Pacquaio because he grew up dirt poor selling donuts in the streets and now became one of the best boxers of all time and now a millionaire.

Or in the case of my country, the reason why so many Mexicans loved Julio Cesar Chavez senior who as a kid sold chicklets in Tijuana and became one of the best boxers of all time. Till this day Chavez talks like he never left the barrio. A true man of the people.

Pele in Brazil learned how to play soccer by juggling rocks and oranges with his feet and kicking a rolled up sock filled with rags because he couldn't afford a soccer ball. Went on to become the greatest soccer player of all time.

Sammy Sosa from the Dominican Republic shined shoes for a quarter and sold oranges as a kid and learned to play baseball using a stick for a bat, a milk carton for a glove and a rolled up sock for a ball. Sammy Sosa is a national hero in his country.

We do have some examples in the U.S. as well. Lebron James who camed from the projects, on welfare, and food stamps became one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

Clint Dempsey from U.S. soccer lived in a trailer park in Texas and learned how to play soccer by playing with the Mexican kids in his town. His mother worked as a waitress and his dad in the local factory. He couldn't even afford to play in the local leagues for kids.

Its stories like these that make people feel connected to stars that make it big because they see themselves in their shoes.

You should get back to watching the beautiful game (soccer) again. Its the greatest sport in the world in my view, regardless if there's a bunch of millionaires playing. Did you watch the latest world cup? One of the best world cups ever.

I do have huge respect for athletes who were poor and came from huge hardships. I don't have respect with pampered millionaire kids who the only reason they are a big star is because they were a privilege silver spoon fed kid who piggy backs out of their father's last name.


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.(riding off of daddy's legacy and the only reason he was even considered in pay per views, etc... was because of his last name)

Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Jr claims he was poor but he really wasn't. His dad was a known boxer, and so was his uncle. I have respect for him for other reasons, like becoming one of the best boxers of all time surpassing his dad. But to me he was a spoiled kid)

Lonzo Ball (Rich kid who got everything handed to him)

Johnny Manziel (spoiled, rich, pampered)

Peyton Manning and Eli Manning (spoiled, rich, pamperes)

Don't get me wrong, a lot of these guys are great athletes, but I feel more connected to guys who came from the bottom who didn't have the privilege of having money to pay for top schools, etc... Real men of the people.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-25-2018 03:51 PM)Parras Wrote:  

Quote: (08-25-2018 02:50 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

For those of you that have lost interest in the NFL, what do you fill you time now with instead.

I’ve lost a bit of love for my favourite sport (apart from skiing), football or what the Americans call soccer. I’m tired of all the bullshit and basically watching millionaires play amougngst themselves, a bit like F1.

It doesn’t relate to the common man any more.

If you’re doing something else instead of watching MNF or whatever, curious to know what it is. Mine is work, motorbikes and I’m taking up clay shooting and ball room dancing. ( no homo)

^^^^ Why do you think so many people love stars that came from the bottom up?

Its the reason why so many Filipinos love Manny Pacquaio because he grew up dirt poor selling donuts in the streets and now became one of the best boxers of all time and now a millionaire.

Or in the case of my country, the reason why so many Mexicans loved Julio Cesar Chavez senior who as a kid sold chicklets in Tijuana and became one of the best boxers of all time. Till this day Chavez talks like he never left the barrio. A true man of the people.

Pele in Brazil learned how to play soccer by juggling rocks and oranges with his feet and kicking a rolled up sock filled with rags because he couldn't afford a soccer ball. Went on to become the greatest soccer player of all time.

Sammy Sosa from the Dominican Republic shined shoes for a quarter and sold oranges as a kid and learned to play baseball using a stick for a bat, a milk carton for a glove and a rolled up sock for a ball. Sammy Sosa is a national hero in his country.

We do have some examples in the U.S. as well. Lebron James who camed from the projects, on welfare, and food stamps became one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

Clint Dempsey from U.S. soccer lived in a trailer park in Texas and learned how to play soccer by playing with the Mexican kids in his town. His mother worked as a waitress and his dad in the local factory. He couldn't even afford to play in the local leagues for kids.

Its stories like these that make people feel connected to stars that make it big because they see themselves in their shoes.

You should get back to watching the beautiful game (soccer) again. Its the greatest sport in the world in my view, regardless if there's a bunch of millionaires playing. Did you watch the latest world cup? One of the best world cups ever.

I do have huge respect for athletes who were poor and came from huge hardships. I don't have respect with pampered millionaire kids who the only reason they are a big star is because they were a privilege silver spoon fed kid who piggy backs out of their father's last name.


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.(riding off of daddy's legacy and the only reason he was even considered in pay per views, etc... was because of his last name)

Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Jr claims he was poor but he really wasn't. His dad was a known boxer, and so was his uncle. I have respect for him for other reasons, like becoming one of the best boxers of all time surpassing his dad. But to me he was a spoiled kid)

Lonzo Ball (Rich kid who got everything handed to him)

Johnny Manziel (spoiled, rich, pampered)

Peyton Manning and Eli Manning (spoiled, rich, pamperes)

Don't get me wrong, a lot of these guys are great athletes, but I feel more connected to guys who came from the bottom who didn't have the privilege of having money to pay for top schools, etc... Real men of the people.

I was really digging your post an it makes a lot of sense. I pretty much agree with you.. specially about the part of rags to riches stories being more relatable. However to take away from the achievements of athletes who came from a better upbringing just seems kind of salty. Rich families or not to reach success in the highest pinnacles of sports takes talent, dedication, and sacrifice. An to brush off the accomplishments of some of sports greatest achievers cause their family did well in life.... I'm not digging it. What should the Manning brothers have done about their family being wealthy? Say "No dad, I want to go live with Uncle JimBob in the trailer park, this life of affluency will tarnish my sports achievements when I get older!"

In my small town there were two families with a lot of money and kids my age. I was friends with them for the most part but I still hated on them as well. However I got a little older and came to the conclusion.... If you are going to get mad at someone cause some kids family has more money then you, don't hate on the kid, hate on your family for not accomplishing more in the fiance department, or don't hate at all.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The NFL is dying


I'm only going by with what Ski Pro said about the average, common man not feeling connected with millionaires running around chasing a ball.

In a lot of respect he is right, which is the reason many people feel connected to people who came out of poverty and became great. People in poverty will always feel connected to athletes who came from poverty. Its just the way it is.

I'm not saying its a bad thing to be rich first and then become huge stars. Peyton Manning is one of the best QB's of all time and there's no denying that. Michael Jordan, my favorite player, came from a middle class background. Quite frankly there's lots of athletes that came from affluent backgrounds and became stars, Kobe Bryant is one, and I love Kobe.

All I'm saying is that me personally, I have more respect and more admiration for people who came from the bottom up to become great. I have more of a connection to them. That's all I'm saying. It doesn't mean that I'm hating on the more affluent stars.

The NFL is dying

Some athletes who were raised in affluence it is okay to hate. It seems to carry over to their mentality as a player.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-26-2018 01:49 PM)Parras Wrote:  


I'm only going by with what Ski Pro said about the average, common man not feeling connected with millionaires running around chasing a ball.

In a lot of respect he is right, which is the reason many people feel connected to people who came out of poverty and became great. People in poverty will always feel connected to athletes who came from poverty. Its just the way it is.

I'm not saying its a bad thing to be rich first and then become huge stars. Peyton Manning is one of the best QB's of all time and there's no denying that. Michael Jordan, my favorite player, came from a middle class background. Quite frankly there's lots of athletes that came from affluent backgrounds and became stars, Kobe Bryant is one, and I love Kobe.

All I'm saying is that me personally, I have more respect and more admiration for people who came from the bottom up to become great. I have more of a connection to them. That's all I'm saying. It doesn't mean that I'm hating on the more affluent stars.

I should have worded my post better. I agreed with pretty much everything you said. An my post wasn't directed at you personally just the broad and general idea that you touched on about athletes from affluent upbringings being hated on at times.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=5181481]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-24-2018 10:38 PM)Dirtyblueshirt Wrote:  

Quote: (08-24-2018 09:39 PM)zoom Wrote:  


"There is a war on masculinity and football is at the head of that"

Whitlock speaks the truth. A lot of people don't like him, but he is the rare conservative in sports broadcasting these days. Just about everyone else (especially those at espn) are your typical soyboys and liberal cucks.

I didn't like him back in his KC Star days, but I might need to give him another chance...

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-25-2018 02:50 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

If you’re doing something else instead of watching MNF or whatever, curious to know what it is. Mine is work, motorbikes and I’m taking up clay shooting and ball room dancing. ( no homo)

Cycling, yard work & home improvement, and outings with the family and friends since fall weather is usually so nice.

The NFL is dying

Whitlock has been an uber-liberal for decades. He has only himself and his kind (lib journalists) to blame. Let me see him go on CNN/MSNBC or post this type of mantra in the NYT, then I'll believe he's turned a corner. he's only mad NOW because it' beginning to affect what he does for a living.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-27-2018 12:13 PM)tycotacos Wrote:  

Whitlock has been an uber-liberal for decades. He has only himself and his kind (lib journalists) to blame. Let me see him go on CNN/MSNBC or post this type of mantra in the NYT, then I'll believe he's turned a corner. he's only mad NOW because it' beginning to affect what he does for a living.

Yeah I brought that up once before. If black athletes are fucking up their own money, it indirectly fucks up HIS money too. Kneeling is bad for TV, bad for profits, bad business sense. He's older than the athletes so like me, he knows that sometimes you just need to make your money and shut the fuck up. They could use the money they make to do more than agitate whites and military folks.

He also knows black people could never support the NFL alone. Not even with Hispanics and the handfuls of liberal white fans. Our people do not buy the bulk of season tickets. We don't buy the most merch. Only way we could is if Air Jordan shoes did not exist. You don't bite the hand, when it is not an emergency. He also knows that black empowerment is largely economics based. The more black guys with Michael Vick like contracts approaching 100 million can create more change than physical political gestures. Your average black player makes 1-4 million. Why cut your nose in spite of your face?

To some degree those guys should speak out like Dak Prescott did and kill the foolishness to make it seem like its not 99% pro kneeling support. If the league looked divided on that issue, even among Blacks, Trump would not have too much of a case to berate the league with. Unfortunately any blacks siding with Dak Prescott, is likely to be called acting white, a coon, a race traitor, and whatever other childish names the other shines come up with.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The NFL is dying

I only really noticed Whitlock last year when he did an interview with Fox News about how ESPN was purging itself of conservative voices, for example, people like Danny Kanell and Britt McHenry (damn she was fine).

I've watched a couple interviews he's done since then, and while he does still hold some liberal views (not a fan of Trump and anti-gun, although the latter is mostly influenced by close family tragedy), he was strongly turned off by BLM, SJW/social media attacks, and the NFL protests (don't bite the hand that feeds you).

Lately, he's been saying some surprising things about the OSU domestic violence scandal. He was defending Urban Meyer and lamenting about the lack of due process in the whole discussion. He even questioned the validity of the accuser, saying that we "shouldn't believe all women". Never thought I'd hear a guy on TV share that opinion.

The NFL is dying

I like Jason Whitlock a lot. He's one of the few media personalities who played the game up to the college level.

As an aside, Bob Costas appears to be parting ways with NBC. When he started with NBC, I was a kid with 12 stations on the television. Now, we have media everywhere. Bob's look hasn't changed much either. What has this guy to keep looking young?

The NFL is dying

Quote: (08-27-2018 09:43 PM)Dirtyblueshirt Wrote:  

I only really noticed Whitlock last year when he did an interview with Fox News about how ESPN was purging itself of conservative voices, for example, people like Danny Kanell and Britt McHenry (damn she was fine).

I've watched a couple interviews he's done since then, and while he does still hold some liberal views (not a fan of Trump and anti-gun, although the latter is mostly influenced by close family tragedy), he was strongly turned off by BLM, SJW/social media attacks, and the NFL protests (don't bite the hand that feeds you).

Lately, he's been saying some surprising things about the OSU domestic violence scandal. He was defending Urban Meyer and lamenting about the lack of due process in the whole discussion. He even questioned the validity of the accuser, saying that we "shouldn't believe all women". Never thought I'd hear a guy on TV share that opinion.

Slightly off-topic, but this guy is a textbook example of why so much of the left's recent direction is an "anti-persuasion" method of communication. It's so radical and vicious that anyone who can't warp to it 100% find themselves pushed to the right...including a lot of progressives. Hell I've seen several independent left-wing columnists so awed by the crazed intolerance and hatred coming from SJWs that they now, while not "Trump supporters", consistently defend Trump against the leftist mob.

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