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BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Crazy in the head, crazy in bed. You know you were down Roosh [Image: lol.gif]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Yeah. No shame in falling for that, Roosh. WB.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:50 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:26 PM)pdwalker Wrote:  

Hi Roosh,

You were barely able to keep your cool. Fortunately, you did. The right of self defense in Canada has been a dead letter now for over 30 years. As hard as it was, walking away was the best option. So, don't get mad, get even. And consider getting bodyguards next time, or travel with a large enough group so you'll be protected if you are attacked by a mob.

Years ago, a very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor told be that if I ever defend myself in Canada to not get caught or I will get charged regardless of the circumstances. Also, under the Canadian Criminal Code, the definition of a "weapon" is anything used to harm others. So if I hit someone with a banana peel in anger, I have used a "weapon".

Good luck, and I hope the Crown presses charges against that insane, violent, divorced from reality, female nutter.

Bullshit, please explain this article and this and this. I guess your very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor didn't tell you about the Lucky Moose Law eh?

It isn't the same. We all know from the redneck boonies that you " don't hit first" all those examples you posted the "self-defense" was after the fact of another intial crime. Some dude is trying to rob you and ambushes you then you can defend yourself.

But if this happened instead..

The dude robs your wallet and you chase him down and seek him out and then hit him.. You get charged. The fact he robbed you isn't even a factor. Canadian law is completely about defferal and prevention.

You hit first in Canada and it is assault. Period. The Code doesn't dance around it and Cops know the deal, you strike first and the pigs get involved they will charge you.

You grow up you learn to egg on the first hit and then go after the guy. My buddy got off by egging on a hit and then smashing a Whisky bottle over the guys head. Who did the cops take away in the squad car? .. Well both lol .. but the dude with the smashed up face got charged while my buddy got off clean and just had to file a report.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 08:25 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:50 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:26 PM)pdwalker Wrote:  

Hi Roosh,

You were barely able to keep your cool. Fortunately, you did. The right of self defense in Canada has been a dead letter now for over 30 years. As hard as it was, walking away was the best option. So, don't get mad, get even. And consider getting bodyguards next time, or travel with a large enough group so you'll be protected if you are attacked by a mob.

Years ago, a very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor told be that if I ever defend myself in Canada to not get caught or I will get charged regardless of the circumstances. Also, under the Canadian Criminal Code, the definition of a "weapon" is anything used to harm others. So if I hit someone with a banana peel in anger, I have used a "weapon".

Good luck, and I hope the Crown presses charges against that insane, violent, divorced from reality, female nutter.

Bullshit, please explain this article and this and this. I guess your very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor didn't tell you about the Lucky Moose Law eh?

It isn't the same. We all know from the redneck boonies that you " don't hit first" all those examples you posted the "self-defense" was after the fact of another intial crime. Some dude is trying to rob you and ambushes you then you can defend yourself.

But if this happened instead..

The dude robs your wallet and you chase him down and seek him out and then hit him.. You get charged. The fact he robbed you isn't even a factor. Canadian law is completely about defferal and prevention.

You hit first in Canada and it is assault. Period. The Code doesn't dance around it and Cops know the deal, you strike first and the pigs get involved they will charge you.

You grow up you learn to egg on the first hit and then go after the guy. My buddy got off by egging on a hit and then smashing a Whisky bottle over the guys head. Who did the cops take away in the squad car? .. Well both lol .. but the dude with the smashed up face got charged while my buddy got off clean and just had to file a report.

Do Canadians on the forum remember the Chinese shopkeeper who arrested the serial shoplifter stealing from his shop and he got charged with kidnapping and a whole bunch of other charges? He only got off after a lengthy ordeal and a public outcry. Self-defense laws in Canada are weak as hell. I remember a couple of years ago here some dude got charged after he beat up an intruder in his home. I didn't follow through with the case but it's ridiculous how soft the self-defense laws here are.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

I always shake my head whenever girls with Polish ancestry (remember Emma Sulkowicz?) make fame of themselves as radical feminists and/or SJWs. Justyna, if you're reading this: You are despised 'back home' and this is coming from someone who's not even living in Poland anymore.

And while we're at it, the usual accomplishments of Polish (or enter any other country) immigrants in any developed country, as broken down by gender:


-actually making the move, often as the first person in marriage/family (he'll come back for the family later after he has established himself in foreign country)

-usually working extremely hard to climb up the ladder from the bottom

-not unusual to start a business and start out-competing others

It's usually the MAN that is building himself a new life abroad from scratch. Let's look at the usual 'accomplishments' of a female immigrant:

-latching on a man that has found the job in the foreign land or already established himself there

-becoming a prostitute (Polish girls-turned-whores have infested London and other British cities)

-becoming a model, dancer or <insert a profession based solely on looks and male thirst>

-in 2nd or 3rd generation, given the comfort of growing up in a developed country, they become raging feminists and SJWs, like Justyna Bania and Emma Sulkowicz

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 01:42 AM)Lothario Wrote:  

Merenguero above is your true emotion pouring out as if you would try to explain to male friend in a rational way and message might get in his head but you can't do that with these Feminists.

Now they will call me a Misogynist but the only Language they understand is a strong hand, a pimp hand and i am not joking. I will let Sean Connery preach, watch till the last second.

Quote: (08-10-2015 03:29 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

This is why movements fail.

You're one of the guys close to Roosh on the ground in Canada, posting on an open thread with known hostile elements reading it, where the subject matter is filing criminal charges for Assault, and you're advocating hitting women.

One of the most fundamental tenets of any successful strategy is to ensure you don't undermine your own position, and that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.
Quote: (08-10-2015 04:00 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Agreed. Even if it was legal, I have no interest in "disciplining" women. I just want them to behave like civilized humans.

Hopefully the legal process does it's job and this becomes a lesson to all Canadian women that no one is above the law.


He finished off by saying watch it to the last second!

Did you?


Also Connery grew up with Scottish females, didn't you read the 50 shades *glassin* thread!! Real crazies here!

On the thread......

This girl is a very silly little sheepie, obviously revolting against her very privileged upbringing. This incident is a clear case of assault and no matter how wealthy her family is, she should not be allowed to escape from the full force of the law.

She should even consider herself lucky as in a couple inches more and she could have been looking at a charge of grievous bodily harm, and that would have been jail time.

Hope you read this Daddy, may be time to stop that generous allowance you feed your daughter!!

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 08:27 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 08:25 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:50 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:26 PM)pdwalker Wrote:  

Hi Roosh,

You were barely able to keep your cool. Fortunately, you did. The right of self defense in Canada has been a dead letter now for over 30 years. As hard as it was, walking away was the best option. So, don't get mad, get even. And consider getting bodyguards next time, or travel with a large enough group so you'll be protected if you are attacked by a mob.

Years ago, a very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor told be that if I ever defend myself in Canada to not get caught or I will get charged regardless of the circumstances. Also, under the Canadian Criminal Code, the definition of a "weapon" is anything used to harm others. So if I hit someone with a banana peel in anger, I have used a "weapon".

Good luck, and I hope the Crown presses charges against that insane, violent, divorced from reality, female nutter.

Bullshit, please explain this article and this and this. I guess your very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor didn't tell you about the Lucky Moose Law eh?

It isn't the same. We all know from the redneck boonies that you " don't hit first" all those examples you posted the "self-defense" was after the fact of another intial crime. Some dude is trying to rob you and ambushes you then you can defend yourself.

But if this happened instead..

The dude robs your wallet and you chase him down and seek him out and then hit him.. You get charged. The fact he robbed you isn't even a factor. Canadian law is completely about defferal and prevention.

You hit first in Canada and it is assault. Period. The Code doesn't dance around it and Cops know the deal, you strike first and the pigs get involved they will charge you.

You grow up you learn to egg on the first hit and then go after the guy. My buddy got off by egging on a hit and then smashing a Whisky bottle over the guys head. Who did the cops take away in the squad car? .. Well both lol .. but the dude with the smashed up face got charged while my buddy got off clean and just had to file a report.

Do Canadians on the forum remember the Chinese shopkeeper who arrested the serial shoplifter stealing from his shop and he got charged with kidnapping and a whole bunch of other charges? He only got off after a lengthy ordeal and a public outcry. Self-defense laws in Canada are weak as hell. I remember a couple of years ago here some dude got charged after he beat up an intruder in his home. I didn't follow through with the case but it's ridiculous how soft the self-defense laws here are.

Yes, Bill C-26, the Citizen’s Arrest and Self-Defence Act was implemented after the Chinese shop owner was acquitted, the name of his shop? The Lucky Moose, the same one I quoted above fellas, our laws on self defence have changed in Canada, for the better.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 12:40 PM)Dirty Dan Wrote:  

There should be an e-mail sent to Concordia University with a link to the video and a copy of the charges filled against her. Attack her from all directions and make her sweat as much as possible.

I'd flip it around. I'd use this event to go after women's studies departments for promoting the ignorance and bigotry that led to this criminal behavior. And whoever else might have been organizing protesters.

Remember she is just a foot soldier. It is important to defeat the foot soldiers, but it's also important to remember the malicious liars and hypocrites responsible for these conditions the ground are embedded in academia, media, politics and elsewhere.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Well not going to change my stance that "women shall be dealt with a strong hand", I'm "not advocating hitting them". I have been in a LTR for over 14 yrs and never hit her, This would be same as Roosh saying "how to stop Rape" and Feminists twisting this as "Roosh is a Rapist".

I do agree 100 % that myself and everyone else should be careful posting in these days. We have not seen a time like this in forum History.

H1N1 you are my brother in this war. [Image: grouphug.gif] We have a war to win, I will pay heed to your advice. Thanks.

I have some ammo that I was going to post but I am just going to PM it to Roosh.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

So on Twitter the first attacker "Jennifer" is claiming that the Montreal actress I pointed out is not the right person. I have removed the actress's name here in the meanwhile, but it's clear she participated in the organizing of the attack that night or at least knew of the attackers. I'll let the police investigate if she was indeed the first person to toss the beer.

The real Jennifer also spoke to the Montreal Gazette.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Roosh sending you a PM in 5-10 min.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 08:27 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

Do Canadians on the forum remember the Chinese shopkeeper who arrested the serial shoplifter stealing from his shop and he got charged with kidnapping and a whole bunch of other charges? He only got off after a lengthy ordeal and a public outcry. Self-defense laws in Canada are weak as hell. I remember a couple of years ago here some dude got charged after he beat up an intruder in his home. I didn't follow through with the case but it's ridiculous how soft the self-defense laws here are.

This is not unusual. Self defence is a crime under the Canadian Criminal Code. You may get lucky and get a reasonable prosecutor who decides not to charge you, but by default, you have "committed a crime" and you must be prepared to defend yourself in court.


BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:50 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:26 PM)pdwalker Wrote:  

Hi Roosh,

You were barely able to keep your cool. Fortunately, you did. The right of self defense in Canada has been a dead letter now for over 30 years. As hard as it was, walking away was the best option. So, don't get mad, get even. And consider getting bodyguards next time, or travel with a large enough group so you'll be protected if you are attacked by a mob.

Years ago, a very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor told be that if I ever defend myself in Canada to not get caught or I will get charged regardless of the circumstances. Also, under the Canadian Criminal Code, the definition of a "weapon" is anything used to harm others. So if I hit someone with a banana peel in anger, I have used a "weapon".

Good luck, and I hope the Crown presses charges against that insane, violent, divorced from reality, female nutter.

Bullshit, please explain this article and this and this. I guess your very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor didn't tell you about the Lucky Moose Law eh?


based on your posting history, I'm going to assume that you're not a troll, or not just trolling today.

The links you sent me prove the point I was making. These men were charged, and had to defend themselves in court. These men were the "lucky" ones as they got off. Often they do not. As many cases as there are where the defendant goes free, there are many more where they did not because defending yourself with any form of vigour in Canada is against the law.

In the three cases cited, two of them went to court and those two were charged by a female prosecutor - what a surprise.

So argue if you like, but the fact remains that if you defend yourself, you are at risk for being charged. Nice country eh?

For anyone else listening, if you do get charged, hope your QC is an older man (60's+) who is slightly more likely to have some clues in life.

PS: The "Lucky Moose Law" only came into effect in early 2013, and it only covers when you can do a citizens arrest, and nothing to do with self defence.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-11-2015 02:19 AM)pdwalker Wrote:  

based on your posting history, I'm going to assume that you're not a troll, or not just trolling today.

I'm sure that Scotian, with his 187 rep points, is glad that you with your 5 posts don't think he is a troll.
[Image: laugh4.gif]

More importantly:
It's not as important what happens to her personally due to this lawsuit but rather that the example be established that being a woman and being in a mob backed with the full fury of public and media opinion doesn't allow you to flagrantly abuse the law.
This makes me think of the mobs that roamed the streets of Rome after the death of Caesar, obviously not similar in their justification: i.e. having their beloved and elected Dictator, who showered them with gifts and restructured the balance of power from the nobles and the senate to himself and the people, killed by a small group of elitist senators. What is similar, though, is the way they act as judge, jury and executioner to any man who strikes them the wrong way and attempt to tear them up on the spot. The mob in Rome tore a senator named Cinna from limb to limb in this rage, thinking he was the Cinna (different man, same name) involved in the death of Caesar.

It is sobering to think that the mob of yesteryear did not have the technology to communicate, talking heads parroting the same false points or as widespread a support as they have now due to the media. The only thing that keeps these current mobs from violence against targeted individuals is the threat of the courts and legal system. If this woman gets a pass due to both the mass of public opinion against roosh and her possessing a vagina then there would be many more Cinna's, innocent men killed simply by being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-11-2015 02:19 AM)pdwalker Wrote:  

based on your posting history, I'm going to assume that you're not a troll, or not just trolling today.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

So you're essentially calling him a troll by specifically stating that you're not calling him a troll? By saying "bullshit", Scotian was perhaps being overly-hostile and even stretching our standards of conduct here, but at least he wasn't hiding behind his own words.

This passive aggressive shit seems on the rise here lately and it seriously needs to stop. Either call him a troll or don't (2nd option recommended) - the jedi wordplay isn't impressing anyone.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-11-2015 02:19 AM)pdwalker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:50 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:26 PM)pdwalker Wrote:  

Hi Roosh,

You were barely able to keep your cool. Fortunately, you did. The right of self defense in Canada has been a dead letter now for over 30 years. As hard as it was, walking away was the best option. So, don't get mad, get even. And consider getting bodyguards next time, or travel with a large enough group so you'll be protected if you are attacked by a mob.

Years ago, a very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor told be that if I ever defend myself in Canada to not get caught or I will get charged regardless of the circumstances. Also, under the Canadian Criminal Code, the definition of a "weapon" is anything used to harm others. So if I hit someone with a banana peel in anger, I have used a "weapon".

Good luck, and I hope the Crown presses charges against that insane, violent, divorced from reality, female nutter.

Bullshit, please explain this article and this and this. I guess your very senior Canadian Crown Prosecutor didn't tell you about the Lucky Moose Law eh?


based on your posting history, I'm going to assume that you're not a troll, or not just trolling today.

The links you sent me prove the point I was making. These men were charged, and had to defend themselves in court. These men were the "lucky" ones as they got off. Often they do not. As many cases as there are where the defendant goes free, there are many more where they did not because defending yourself with any form of vigour in Canada is against the law.

In the three cases cited, two of them went to court and those two were charged by a female prosecutor - what a surprise.

So argue if you like, but the fact remains that if you defend yourself, you are at risk for being charged. Nice country eh?

For anyone else listening, if you do get charged, hope your QC is an older man (60's+) who is slightly more likely to have some clues in life.

PS: The "Lucky Moose Law" only came into effect in early 2013, and it only covers when you can do a citizens arrest, and nothing to do with self defence.

"Lucky Moose Law": Bill C-26, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (citizen’s arrest and the defences of property and persons) (short title: Citizen’s Arrest and Self-defence Act), was introduced and received first reading in the House of Commons on 22 November 2011 Source:

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-11-2015 02:19 AM)pdwalker Wrote:  


based on your posting history, I'm going to assume that you're not a troll, or not just trolling today.

The links you sent me prove the point I was making. These men were charged, and had to defend themselves in court. These men were the "lucky" ones as they got off. Often they do not. As many cases as there are where the defendant goes free, there are many more where they did not because defending yourself with any form of vigour in Canada is against the law.

In the three cases cited, two of them went to court and those two were charged by a female prosecutor - what a surprise.

So argue if you like, but the fact remains that if you defend yourself, you are at risk for being charged. Nice country eh?

For anyone else listening, if you do get charged, hope your QC is an older man (60's+) who is slightly more likely to have some clues in life.

[Image: beatdown.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Roosh should extend his World Tour with stops on the West Coast, Vancouver, Portland and Seattle would match Montreal and Toronto

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 07:29 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Why do all of these nuts have nudes?

Because, despite their inconceivable desire to come across as 'progressive', gender-neutral, sex-negative offondotrons...they're unbelievable narcissists who place a huge part of their self-worth on male heterosexual approval.

White knights/orbiters exist, and are encouraged for a reason by these women.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-10-2015 02:34 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

I'm not on board with the whole "email her employer" stuff mentioned earlier in the thread. We put the information out there, and let the chips fall where they will. As vile as the woman is, I don't want to live in a society where people contact your employer and tell them what you said/did. It could just as easily be done to one of us, and there would be a hell of a lot less sympathy for our views. If her employer finds the story or find out about the charges thats great, I'd celebrate that, but emailing to try to get people fired... leaves a bad taste and continues a bad trend.

Its no different than what happened to Linux in his Colombia thread, someone specifically contacted one of his girls he cared for and told her about the thread. If she found it on her own, fair enough.

I disagree. Comparing to this case to that of Linux is an apples and oranges case. The girl did that out of jealousy and revenge. This on the other hand is a much serious matter. The mob chased Roosh back to his apartment building and even tried to enter it. If he and Lothario had not kept a cool head then this would have turned into an ugly situation. Would you like to have a group like that at your university or company? What if you had a little brother going to the same school at her who had views similar to Roosh. The problem here is that this woman here is over entitled and spoiled. She has probably been getting away with stuff like this all her life and if she is not made to realize that her actions have consequences then just as a criminal here acts will get more dangerous and bolder.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

"She has a piercing between her nose like farm bulls have."

"Jessica looks similar to "Jennifer" but she is more plump in weight and does not have a piercing."

Hahahaha, Roosh wins AGAIN.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Josh s made a point I agree with:-

"Need to make sure all of the police filings and students involved are reported to the University Dean of Students office. This type of behavior violates the Universities' free speech and non-harassment policies for its students. Students are expected to follow the policies on and off campus, which they obviously did not do."

Once you have ID'd the perpetrators or found social media confessions of the attack, inform their employers HR department or if a student, their University. I don't expect the Police will be taking a report of a street scuffle and throwing a drink that seriously. But the perpetrators employers/ and or University very well might take an interest, ensuring some consequences for the perpetrators of the attack.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

It would be really impressive if she suffers for this. She has connections for sure.

[Image: cj7gaqm0j]

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-11-2015 05:35 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  

Roosh should extend his World Tour with stops on the West Coast, Vancouver, Portland and Seattle would match Montreal and Toronto

Agree, but don't forget about San Francisco. If there was ever a US city in need of finding its balls tucked away in the jar on the mantle again it's SF. Feels like Toronto Jr whenever I hit the city these days.

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

I'm confused. Isn't Jessica the one who threw the beer at Roosh, or was it "Jennifer"? Two different people who both tossed the beer, or are we talking about the same person, or...? Sorry if I missed something - too many posts to keep up with!

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