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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:20 AM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

I'm not sure what you guys claiming Trump went on for too long are smoking. The one and only reason that Trump is not ahead in the polls by 10% is that the American people have been presented not with Trump, but with the shitlib media's purposely distorted portrayal of Trump.

The vast majority of the American people don't follow Trump on twitter or watch his rallies or even spend more than 10 contiguous seconds thinking rationally about "who is Trump." Instead, they sit like zombies in front of the television and osmotically absorb CNN and ABC propaganda points sorry "analysis."

That speech was one of the handful of precious moments, to include the upcoming presidential debates, when Trump had the opportunity to speak directly to the American people mindlessly glued to their television screens without having his message distorted by the media's lies and sophistry. You best believe he took as long as he possibly could and methodically went over every single goddamn point that defines his candidacy. The longer he had the American people sitting there on their couches nodding along, the harder it will be for the shitlibs to wash away the message under their propaganda torrents of "commentary" immediately after the speech ended.

Was it tiring for some? Maybe. Hopefully it was tiring enough that after 90min of Trump speech they only had the appetite for 5 min of CNN talking puppet bullshit rather than the other way around.

Great point. I was glad he went longer than normal because he needs as much time as possible for voters to see the REAL Trump and not media spin. I didn't think of it in terms of a longer speech giving people less patience for the media lies afterwards, but that is smart of you to mention it. He boxed them out a bit just like Lyin' Ted tried to do (and fucked up) last night.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Is there anywhere online to watch Ivankas intro and Trumps speech? I came home form work early!

The energy is palpable!

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32735]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

^Is that Rachel Dolezal's new alter ego?

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Watching the 48 minute speech right now:


I feel a freedom boner cumming.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 03:01 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Plenty of people will also stop a fight if they're on the ground getting punched in the face. The question is would they show you mercy if the tables were turned, and whether they're just going to sucker punch you if you let them up.

Meanwhile he's throwing out all kinds of clever rhetorical tricks.

"Oh, look how much we agree on",

Also notice that he claims we're not going to get anywhere if the left keeps calling the right racists and the right calls the left socialists.

Obviously most people would welcome better relationships between races and parties.

But the left are the ones inciting racial tensions in the first place and destroying the country with their bullshit policies. To be clear, this also applies to the cuckservative right.

The point is, you can't just let up the moment these people scream mercy. They're scumbags.

I have noticed Al Sharpton, Van Jones and others race agitators have lower their presence and influence in the last 3 months, Sharpton is keeping a low profile now compared to end 2015, he was even claiming he would move to another country, Jones is young and thinks he can still have a future after Trump, Sharpton on the other hand knows there is not way he can do the same things under Trump presidency that he did under Obama's, not more trips to the White House, not more press conference in front of the White House, not more secret meetings about "police brutality" in the oval office.

He also own like 4 millions to the IRS in taxes that Obama has helped to keep it quite, but under Trump the IRS will ax him turkey neck. Shaprton never expected this to happens, he probability now wished he died with Obama in the presidency so he could have the president goes to his funeral and be buried as a "great civil right champion", now if he dies he would be remembered as nothing but a race agitator that made himself rich by sacrificing the people he claims to care about.

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:17 PM)Bear Hands Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:14 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

Ivanka somehow turned the wage gap myth into a Trump talking point.

The most notorious whiners for the gender gap myth are single, and she crushed that by citing the number for single women with no kids.

e: They can't attack her on that with facts. The leftists would alienate mothers.

You can judge a man by how women talk and behave about him.

It was great Laura Ingraham mentioned she is a single mom, she knows single moms voters will identify with her, great move.

Also the way she mentions and even pointed at the media about how they pretend but really know why Trump won, epic move, you can even see people in the audience turn around and look at the people in the media, she and the republican base is learning from Trump.

She even stopped looking at the teleprompter, meaning that was off scripted.

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:19 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

It's the current year!

Delete your account!

This is not who we are!

Wrong side of history!

"WE are better than this"

"This is not who WE are"

Who is "we"? Obama and Hillary use the same terms, like we must adapt our mind and believe to theirs, Obama thinks there is not problem with mass uncontrolled immigration so we should too, Hillary thinks is ok to bring military age men we do not who they are so we must be ok with it.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:30 AM)Sooth Wrote:  

Is there anywhere online to watch Ivankas intro and Trumps speech? I came home form work early!

The energy is palpable!

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

All these 'scared' leftists.

Scared because their juvenile fantasy world is falling apart.

Scared the nanny state won't be there to protect them in their safe space.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

That speech was one for the ages, even though it's not like the good old rambling game Trump.

He burned Hillary, called out the BS PC police, and stating our major issues very simply.

So many leftists got triggered tonight, it was fucking fantastic.

This was my favorite conversation I read over between 2 libs:

[Image: attachment.jpg32740]   

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Look at this amazing shoot

[Image: Cn73o60WEAAvy0X.jpg]

American flags everywhere, the entire stage in gold lights.

****iconography intensifies****

Democrat convention has a huge challenge, they risk looking to boring not drama like Melania's speech or Cruz endorsement.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:16 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:07 PM)RaccoonFace Wrote:  

The Neocons are salty about America First.
[Image: 3yBfodR.jpg]

The greatest service he has rendered for his country, if this is so.

You mean the party that lost the last two elections, Meghan? Or is this just a tantrum because Ivanka is slimmer and hotter and no one is looking at pics of Meghan McCain anymore -- which is usually what it comes down to with women.

Here is a photo of our would-be voice of authority for the Republican Party:
[Image: alg-twitter-megan-mccain-jpg.jpg]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Here Twitter profile pic presents her (conveniently) as pretty yet not bitchy.

The remainder of her Twitter photos however?
I wouldn't say she has 'resting bitch face'.
She has 'sexy bitch face'.
Yet bitch face none-the-less, & not a type of gal I'd trust offhand.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

New electoral map after tonight's speech:

[Image: Q1fjsoR.png]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:36 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Watching the 48 minute speech right now:


I feel a freedom boner cumming.

Here's the FULL speech:

Starts at 2:33:34

Enjoy !

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 02:02 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:36 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Watching the 48 minute speech right now:


I feel a freedom boner cumming.

Here's the FULL speech:

Starts at 2:33:34

Enjoy !


Ivankas introduction starts at 2:17:15! [Image: angel.gif]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I watched Trump's speech at the Trump campaign HQ here in Florida.

I was captivated from beginning to end.

Could it have been a little shorter? Maybe, but I was hanging onto his every word and found myself clapping so many times during the speech that my hands started to hurt. He hit on all his talking points, the rigged system, Crooked Hillary, GLOBALISM, pulling back from the Middle East, taking care of radical Islamic terror, borders, PC culture, the war on police and more.

This was an iconic moment I will likely remember for decades. Gentlemen, we are witnessing history in the making. Soak it all in, enjoy it. We won't ever see a presidential campaign like this ever again.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The liberal media is shook. Trump gave a great speech. He identified what Americans are upset about, pointed it out and said he would fix it. The response from Vox, the Economist and the NYC Times that it was dark fearful. They are peddling fear and most people can see right through them.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Losing their minds:

[Image: glqvBzaAT6uy3WUoILS0Hls56ALe1th9sDnNdinq...ad16fa0650]

[Image: Lt3W2qgG7K1t7yNaNdBaU2Sb8iZJh2YlsM7Foz7U...1591fe7d19]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The only bad thing about the RNC is the fact that this satellite thread got up to 25 pages in less than a week, that takes 25 pages of high energy from the main Trump thread!

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:49 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

"WE are better than this"

"This is not who WE are"

Who is "we"? Obama and Hillary use the same terms, like we must adapt our mind and believe to theirs, Obama thinks there is not problem with mass uncontrolled immigration so we should too, Hillary thinks is ok to bring military age men we do not who they are so we must be ok with it.

Note that when the Democrats want something they can't gain by brute force it's all about "we" and "solidarity in the face of (ambiguous concept #537)".

But when they think they have the numbers and the political will to get away with it then suddenly it's "they" this and "there's no room in this country for (insert right wing political minority here)."

I always smile when I hear them use the term "we". Like you, Latinopan, my first thought is "what's this 'we' business?"

It shows that they're operating from a position of weakness.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 02:27 AM)eskimobobseal Wrote:  

This was an iconic moment I will likely remember for decades. Gentlemen, we are witnessing history in the making. Soak it all in, enjoy it. We won't ever see a presidential campaign like this ever again.

[Image: o2kDeNz.jpg]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 03:02 AM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Losing their minds:
[Image: lol.gif]

If this poll is to be believed (and I don't see why not -this is CNN after all, if anything the result will be down-played): the speech proved to be a game-changer after all.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:11 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:42 PM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:53 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm out of touch. Who is this Cenk dude and why does anybody give a fuck what he thinks?

He is a youtube personality, his channel is called "the Young Turks". They are sort of a news organization but they never actually do any reporting, they just give commentary, and are generally very liberal and pro Hillary.

If you have never heard of the Young Turks, you aren't really missing anything. I don't watch their channel, for obvious reasons but know who they are.

The young turks do have some good value though. They are one of my go-to sources when arguing with libs because they have done a great job of tearing down Obama's atrocious civil liberties record.

Ditto for Glenn Greenwald's old Salon column. Hell there are even some good HuffPo articles. Link any one of those sites when defending your criticism of Hillbama, and it short circuits their usual "But that is Fox news! You can't trust Fox News!" repsonse....and their new response in probably about 7/10 cases is to slink a way quietly.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Ted Cruz doing a rather amusing job tedsplainin' to Texas delegates on why he refused to endorse Trump. He runs around in logic circles and then says he won't vote for Hillary but still doesn't say who he's going to vote for. After seeing how smug he is I think the answer is clear.. he's going to write in his own name.


Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

If you noticed last night, while Martin Shkreli was trolling twitter employees he posted a link to a discord chat. I joined and it was very enlightening.

He's a cool guy and genuinely helpful. He didn't seem to be holding back information. He gave career advice, talked about his own life gave trolling pointers. A lot of links on news, industry and financial expertise were shared. He seemed to be in a reflective stage about his legal issues. Maybe he's having his own 25th hour moment. He and many of the chatters present knew who Mike was and had high opinion of him. Shkreli apparently watches him for news. Guerilla Mindset may be slated to go down as one of the best self help books of these several decades if Mike can keep the inertia up.

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