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What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

The go-to's

"I forgot I have other plans"

"I'm sick"

"Family emergency"

You want to know how a man blows off plans? Honestly.

I had plans with a girl two days ago and she wanted me to go to her place in the city downtown. I asked her if there was any free parking near where she lived and she said no. "We'll see how badly you want to see me. [Image: smile.gif]"

I didn't respond right away so she texted me again with her address and asked "When are you planning on coming down?"

I texted her "Don't think I feel like driving into the city tonight"

Girls think they are being tactful with their bullshit flake reasons but we see right through it and it just makes them look worse.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

I can't remember if I told this story before. But one time back in March, I went to meet a Costa Rican chick off OKC. We met... I quickly assess her and she's 20 pounds heavier than her pictures. I was disappointed, but I figured I'd just have one drink and practice game on her. We went inside for drinks.

Suddenly, she said she was parked illegally and that she'd be right back.

Few minutes later, she still hasn't come back.

I waited.

I waited some more.

Still hasn't come back.

15 minutes later, it slowly dawned on me that she had bailed. My blood began to boil. A slow simmering boil. Checked OKC and she'd already blocked me.

Bartender kept looking at me, the empty bar stool next to me, and back at me. I lowered my head in embarrassment. Drowned my beer, paid in cash, and went home to rub one out.

Stiffed by a SIF.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Quote: (09-10-2015 09:35 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I can't remember if I told this story before. But one time back in March, I went to meet a Costa Rican chick off OKC. We met... I quickly assess her and she's 20 pounds heavier than her pictures. I was disappointed, but I figured I'd just have one drink and practice game on her. We went inside for drinks.

Suddenly, she said she was parked illegally and that she'd be right back.

Few minutes later, she still hasn't come back.

I waited.

I waited some more.

Still hasn't come back.

15 minutes later, it slowly dawned on me that she had bailed. My blood began to boil. A slow simmering boil. Checked OKC and she'd already blocked me.

Bartender kept looking at me, the empty bar stool next to me, and back at me. I lowered my head in embarrassment. Drowned my beer, paid in cash, and went home to rub one out.

Stiffed by a SIF.

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

[Image: frustration.gif~c200]

It's the the worst when you get burned by a girl that is below your pay-grade in the first place.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Most excuses I used to get ranged from things like "my grandma is in the hospital and I have to visit her" to things like "I think I have to babysit my little cousin, I'll let you know"
Nowadays, I just get pure radio silence. The effort to come up with a lame excuse seems to be just too much.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

The best I remember:

"My cat is sick and I need to take care of him"

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Once an Asian cutie on a Internship here in Toronto told me that she "fell on her knee and that her skin was hurting a little" wtf [Image: huh.gif]

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

"My stomach hurts."

"It's that time of the month."

"It's my friends birthday." (said to me by the same girl twice in 2 weeks)

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

I heard this one recently "I can't meet tonight. I'm tired and have plans to get under the covers, cuddle with my cat and watch Netflix"

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

It's usually something about school, which is odd because they usually aren't studying shit.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Reading these makes me feel a lot better about flakes.

A few I received:
"Hey my brother came over so I can't come to town" was suppose to be in town 9 hours ago.
"My dad just came over and doesn't like me leaving late" She's 26 and told me just as I was walking up to her place
My favorite:
"Can't meet today, I ate too much food" This one really made me fucking laugh.


What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Quote: (09-10-2015 08:19 PM)realologist Wrote:  

I heard this one recently "I can't meet tonight. I'm tired and have plans to get under the covers, cuddle with my cat and watch Netflix"

Respect to that girl.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

her: come here and cheer me up
me: ok whats your address
her: I don't know

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Quote: (08-30-2011 12:39 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2011 12:09 AM)CupCake Wrote:  

My tolerance to flakiness is at all all-time low. I think I'll be writing about it soon.

Please do.

Back in April / May I was going through this down period where I just hooked up with crazy psycho bitches, one after the other. The flaking was unberable, but I still kept at it... because they were hot.

It is awful, awful, awful the power a hot girl can have on you.

It was traumatizing that I blocked out from my memory most of the bad experience I got with those girls. But I remember one of the first flakes one of them gave me.

We were to go out a Wed night, we had agreed on this almost a week prior. Two hours before we were to meet, I decided, just for safety, to text her to see if it was still on. She answers saying that she "had to take her mother to the hospital". Later I learned that she knew of that appointment to the hospital even prior to setting the date with me... and she just let me know 'by accident' hours before the actual date.

...But she was so cute that I kept pushing for it... and I dragged that shit for months... with more than one girl...

arrgghhh flaking. It makes me want to go homicidal

So True! The hotter the girl, the easier it is to put up with nonsense.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Girl was supposed to meet me at my place Sat night to grab a bite. Hadn't heard from her since the plans we set days prior so I ping her around 7:30 to get this date underway.

me: Hey what up
her: Hey what's up sorry I went out last night [Image: tongue.gif] [looks like she is going to try to use going out the day before as a reason to NOT go out with me tonight lol so I deflect]
me: Sorry or what?
her: Well we talked briefly about hanging out today
me: Yeah come down lets hang
her: Idk if I'm up for driving all the way there this late [Image: tongue.gif] [I live 35-40 min from her]
me: Quarter of 8 on a sat night too late? lol k
her: To drive that far
me: [ghost]

Would we have hung out if we were closer to one another? Doubtful. She was a weak prospect that I cared 0% about but the weak ass flake was worth posting.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Just got one today from an old prospect:

Me: hey whats up
Her: Heyyy, how are you?
Me: alright, would you like to grab a drink this week
Her: Thanks but I can't [Image: sad.gif]
Me: no worries, maybe another time
Her: No, I mean I can't physically drink. I'm pregnant!
Me: yikes

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

"I'm having a house warming party"


What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

One flake I had recently told me she was staying late at work on Friday night, even though I said, come over later etc, she flaked. And hell, feeling like the chick would rather stay at work on a friday night and then see me, was gutting man.

At the time, I didn't really feel how pissed I was, how disappointed I was. Then the next day, after we had agreed to meet that night, she then says 'are we meeting tonight?' and after that, I just thought fuck this girl. Its just so blatently obvious that she isn't interested it was painful. I stopped it right there in the tracks. Maybe she was waiting for me to stop chasing her, but I'm not sure how advanced it was. It just seemed like she was being really dishonest which she was.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Got flaked on earlier this evening, an hour before meeting up. Her:

"Hate to do this but I just got home after a shitty day, in the middle of a shitty month and even if james bond appeared at my door I wouldn't want to go out. I'm sorry."

See's like she's a real charmer! [number-closed her a week ago late-night at a bar.]

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

I've heard the mother of all excuses: "My cousin died....". On the same day she sent me pussy pics and wanted to meet up.

Just out of morbid curiosity, since Facebook likes to suggest to you people who you have the number of, I found her FB profile and she posted a pic of her at some party. I hit her up again with "so you seem to have quickly gotten over that dead relative of yourself". Long story short, she was married, probably got into a fight with her man, wanted to cheat, then got second thoughts and wanted to "let me down gently" with her excuse. The sheer gall of some women for lieing is incredible

Another one I heard: "It's windy and rainy outside, don't wanna get blown away lol"

Also it seems that with Western girls, you have to set up dates by using business language you'd use to set up contracts. Like it's not enough to talk about grabbing drinks and having a place, date and time figured out. You actually have to say "Hereby we have discussed all terms of our meeting. So, do we meet at place X on day Y at time Z?" and need to get a "yes" in return from them. Always push for that yes from their side or they'll give you some bullshit reason like "Oh I thought we TALKED about it but didn't agree to actually meet..." or the even more infuriating "well yes we agreed on everything but that was days ago and you didn't message me afterwards so I thought it was called off...."

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

"I have this thing where I do my best to always keep my word, so these days I don't really like to commit to anything because I don't want to let anyone down."


What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Another tactic that seems to be becoming more and more common, particularly on online dating sites, is women who say they suffer from chronic headaches or fibromyalgia or some other mysterious physical issue which prevents them from ever making firm plans or knowing what they're doing more than five minutes in advance. I actually get this sort of pre-flake fairly often. "Yeah, because of my chronic big toe pain I'm just warning you it's hard for me to make plans..."

Unfortunately there are probably some women who have legit medical problems who are cool and would like to meet people, but I'm betting there are a lot who don't really have particularly serious problems who just use this as an easy out to be a total flake, as it's a pretty much airtight setup. You can't really say anything if she says she's bailing on you because whatever chronic issue she mentions in her profile flared up because then you're insensitive etc.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

What's the best way of dealing with these lame excuses?

I think I would send a text back just saying 'LOL' and then just leave it at that, it might make them curious as to why you just laughed at them and stopped talking. Or it might not, oh well.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Quote: (09-22-2015 11:56 AM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

What's the best way of dealing with these lame excuses?

I think I would send a text back just saying 'LOL' and then just leave it at that, it might make them curious as to why you just laughed at them and stopped talking. Or it might not, oh well.

Honestly, I don't see the point of anything beyond a 'LOL' or 'lol k' or 'lol'. While some of the potential responses are funny like 'How old are you? like 2?', they will accomplish nothing. If they make you feel better go for it, but they will do 0 for getting the girl out.

If it's an honest excuse and she really wants to see you, she will propose an alternative. Otherwise 'lol' or nothing at all and maybe try a restart text in a week.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

About an hour before the date... "I'm really sorry but I feel really sick and have to go home." I can't accuse her of not feeling sick so I say something along the lines of "I can't say I'm not disappointed, but feel better." She never responds. About a week later, I engage again and I get "I'm sorry but I have a chronic illness that I have to focus on and I won't be able to date you anymore." I met her on OkC and she logged back in the next day.

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Quote: (09-22-2015 08:08 PM)evilbuttmunch Wrote:  

About an hour before the date... "I'm really sorry but I feel really sick and have to go home." I can't accuse her of not feeling sick so I say something along the lines of "I can't say I'm not disappointed, but feel better." She never responds. About a week later, I engage again and I get "I'm sorry but I have a chronic illness that I have to focus on and I won't be able to date you anymore." I met her on OkC and she logged back in the next day.

Yup, same thing happened to me - girl I was chatting with was telling me she couldn't meet because of her pain issues and how insensitive I was to push for it after she was texting me pictures of her dancing out at some club literally 24 hours earlier.

If your health issues are so severe that it's impossible for you to know how you'll be feeling on a day to day or hour to hour basis, maybe you should be working on that instead of doing online dating?

As I mentioned, expect the 'mysterious chronic illness' pre-flake to become more and more common among the flakiest of histrionic women on online dating sites, as it's an airtight excuse that absolves them of any responsibility and garners enormous sympathy from other women and white knights. "I told him I had to stay home because I was having a pain flare, and he got mad! What an asshole!" they say as they're right back on the site hitting up other guys.

You heard it here first!

Also, just to add, I don't really pay attention to what women do or don't do via logging in to online dating sites. I realize now that for a great number of women on sites like OKCupid it's basically just a second social media site they use to talk to random people and validate, like a Facebook Lite. For many, even when you're "dating" them, there's about as much chance they'll deactivate or disable their OKCupid profile as there is of them wiping their Facebook account, i.e. slim to none. They're way too hooked on the validation drug to do such a thing.

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