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Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Meanwhile, the 13-year-old lead singer of Bow Wow Wow in 1980, who repeatedly posed nude on their album covers.

I don't really see this new video as evidence that the sky is falling any more than it already did, long ago. No-one cared then. No-one cared now. I'm tired of shouting about it, being that I've accepted that people will choose acting feral over acting civilised every time. Particularly women.

If the Priest and the Policeman are both going to lecture me on intolerance for not accepting men who lick each other's arseholes, then the quicker society burns so we can rebuild, the better. We live in the Degenerate Phase: expect it.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Strangely enough, I think in a way she's not sexualized, not in her mind. Trying to be a badass and showing flesh is just a form of attention seeking. Take away the legs and the stool keels over. But sadly, too many people treat her like she's something when she's nothing. She's a prime candidate for an almighty corrective slap that unfortunately will never be forthcoming.

Despite being an obnoxious waste of space, in 1:51-1:53 you can almost see a likeable, normal girl (minus the insolence). But just a glimpse. The rest is tragic.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Is she a 14-year old being sacrificed for harvest with ritual immorality?

Or is she a go-your-own-way kid who's working in an inherently immoral space, getting a lucky, early launch that will corrupt her but through no fault of her own?

I think after the enjoy-the-decline obama years and all the sexualization of children that happened under the cover of political darkness, some of us are a little torn when we see a ghost of entrepreneurial spirit blended into the stock child abuse (it's true, that's what it is).

Maybe I just became numbed to the point where I see depravity like that and am okay with it. And I'm not okay with that.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 05:11 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

I think we're losing sight of the issue here.

No one doubts that sexualized, bawdy lyrics in song and poetry have been part of music for centuries. Of course you can find it out there. It's not hard. It goes all the way back to Aristophanes, Rabelais, Chaucer, etc., etc.

But that's not the issue.

The difference between the smart phone, YouTube world of 2017 and the 1930s, 40s, 50s, etc. is a very big one. In the old days, you didn't have 14 year old girls mincing around, shaking their breasts and asses, "singing" about sex. And you sure as hell didn't have major corporations (YouTube) endorsing it by allowing it to be posted. You didn't have this shit piped directly into the hands of millions of kids via their "smart" (what a cruel joke that is) phones.

So that's the difference. The difference is one of degree, amplitude, and volume. No one is going to convince me that the overt sexualization of a 14-year old child is a good thing, or that it represents some "pinnacle" of cultural development. It does not.

Or, I should say it does, if your view of humanity is that Man is nothing more than a barnyard animal, fit for nothing more than eating, sleeping, shitting, and fucking. If that's your view of "culture," then good luck with that. We're on different planets and nothing I say is going to convince you of anything.

If you think Cheetos-eating, bottom-feeding scum and lowlifes are something to be celebrated, then I say you are thinking more with your loins than with your brain. You see this video, become sexually aroused (be honest), and then spin some convoluted rationalization as how this is "good" and "great." It isn't your mind speaking, but your loins. Be honest.

Fourteen year old girls do not do this. Any society that permits it and celebrates it is evil and deserves everything it gets. Those who peddle this shit should be sanctioned.

And why is no one asking why this video is not being demonitized on YouTube? Why? Why is it that when some random person makes a video attacking a SJW, YouTube rushes to censor it, but when something culturally harmful like this comes around, they do nothing? It's the corporate agenda. The agenda is to sexualize and commodify children, to debase them and turn them into monetary units, so they can profit from it. And the public interest be damned.

Take a good look. You're paying for this shit--every day.

I don't believe Man was created to be like the barnyard animals. Man was handed the gift of Reason from Nature. Man was meant for higher things, for great enterprises, and for supreme achievements. Because man was endowed by Nature with the gift of Reason, he has a responsibility to use that Reason to elevate himself and his people. This is true for both men and women. We should aspire to something higher than simple biology.

As Plato said in his letter to Archytas (Epistle 9), "Man was not born for himself alone, but for his country and his people; and these claims leave a small part of him left over for himself." Your body is not yours to do with it whatever you want. You have responsibilities to your fellow-man. You have responsibilities to your society.

Reason also carries with it the responsibility to act with dignity and responsibility. A human being is also expected to act with restraint and discipline. This is why we, as men, recoil instinctively from all things that are evil, false and deceptive, like cheating, injustice, and untruths. Reason likes to command; it is not in its nature to be commanded.

My point is that this video represents an offense against both society and Nature itself. You may think this is an overreaction, but I don't think so. We need to call out evil and depravity when we see it, not to celebrate it or condone it because it suits our sense of sexual titillation.


It boils down the natural law based on biology and whether sex is sacred or not.

What we need is chastity not the extreme of either frigidity or promiscuity which this video represents.

This video is the very definition of profane sexuality and the result of the desacralization of sex that accompanies societal decline.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

We need chastity on a game forum? I think not.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:35 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

People are easy to troll.

Here's a notorious song from 1963, that was investigated by the FBI for 31 months for obscenity until it was eventually-decided that they couldn't understand a word of it:

Except they missed the clearly-audible 'Fuck!' as the drummer drops his sticks somewhere around the 0.50-0.54 mark. (It's similar to the obvious 'fookin' hell!' in the Beatles' 'Hey Jude').

Even worse the FBI was so stupid they didn't even bother to track down the original 45 of the author Richard Berry's version where the lyrics were clear as day!

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:45 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 07:43 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Those lamenting this state of affairs should further realize that this lower class culture which they see as nothing but trash represents the great health and energy of America, indeed the very energy that has saved us.


Yet this is exactly what happened. Trump was elected by the votes of lower class America, all across our beautiful vast methlands and every single opiate-infested hamlet.


When you watch young Danielle prancing before the cameras and speaking her inspired and barely comprehensible rap patois, you are watching an emanation of that very American health; and you should look at that beautiful muggy Southern California sky and realize all that it means.

This is absolutely, provably false in almost every way.

1. Trump performed better than Romney with voters in the $50,000 to $100,000 income range, and the median income of his primary supporters was $72,000, which is higher than the national average; Trump's biggest block of supporters are educated and middle class

2. The demographics which listen to mainstream rap tend to be the most anti-Trump, particularly blacks and Hispanics; and rappers have made "Fuck Trump" music videos, mock assassinated him in videos, and threatened to sell Melania into sex slavery

How many of the people in "These Heauxs" do you think are actually Trump supporters? I'm guessing it's somewhere close to 0, and that at least a handful of them would become violent if you showed up on set in a MAGA hat.

3. Southern California is overhwhelmingly blue

And your claim that the lower classes of America always displayed such degeneracy is, like the rest of your post, simply untrue.

I'm actually a fan of the older and/or less mainstream rap music, but to compare this dumb chick or Lil Yachty to Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, Jimi Hendrix, or Big Daddy Kane is laughable. Hell, even the black gangsters of 50 years ago had a sense of class.

And it's not like the '70s were the high point of American culture either.

It is a fact that the welfare class overwhelmingly voted for Hillary, which is where this 14-year old whore in the OP is from. Lizard of Oz confuses "lower class" with "welfare class."

The welfare classes aren't lower class. They are lower than that; they are classless. They are the underworld class. They unfortunately compromise some of the worst elements of humanity; total entitlement, extreme selfishness, complete debasement, and hatred of anything involving reason and contemplation. The welfare class is typically anti-Christian, even though you would think being poor would make them become more amenable to Christ. Instead, they get their life for free, and mostly show nothing but ingratitude without a flint of introspection to the precariousness of their existence.

Comparing the welfare class to the lower classes of American history is simply ignorant and ahistorical. No offense to Liz. But consider the facts:

- Wild West was unapologetically masculine; Welfare class is a matriarchal ghetto.
- Wild West everyone had to earn a living or die, the weak were culled; in the Welfare class the strong are exploited while the weak seek to mooch as much as possible from anyone they can.
- Wild West enjoyed their whores and booze, but they still loved their Neighbor and feared God; most of the Welfare class has never stepped foot in a church let alone read a page of the Bible.

The Welfare class represents almost everything wrong with America. It is a cancer destroying everything good about America from the inside. The welfare class wanted nothing more than Hillary to get elected so they could get more free shit. They are the free shit army who could care less if America goes bankrupt and dies. The welfare class has nothing in common with what made America great, in fact it is the total opposite.

This 14-year old whore is nothing new by any standard; you can read about them going back to Greek times. But what is perverse is the promotion this tramplet receives, it is clearly a push for pedophilla and part of the never-ending culture war against Christian America.

There is no respect for neighbors in the welfare ghettos of America, which is why they have monthly death tolls in the dozens (e.g. Chicago). There is nothing but a glorification of money, their true God, since as long as they get their paychecks and amenities every month they never have to focus on improving their character and soul.

The election of Trump was a victory of the salt of the earth, the lower classes of America who work for a living and pay taxes. It was a triumph against the Godless elites and their welfare slaves who care for nothing but themselves. Lizard of Oz could not be more gravely mistaken than to confuse America's salt of the earth with the welfare demons.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

By the way she's 14 and already has a gut. By 21 she's done. Paracelsus is correct that the porn vid will be out by 18.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 11:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

It is a fact that the welfare class overwhelmingly voted for Hillary, which is where this 14-year old whore in the OP is from. Lizard of Oz confuses "lower class" with "welfare class."


Comparing the welfare class to the lower classes of American history is simply ignorant and ahistorical. No offense to Liz.

The distinction between the welfare class and the working class is an excellent one.

Great posts by QC, as well.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:30 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 09:45 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 04:52 PM)Kona Wrote:  

I hang around a number of under 25 year old females because they are good to have sex with.

Recently, one of them said something deep. "If you really listen to the lyrics, you can understand the struggles the migos have faced in their lifetimes."

She said the same of Lil Yatchy and Lil Uzi. Deep stuff.


I'm seeing a Hawaiian girl right now that says the same thing. Always talking about how rap expresses how hard some people have it.

I know rap like that exists but it seems like all that anyone listens to is the shit glorifying new money and thot behavior. I've never heard this girl once play anything remotely deep or meaningful as far as rap is concerned. At least she's got a great ass.

Born and raised? Where? What's her opinion on the Thirty Meter Telescope?

They play "I got broads in Atlanta" while they are fighting desecration of sacred lands. Ask her when you guys are at l&l. Based on the answers to those simple questions I'll be able to tell you what type of person you are dealing with.


Born and raised, big island on the kona side, highly against the telescope. We still haven't gotten hawaiian together...but she does have plenty of spam and furikake in her pantry.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

''It boils down the natural law''

*It boils down to natural law

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 10:26 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:35 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Here's a notorious song from 1963, that was investigated by the FBI for 31 months for obscenity until it was eventually-decided that they couldn't understand a word of it:

Even worse the FBI was so stupid they didn't even bother to track down the original 45 of the author Richard Berry's version where the lyrics were clear as day!

Lucky they weren't trying to translate James Reyne

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

The moment I heard the first few seconds of this song I thought 'have I heard this before?'. As it turns out, it's the same recycled soundtrack that is being played by a bunch of new rappers (can't say the same about the lyrics, but I'm guessing they do the same).

Watch this and you will understand.

Degenerate art means degenerate society.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 09:33 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

The moment I heard the first few seconds of this song I thought 'have I heard this before?'. As it turns out, it's the same recycled soundtrack that is being played by a bunch of new rappers (can't say the same about the lyrics, but I'm guessing they do the same).

Watch this and you will understand.

Degenerate art means degenerate society.

I think that many newer rappers sing like that to give off the impression of speed which they do not have. That is what it looks like to me, honestly.

I do have to say that the rapping style creates a kind of flow, a relaxed mood. Future for example creates a good mood with the way that his lyrics flow.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-02-2017 11:38 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 11:22 AM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:52 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

She is 14 years old. No sign of the father.

Oh, he's chilling with his other family. Seems like he was denied visitation rights, so he started a new family instead:
[Image: ip3f.jpg]

He tried with all his heart to be in his daughters life but the mother blocked him.Poor Danielle- The videos are cool, and sure she is making money (love the titties...) but her life trajectory will suffer without a caring father. Her mother is a selfish cunt....

Reading the father's everpedia profile is even more depressing:


Ever since his daughter achieved meme stardom with her phrase Cash Me Outside How Bow Dah, Peskowitz has been thrown into the spotlight and gave an interview with the Palm Beach Post where he said he was appalled by his daughter's behavior and is disappointed in Dr. Phil.[3] 

This is yet more proof that welfare demons are literally created through the state's enforcement of single motherhood. Truly horrible shit what is going on.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 03:38 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Ever since his daughter achieved meme stardom with her phrase Cash Me Outside How Bow Dah, Peskowitz has been thrown into the spotlight and gave an interview with the Palm Beach Post where he said he was appalled by his daughter's behavior and is disappointed in Dr. Phil.[3] 

Wait a second, Peskowitz?????

Is cash me outside one of (((them)))? Is this just another Talmudic mind control trick?


Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Kona Talmuds use matriarchal lineage so Bregoli is not a Jew (yes I know you were being sarcastic)

The father would have to have plotted to wife a whore knock her up to raise a whore in training and then use Jewish connections to get them on Dr. Phil etc. I think he's just a normal Jew not an elite level one.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

She was raised on this version of children's story.

David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage. 1 Samuel 18:27

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 11:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

The election of Trump was a victory of the salt of the earth, the lower classes of America who work for a living and pay taxes. It was a triumph against the Godless elites and their welfare slaves who care for nothing but themselves. Lizard of Oz could not be more gravely mistaken than to confuse America's salt of the earth with the welfare demons.

Agreed. There is a mistaken association of the simple, hard-working, lower economic classes who also lack social class elevation (to be frank, America as a whole lacks true 'social class' in the Continental sense) with welfare denizens who contribute nothing yet expect the same standard of living of those who do.

In my business - retail automotive - I've dealt with dregs of both urban black and rural white trash (not redneck or simple - true white trash) and you would be shocked at the onerous lack of regard or appreciation for anything as well as the utter sense of entitlement these people have.

I've had couples come in with no real source of income, and yet the sheer volume of monetary entitlements among child support, SSI/SSD, Section 8 housing, EBT, and the like nets them between $2200-2700/mo in documented income along with very little in term of expenditures - $250/mo for a 3/2 apartment, for example. These societal leeches most often co-habitate without being married and have 2-4 children, all with some form of cashable disability. Mother is also disabled in some way - usually overweight - and the father is also disabled, yet has an unprovable source of income, usually landscaping or a handyman (unlicensed with no business name of course), which is usually supplemented with low-level narcotics sales. They all come in during tax refund season with $1500-3000 on an HR Block card, use it for a down payment on a car they can in no way afford to keep maintained (BMW, Audi) or fueled (Ram 1500, F-150), and it usually gets repossessed in matter of 12-18 months.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Danielle's video was so god damn awful, that's all I got to say about that.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 04:24 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

That's something else on my list of things to get, after acquiring that Richard Feynman book.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 07:14 AM)Tex Cruise Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2017 10:26 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:35 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Here's a notorious song from 1963, that was investigated by the FBI for 31 months for obscenity until it was eventually-decided that they couldn't understand a word of it:

Even worse the FBI was so stupid they didn't even bother to track down the original 45 of the author Richard Berry's version where the lyrics were clear as day!

Lucky they weren't trying to translate James Reyne

Motorhead also do a good version.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-04-2017 04:24 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Am I the only one in here that has heard the new Queens Of The Stone Age album?

Not the whole thing, but the tracks I've heard are great.

As for this mush-mouthed thot, you can hardly say "rap star".

You can't be called a rapper if you don't check at least 2 of the following 3 boxes: []Black, []American, []Male

"Make a little music everyday 'til you die"

Voice teacher here. If you ever need help with singing, speech and diction, accent improvement/reduction, I'm your man.

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-03-2017 11:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2017 04:45 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 07:43 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Those lamenting this state of affairs should further realize that this lower class culture which they see as nothing but trash represents the great health and energy of America, indeed the very energy that has saved us.


Yet this is exactly what happened. Trump was elected by the votes of lower class America, all across our beautiful vast methlands and every single opiate-infested hamlet.


When you watch young Danielle prancing before the cameras and speaking her inspired and barely comprehensible rap patois, you are watching an emanation of that very American health; and you should look at that beautiful muggy Southern California sky and realize all that it means.

This is absolutely, provably false in almost every way.

1. Trump performed better than Romney with voters in the $50,000 to $100,000 income range, and the median income of his primary supporters was $72,000, which is higher than the national average; Trump's biggest block of supporters are educated and middle class

2. The demographics which listen to mainstream rap tend to be the most anti-Trump, particularly blacks and Hispanics; and rappers have made "Fuck Trump" music videos, mock assassinated him in videos, and threatened to sell Melania into sex slavery

How many of the people in "These Heauxs" do you think are actually Trump supporters? I'm guessing it's somewhere close to 0, and that at least a handful of them would become violent if you showed up on set in a MAGA hat.

3. Southern California is overhwhelmingly blue

And your claim that the lower classes of America always displayed such degeneracy is, like the rest of your post, simply untrue.

I'm actually a fan of the older and/or less mainstream rap music, but to compare this dumb chick or Lil Yachty to Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, Jimi Hendrix, or Big Daddy Kane is laughable. Hell, even the black gangsters of 50 years ago had a sense of class.

And it's not like the '70s were the high point of American culture either.

It is a fact that the welfare class overwhelmingly voted for Hillary, which is where this 14-year old whore in the OP is from. Lizard of Oz confuses "lower class" with "welfare class."

The welfare classes aren't lower class. They are lower than that; they are classless. They are the underworld class. They unfortunately compromise some of the worst elements of humanity; total entitlement, extreme selfishness, complete debasement, and hatred of anything involving reason and contemplation. The welfare class is typically anti-Christian, even though you would think being poor would make them become more amenable to Christ. Instead, they get their life for free, and mostly show nothing but ingratitude without a flint of introspection to the precariousness of their existence.

Comparing the welfare class to the lower classes of American history is simply ignorant and ahistorical. No offense to Liz. But consider the facts:

- Wild West was unapologetically masculine; Welfare class is a matriarchal ghetto.
- Wild West everyone had to earn a living or die, the weak were culled; in the Welfare class the strong are exploited while the weak seek to mooch as much as possible from anyone they can.
- Wild West enjoyed their whores and booze, but they still loved their Neighbor and feared God; most of the Welfare class has never stepped foot in a church let alone read a page of the Bible.

The Welfare class represents almost everything wrong with America. It is a cancer destroying everything good about America from the inside. The welfare class wanted nothing more than Hillary to get elected so they could get more free shit. They are the free shit army who could care less if America goes bankrupt and dies. The welfare class has nothing in common with what made America great, in fact it is the total opposite.

This 14-year old whore is nothing new by any standard; you can read about them going back to Greek times. But what is perverse is the promotion this tramplet receives, it is clearly a push for pedophilla and part of the never-ending culture war against Christian America.

There is no respect for neighbors in the welfare ghettos of America, which is why they have monthly death tolls in the dozens (e.g. Chicago). There is nothing but a glorification of money, their true God, since as long as they get their paychecks and amenities every month they never have to focus on improving their character and soul.

The election of Trump was a victory of the salt of the earth, the lower classes of America who work for a living and pay taxes. It was a triumph against the Godless elites and their welfare slaves who care for nothing but themselves. Lizard of Oz could not be more gravely mistaken than to confuse America's salt of the earth with the welfare demons.

Matriarchal ghettos are the inevitable result of unbridled sexuality that deprives men of legitimate children that is enforced by the artificial injection of welfare. And the subsequent destruction of male headship over families.

Whatever tradition those people once had. Passed transgenerationally from Father to Son has been destroyed.

What remains is squalor and constant violence and a people with no future other than food, filth, promiscuous sex,drugs and early death. The favelas of Brazil and the slums of Africa.

No greatness arises nor improvement of condition. Only constant hell. People who cheer for this sort of thing cheers for the hellscape of matriarchal ghettos.

And those who are trapped and are not the exceptional people that escape will probably end up starving to death once the welfare is cutoff.

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