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University life Uppsala, Sweden datasheet and some observations

University life Uppsala, Sweden datasheet and some observations

At the time of this upload I am flying from Sweden back to my home to spend Christmas with my family and see my friends back home. I recently spent a semester in Uppsala, Sweden which will be my first of two or three. Since I’ve been wanting to give back some value to this forum which has given me a lot. Note that these are simply my observations after four months.

Note: I realise that this datasheet will be interesting to a relatively small subset of people; most likely relatively young males thinking about a semester abroad or doing a Masters (education in Sweden is free). Also I realise that Sweden is not the most interesting blip on the radar for some for a myriad of reasons. I will also add some perhaps interesting observations on matters that are discussed here on the forum below the actual datasheet. There are some personal reflections on game and lifestyle as well which might prove useful. Some of these have been repeated ad infinitum, yet might be useful reminders.

Important note: If you’re not coming here to do a semester or study, I still think Uppsala is a very worthwhile visit IF you can enter the nations. This requires a small bit of preparation but is absolutely worth it. This will mostly require you to be a student elsewhere or a recent graduate. It can be done to fake student IDs, sneak in or other means which will be talked more about in the nations section. Also, Uppsala obviously also caters to the non-students in the city and students also go for these facilities, however it might not be better than Stockholm other than a few exceptions throughout the year (Valborg, periods where students come in).

TLDR; come do a semester here if you’re looking to do an exchange or possibly a master if your degrees aren’t high enough for top tier universities. Uppsala will definitely cater to your tastes if you are into nordic goddesses, but you need some game otherwise you will not do well. Uppsala is a very worthwhile short visit if you can get into the nations, check the nations section for details. Uppsala is not the best place to find your new wife, but not as bad as you might think. You can get laid with some really hot women though. Any specific questions, simply send me a PM.


Uppsala is a city of about 140 k people of which roughly one third is a university student. It is located about 70 km away from Stockholm to the north which is easily reachable by train or bus. The train system is quite dependable other than a few hiccups and some problems in winter depending on the harshness of winter. Stockholm’s main airport is located right in between Uppsala and the centre of Stockholm, making Uppsala quite time-efficient to reach.

Culturally, Uppsala is not bad but won’t give you much more than a day’s worth of visit. The city is also very much dominated by its university which comes back throughout the whole city. One of the most dense student cities I have ever seen.


If you’re coming here as an exchange student from your home university, housing will be arranged for you. If you come here independently, it is quite difficult to find housing. PM me if you’re interested in that since it is quite specific.

For visitors I would not be able to recommend much, there are plenty of hotels and a few hostels in the centre depending on your preference or check out Tripadvisor or you might get lucky on if you plan on staying here for a few weeks to a month. I’ve heard stories of people infiltrating Erasmus Facebook groups asking for a place to stay and these have been given to them. In terms of location you’ll want to be close to the centre, slightly more focused west of the river. Students are spread throughout Uppsala but a few focus points lie near Flogsta (a lot of international students), Kantorsgatan and Studentvägen.

Interesting to know is that most student nightlife ends at 1 am or in some cases 2 am, with an obvious exception in the weekends. This makes it so that people in Uppsala start partying relatively early, right around after dinner.


Honestly, girls in Uppsala are quite beautiful. Being in a town with a big university where another third of the population is skewed towards girls in the 18-25 range, taking into account that Uppsala University is somewhat high on the softer educations, therefore the ratio is slightly in your favor. For me personally, the nordic goddess archetype is my favorite, so my opinion might be slightly biased. After some discussions with others it is as if they skip the regime between 6 and 7, shoving them all upward. Yes, there are fatties and colour-haired feminists around, but if they’re alright, they pretty much have a slim body and a pretty face down. Also as has been repeated on this forum many times, the upper tier is absolutely fucking gorgeous.


Most girls in Sweden are Swedish and therefore most likely respond quite well to standard Western game, dial down the clown a bit without losing directness. Uppsala is a somewhat ‘warm’ game territory, so acting loud and obnoxious won’t get you far. It is however quite important to keep directness, this is lacking in most Swedes and will get you results. If you use this subtle combination along with some good standard game, you will do well here with hot girls. Swedes generally don’t have any problems with a ONS.

Let me make sure this is clear; Swedes are not particularly easy and due to the warmness of Uppsalan students this is not the place to spam approach. If your game is really lackluster, this might not be the best place for you. As a sidenote: I have seen some guys absolutely slay on Tinder, if you’re good at that stuff then go for it. Personally, I am horrible at it and prefer nightgame. I have not delved into daygame whatsoever here, Stockholm would be much more suitable due to the warmness of Uppsalan students, yet couldn’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t work here if you’re good enough even though Swedes can be quite closed when there’s no booze running through their veins.

Likely more interesting for the ones taking a semester here; there’s a knit-together group of international students from all over the world each semester. These consist of all kinds of girls which are open to try anything since they are on exchange. Make use of this group alongside your Swedish conquerings, especially in the periods when the semesters start (Aug/Sep and Jan/Feb).

Nations:obtaining a card/other nightlife

Without a doubt this is where it’s at in terms of nightlife. If you can get one of those amazing nation cards for yourself you’ll be in for a really good week surrounded by beautiful girls. There are thirteen nations, four of which are the ‘big party ones’, which take place from Tuesday-Friday. For those thinking of a semester, becoming a member of one gives you 90% access to all of them (minus special events), so the choice is not hugely important. Joining one is a no-brainer.

In terms of cards, getting one can be simple. If you’re currently a student at a university, you can simply show your campus card at an office (Google ‘Uppsala nation card’) and pay about 75 SEK for a week. The thing is campus cards can be fabricated. Go to the website and you will find another type of certificate which can be fabricated.

I’ve seen it happen countless times, even sometimes for older siblings reaching their thirties, probably will stop working eventually. All in all, it takes a little preparation but it is very much worth it.

Note: I will keep the nation names and their descriptions a little closer since I can imagine a quick google search getting these. Hint: The nation named after Sweden’s capital on Thursday is a fucking goldmine and the quality is stellar every single night. PM me for more. Or check out

Other nightlife: I have only one recommendation: Birger Jarl or BJs. Have only been there once unfortunately but have heard many good stories about weekend nights there. Also the bar in/close to Uppsala station is commendable, but a little on the classy/expensive side.

Observations on Uppsala/Sweden

Important: Seasonality. College life itself is dependent on the month due to the timing of the two semesters. In Uppsala, this is however accentuated since it is fucking cold and dark from November-February. You see this back in the nightlife as well, when Daylight Saving Time set in, things start slowing down, even with yourself. Something about a real lack of light simply makes you more depressed. I have been told this is paid back in a surge of enthusiasm in Spring. At any rate, make use of the months with light to game more and use the dark months more to work on studying/work/body. If you're thinking of a visit, Sep-Okt, Mar-Jun are your best bets.

Nature. A lot of things can be said about this country but the nature is amazingly beautiful, Uppsala lies surrounded by forest and small lakes around. This makes for amazing hikes closeby or amazing roadtrips somewhat further away, note the seasonality though!. I’ve always heard very good stories about skiing in certain resorts when the season is on. Roadtrips to Norway recommended if you are into this! Car rental is quite cheap.

Expensive. Yes, Sweden is expensive than many other countries. However Uppsala is nowhere near as bad as Stockholm or Norway. A regular beer in non-student bar will take about 50 SEK, whereas one in a student bar is 20-30 SEK to give some perspective. 1 EUR is roughly 10 SEK.

How bad is it?. With Sweden’s reputation on this forum as a immigrant leftist shithole, I might as well say a few words. First of all, you pretty much don’t notice at all as a student in Uppsala, you live in your nice student bubble. I’ve been to one or two cultural nights where the non-students came out to play. Definitely not a reason not to do a semester here, as it ran through my mind when I made the decision. Stockholm is slightly worse judging from my limited experience there, comparable to say, Amsterdam. I’ve not been to visit Malmö and I’m definitely not planning to in the near future. Might be a lot worse in a few years, stay tuned. The leftism is however quite apparent throughout most Swedes and some internationals. I choose simply not to discuss politics or anything of the sort with many people I meet. Look for those rare gems of people and hang out with them.

Booze Cruise. A popular past time of international Uppsala students is to take a cruise from Stockholm to either Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga or St. Petersburg. They are crazily cheap and mostly involve leaving a few hours after arrival. As far as I know you can wait a week and then go back with the next boat. Heaps of fun and you’ll meet some of the most interesting individuals ever on those cruises (in a bad way).

Valborg. I’ve heard so many good things about this in Uppsala. Apparently the entire city is one big festival for a week. Partying and drinking everywhere. Stay tuned for after the next semester and if you’re planning to take a trip to Uppsala, this is probably the best time. It takes place around the 30th of April.

Some observations about life/game for recent graduate-aged men

Preface. Not making these out to be axioms of masculinity, there are both more experienced and older men on this forum and out there in the manosphere. These are simply observations on game and masculinity by someone almost graduating. I would imagine them to be applicable to people in the same phase of life.

‘Game’ during your relationship. I’ve fallen into this trap for a few years and I see it around me a lot. Unless you’ve found the woman of your absolute dreams and possess the masculine skills to keep her (unlikely), you can’t afford to stop gaming during your relationship. After your cute bubble breaks, you will be back much closer to square zero as you would’ve liked. This has hurt my results drastically here. Some even say not to enter relationships in university, there is definitely something to be said for this but relationships do happen. Don’t stick too long and keep on gaming, my friend.

Value of time. The most scary part of this is the acceleration, every single year of my life that goes by this shoots up. You’re still young and no one will keep a rifle to your head if you mess around with mates a little too long or are too hungover to even function for a few hours. However, actively try to minimize timewasting. Don’t make your time-wasters gaming, surfing the web doing nothing, drinking every night of the week out of boredom. Your time-wasters should be: learn a skill, learn a new language etc. A lot of people around you will waste a lot of time, don’t fall into the same trap.

Value of fitness. This one particularly has been rammed down your throat dozens of times, still I will repeat it. This semester is the first semester I have taken weightlifting and fitness seriously. The advantages are indescribably numerous and you will only appreciate them fully once you engage. Do it, do it often.

Thanks for reading my first datasheet gentlemen, expect an update in half a year.

University life Uppsala, Sweden datasheet and some observations

On Sundays and weekdays where would you recommend to go to meet women?

I have not found yet cool bars to meet people, knowing I don't have a nations card.

University life Uppsala, Sweden datasheet and some observations

Great post... Thanks for the info!

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