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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:04 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:02 PM)Canopus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:55 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Liberals are melting down online.

Twitter is going insane. They are fucking terrified.

Liberal Twitter right now:

[Image: giphy.gif]



Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:03 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Not good. His teleprompter skills are still very clearly lacking and he seems to have regressed. His voice tone is far too harsh. The speech started OK but the content dragged on, got redundant, and the focus on vision was lacking, unlike Mike Pence's speech last night too much fear.

My initial gut instinct is that Trump has not risen to the occasion here. He could have launched a massive new persuasion offensive and he didn't do it. You could hear the echoes of it but it just wasn't there.

The convention was great until this last sub-battle. Unfortunately this is the sub-battle that counts and he didn't win it.

We'll see what Scott Adams has to say about it but that is my initial instinct.

Are we watching the same speech?

He's killing it.

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Ivanka's plan for women may sounds like feminist nonsense but it is actually a good idea: give women money to leave the cubicle and start a family.

Just thought saying that was a good idea

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32727]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I wish he would made the speech more brief. Its starting to drag a lot.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Nobody cares about what a Jewish dyke thinks about America. She obviously hates this country, so she has reason to be scared. Weak minded people fear greatness, having never accomplished any on their own.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:07 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Are we watching the same speech?

He's killing it.

For you.

But you have to look at it from other perspectives.

Trump had the ability to pivot massively and widen the base tonight. I do not believe he's done that, as of this time. This doesn't necessarily hurt him, but I don't think he's brought new people onboard tonight.

But we'll see. Maybe Scott sees something I don't.

Speech has gone on too long. At least now he's going into the vision stuff instead of the redundant fear/Hillary stuff.

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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Just learned the full speech text is already out there:

I agree, it's getting draggy and we've still got 10-15 minutes go...

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Scott Adams just tweeted, "No one is 'undecided' this election, but
Trump supporters have many reasons to claim that they are."

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32729]   

It's the current year!

Delete your account!

This is not who we are!

Wrong side of history!

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I could listen to him go on like this all night. The crowd didn't go there for brief.

Preach on Donny!

This is a historical moment. Savour it.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I like that he mentions fixing TSA. If just does that and build the wall, I would consider that a successful presidency. Sounds like he is promising too many things, but those two things would be awesome fixes. If can do all he claims he should just become emperor for life.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32730]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:07 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:03 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Not good. His teleprompter skills are still very clearly lacking and he seems to have regressed. His voice tone is far too harsh. The speech started OK but the content dragged on, got redundant, and the focus on vision was lacking, unlike Mike Pence's speech last night too much fear.

My initial gut instinct is that Trump has not risen to the occasion here. He could have launched a massive new persuasion offensive and he didn't do it. You could hear the echoes of it but it just wasn't there.

The convention was great until this last sub-battle. Unfortunately this is the sub-battle that counts and he didn't win it.

We'll see what Scott Adams has to say about it but that is my initial instinct.

Are we watching the same speech?

He's killing it.

I somewhat agree with both of you. He's a little too loud at the moment and some points have been redundant.

Overall, I'd score it equally as Obama's speech. Same gusto and timber. Poll wise, it's ooking to shape up the same as last election too.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

If Trump had transitioned into this after talking about Mike Pence, it would be a decent speech (teleprompter voice tone problems notwithstanding). He went on 20 minutes too long about security and crooked Hillary.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:23 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: attachment.jpg32730]

[Image: 67382722.jpg]

[Image: 135.gif]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I love the guy but he's just not that natural when he's on the teleprompter.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I agree with Libertas in that he went too in depth terrorist/law and order/Crooked Hilary stuff. It's been played out all week and probably better served by doing some drive by one liners. Thinking from the independent's point of view, that is. At the same time, those same independents haven't been watching every speech all week like we have and are only getting this one speech.

I only hope those people stuck it out, because juuust as the speech was droning on too long with the negatives, it's pivoted to a far more upbeat, positive tone to drive it home. My only real concern is that it is going on too long and people have tuned out, with this speech nearing 90 minutes, ending near midnight. It's a great speech though

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The liberal meltdown is glorious.

I can't wait for November

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Personally, every second that Trump is speaking is one I don't have to listen to vapid CNN commentators vomit their useless elitist bullshit upon the masses.


Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I bet Shrillary is filling her adult diaper right now.

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:23 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: attachment.jpg32730]

You'd think she was covering the Rwandan genocide from inside a fucking mail drop box.

edit: I just can't even....

"I'm being strong for the team, doing the hard yards for you guys, even if it imperils my very soul to see these horrors!"

[Image: 2db23c664111ee1e32b055f01fd317a8.jpg]

For your heroic sacrifices, we salute you. [Image: tard.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread


Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:21 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

I could listen to him go on like this all night. The crowd didn't go there for brief.

Preach on Donny!

This is a historical moment. Savour it.

YES!!! My undescended testicle finally dropped watching The Donald's speech.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Epic speech! And I use the word sparely. High-energy as fuck. What an adrenaline-pump.

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