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You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Yep - the first thing that entered your mind when you read the title was "douchey", and you're right. But there's more to this fashion statement than meets the eye.

A backwards cap is the single most divisive piece of attire you could wear. It brings about irrational, extreme hatred in many men for some reason. People are usually in one camp or the other from a very early age: You're either a frat guy/laxbro/fuckboi who naturally rocks the look, or you're 85% of the population who kneejerks with "douche" when they see one of those guys. The chasm between non-backwards cap-wearing people and backward-caps people is huge and seldom crossed. A grown man doesn't just turn his cap backwards one day out of the blue after wearing it forward for years. But last night, I did. And I'm hear to tell you about it.

It actually started by accident because I was riding my bike with my cap on and the wind kept blowing it off. I turned it backward to make myself more aerodynamic. Then I kept it that way for the hell of it while I went to happy hour.

The results? A marked spike in IOIs from female work acquaintances, random girls and almost every hot bartender at the venue. A couple of girls next to me kept playfully tugging at the cap. A few random dudes high fived me and struck up convos. On the way home some chick chatted me up in the elevator and held the door open for a bit to keep chatting when she got to her floor.

Yea, this might be a fluke, but I plan on repeating this experiment in the future. All my life I've been told that wearing a backwards cap is the single worst fashion faux pas a man could make. Maybe this look holds a secret power over women that many men subconsciously understand but are too afraid or insecure to admit? Maybe the collective shaming that goes on towards innocent, backward cap-wearing men is a way for non-cap-wearing-men to level the sexual market playing field? Are backwards caps the next chapter for neo-masculinity? Can these two disparate groups of people ever coexist peacefully?

I will provide updates as I further explore this topic (with my cap turned backwards of course).

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

I turn my cap backwards when it's more functional, and leave it til I require the visor.

Think ya may be over-analyzing just a little bit. Either way, do continue this experiment.

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Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

i simply pictured ash ketchum

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Some caps were made to be worn backwards, in my opinion. Those being the newest addition of “flex fit” style. Once they get broken in they sit really well backwards. Improves your overall look if that’s what you’re going for. Only issue is that eventually once they stretch to you wearing them backwards, they don’t fit as well forwards ever again.

5950s look as good backwards as they do forwards, as do most fitted hats except the floppy retro baseball ones that have no structure to them and lay very flat to your head. These were popular 10-15 years ago or so, I forget exactly when cause I didn’t like the sizing system. They copied the old school adjustable Polo brand hats that were worn in early to mid 1990’s.

Some trucker/mesh/snapbacks can look ok backwards if the setting is right- Beach day, lake day, pool day, etc

The hats that look like shit backwards are the ones with the cloth adjustable back. These almost always look better forwards.

I only mention this detail because if you’re thinking about using fashion to play into your game strategy, it’s good to be specific.

I don’t think wearing a hat will be a signal of anything more than what it is- simply a part of your look. It’s always good to play around with that in and of itself because the girl who didn’t notice you last time, may get on her radar the next. It’s all just different flashy things you throw in the water, in the end you’re really just interested in getting a tight line and putting something in the boat.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Co-sign 100%. Particularly applicable for young minority guys.

Question is what venues will allow you to wear a hat inside?

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Hmm... Custom Suite + Backwards Ballcap... Winning?

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Quote: (05-12-2018 11:14 PM)Alpone Wrote:  

I will provide updates as I further explore this topic (with my cap turned backwards of course).

This is hilarious... Alpone, I'm looking forward to your updates!

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Quote: (05-12-2018 11:14 PM)Alpone Wrote:  

I will provide updates as I further explore this topic (with my cap turned backwards of course).

This is hilarious...

This may be exactly what i've been looking for... The key to overnight success!

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

This probably only works of you look good and not retarded with a backwards cap.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

If you are above the age of 17, the only time that it is acceptable to wear a baseball style hat is when you are either playing baseball, golfing or fishing. The only time it is acceptable to wear a baseball hat backwards is if you play the position of catcher and are currently on the field.

But don't take things too far. No one should feel pressured to wear a 3-piece suit before age 45. A 2-piece is fine.

I'm the King of Beijing!

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Will this work for everyone?
[Image: 7e5df59558215a4d3df10cb8583faf44.jpg]

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

My hair looks too good to smash underneath a stupid hat.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

If you have a decent face, having cap backwards makes your face more visible and frames it nicely. Visor forwards casts a shadow so what you're experiencing is more openness from people because they can more easily see your face and EYES.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Quote: (05-13-2018 04:35 AM)Suits Wrote:  

If you are above the age of 17, the only time that it is acceptable to wear a baseball style hat is when you are either playing baseball, golfing or fishing. The only time it is acceptable to wear a baseball hat backwards is if you play the position of catcher and are currently on the field.

If you are in the world arm wrestling championship, its also OK.


You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Found you OP

[Image: qgao59s.jpg]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Getting your haircut really often to keep it fresh is better.

But yeah girls are probably conditioned to find hats cool / attractive because of them being not allowed in school. Kids who were them a lot of times were bad boy types who didn't give a fuck about the teachers rules or super star charismatic popular athletes who could get away with it.
It can be something for her to play with or wear so that's useful.

It's not a game changer though.

Baby you can wear my hat. If you got something to match....

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Random dudes high fiving you?

[Image: 200.gif]

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

I wear hats to keep the sun out of my eyes and off my head... as an accessory is the after-thought. There are no rules (within reason) as long as your frame is strong.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Sorry, but incredibly dumb experiment

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

I'll stick to mullet game

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Just read another thread that talks about penis bulge game: thread-66167.html

Do you think it would be possible to do both these game methods together? People already think guys that wear their hats backwards are douches but if you want to pull it off you kind of just have to embrace is and embrace the fact that other people probably think your an asshole. By not caring that other people think you're an asshole that could be seen as alpha and that might be why girls like backwards hats. By also doing penis bulge game at the same time you would basically be asserting dominance and showing you don't care what other people think and if you have a big bulge girls would be doubly interested. If anyone does bulge and or backwards hate game please report back on how it went.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

Team backwards hat! I was just at the gym while wearing my hat backwards. The flex fit band kept the sweat out of my eye after jogging for an hour. The only time I wear a hat forward is when I golf.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

I wouldn't say it's even douchey. It's a pretty normal way to wear a hat. I'd actually go back on my earlier post and say I was wrong.

Do you guys really see backwards hat and think "douche"?.I don't but...then again I wore Nike midcalfs with boatshoes religiously for years and my best friend had a Ralph Lauren hat he rocked backwards back when no one other than your grandpa would wear one...

The thing with douchey stuff is that everyone starts doing it then it becomes normal/pointless i.e boat shoes, backwards hats,ralph lauren hats,tatoos

If this was years ago I'd say wearing your hat backwards was douchey but now its normalized.

If anyone is wondering why lax bros dig hats it's because they're nececarry to condition a nice head of lettuce so your hair looks good in your helmet. (I used to wear a hat while getting ready after showering to make it 'flow')Also some people just look terrible with long hair and a hat covers it up.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

I can see this working if you have good facial features. I think American frat guys can get away with it, especially if they throw in boat shoes, cargo shorts, and a pink shirt into the mix. That kind of style may not fly well on this forum but those dudes get laid regardless. Ear studs would probably make it even better.

Again, I could never wear a hat backwards or dress like this in general but I can see how it might work on college sloots.

You + A backwards cap + Game = Winning

OP just found himself in one of those scenarios many of us do in our lifelong quest to perfect our look. He changes one small thing in his appearance, notices a massive difference in IOIs, and thinks it works for all guys.

Congrats to you, but what works for one guy does not work for another. That's why fashion is about taking a lot of risks and making a lot of mistakes. It takes some serious mileage to pinpoint what exactly is the right look for you. I'm still figuring it out, and the only way to really accelerate this process is by doing a consultation with guys like Tanner Guzy. I haven't, so don't think I'm shilling for him, just saying that there are ways to assist in this process.

At the age of 36 I finally decided to grow a full beard, and the result in IOIs is absolutely insane, easily tripling or quadrupling the number of IOIs I get. I keep it well trimmed and a maintain a haircut that matches it, which I think frames my face much better than the facial hair I had before. Does that mean that all guys should grow a full beard? No, some guys can't. It took me a long time to not have patches.

The older you get, I think you should have a foundation of style that you know works for you, but keep 10-20% of your wardrobe or accessories open to experimentation so that you can be constantly honing and refining your style into what best represents you. Believe me, a backwards hat will not work for a lot of guys, especially ones that go for a more refined or rugged look. But if you can manifest a solid partybro look that grabs girls' attention, full speed ahead.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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