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Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

I had an Asian gf once tell me "I have fantasies about being raped".

She was dead serious too.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

A chick I'm seeing now said to me JUST NOW in a text: "Hey, what're you doing? I'm eating a big meal high in carbohydrates so I have all the energy I need to fuck the shit out of you tonight"

I just met this girl last week.

Gonna be an eventful night.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

A hot 21 year old same night pull:

"I like nice guys, but if they're too nice I start hating them"

I was holding in the laughter

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

I love you.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

A recent chick, told me that she once went to a sex shop late at night with her ex-boy friend. They went into the basement/ cinema where she sucked off 5 or 6 guys and swallowed all their cum. Based on my interactions with her, I believe the story. Maybe not surprisingly, this is a women who is "powerful" in her career and looks and acts very conventional in her everyday life.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Second hand story, but too good to pass up:

Married ho has affair with husband who's deployed with the military for several months. A couple of weeks before the hubbie comes back, stunt dick gets her pregnant. Hubbie returns and bangs ho immediately, she then blames the pregnancy on him and says "Honey, we can't afford a baby right now, we should postpone this." He drives her to the abortion clinic. The kicker? She was white, the alpha was white and the cuck was black - anything else would have been just a bit more awkward in about 9 months. Surprise, surprise, they eventually got divorced.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

My 6 year old nephew was playing with this 6 year old daughter of a family friend at some big family gathering couple years ago. Running around the house & yard, laughing & pushing each other, him showing her his toys, eating chocolate etc ... whatever kids do.

A bit later to the party came another family friend who had a slightly older son. Probably 8 or 9. He was very demanding and immediately starts hijacking my nephews toys, making up rules for games and dominating the frame. I'm keenly watching and eager to see how things unfold at this point. A little while later,the little girl and older kid are actively avoiding my nephew. He's getting frustrated and starts resorting to tactics like showing her the color of his tongue after sucking a lollipop.

The little girl is having none of it and is beginning to get visibly annoyed by him. While he desperately tries to join in on some game the two are playing, she aggressively stops him and tells him he can't play with them anymore. "But those are my toys" he protests.

" Yes but I played with you already. Now it is his turn to play with me. We will give you back the toys when we finish".

At this point the interaction has attracted a fair bit of attention from the other adults besides me. One of my older aunts comes over to mediate and suggests they all play together or some shit like that. She goes "But i don't want to play with him" (referring to my nephew). My aunt asks her why assuming my nephew did something to her. The little bitch drops this gem.

" He is small and he follows me everywhere. I only want to play with X (older kid)"

Not scandalous in the true sense of the word but a microcosm of adult male-female relationships featuring a girl, a beta, love, interloping Alpha, tingles, more beta-behavior and monkey-branching. Sloots gon sloot.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

From a girl cheating with me on her long term boyfriend (and possible future husband) while we were walking along some busy streets in a large city in which they both live (but I don't).

Why do you hold my hand all day when we are walking in public places in your city ?
Aren't you worried that he might accidentally see us ?

Cheating girl:
He's in the office working all day. (said with a short laugh and naughty smile)

What if someone who knows you both of you sees you holding my hand ?

Cheating girl:
You're right. (silent pause)
I guess I have to be more careful. (another silent pause)

(Continues to hold my hand and be overly affectionate in public the rest of the day anyway)

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Just stumbled across this thread. I have a few gems to contribute.

1. I was casually seeing a girl fresh out of high school in the summer. I cut things off.
I run into her at the mall, tell me she has a bf and likes him etc. 2hrs later she giving a bj. She stops and says "Your dick is like 3 times bigger than my bf's".
We bang and i give her a ride to his house. On the way he's calling her non-stop but shes busy giving me road head. I pull over and asks me to hold the phone while she's finishing me off. He's seriously pissed off at her for various reasons. She sucking my dick while hes on speaker phone bitching at her. After i finish in her mouth she says i'm gonna give him a big kiss when i see him.

2. A crazy ex-gf had a younger sister. One night i was over waiting for my gf to get ready and her younger sister started to chat me up and said "whenever you're tired of fucking my sisters loose holes you can pound my tight ones". I never told my gf about what she said and i never would done anything because her younger sister was 14 at the time.

3. A few years ago i would periodically meet up with an ex-coworker and fuck. This was over the course of 2.5 years. I never really got to know her well until after i left the job and we started fucking. The last time we meet up shes over at my place and half naked in my bed texting someone. I think i startled her because she hid the phone away as i walk into the room. A few minutes later she goes to take a shower and i look at her phone. She was texting her husband "I love you", "This pussy and mouth belong to you".
I ask her about the texts and she says don't get all emotional on me it was only sex, we were never exclusive. I correct her and say i could care less who you fuck but if i knew you were married i'd never have fucked you.
This pissed her off and she said to me The only reason i'm fucking your nigger dick is because my husband has a dick the size of my thumb. You should be fucking greatful. At which point she storms out of my place half dressed with her clothes in her hand.
For the record, she was 36 and was pleasant be around.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (03-01-2016 02:28 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

2. A crazy ex-gf had a younger sister. One night i was over waiting for my gf to get ready and her younger sister started to chat me up and said "whenever you're tired of fucking my sisters loose holes you can pound my tight ones". I never told my gf about what she said and i never would done anything because her younger sister was 14 at the time.
[Image: popcorn3.gif]
Your life seems to be like a movie.

This user has commited suicide

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (03-02-2016 12:48 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2016 02:28 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

2. A crazy ex-gf had a younger sister. One night i was over waiting for my gf to get ready and her younger sister started to chat me up and said "whenever you're tired of fucking my sisters loose holes you can pound my tight ones". I never told my gf about what she said and i never would done anything because her younger sister was 14 at the time.
[Image: popcorn3.gif]
Your life seems to be like a movie.

This is one movie i wouldn't have seen. There was so much drama and bs with her and the rest of her family, I'm glad they cannot contact me anymore.

The younger sister had some issues. I just passed it off as her way of awkwardly flirting with me. I was pre-red pill at the time.
The sister i was dating had attempted suicide several times before i met her and has BPD and an eating disorder as well.
The younger sister had issues with alcohol and then later on drugs. Later on i was told she lost her v-card @12 due to being passed out drunk at a party.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (12-19-2015 12:10 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

" He is small and he follows me everywhere. I only want to play with X (older kid)"

[Image: I8Jjy.png]

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

"I just want him to blast all over my face!"

Said by a girl at a Drake concert.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Aussie chick (dirty slags, the lot of them):

"I'm on the rag at the minute but you can split me shitter if you like"

What a lovely turn of phrase.


Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Back a few years ago I was out at my regular bar. I was running real tight asshole game. Alot of girls knew I was sleeping around and didn't care. The bar was pretty packed and my friends and I were in the back near the dart boards. A group of girls who were friends of friends came back to chill with us and one of them was recently engaged, I'll just call her "fiance". We are all chatting and having some laughs of my hook up stories and fiance says in front of everyone "Snowplow I really wanna suck your dick." I laugh and say "Get in line." She then walks up and grabs me and says "I'm not kidding, I really want it!"

At this point I'm pretty stunned and everyone is just watching in disbelief. I question her new ring and she says "He's a pussy. You're not." Ok game on woman, I fire back with "Fine but you are gonna do it right here in front of all our friends."

Without skipping a beat she drops down to her knees, pulls my dick out and starts blowing me in front of everyone. Crowd erupts in a mix of laughter and shouts. It was only about 30 seconds, but that was a fucking eye opener.

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

^ If you had let's say met her during the day for the first time alone, had a 15 minute conversation or so, how many slut tells would she have given off?

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

My plate of yesterday said "you don't have to come in a condom, I can take of a child alone you know"

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (03-06-2016 01:54 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

^ If you had let's say met her during the day for the first time alone, had a 15 minute conversation or so, how many slut tells would she have given off?

Honestly, back then I wouldn't even know what to look for as far as that. Thinking back on it now, it's odd cause she pretty plane Jane. Biggest tells I can recall, crude humor and a "filthy mouth".

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

I find myself going back and forth between this thread and the hygiene thread. I would never have imagined girls doing these kinds of things before finding ROK and other sites like this. It really takes away my fantasy image of girls and knocks them off their pedestal and onto their unwashed asses.

"Their emotional waves will swamp you if you're just quietly-floating, so you need to learn to surf." - AnonymousBosch

||Learn How to Sing Datasheet||

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (03-02-2016 08:32 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 12:48 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2016 02:28 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

2. A crazy ex-gf had a younger sister. One night i was over waiting for my gf to get ready and her younger sister started to chat me up and said "whenever you're tired of fucking my sisters loose holes you can pound my tight ones". I never told my gf about what she said and i never would done anything because her younger sister was 14 at the time.
[Image: popcorn3.gif]
Your life seems to be like a movie.

This is one movie i wouldn't have seen. There was so much drama and bs with her and the rest of her family, I'm glad they cannot contact me anymore.

The younger sister had some issues. I just passed it off as her way of awkwardly flirting with me. I was pre-red pill at the time.
The sister i was dating had attempted suicide several times before i met her and has BPD and an eating disorder as well.
The younger sister had issues with alcohol and then later on drugs. Later on i was told she lost her v-card @12 due to being passed out drunk at a party.

The crazy ones are always the best fucks. I got a semi just reading "eating disorder"

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

[Image: lbcMgss.png]

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Visiting a friend in the states and this is the shit his girlfriend has been saying

"he's going to engage me"

"we are going to go ring shopping"

He looks like a deer in headlights as she's saying this shit and seems he has succumbed to having a shit life for the rest of his days on earth.

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (03-06-2016 06:18 PM)King of Monkeys Wrote:  

I find myself going back and forth between this thread and the hygiene thread. I would never have imagined girls doing these kinds of things before finding ROK and other sites like this. It really takes away my fantasy image of girls and knocks them off their pedestal and onto their unwashed asses.

That personal hygiene thread is the things of nightmares, but it's still solid info for new members of the forum.

Link for those who don't know what i'm referring to: Personal Hygiene thread

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Quote: (03-06-2016 03:57 PM)Snowplow Wrote:  

Honestly, back then I wouldn't even know what to look for as far as that. Thinking back on it now, it's odd cause she pretty plane Jane. Biggest tells I can recall, crude humor and a "filthy mouth".

Yes that is a good one. Crass mouth crass pussy.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Most scandalous things you've heard girls say

Here's another gem that I encountered just this past week.

Was at a bar with a girl I banged last week when one of her close friends comes along (we had previously made plans to go dancing at a local nightclub later.) Within a few minutes of meeting this girl and asking what she did for a living, she openly admits to me that she supplements her minimum-wage job by sleeping with older men for money. (This girl is at best a 5/10, as an aside.) "But oftentimes I don't even have sex with them - I just let them watch me play with myself and they still pay me money", she adds for a extra helping of hamster rationalization.

She would later (that same night) go home with a guy who previously white-knighted for her and fought her ex after he beat her up. Dude had no clue the girl he was crushing hard on was a cheap hooker.


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