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Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:24 AM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Once rock became 'asexual' and 'ironic' it lost it's appeal.

That's why these white hos love hip hop, it's alpha enough to be taken seriously in a sexual way where rock is not, these days.

I think you're right. Thing is, I remember in the late 90s/early 2000s we had great mainstream rock/alt rock and metal. You had RATM, Blink, System of a Down, Marilyn Manson, RHCP, Tool, Rammstein etc etc. These bands were cranking out hit after hit and rap was kept on the back burner. Not only that but the music was edgy and angry. You didn't even need to go underground for good music because there was so much good shit on the radiowaves!

Now? What do they have for decent mainstream rock bands? I don't even know.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

^ Queens of the Stone Age put out a new album a couple of weeks ago. Haven't heard it myself, but I've heard others saying it's good.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

^^ I like the Queens of the Stone Age album. It's a bit different but overall I'm liking it. They don't really make "singles" like most bands/groups which is nice.

Danielle's father looks like a decent fellow. Family man and volunteers...the mother must have been a piece of ghetto trash he was just fucking and he forgot to pull out or wrap it.
It must break his heart to see his little girl so fucked up all over the tv and internet.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 09:32 PM)Fitzgerald Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 04:24 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

Not the whole thing, but the tracks I've heard are great.

As for this mush-mouthed thot, you can hardly say "rap star".

You can't be called a rapper if you don't check at least 2 of the following 3 boxes: []Black, []American, []Male

What's a thot?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:14 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 09:32 PM)Fitzgerald Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 04:24 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

Not the whole thing, but the tracks I've heard are great.

As for this mush-mouthed thot, you can hardly say "rap star".

You can't be called a rapper if you don't check at least 2 of the following 3 boxes: []Black, []American, []Male

What's a thot?

That Ho Over There. Seriously.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 11:44 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:24 AM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Once rock became 'asexual' and 'ironic' it lost it's appeal.

That's why these white hos love hip hop, it's alpha enough to be taken seriously in a sexual way where rock is not, these days.

I think you're right. Thing is, I remember in the late 90s/early 2000s we had great mainstream rock/alt rock and metal. You had RATM, Blink, System of a Down, Marilyn Manson, RHCP, Tool, Rammstein etc etc. These bands were cranking out hit after hit and rap was kept on the back burner. Not only that but the music was edgy and angry. You didn't even need to go underground for good music because there was so much good shit on the radiowaves!

Now? What do they have for decent mainstream rock bands? I don't even know.

If you'll notice, the bands you mentioned are still around, but seem to have very little impact. Nobody is talking about them. The days of bands packing arenas are long gone. Guitar-based music is considered very old hat these days.

The idea of the 'playlist' is also one of those small things that has had a major impact on the music that gets made; you don't have albums being listened to the way we used to, back in the tape days or even the CD days. Most tunes have to be 'playlist friendly'. The idea of an album being played from start to finish doesn't seem to hold much weight these days. Ergo musicians are incentivized to pump out more bubble gum poppy / throwaway type shit instead of a cohesive, big picture focused, artistic vision.

For the bolded portion: most rock music is highly fragmented these days. There's so many different types that there's no one single cohesive audience the way there used to be. It's worth noting that this is a White phenomenon...whites listen to non-white music, non whites don't listen to white music.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 11:20 PM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

Matriarchal ghettos are the inevitable result of unbridled sexuality that deprives men of legitimate children that is enforced by the artificial injection of welfare. And the subsequent destruction of male headship over families.

Whatever tradition those people once had. Passed transgenerationally from Father to Son has been destroyed.

What remains is squalor and constant violence and a people with no future other than food, filth, promiscuous sex,drugs and early death. The favelas of Brazil and the slums of Africa.

No greatness arises nor improvement of condition. Only constant hell. People who cheer for this sort of thing cheers for the hellscape of matriarchal ghettos.

And those who are trapped and are not the exceptional people that escape will probably end up starving to death once the welfare is cutoff.

Yes, and I would like to add where all of this analysis comes from. For those who haven't read it, the Garbage Generation is by far one of the best red-pill books out there. It is how I've been able to create an understanding of feminism and American masses. It is the basis of virtually all of my political predictions (which are scarily accurate).

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 05:11 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

I don't believe Man was created to be like the barnyard animals. Man was handed the gift of Reason from Nature. Man was meant for higher things, for great enterprises, and for supreme achievements. Because man was endowed by Nature with the gift of Reason, he has a responsibility to use that Reason to elevate himself and his people. This is true for both men and women. We should aspire to something higher than simple biology.

As Plato said in his letter to Archytas (Epistle 9), "Man was not born for himself alone, but for his country and his people; and these claims leave a small part of him left over for himself." Your body is not yours to do with it whatever you want. You have responsibilities to your fellow-man. You have responsibilities to your society.

Reason also carries with it the responsibility to act with dignity and responsibility. A human being is also expected to act with restraint and discipline. This is why we, as men, recoil instinctively from all things that are evil, false and deceptive, like cheating, injustice, and untruths. Reason likes to command; it is not in its nature to be commanded.

My point is that this video represents an offense against both society and Nature itself. You may think this is an overreaction, but I don't think so. We need to call out evil and depravity when we see it, not to celebrate it or condone it because it suits our sense of sexual titillation.


From Waking Life:


...the gap between, say, Plato or Nietzsche, and the average human is greater than the gap between that chimpanzee and the average human. The realm of the real spirit, the true artist, the saint, the philosopher, is rarely achieved. Why so few? Why is world history and evolution not stories of progress, rather this endless and futile addition of zeros? No greater values have developed. Hell, the Greeks 3,000 years ago were just as advanced as we are. So what are these barriers that keep people from reaching anywhere near their real potential. The answer to that can be found in another question, and that's this: which is the most universal human characteristic: fear or laziness?

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-02-2017 09:21 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Several years ago, I remember a guy on Fetlife. He was a white guy from South Africa and had a job as an assistant principal in a Korean school. He LOVED his job. His favorite part was spanking teenage Korean girls. He loved it a little too much if you ask me.

I don't endorse male principals spanking teenage girls.

I also remember many years ago a case in the Pittsburgh area. A cop offered to fix teen girls' speeding tickets if he could spank them instead.

That doesn't mean spanking wouldn't do teenage girls a lot of good. I would just let other women do it.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-10-2017 05:41 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

He LOVED his job. His favorite part was spanking teenage Korean girls.

Are there any photos of this outrage that you could post?

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:15 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:14 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 09:32 PM)Fitzgerald Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 04:24 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

Not the whole thing, but the tracks I've heard are great.

As for this mush-mouthed thot, you can hardly say "rap star".

You can't be called a rapper if you don't check at least 2 of the following 3 boxes: []Black, []American, []Male

What's a thot?

That Ho Over There. Seriously.

How do you pronounce it?

Is it thot like tater TOT, or thot like "When I saw this word, I THOUGHT it was fucking retarded."

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-05-2017 12:52 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 11:44 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:24 AM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Once rock became 'asexual' and 'ironic' it lost it's appeal.

That's why these white hos love hip hop, it's alpha enough to be taken seriously in a sexual way where rock is not, these days.

I think you're right. Thing is, I remember in the late 90s/early 2000s we had great mainstream rock/alt rock and metal. You had RATM, Blink, System of a Down, Marilyn Manson, RHCP, Tool, Rammstein etc etc. These bands were cranking out hit after hit and rap was kept on the back burner. Not only that but the music was edgy and angry. You didn't even need to go underground for good music because there was so much good shit on the radiowaves!

Now? What do they have for decent mainstream rock bands? I don't even know.

If you'll notice, the bands you mentioned are still around, but seem to have very little impact. Nobody is talking about them. The days of bands packing arenas are long gone. Guitar-based music is considered very old hat these days.

The idea of the 'playlist' is also one of those small things that has had a major impact on the music that gets made; you don't have albums being listened to the way we used to, back in the tape days or even the CD days. Most tunes have to be 'playlist friendly'. The idea of an album being played from start to finish doesn't seem to hold much weight these days. Ergo musicians are incentivized to pump out more bubble gum poppy / throwaway type shit instead of a cohesive, big picture focused, artistic vision.

For the bolded portion: most rock music is highly fragmented these days. There's so many different types that there's no one single cohesive audience the way there used to be. It's worth noting that this is a White phenomenon...whites listen to non-white music, non whites don't listen to white music.

Too many shoegazing indie hipster bands (with lousy players/singers, looking at you, Oasis, The Strokes and The Vines) trying to be uniquely apathetic and the marketing machine becoming geared more towards pandering to feminine tastes. Not to mention more women infiltrating the clubhouse, so to speak. (Thanks, Courtney Love)
Why else would someone gradually replace actual distorted guitars and live drums with synths and drum machines? 'Cause they aren't as grating to the female ear...

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Add to the above the overuse/proliferation of the term "rockstar" (party like a rockstar, rockstar workout, etc), playing an instrument reduced to a video game (thanks, Guitar/Band Hero).

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-11-2017 09:13 AM)Remington Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:15 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:14 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 09:32 PM)Fitzgerald Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 04:24 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

Not the whole thing, but the tracks I've heard are great.

As for this mush-mouthed thot, you can hardly say "rap star".

You can't be called a rapper if you don't check at least 2 of the following 3 boxes: []Black, []American, []Male

What's a thot?

That Ho Over There. Seriously.

How do you pronounce it?

Is it thot like tater TOT, or thot like "When I saw this word, I THOUGHT it was fucking retarded."

How are u an american male and never heard the word thot? Im confused. Its pronounced like Tot but with an H though. so tater thot. Got it?

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

She is a heaux, for sheaux.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-13-2017 01:49 PM)cominouthard Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2017 09:13 AM)Remington Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:15 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2017 07:14 AM)renotime Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2017 09:32 PM)Fitzgerald Wrote:  

Not the whole thing, but the tracks I've heard are great.

As for this mush-mouthed thot, you can hardly say "rap star".

You can't be called a rapper if you don't check at least 2 of the following 3 boxes: []Black, []American, []Male

What's a thot?

That Ho Over There. Seriously.

How do you pronounce it?

Is it thot like tater TOT, or thot like "When I saw this word, I THOUGHT it was fucking retarded."

How are u an american male and never heard the word thot? Im confused. Its pronounced like Tot but with an H though. so tater thot. Got it?

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

"Cash Me Outside" girl signs a record deal with Atlantic Records.

[Image: 0915-danielle-bregoli-signs-with-atlanti...-tmz-4.jpg]


Danielle Bregoli just joined the ranks of Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Wiz Khalifa and Cardi B ... cuz she just scored a record deal with Atlantic Records.
Sources close to the situation tell us Danielle caught the attention of record execs after her first single, "These Heaux," generated unexpected success. The song's music video already has 21 million views and we're told that Bregoli is the youngest female rapper to chart on the Hot 100 at #77.
We're told the deal includes multiple albums and is worth millions ... Bregoli signed the contract under her rap name, "Bhad Bhabie."
Say what you want about the girl ... but she's raking in the dough.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

^ must be all those hormones in milk

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

I predict a string of mixtapes, autotune,ghost writers, manufactured beefs and many famous rapper cameos culminating in a successful 5 year relevancy with an eventual movie cameo (career?), and a stint on dancing with the stars and a reality show. She will be relevant going into the roaring 2020's....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-16-2017 03:25 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I predict a string of mixtapes, autotune,ghost writers, manufactured beefs and many famous rapper cameos culminating in a successful 5 year relevancy with an eventual movie cameo (career?), and a stint on dancing with the stars and a reality show. She will be relevant going into the roaring 2020's....

Fixed it for you:
Quote: (09-16-2017 03:25 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I predict a string of mixtapes, autotune,ghost writers, manufactured beefs and many famous rapper cameos culminating in a successful 8 month relevancy with an eventual movie cameo (career?), and a stint on Celebrity Rehab. She will be relevant going into the roaring Spring 2018....

I doubt she'll have a long career...labels don't develop artists anymore(they risk-averse only seem to sign artists who already have gone viral on their own so they can ride the wave of the success the rapper created for themselves). Record sales for all genres are in the toilet. The label's banking on getting a few hot singles out of her then they'll drop her(she likely signed away all rights to her performance and mechanical royalties so the label'll get that money on the backend).

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Seems to be the current procedure.
The labels these days apparently sign an artist (with little to no experience), push the first single hard (in Finland that's about 5000€ for decent airplay on Spotify, needs about 2 million streams to recoup) and if there's no interest, they move on to the next one.

Sad thing is, the artist doesn't see any money beyond the advance until the label recoups theirs, so the artist has to go on the road to get some cash. And that's where the inexperience comes into play: if the artist sucks, no gigs.

And people wonder why most bands/artists take the DIY route...

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-16-2017 08:16 AM)Mr. D Wrote:  

Seems to be the current procedure.
The labels these days apparently sign an artist (with little to no experience), push the first single hard (in Finland that's about 5000€ for decent airplay on Spotify, needs about 2 million streams to recoup) and if there's no interest, they move on to the next one.

Sad thing is, the artist doesn't see any money beyond the advance until the label recoups theirs, so the artist has to go on the road to get some cash. And that's where the inexperience comes into play: if the artist sucks, no gigs.

And people wonder why most bands/artists take the DIY route...

Re: the bolded, the record companies in the American have even found a way to get the touring money too. (((They))) call them "360 Deals" and it basically lets the label get a cut of all the artist revenue streams above and beyond normal record sales.

Slightly off-topic but the record label is still very new concept while music is as old as humanity. The internet opened Pandora's Box and was the death-knell for the music industry. I'm glad that they major labels are slowly drying trying to commodify and homogenize artistry/creativity(not saying that Danielle has any talent though ha).

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

She already has four tattoos:

Giving this type of girl and her mom millions is going to provide this thread with fodder for years, maybe decades.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

. I tried to edit this and end up double posting!

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

I thought you weren't allowed to get tattoos until you're 18.

If she continues with her antics well into the 2020s, this thread should be renamed "The Danielle Bregoli (Cash Me Outside Girl) thread".

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

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