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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (05-31-2017 10:37 PM)bacon Wrote:  

Good find Dusty. Here are a few short clips.
At 2:05 discussing fake newspapers to imply that Russians control the media

AT 2:45 she says Russia = wikileaks

At 4 4:12 Comney Memo was influenced by the Russians
Here is goes off about starting from the bottom with the DNC and that Trump had everything given to him already with the RNC.

At 3:20 She goes out of her way to avoid saying fake news lol
Her "email mistake" was something others had done before and she was "very responsible and not at all careless."

We shouldn't be surprised that the bitter hag is still dwelling on the past by passing the blame onto others.
[Image: wDl8sFQ.gif]

As for this part: "Her "email mistake" was something others had done before and she was 'very responsible and not at all careless.' "
[Image: giphy.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: DBREQ1zVYAA-ZMn.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: 20170601_hillary.jpg]

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

The Hillary Clinton thread

When I get old, I want to retire in Macedonia and start my own content farm. Get a local girl, a milk cow, some pigs, a chicken coop, a beehive and some acreage to grow me some content.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

Not since Alexander have Macedonians been so influential in shaping the course of history.

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

If the Hildebeast is blaming stupid people for her loss, it can only mean she finally got her hands on a mirror.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Wtf I love Macedonia now!

The Hillary Clinton thread

Macedonia has hot and fairly non-westernized girls, great food at affordable prices and stunning mountainous/lake landscapes. Getting there can be a bit difficult, but otherwise it's a real gem.

Explains why Soros has bought a controlling stake in all of their media and is stirring up Albanian terrorism in some parts of the country.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

The Hillary Clinton thread

Huma's home got raided after Weiner moved back in, I think some of her relatives homes got raided too.
Michigan home raided by FBI in operation described as national security issue

June 02, 2017
FBI agents raided a Michigan home Thursday night in an operation described as a matter of national security.

The operation took place in Dearborn and the scene was cleared before midnight, Fox 2 reported.

The operation stemmed from an incident that occurred out of state, the Detroit Free Press added, reporting that investigators tracked the suspects to the area. Law enforcement officials from multiple regions were on the scene.

"FBI personnel are on scene conducting a law enforcement operation. There is no threat to public safety,” FBI spokesperson Timothy Wiley told the newspaper.

Officials were expected to give more details about the operation sometime Friday.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The Hillary Clinton thread

What about that raid makes you think it had anything to do with Huma?

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (06-05-2017 04:09 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

What about that raid makes you think it had anything to do with Huma?

I don't see the connection either. Dearborn, Michigan has one of the biggest muslim enclaves within the US. I'd say it probably has more to do with that than Huma.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Seems it was just alt-right sites making the connection, falsely.
Nevermind fake news.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The Hillary Clinton thread

Hillary writes about keeping her slaves in line:
[Image: DBqBToMWsAA1-TS.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (05-31-2017 09:31 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Holy fuck! Normally I can't take more than a few seconds of Shrillarys voice, but I had to watch most of this video. It's like rubber necking at an accident.

What a broken and bitter woman. Trump's schlonging of her completely broke her.

Here she is spinning crazed conspiracy theories, and unable to control her rage and bitterness.

Comments disabled.

What I wouldn't have given to have been there and thrown a MAGA hat onto the stage while yelling "Pepe!"

The Hillary Clinton thread


The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: DBzTmLIXkAAQYZ3.jpg]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

Van Jones is not impressed :


The Hillary Clinton thread

Along with Van Jones above, this is the third notable leftist dismissal of Hilldawg I've seen today.

Whether it's that "black prison slave" deal.
Or the failed "Russia collusion" farce.
Seems the left are now slowly willing to turn on Hillary.


The Hillary Clinton thread

I think nobody is more terrified at the idea of a Hillary revival than Hillary's team.

I'm quite certain that they were all desperately hoping to cash their cheques, change their names, move to a different country and get fresh identities along with plastic surgery to match.

"Mi? De-bor-ah Wasser-man? Lo siento. Estás equivocado."

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: j5jpbjzk7sro0vjpwnaw.jpg]

Don't call it a heel turn, Hillary has always been bad. But this local wrestler has a gimmick not even the Russians can hack.

Meet the "Progressive Liberal" bringing the heat to Kentucky wrestling, promoting Hillary as the true president, and even Feels the Bern for Secretary of State.

But we have not yet hit the bottom for Hillary Clinton yet.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (06-11-2017 10:14 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Along with Van Jones above, this is the third notable leftist dismissal of Hilldawg I've seen today.

Whether it's that "black prison slave" deal.
Or the failed "Russia collusion" farce.
Seems the left are now slowly willing to turn on Hillary.


Quote: (06-27-2017 05:18 PM)TheOllam Wrote: [url=] 

[Image: j5jpbjzk7sro0vjpwnaw.jpg]

Don't call it a heel turn, Hillary has always been bad. But this local wrestler has a gimmick not even the Russians can hack.

Meet the "Progressive Liberal" bringing the heat to Kentucky wrestling, promoting Hillary as the true president, and even Feels the Bern for Secretary of State.

But we have not yet hit the bottom for Hillary Clinton yet.

The problem is, Hillary and Clinton's people are too integrated inside the DNC and the democrat party, her tentacles are too deep inside, is just to hard for them to get rid of her and the Clinton clan, same thing happens with Pelosi.

Many of these fossils have too much power and control over the entire party, they cannot renew the party as long as these people are in.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Holy fuck, how is this thread 222 pages deep?

At least just like the election, The Donald Trump Thread has 10 times more supporters[Image: banana.gif]

Life is good

The Hillary Clinton thread

GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails committed suicide


A Republican Party operative who said he tried to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers committed suicide days after speaking to The Wall Street Journal, records acquired by the Chicago Tribune show.

Peter W. Smith, an 81-year-old GOP donor from Chicago, was found dead in a Rochester, Minnesota hotel room on May 14. The Tribune obtained a state death record stating Smith committed suicide in the hotel on the date.

The Journal reported that Smith, a longtime opposition researcher for the GOP, “mounted an independent campaign to obtain emails he believed were stolen by Hillary Clinton’s private server, likely by Russian hackers” and implied he was working with Gen. Michael Flynn, then a senior adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump.

Smith said he had created a team to find the emails that might have been stolen by hackers during Clinton’s tenure as U.S. Secretary of State, although the Journal reported Smith was focused on obtaining the 30,000 emails Clinton claimed she deleted because they were personal.

In Smith’s hotel room, he left a “statement police called a suicide note in which he said he was in ill health and a life insurance policy was expiring,” the Tribune reported.

His death, which a police chief called “unusual,” had been recorded as “asphyxiation due to displacement of oxygen in a confined space with helium.” Smith was found with a bag over his head and a helium source attached.

According to the Tribune, Smith wrote two blog posts before his death: one challenging the U.S. intelligence community’s findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and another “predicting” that "the Russian interference story will die of its own weight."


He has been dead for 2 months. Why are there suddenly a bunch of stories about this now?

The Hillary Clinton thread

^Someone got too close to the truth.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Clinton suicide: Two shots to the back of the skull with a shotgun, or a small aircraft crashing in the rural wilderness. Sure.

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