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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (03-12-2016 05:35 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2016 06:15 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Yeah, I think datasheets and running trip reports (not one post updates) deserve their own thread.

But questions like "Why are Medellin women so clingy?" and "Is Bogota dangerous?" should go in this thread so they don't create a clusterfuck in the forum.

Hey guys, is Spanish important in Colombia?

Is it only good if you're blonde and blue-eyed?

I pipelined a Colombian girl and she called me "amor," that means I'll definitely get the notch, right?

I want to see these 3 questioned get some answers from different opinions. Your questions pretty much summed up what I would love to know more about.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-28-2016 08:57 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2016 05:35 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

Quote: (03-09-2016 06:15 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Yeah, I think datasheets and running trip reports (not one post updates) deserve their own thread.

But questions like "Why are Medellin women so clingy?" and "Is Bogota dangerous?" should go in this thread so they don't create a clusterfuck in the forum.

Hey guys, is Spanish important in Colombia?

Is it only good if you're blonde and blue-eyed?

I pipelined a Colombian girl and she called me "amor," that means I'll definitely get the notch, right?

I want to see these 3 questioned get some answers from different opinions. Your questions pretty much summed up what I would love to know more about.

The real question that we need the answer to is whether a nineteen year old Indian guy from the deep south who attends a community college, but is planning on transferring to a major university has any chance at all in Colombia. Fuck all those other questions. I don't know why guys are even asking them.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-28-2016 06:00 AM)SanMiguel Wrote:  

Does anyone know the availability of steroids over the counter in Colombia (without prescription) and what the rules are for flying with them?

Looking at doing a 3 month trip early next year but also want to start low dose TRT/testosterone therapy this year. So my options would be to take some over with me, enough to last 3 months, or buy it over there if possible. I would be flying from the UK + 3 internal flights, BOG-CALI-MED-CART.

I don't have a prescription as it is almost impossible to get one over here as a young guy (28), but have done my research and think it's the right option for me.

Testosterone is going to cost you about $6 per 250mg per ml
Arimidex is going to be about $100 per box for 1mg tablets 28 pills per box
Cabergoline is going to cost about $60 per box for 8 pills (0.50 mg)
Nandrolone deconate will cost you $60 per box for 10 amps 50mg per amp
Nolvadex will cost you $17 for a box of 30 pills of 20mg.
Growth Hormone Somatropin is going to cost you about $80 per 15iu/5mg

I won't explain what all these things are for because you should know before you jump on a cycle or a permanent TRT cruise. All can be obtained at a La Rebaja or Cruz Verde pharmacy, if the supply runs dry, you will have to do some walking around, asking a different drug stores. Growth Hormone will take some work to get. I have a connection here, which was established by walking around and talking to different pharmacist and offering them extra money if they can obtain some for you.

Syringes and pins can be obtained but I recommend bringing your own because they have cheap syringes here. You will not have any trouble traveling around Colombia with this but you need to do research on temperature requirements, obviously don't let your test and deca go too much below 15 Celsius or it will start to crystallize, and keep your growth hormone chilled like it's suppose to be, so don't be carrying it around in your bookbag in Cartagena.

Other things to keep in mind, is that certain imports are severely taxed. 4.9 lbs of BPI Sports ISO-HD hydrolyzed protein is going to cost you about $110 compared to $70 in the states. So you may consider bringing your own protein powder or going with cheaper stuff.

Gym membership will cost you $25- $80 per month depending on where you want to go. I pay $500 a year for my gym but go to a very high class gym because I'm there two hours everyday. For your three month trip you might want to look into a 3 month membership at Bodytech, which you can visit in all the cities you're going to. Just book an apartment close to the gym. Probably cost you about $200-$250 dollars for 3 months.

Don't jump on a cycle if you're not prepared to give it 100% in the gym. You'll never have another opportunity to make gains like you will your first 12 weeks. The gym isn't something you should be cheap with.

The Colombia Master Thread

Thanks man that's awesome. Looks like there's a Bodytech right next to Zona Rosa where I'll probably be staying for the first month in Bogota. If it's a multi-gym membership I'll check out some of the others too - if I see you there the protein shakes are on me.

Will definitely be hitting the weights hard and making the most of the initial phase. I still have a little more reading to do on the absolute best stack for me but not far away from starting up.

Only just got back from a month in Spain but already looking forward to escaping the UK again. 3 months over there to continue learning Spanish (1 month at a school in Bogota, another in Medellin), hit the gym hard, enjoy life and of course the women - I can't wait!

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-29-2016 06:03 AM)SanMiguel Wrote:  

Thanks man that's awesome. Looks like there's a Bodytech right next to Zona Rosa where I'll probably be staying for the first month in Bogota. If it's a multi-gym membership I'll check out some of the others too - if I see you there the protein shakes are on me.

Also check Groupon Colombia. They sometimes have discounts for Bodytech and other gyms.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-14-2016 02:19 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

If you want something easy like Philippines, go to Lima.

I am quit intrigued by your statement because I am in the Philippines now and really want to escape the heat to the comfort of Peru weather and not sacrifice the Philippines-like experience where quantity over quality has just so happened to have been satisfying me. So now Lima comes back into my consideration. Easy like Philippines can't be said without easy SNL and meet at my apartment/hotel which even others like Colombia have. You can get that with the average chicks (native ones that most foreigners seem to hate) there then?

If one can confirm that Lima will be like the Philipines, then I will confirm my departure from here so I can enjoy the same kind of thing, but without even having to deal with a drop of sweat or sleepless humid sticky sultry night ever again! Most tropical places have at least 1 thing that tempers the heat to some degree:
cooler ocean currents (S america, Africa)
Elevation (East Africa, most of Latin America)
Rain: Mainland SE Asia, Amazon)
If you leave the Philippines and go almost anywhere across the tropics except the caribbean, you will be amazed by how much it doesnt have to feel that hot. Most cities in latam and east Africa have amazingly comfortable temperatures. Dar es salam, a city in low elevation coastal Tanzania, has a climate about average for coastal Africa and only has a small part of the year with sultry nights.
Philippines, especially in the south doesn't even get enough darn rain to at least take a bite outta the heat! "Rainy season" is bone dry and like a furnace. They seem to purposely build cities anywhere except the refreshing cool higher elevations. Of hundreds of fair sized cities, maybe only 2 are higher elevation despite tons of highlands. And the ocean currents are the hottest in the world. Colombia did a good job with choosing where to build cities and so did other other countries in the same region. They actually realize that heat sucks!!

The Colombia Master Thread

After being in Bogota looking back to being in the Philippines makes Bogota that much better. You could take the less attractive Colombian girls here and they should be easy ONS's. They will still be just as good looking as most girls you'll get in Manila and much less likely to show up with bad skin that they hid in their pictures. Not to mention much more fun to hang out with. Both cities are about equal for the girls lying about everything and playing games.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-26-2016 11:33 AM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Other third tier cities it would be interesting to hear off: Ibague, Sogamoso....
I spent 3 days in Sogamoso and it was shit for party. I was in San Gil and wanted to see a new town and saw online that Sogamoso had cool weather and was a nice town.

I got into town on the bus and was like, "This looks like a great place." It's a pretty, medium sized town. But it's nothing like the rest of Colombia. Anywhere else in Colombia, you can go have a beer in the plaza and people are drinking and hanging out. Not in Sogamoso. It's a VERY conservative church town. No drinking in public. And the people aren't generally nice like other Colombians. I would say "Hey amigo!" and they would just grunt. All over Colombia you see public displays of affection. Kissing and hugging and holding hands. I didn't see any of that in Sogamoso.

It was just shit. I walked all over that town for three days and couldn't find anything to do. No fucking bars whatsoever. They didn't even have the poolhall places where the old men drink. It was a bust, so I got the fuck out of there.

I texted a semi-girlfriend in Bogota and said Sogamoso sucked. And she said, "Yep, that's the way the people in Departamento Boyaca are. They're weird and unfriendly."

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-03-2016 06:07 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2016 11:33 AM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Other third tier cities it would be interesting to hear off: Ibague, Sogamoso....
I spent 3 days in Sogamoso and it was shit for party. I was in San Gil and wanted to see a new town and saw online that Sogamoso had cool weather and was a nice town.

I got into town on the bus and was like, "This looks like a great place." It's a pretty, medium sized town. But it's nothing like the rest of Colombia. Anywhere else in Colombia, you can go have a beer in the plaza and people are drinking and hanging out. Not in Sogamoso. It's a VERY conservative church town. No drinking in public. And the people aren't generally nice like other Colombians. I would say "Hey amigo!" and they would just grunt. All over Colombia you see public displays of affection. Kissing and hugging and holding hands. I didn't see any of that in Sogamoso.

It was just shit. I walked all over that town for three days and couldn't find anything to do. No fucking bars whatsoever. They didn't even have the poolhall places where the old men drink. It was a bust, so I got the fuck out of there.

I texted a semi-girlfriend in Bogota and said Sogamoso sucked. And she said, "Yep, that's the way the people in Departamento Boyaca are. They're weird and unfriendly."

Population of Boyaca province: over 1 million
Population of Santander province, right beside it: not even quite double that.
Search in latam cupid for Boyaca: More than 2 days of logins fits on one page.
Search in latam cupid for Santander: So many logins, one page fits up to less than an hour worth!

Nuff said! Boyaca sucks! Follow cupid and you will never find a bad province again!

The Colombia Master Thread

I'd like to give a little insight into my perspective of Colombia from a complete international travel greenhorn being born and bred in the US.

NOTE: I have not gone to Colombia yet, so this will be forthcoming. I'll be there in 3 weeks.

I have made a couple online dating accounts just to start pipelining and my first impression is that I'm already blown away by how lovely the women are. I mean sure there are attractive women, but I mean personality wise. They are very friendly, eager, cheerful, and sweet. I have only made account(s) about 48 hours ago and I'm already practically overwhelmed. Girls open you, and when you open them they respond happily. You don't need to jump through hoops to get their attention or hook them. They are even happy to just make small talk with you.

I do not know Spanish. I have been talking to these girls using broken language and Google translate with English peppered in. Many girls know at least some degree of English. The difference in talking to these girls compared to American girls is insane. I already have a handful of women that want to meet me when I arrive.

The Colombia Master Thread

^ No wait! But but Denver chicks are great!

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

The Colombia Master Thread

A lot of them are Mexican and they share a lot of the same demeanor as these Colombianas. American girls in Colorado are still just like girls anywhere else in the States, they just aren't so fat.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-08-2016 01:22 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

A lot of them are Mexican and they share a lot of the same demeanor as these Colombianas. American girls in Colorado are still just like girls anywhere else in the States, they just aren't so fat.

So what's your travel plans down there, hit up Gringo Tuesdays then get wasted in Sante Fe like the rest of us?

The Colombia Master Thread

Thats what Linux said. I'll be arriving on a Tue afternoon so I'll be there. Looking to bang cute Colombianas during the week, party on the weekend, and maybe spend a day seeing things worth seeing.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-08-2016 01:39 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Thats what Linux said. I'll be arriving on a Tue afternoon so I'll be there. Looking to bang cute Colombianas during the week, party on the weekend, and maybe spend a day seeing things worth seeing.

You'll be in good hands with Linux, I'm sure he'll fill you in on what you need to know once you get there. If you're going to hit up GTs, go early, I used to recommend before 7pm but apparently there's now lines out the door at that time these days, so 5:30-6:00 may be a better option. Get in then get out, either bounce a girl to another venue or collect a few numbers because that place becomes a complete sausage fest after 9-10pm, apparently its gone down hill a lot in the past couple of years.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-08-2016 12:32 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

I'd like to give a little insight into my perspective of Colombia from a complete international travel greenhorn being born and bred in the US.

NOTE: I have not gone to Colombia yet, so this will be forthcoming. I'll be there in 3 weeks.

I have made a couple online dating accounts just to start pipelining and my first impression is that I'm already blown away by how lovely the women are. I mean sure there are attractive women, but I mean personality wise. They are very friendly, eager, cheerful, and sweet. I have only made account(s) about 48 hours ago and I'm already practically overwhelmed. Girls open you, and when you open them they respond happily. You don't need to jump through hoops to get their attention or hook them. They are even happy to just make small talk with you.

I do not know Spanish. I have been talking to these girls using broken language and Google translate with English peppered in. Many girls know at least some degree of English. The difference in talking to these girls compared to American girls is insane. I already have a handful of women that want to meet me when I arrive.

It is what I have been thinking. Even Philippines is not a breeze, chatting them compared to there. Latam overall is what I am seeing being like this. All countries with ample women on the latam cupid are at least as good or better. Add in good Spanish skills and it gets even better.

btw, I was looking at DR as a great alternative to Philippines but now something looks wrong. Without wanting to start a new thread for that country, anyone think DR has an electricity supply problem? Colombia never has this and I lived ther and it seemed so stable and I dont know why DR has the issue. I was thinking about doing DR instead of Colombia for a lot of time, but the hot weather coupled with no power might explain why literally every second I get contacted by girls from DR and I am not even an upgraded member right now. If you are saying this about Colombia I will probably be blown away by the attention in DR. But this may be because it is appearing like a no go zone for even the most off the beaten path pussy seeker. Hot, sticky, no power, dirty, corrupt. I am starting to think this is why noone is going there to meet their women and they are all online in huge numbers. I think I am going there first but I have a suspicion I will be running outta there soon after and to Colombia real fast if I get 3rd world fever there as I am thinking might be unavoidable.

Peru which is quite stable I may even also ditch for Colombia after all I've read in this thread.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-08-2016 01:37 PM)scotian Wrote:  

So what's your travel plans down there, hit up Gringo Tuesdays then get wasted in Sante Fe like the rest of us?

I'm thinking of taking a weekend trip back to Bogota just to go back to Santa Fe haha. Maybe next month

The Colombia Master Thread

If anyone is in Medellin and wants to kick it drop me a line.

The Colombia Master Thread

Anyone know if Colombia enforces onward ticket?

If so, do american carriers have 24 hour no charge period so you can cancel with no charges?

The Colombia Master Thread

Print as PDF and save to your phone. If you don't want to risk it and spend some $ on a legit ticket try

The airline when checking in will require the onward ticket but customs in Colombia will not.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-11-2016 08:28 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Anyone know if Colombia enforces onward ticket?

If so, do american carriers have 24 hour no charge period so you can cancel with no charges?

I've flown into Colombia twice with no onward tickets and was never asked a single thing, It probably depends on your nationality, I don't know.

If you're worried about it use that link that shimmy said and spend a couple bucks.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-11-2016 11:29 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 08:28 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Anyone know if Colombia enforces onward ticket?

If so, do american carriers have 24 hour no charge period so you can cancel with no charges?

I've flown into Colombia twice with no onward tickets and was never asked a single thing, It probably depends on your nationality, I don't know.

If you're worried about it use that link that shimmy said and spend a couple bucks.

I like how there's now three lines at the Bogota airport: Colombians, foreigners and Canadians hahaha, actually that new tax fucking sucks.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-08-2016 01:53 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-08-2016 01:39 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Thats what Linux said. I'll be arriving on a Tue afternoon so I'll be there. Looking to bang cute Colombianas during the week, party on the weekend, and maybe spend a day seeing things worth seeing.

You'll be in good hands with Linux, I'm sure he'll fill you in on what you need to know once you get there. If you're going to hit up GTs, go early, I used to recommend before 7pm but apparently there's now lines out the door at that time these days, so 5:30-6:00 may be a better option. Get in then get out, either bounce a girl to another venue or collect a few numbers because that place becomes a complete sausage fest after 9-10pm, apparently its gone down hill a lot in the past couple of years.

630 was still good a few months ago. Just turns into hell after 9 if you haven't got a girl by then.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-11-2016 12:06 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 11:29 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 08:28 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Anyone know if Colombia enforces onward ticket?

If so, do american carriers have 24 hour no charge period so you can cancel with no charges?

I've flown into Colombia twice with no onward tickets and was never asked a single thing, It probably depends on your nationality, I don't know.

If you're worried about it use that link that shimmy said and spend a couple bucks.

I like how there's now three lines at the Bogota airport: Colombians, foreigners and Canadians hahaha, actually that new tax fucking sucks.

What about Canadians. Do they get something we americans dont get in immigration? If so is it better or worse?

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-11-2016 04:40 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 12:06 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 11:29 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 08:28 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Anyone know if Colombia enforces onward ticket?

If so, do american carriers have 24 hour no charge period so you can cancel with no charges?

I've flown into Colombia twice with no onward tickets and was never asked a single thing, It probably depends on your nationality, I don't know.

If you're worried about it use that link that shimmy said and spend a couple bucks.

I like how there's now three lines at the Bogota airport: Colombians, foreigners and Canadians hahaha, actually that new tax fucking sucks.

What about Canadians. Do they get something we americans dont get in immigration? If so is it better or worse?

We have to pay $75 USD or around there to get in the country and every time we re-enter the country as a tourist we have to pay it, I could be there for 2 days, go to Ecuador for 5 minutes and then have to pay the fee again.

Everything else is pretty much the same though, the first time I went to Colombia I was actually really confused because I lined up with the other obvious gringos, got to the front of the line then they told me I had to go to a different line which was like 10 lanes over and had the smallest Canadian flag I've ever seen on the glass. The chick didn't speak a word of English so it took like 5 minutes for me to figure out that she was trying to make me pay because I was Canadian. To make things even more of a hassle is if you don't have a credit card they only accept COP, so she had to walk me all through the airport to the exchange and then walk all the way back. Was a solid WB so I didn't care.

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