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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 08:41 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

Don't forget the age of women when they want to have a pregnancy plays a part in the decline. The older you are, the more difficult it is to have a kid without complications. Its easy to have multiple kids in your 20's as female since you body is optimized to creating a new life at that time. The degree status chasing exhibit by the 'white' girl population thanks to pop cultures and predatory college administers, lets a girl have a kid at later 20s or early 30's depending on the degree. Add in STDs, you can have girl with numerous infections become basically sterile due to scaring of Fallopian tubes. Once you hit 35 years old as a female, the increase chance of your child having Down Syndrome or another genetic condition increases.

Damn elite and leftist's manipulation.

Don't let the entire Baby Boomer generation off the hook.

The only reason colleges have huge numbers of people scrambling to get into them is because college was fetishised by the Baby Boomers: they set the societal agenda for a good thirty, forty years, and that agenda was that every fucking bastard should go to college even if there was no reason for them to do so and even if there were decent jobs right there ready to go. The Baby Boomers also destroyed the US entrepreneurial spirit as a result, because they encouraged their kids to not grow the fuck up, or take their own risk, start their own businesses, fight for a place in the economy. They were the generation most singly responsible for the what I call the dronification of American culture.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 03:13 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

I have a son incoming (assuming nothing goes wrong), so the cost of raising a kid has been on my mind for a while now:

My main financial concern is the cost of education. The public school system here is a place my kids will never set foot in. The private schools are insanely expensive ($18k a year for pre school). Home school? Probably. My only other option is to move to an area with 'good schools'... somewhere in the suburbs. That means a crushing mortgage, a killer commute, and a wicked property tax bill.

Seriously? Pre-school, 18k a year? For a 4 year old? So they can do what, learn about colors and shapes? Have your wife buy a curriculum kit and teach them at home. Stop being ridiculous.


Longer term worries is college costs. My income will be too high for grants and my kids, though bi-racial, neither race counts for added aid. This means I have to save a lot of $$$ for school, while still saving for my retirement. The numbers are really quite daunting.

Why are you planning on sending your kids to college? Have you looked up the price and payouts? It's a waste of money. Anyone with an IQ above 85 can be self-employed and make 30k a year easily with no skills or education. Re-think your plan.


Health insurance costs.. even employer paid plans getting pretty damn expensive once you add 2+ kids on to the plan.

Really don't get that either. Why do you need health insurance for a kid?

I've never had health insurance all my life. If I get sick, I go to the doctor. Sure, it's 100 bucks, but you know what? I'm healthy and take care of myself, therefore doctor visits are rare.

Take the health insurance money you would be spending and put it in a health savings account (not sure if that's what it's called, but it's tax-free either way). Then when there's a medical issue, use that money.

You should re-think your entire plan. This thread is discussing people like you, hence why there's a population shortage for this demographic in the first place.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Is this satire? You say 30k a year like its not just above the poverty line. If my kids made 30k a year, I would consider myself a failure as a parent. And $100 bucks to go to the doctor?

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Does that mean that one day Arabs, blacks and Mexicans willl be in charge of nuclear arsenal?

Beliefs are more powerful than facts.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 09:11 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Stop being ridiculous.

There's a 5 five year old with 50k worth of education at my house right now. 15k a year preschool, and her kindergarten now is 20k by the end of this year. That's not to mention all the toys and clothes and bikes and iPads and all the stuff that goes with kids.

John Galt I take it you dont have kids, but I bet you used to be one. I felt the same way you did until I got much more involved in raising my nieces/nephews. It truly takes a village these days, just to cover the costs. But these kids are great, and it makes me regret all the abortions I've paid for.

And regarding medical insurance, again, I'm sure you were a kid once. You think school is expensive, go to a pediatrician. You absolutely need medical insurance for kids. You can keep your precious little angel as healthy and gluten free as possible but somebody else always sends their kids to school with strep throat. Then you need a doctor note to get back into the 20k a year school.

Its the way it is my man.


Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

not to forget sudden illness which is rare but possible. A buddy of mine's son was diagnosed with leukaemia. Devastating diagnosis and quality treatment is expensive pretty sure he is closed to exhausting history medical aid as well.
Life in 2016 is a centralized ratrace which contributes to the inflation of prices of everything due to excess concentrated demand.

There is no reason for housing and quality education to be so expensive except that the supplies of either is dwindling as more and more unsavoury types move to cities and increasingly convert former good areas to bad ones rather quickly.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 09:53 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Is this satire? You say 30k a year like its not just above the poverty line. If my kids made 30k a year, I would consider myself a failure as a parent. And $100 bucks to go to the doctor?

What "poverty line" are you talking about? NYC?

You can live VERY well on 30k a year in 90% of the USA.

Where in the hell is 30k a year "poverty" for a single person?

And yes, actually it's around 60 dollars for an office visit for a general practice doctor.

Obviously if you're in NYC or Chicago or LA, it's going to be different. But keep in mind the VAST majority of the population in the US does not live in these metropolises.

And the older I get, the more I realize that these sardine cans provide far less than what they take away.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Look, all you dudes saying this is "genocide". Is it minorities fault white people are refusing to reproduce? I don't get it honestly. Put up or shut up as they say. Nobody is stopping white people. Calling this "genocide" is idiotic.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 10:29 PM)Kona Wrote:  

There's a 5 five year old with 50k worth of education at my house right now. 15k a year preschool, and her kindergarten now is 20k by the end of this year. That's not to mention all the toys and clothes and bikes and iPads and all the stuff that goes with kids.

What a waste of money.

I grew up in a family of very modest means. Still more intelligent than the vast majority of my peers. Indeed, I'd wager I'm brighter than 85% of the US population.

You can't buy intelligence. It's mostly genetic. If the kid is born smart, he'll be smart. If he's born dumb, you can throw all the cash you want at him, he'll still be dumb.


John Galt I take it you dont have kids, but I bet you used to be one. I felt the same way you did until I got much more involved in raising my nieces/nephews. It truly takes a village these days, just to cover the costs. But these kids are great, and it makes me regret all the abortions I've paid for.

Kids can be great with or without money. I'd argue that spoiling children only leads to a shit personality and a "I want it NOW mentality." In fact, the millennial generation proves this in spades. Kids don't need a fucking iPad. Hell, I barely use the two I own.


And regarding medical insurance, again, I'm sure you were a kid once. You think school is expensive, go to a pediatrician. You absolutely need medical insurance for kids. You can keep your precious little angel as healthy and gluten free as possible but somebody else always sends their kids to school with strep throat. Then you need a doctor note to get back into the 20k a year school.

Health savings account. Even if the doctors visit in $300, you can afford that a lot cheaper 3 times year than insurance costs.

This is the one point I will concede on though. Sure, if you get cancer, a few hundred bucks won't cut it. But I'll take my risks on that.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:17 PM)BossOfBosses Wrote:  

Look, all you dudes saying this is "genocide". Is it minorities fault white people are refusing to reproduce? I don't get it honestly. Put up or shut up as they say. Nobody is stopping white people. Calling this "genocide" is idiotic.

Put up or shut up, huh?

Is that the same attitude you also have toward the millions of minorities whose lives (and the lives of their children) are sustained solely on government largesse taken out of the pockets of mostly white taxpayers?

Maybe they should "put up or shut up" when it comes to taking care of themselves and their children instead of freeloading on other peoples' money?

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 08:55 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Don't let the entire Baby Boomer generation off the hook...they encouraged their kids to not grow the fuck up, or take their own risk, start their own businesses, fight for a place in the economy. They were the generation most singly responsible for the what I call the dronification of American culture.

Touche. They also deified the rock concert by elevating Woodstock to a religious experience. Lots of young people ended up with drug addictions, trying to "find themselves" in a bag of magic mushrooms. The celebration of momentary feelings, as opposed to a long-term direction or plan. What could be more feminine that that?

The current political winds are a slap in the face to the aging boomers - and I know rocks them to the core. It's a national (and international rebuke) to the world they created.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I agree with John Galt.

A lot of guys in here sipping the koolaid.

What does a kid need an iPad for? They don't. In fact, I'd argue that it's a huge NEGATIVE to expose their developing mind to that kind of unnatural stimulation.

Give the fucker a $50 bike and a few action figures and tell him to go play outside.

Hell, why does a parent need an iPad? It's like a 5-year-old technology and suddenly it's a necessity for life. You've been led to believe that your life was somehow meaningless before iPhones and iPads.

Why does a kid need $15k a year private school? So he can get into an "elite" college, spent 4+ years being brainwashed, be a "professional", and slog away their entire life as part of the rat race?

The reason these "professionals" need private school in the first place is because they spend so much time working that they're not able to raise their children.

Meanwhile there are freelancers with no formal degree making hundreds of dollars an hour to fiddle around on the computer, then spend the other 20 hours of the day doing nothing.

The job market is completely different than what it was even 10 years ago. Your kid doesn't need college to be successful, and they don't need private school to get into college even if they wanted to go.

What happens when your kid turns 18, you've shelled out hundreds of thousands on "private school", and they decide they want to go to some mid-tier college that anyone with decent grades can get into? Or they don't want to go to college at all?

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

And this thread is equal parts hilarious and embarrassing. A lot of guys totally out of their depth here. The age and experience gap is glaring on this issue. The economic issue with children is not the everyday stuff like food, clothes, entertainment, etc... As Atlanta Man and Hell Is Like Newark pointed out, the problem is mostly an issue of the explosive costs of education (with the associated housing expense of living in the right ZIP code or else even more expensive private schools) and healthcare. These things are enormously more expensive than they were a generation ago and wages have declined or stagnated for most people. It's a recipe for disaster.

Atlanta Man is 100% right that the educational and social environment your children are in from age 0-12 will have an enormous, and likely determinative impact on them. To be frank, you're a complete fucking idiot if you choose to send your kid to the average public school these days. A responsible father would do everything in his power to ensure the best environment to raise his children in. And the problem is that securing a good environment in 2016 is multiple times more expensive than it was when most of us were growing up. More and more people are being squeezed out of the middle class, and their kids are paying the price by receiving a godawful public school education, with teachers who don't give a shit and peer groups composed of "students" who care even less.

No one is talking about iPads when they say how expensive it is to have kids now. They're talking about the exorbitant costs it takes to simply avoid having your children sitting in a classroom at age 8 where half of the other children will have criminal records by the time they're 18.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:17 PM)BossOfBosses Wrote:  

Look, all you dudes saying this is "genocide". Is it minorities fault white people are refusing to reproduce? I don't get it honestly. Put up or shut up as they say. Nobody is stopping white people. Calling this "genocide" is idiotic.

Minorities aren't minorities. Whites make up 7-8% of the worlds total population.

They're just minorities in wealthy countries. [Image: smile.gif]

Can we repatriate the 30-40 million illegals with no gruff? Can we turn off the foreign aid spigot? Can we audit the fuck out of that foreign aid? Can we turn off affirmative action? Can we tell history accurately? Can we name actual problems without the issue being refuted BC "datttttttts raycist?" Can we ask the (((people))) who soap box about diversity as to what its benefits are and why their secret club doesn't allow diversity? Can we ask (((porno directors))) why interacial means white girl gets oreo'd? Can we learn why you go girl feminism lite specifically targets 100-115 IQ women (the average)? Can we discuss other genocides like the Bolsheviks killing 50 million, turks killing 1 million armenians, turks killing 1.5 million greeks, etc or does just one genocide matter? Can we discuss why we pursue armed conflict in the middle east for oil as opposed to negotiate with suppliers? Can we ask the benefit of multiculturalism? Can we study why white age expectancy is decreasing? Can we study what exactly makes white men responsible for all of societies ills? Concretely?

That took me five minutes. Just a few questions.

I'm not of the persuasion that its genocide but it is something. Targeted for destruction. Like other very strong countries of the past. I could expand upon where I think its going but I'll keep that to myself. Lotta fortune cookies in your future.

If people (normies) stop being shy and start asking questions, there are going to be a lottttttttttttttttt of awkward questions and stammering going on.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:46 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Why does a kid need $15k a year private school? So he can get into an "elite" college, spent 4+ years being brainwashed, be a "professional", and slog away their entire life as part of the rat race?

The reason these "professionals" need private school in the first place is because they spend so much time working that they're not able to raise their children.

Meanwhile there are freelancers with no formal degree making hundreds of dollars an hour to fiddle around on the computer, then spend the other 20 hours of the day doing nothing.

The job market is completely different than what it was even 10 years ago. Your kid doesn't need college to be successful, and they don't need private school to get into college even if they wanted to go.

What happens when your kid turns 18, you've shelled out hundreds of thousands on "private school", and they decide they want to go to some mid-tier college that anyone with decent grades can get into? Or they don't want to go to college at all?


Sometimes, I have to double check and make sure the web address is "" because some of the shit posted here, sometimes by very established, long-time, highly repped members----really makes me question who I'm talking to.

I am the guy you describe. I work about 15 hours a week, and most of my day is spent doing whatever the hell I want. The last time I had a real job was 2009. I live very comfortably.

This "kids need it all and they need it better" crap is ridiculous. For every Eric Trump there are a dozen spoiled kids smoking pot and driving their fathers 100k car drunk into oncoming traffic.

Let's be clear: Donald Trumps kids are great because of DONALD TRUMP, NOT his money. You can't BUY intelligence. You can't BUY love. You can't BUY good parenting.

Whether Tommy has an iPad or not is NOT going to effect his development or intelligence, at least not in any POSITIVE way. I PROMISE YOU.

Most kids can't pay attention for 5 mins. Why do you think that is? They're used to everything being instant, fast, and entertaining. Real life doesn't work that way. These kids are being prepped for failure. The real world does not cater to you the way a 50k a year school does.

How many of you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouths? Do you think you'd be better off if you had?

I'm GLAD I wasn't given a bunch of shit growing up. I earned EVERYTHING I have, and I'm a better person for it. And you know what? I've lost most of what I have before----and I worked my way back to where I am, and exceeded it. And I'll likely lose it all again before I die----and again, reach beyond where I was before. Because no one else is going to do it for me. I'm a self-made man. I pity anyone who has to try and step out from someone elses shadow. These spoiled kids are getting prepped to fail miserably in real life.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:51 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

No one is talking about iPads when they say how expensive it is to have kids now. They're talking about the exorbitant costs it takes to simply avoid having your children sitting in a classroom at age 8 where half of the other children will have criminal records by the time they're 18.

This is only true if you accept the false paradigmn that you need a job to be successful, and that good jobs only exist in cities.

Both of these are false.

You don't need a job to be successful. As Enigma pointed out, you can easily make 50k+ a year with no formal education. Furthermore, you can do it and live anywhere you want.

Move out of the cities like LA, Chicago, and NYC, and suddenly your "right zip code" problem simply disappears. Bonus: Housing costs plummet as well.

Cities are great if you're single and looking for new pussy. If you're married with kids, the appeal is greatly diminished.

This "you need to be rich to raise kids in a respectable environment" argument is [Image: tard.gif]

There is an entire country outside these sardine cans. Stop confining yourself to 5% of the US.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I'm going to head-off the inevitable argument against what I've written above, which is:

"Not everyone can be self-employed and work remotely."

To which my reply is: Who cares?

I only worry about what I can do and what affects me. I don't care if Joe Blow isn't able to do what I do. It doesn't affect me. It shouldn't matter to you either.

If you're posting in this forum, odds are you're not an idiot. Odds are also that you're able to think at least slightly creatively. And these two traits are all you need to move out of the city and start your own e-business. Make money on your own terms and stop running on the treadmill society is putting you on. If you can get a high-speed internet connection, your money making potential is only limited by your creativity.

Quit putting yourselves in a fucking box. "But I can't leave xyz city". Says who? Hell, even DOCTORS are doing e-visits nowadays. You can Skype with a physician, have him tell you whats wrong, and get a digital prescription. Unless you work in construction or manufacturing, there's a 90% chance you can use your skillset to make money online. Even if you're not able to do that with your current skillset, if you have an IQ above 100, you can learn a skillset that will allow you to make your money anywhere.

Now the only argument you can reasonably make is "I don't want to." And if that's your argument, fine, but quit complaining about it.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:58 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Sometimes, I have to double check and make sure the web address is "" because some of the shit posted here, sometimes by very established, long-time, highly repped members----really makes me question who I'm talking to.

I am the guy you describe. I work about 15 hours a week, and most of my day is spent doing whatever the hell I want. The last time I had a real job was 2009. I live very comfortably.

Nice work, Galt.

We have a lot in common.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

This all comes back to the men, we dictate all of this, and when you have a bunch of weak sad fucks who are just happy that they got to marry a chubby 5 who lets them fuck 4 times a year and begrudgingly throws together the occasional boxed dinner, you cant really have high expectations for the sustainability of a strong society. Its a generalization, but weak minded men outnumber truly masculine men with high aspirations and drive.

My outlook on it is more local and less national. Fuck whatever the fate is for the people in present day Connecticut or Southern California, I honestly do not care, I know a lot of good guys are tied to these places, but I'll uproot my life when the time comes to raise a family in a strong community.

And as far as "this is genocide" goes, no its not, its the wheel of life, it will keep going and things will correct themselves, it could take 50, 100, 200 years, but the white race (or any other race) will never die out.

I'm not going to put that burden on my shoulders and prioritize breeding with a white woman, if the right woman happens to be white that's great, but I very well might have halfsies, I'm more concerned with the total package when choosing the future mother of my children.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities


Yep, people are creating a false dilemma where the choices are basically public school on the Southside of Chicago or private school in the Hamptons. There are dozens of other options that don't include preschool drug dealers or $15k tuitions.

And in fact, most of these expensive schools in big cities are nothing but centers for degeneracy, as you alluded to. The "elite" colleges are a major source of half of the bullshit we complain about on the forum.

To be clear, there's definitely a huge problem in the American education system, economy, and culture.

But someone making six plus figures a year in the US still has a better quality of life than basically everyone else in human history. To argue that sacrificing even a sliver of that lifestyle is somehow neglecting your children is just not reasonable.

"Oh, well I'd have to move to an expensive neighborhood and have an expensive mortgage to find good schools" -- sounds like you're stuck on the treadmill. Why do you want your children to be on the same treadmill?

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Thing is there are a TON of guys doing this on this forum. Hell, look at Roosh.

There are guys a LOT more successful than me doing this stuff. I can't believe I have to try and convince people not to buy into this "you have to live in a million dollar house in the big city and work a corporate job to be successful and happy" at this forum.

I'm baffled.

My guess is given Rooshs recent philosophical epiphanies, a lot of guys are going to experience a lot of cognitive dissonance.

Like Roosh said, you're basically enslaving yourself to your achievements. 50k for a kids education is beyond retarded. They're 5 years old. I promise you, 85% of that money is getting pocketed. A man, his wife and one child can live on 50k in most of the US, very comfortably.

What's sad is that the kid might be stupid due to genetics, and the 50k a year education won't change that.

How do I know? I went to a shitty public school with a lot of "diversity", and I'm much smarter than many people attending Princeton University right now. Especially when it comes to common sense shit. They might out-score me on the math portion of the SAT, sure, but how much of an effect does that have on your real life, at the end of the day? No much.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I'm more on GS and john_galt thinking here

I would add that "suburban" city life is adding greatly to the cost of children.

lets not forget the absurd zoning that making housing more expensive then it is...just about everywhere

or the "requirement" that every working parent have a car (how many households have two cars just so they can get to work?)

you can also add in the fact that household sizes have never been lower in American history...due partly to less children but also because families no longer live together.

In terms of school at a young age, there are a lot of options people can take. Personally, my grandfather sat with all the time when I was four and taught me math and english, I was doing third grade math in kindergarten, then I went to an "elite" public school and I basically went from ahead of everyone to average in 2 years. While I was trying to make a point about education, I realize that I made a better point about how important family is.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:51 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

And this thread is equal parts hilarious and embarrassing. A lot of guys totally out of their depth here. The age and experience gap is glaring on this issue. The economic issue with children is not the everyday stuff like food, clothes, entertainment, etc... As Atlanta Man and Hell Is Like Newark pointed out, the problem is mostly an issue of the explosive costs of education (with the associated housing expense of living in the right ZIP code or else even more expensive private schools) and healthcare. These things are enormously more expensive than they were a generation ago and wages have declined or stagnated for most people. It's a recipe for disaster.

Atlanta Man is 100% right that the educational and social environment your children are in from age 0-12 will have an enormous, and likely determinative impact on them. To be frank, you're a complete fucking idiot if you choose to send your kid to the average public school these days. A responsible father would do everything in his power to ensure the best environment to raise his children in. And the problem is that securing a good environment in 2016 is multiple times more expensive than it was when most of us were growing up. More and more people are being squeezed out of the middle class, and their kids are paying the price by receiving a godawful public school education, with teachers who don't give a shit and peer groups composed of "students" who care even less.

No one is talking about iPads when they say how expensive it is to have kids now. They're talking about the exorbitant costs it takes to simply avoid having your children sitting in a classroom at age 8 where half of the other children will have criminal records by the time they're 18.

Getting into good schools is going to change dramatically under a Trump admin.

Betsy Devos is a billionaire in charge of the Department of Education who believes in heavy school choice.

People will be able to live in poor neighborhoods and send their kids to schools further away.

Even still, I do not expect White birthrates to climb up. I think the major problem is White women. There is a longstanding generational corruption resulting in daughters who do not care about the future. They do not believe in God and they are totally fine living selfishly.

While it is true that Whites are getting cucked, if the White women cared about survival then the women would be voting for politicians to help them raise their families and uncuck their race. They would be having children with men and abusing the welfare system to raise lots of kids like the non-Whites do, as a form of protest. The women would find a way around the system if they were interested in doing so.

Not only do they not care about finding a way around the system, 60% of them do not even care enough to learn why they aren't having children. They are totally brainwashed and indifferent.

The long term effects of a disappearing White race will be disastrous for the world. Even though Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population they probably contribute at least 50% to the world's economy. Unless robots replace the labor and taxes Whites currently provide, we are heading into a deep dark age where billions will die.

Zelscorpian always says the goal of the (((elites))) is to reduce the world's population, and reducing the amount of tax paying Whites is a real good way to accomplish this.

Even though things will be good under Trump, in the long run there aren't enough White women having babies to replace what will be lost. White men who race mix aren't hurting their race, they are reacting rationally and making sure their genes survive. Their kids will still be K-selected but they will be vastly outnumbered by the r's. In such a world, violence will be king.

You guys better hope technology improves significantly, because I don't see the women improving anytime soon. The only other solution I can think of is mandatory birth control in exchange for child welfare, which I explained in detail in the Future of America thread.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:06 AM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:51 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

No one is talking about iPads when they say how expensive it is to have kids now. They're talking about the exorbitant costs it takes to simply avoid having your children sitting in a classroom at age 8 where half of the other children will have criminal records by the time they're 18.

This is only true if you accept the false paradigmn that you need a job to be successful, and that good jobs only exist in cities.

Both of these are false.

You don't need a job to be successful. As Enigma pointed out, you can easily make 50k+ a year with no formal education. Furthermore, you can do it and live anywhere you want.

Move out of the cities like LA, Chicago, and NYC, and suddenly your "right zip code" problem simply disappears. Bonus: Housing costs plummet as well.

Cities are great if you're single and looking for new pussy. If you're married with kids, the appeal is greatly diminished.

This "you need to be rich to raise kids in a respectable environment" argument is [Image: tard.gif]

There is an entire country outside these sardine cans. Stop confining yourself to 5% of the US.

I have children and I'm with Galt here. I live in the suburban south, and I work for myself.

You can live comfortably here on $30k a year. I consider my family well off in terms of resources, housing and schooling and that only requires a $50k before tax budget.

There are even these rural fiber optic grants that were given out a few years ago and you can live in these tiny towns that build their own 1 gig up/1 gig down networks that are cheaper and more reliable than what they have in the cities.

Churches subsidize a lot of the private schools and tuition is 9k/year. The public schools that aren't in the city are great (memphis and the surrounding counties are excellent examples here. The city schools are 1/10 shit holes and the counties are 9/10)

Get an HSA for health insurance and pay cash for minor things. Medical operations give huge discounts for timely cash payers. I mean 30 to 60% off a bill, and we pay $95 to visit the family doctor.

Family life compared to single life is exceptionally steady and boring, sort of like being a farmer. I think that people get trapped in this idea that it needs to be exciting or that they have to spend this shit ton of money on their kids to "win" at it.

Last, unless your wife is a doctor, or the library porn girl and is making serious money she should be staying at home and being a mom, especially in an expensive city. Here are the sunk costs that she has to out earn in order to have a career:
- $20k private school for kids
- $16K in vehicle depreciation, maintenance and fuel
- $5k in work lunches and starbucks
- $??? in work clothing
Thats $41k in expenses for her to work. So if she makes 60k, then your net is $19k from her job...right..wrong! She has to pay tax on that 60k. So its more like 40k after taxes and social you're paying 1k out of pocket for her to work. Oh and her 60k in income also bumps your income into a higher tax bracket when its added together.

Do the math, and don't buy into the insanity.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:28 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Kids don't need a fucking iPad. Hell, I barely use the two I own.

Yeah the schools require that the kids have iPads. The public school kids get them for free. Maybe you could donate yours?

I think its best that my neiece attend the private school at our family's expensive so she gets a better education and is constantly around and associating with a higher caliber of people.

If we sent her to the public school (Google Hawaii public schools) the quality just isn't there anymore. On top) f that, the average cost of public education is 12k a year per kid anyway.

So when you say its a waste of money going the private route, are you saying that about all schools?

We should just take the free option even though its shitty, because its free, and you get a free iPad?


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