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Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

I was wondering whether Roosh or anybody else would still award Poland a 5 (out of 5) on the Busted Dudes Test scale? Has anybody visited Poland recently and able to give offer an opinion?

I haven't visited Poland yet, although I am considering a move there in the near future and was somewhat disheartened by one of his recent posts, in which he argues that Poland is no longer the honey pot it once was as far as the women are concerned.

I'd also be interested to hear what people's latest evaluations are as far as BDT scales (1 being the guy definitely dates down, 3 being guy gets his equal to 5 being guy can definitely date up). I'll throw in my evaluations here:

UK: 1 (possibly 2 if in London given the presence of foreign talent)
US: 1-2 depending on location
Germany: 3 (although increasing number of fatties means that it is tending to 2, but still nowhere near as bad as the UK)
Norway: 2
Austria: 2
Sweden: 3

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

I have been here in Chiang Mai, Thailand a little over a year now.

Based on what I have seen so far, using your scale, it is at least a 4 IMO. If you a dude who is young, well put together, and have game, it can definitely be a 5.

What I like to say about Chiang Mai is that it fails the Busted Dudes Test. Meaning, I really do not see really ugly guys with good looking girls.

I would like to say that Chiang Mai passes the AVERAGE DUDE TEST. Meaning, if you are an average looking guy, you can sure as hell date up.

Hope this helps.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take care of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

[Image: attachment.jpg24641]   

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:29 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

Jeez, that's a good example, alright. You'd only ever see a couple like that in the UK if the guy was absolutely minted but even in cases where the guy's got money, young attractive women also demand looks, style, et.c. into the bargain - the full monty, no less.

Have you ever visited Poland, incidentally? I'm already in planning mode and currently looking into the possibility of teaching English there. I can't wait to get out of the Matrix that is the UK dating market for men.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:38 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Jeez, that's a good example, alright. You'd only ever see a couple like that in the UK if the guy was absolutely minted but even in cases where the guy's got money, young attractive women also demand looks, style, et.c. into the bargain - the full monty, no less.

Have you ever visited Poland, incidentally? I'm already in planning mode and currently looking into the possibility of teaching English there. I can't wait to get out of the Matrix that is the UK dating market for men.

There's always hope, even in England, look at this guy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...bride.html

Yeah, I lived in Wroclaw for 8 months, it's a cool student city I wrote a datasheet on it.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:50 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:38 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Jeez, that's a good example, alright. You'd only ever see a couple like that in the UK if the guy was absolutely minted but even in cases where the guy's got money, young attractive women also demand looks, style, et.c. into the bargain - the full monty, no less.

Have you ever visited Poland, incidentally? I'm already in planning mode and currently looking into the possibility of teaching English there. I can't wait to get out of the Matrix that is the UK dating market for men.

There's always hope, even in England, look at this guy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...bride.html

Yeah, I lived in Wroclaw for 8 months, it's a cool student city I wrote a datasheet on it.

But notice how all of the mismatched couples in the Daily Mail article were ugly men. This speaks volumes about how out of whack the dating dynamics are in the UK, since nobody would bat an eyelid if the "mismatched" couple comprised an ugly woman and a good-looking guy, given how common such a phenomenon is these days. In Poland I suspect it is the other way about, given what I've heard other people report.

The thing that truly shocks me about England is how, no matter how fat a woman becomes, more often than not she will still have a boyfriend/husband and no doubt also has a gaggle of orbiters who would gladly be with her in a heartbeat. As if this isn't bad enough, the said boyfriend/husband is very often slim and tall and not bad looking. It's truly depressing what many men settle for in the UK these days.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:29 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take care of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

I don't see what's so terrible looking about that Polish dude. He looks about average to me. That Polish girl is about a 6 tops to me. Without the long hair and makeup she'd be a 5.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:29 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take care of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

I don't see what's so terrible looking about that Polish dude. He looks about average to me. That Polish girl is about a 6 tops to me. Without the long hair and makeup she'd be a 5.

He's the average "potato head" that many Polish girls who like foreigners say they hate. Sure, if he ditched the sport clothes and grew his hair, had better style etc he'd probably be an alright looking guy. In Poland it's not uncommon for guys to have shitty style, while girls often dress femininely, have long hair and generally take care of themselves. Since many girls look their best while the men look their worst, this makes the "busted dude effect" more obvious.

As for the girl, I've seen better pictures of her, she's an 8 in my book but you might have a different taste.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

I don't understand why most dudes on here don't take social status into account. If you're a janitor or plumber then yes you will most likely have to down in the UK/US but if you're a stockbroker in the City or some kind of semi-sucessful tech entrepreneur you can definitely date up. Social standing is part of game just like style, looks, experience, background and so on is.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:29 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take care of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

I don't see what's so terrible looking about that Polish dude. He looks about average to me. That Polish girl is about a 6 tops to me. Without the long hair and makeup she'd be a 5.

Not at least a 7? Not trying to make fun, I respect your opinions a lot speakeasy. For me she is a 7 at least. Doesn't look fat, but she has big cheeks hopefully she won't go the way of Hilary Clinton.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 06:17 PM)LouEvilSlugger Wrote:  

I don't understand why most dudes on here don't take social status into account. If you're a janitor or plumber then yes you will most likely have to down in the UK/US but if you're a stockbroker in the City or some kind of semi-sucessful tech entrepreneur you can definitely date up. Social standing is part of game just like style, looks, experience, background and so on is.

Sure, but how many guys do you think who have the "potato head" look are rolling in the doe? Not many, especially outside of Warsaw. The prevalence of hot girl-busted dude couples seems to me more a reflection of the fact that there are simply proportionately more good-looking women in Poland than there are good-looking men, hence allowing guys to date up. I say this on the basis of people I know living in Poland, who report that women who are hot don't even think they are, since hot women are ten a penny there.

I would actually say the UK and the US are the very opposite of this, in that there seem to be many more good-looking guys chasing far too few good-looking girls, especially when you adjust for the obesity epidemic and the way that it seems to affect women more than men in those countries.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:29 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take care of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

I don't see what's so terrible looking about that Polish dude. He looks about average to me. That Polish girl is about a 6 tops to me. Without the long hair and makeup she'd be a 5.
I agree. They look like the typical FSU couple(perhaps poland is different). Both are similar in looks by comparison of available mates.It isn't like there is a great many better looking Poles.

Of course the foreign chaser gals won't want the typical potato head.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Btw, is there a reason so many Slavic guys have those boot camp hair cuts? Do they think it's gay to grow their hair out a bit like in the west?

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 07:13 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Btw, is there a reason so many Slavic guys have those boot camp hair cuts? Do they think it's gay to grow their hair out a bit like in the west?

Lice lol. Because the chicks who cut hair like to use those electric shears. When you get a haircut there it is best to show them a picture of a guy that has hair style you want and tell them ONLY use scissors!

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:29 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Just saw this picture on fb of a random Polish girl and her bf... I think this perfectly illustrates the typical busted guy with cute gf in Poland. It's not the norm but it is somehwat common compared to the UK or Spain for example (specially since these skin head looking guys don't take care of themselves and would do badly anywhere else).

Girl looks like she has some miles on her though.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Skinhead culture is quite big in Poland, allot of these guys will be part of groups (nationalistic, football groups).
Another haircut which is very common among Polish guys is a moheken type hair cut, with the sides shaved then a long patch of hair running through the middle of the head, this looks far worse than the skinhead IMO.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 11:01 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Skinhead culture is quite big in Poland, allot of these guys will be part of groups (nationalistic, football groups).
Another haircut which is very common among Polish guys is a moheken type hair cut, with the sides shaved then a long patch of hair running through the middle of the head, this looks far worse than the skinhead IMO.

Made me think of this video I saw on RVF. I guess these clubs fight other clubs?

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Busted Dudes Test Revisited

I put her at a 6.5 from that photo. Not even close to an 8 for me. I'd says shes nearly a point higher than the dude. I think his potato head, rapist gaze and Nike sweatshirt are not doing him any favors, but I don't think them being together is too much of a stretch.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

The busted dudes test is kind of interesting. In my opinion it shows the natural state of what _should be_ in most countries. That lame looking guy with a woman higher on a attraction scale is not unusual for most of the world. It's only unusual to most of the people coming from an environment of thirst. The thirst and pussy gap is mainly a cultural thing. It's not a normal thing for most countries.

It exists mainly in the middle east (shitty muslim thirst) and the sub continent (IRT) and also the anglosphere. If you analyze the reasons why it's remarkably similar. There are dogmatic cultural reasons which pedestalizes and keeps pussy scarce for most men. Maybe this was done ages ago as a control method but it's since been normalized as part of the culture in these regions.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

In Australia most guys are dating 0.5-1 points down, and that dude in the pic is definitely dating up. She's not a dime piece but she's definitely cute, being on that dudes arm would turn some heads down here.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-13-2015 05:19 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

In Australia most guys are dating 0.5-1 points down, and that dude in the pic is definitely dating up. She's not a dime piece but she's definitely cute, being on that dudes arm would turn some heads down here.

I see a lot of Aussie dudes in Bangkok who have Aussie girls easily 1, if not 2, points lower than them.

You can see the despair on the poor guys face while his beast of a girlfriend holds his hand like a vice to stop him from running after all of the petite, pretty Thai girls walking by.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-13-2015 02:52 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2015 11:01 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Skinhead culture is quite big in Poland, allot of these guys will be part of groups (nationalistic, football groups).
Another haircut which is very common among Polish guys is a moheken type hair cut, with the sides shaved then a long patch of hair running through the middle of the head, this looks far worse than the skinhead IMO.

Made me think of this video I saw on RVF. I guess these clubs fight other clubs?

Yes that's pretty much it, it's like gang rivalry. Certain clubs affiliate with others and fight other groups which are affiliated together, in any Polish city you can see graffiti all around the city about the club/hooligans.
Recently there was a championship made for hooligans of different clubs to fight each other for prizes, winner gets 5000 euros, runner up gets 2500:


Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Australian dudes are trapped in a vicious cycle, we are outgoing and tall but a lot of the girls are busted and fat. So we all have to hit the gym hard to boost our standing, but that only skews everything even more and it becomes race to the bottom. Maybe in some FSU Industrial shithole the dynamics are the opposite, why take care of yourself when you can dress like a gopnik and still land cute girls?

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-12-2015 04:33 AM)ZAMSKI Wrote:  

Based on what I have seen so far, using your scale, it is at least a 4 IMO. If you a dude who is young, well put together, and have game, it can definitely be a 5.

I would like to say that Chiang Mai passes the AVERAGE DUDE TEST. Meaning, if you are an average looking guy, you can sure as hell date up.

Hope this helps.

But, that's not exclusive to Chiang Mai. Bangkok is the same. A young fair skinned guy can easily be dating up 2 points or more.

Busted Dudes Test Revisited

Quote: (02-13-2015 08:47 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (02-13-2015 05:19 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

In Australia most guys are dating 0.5-1 points down, and that dude in the pic is definitely dating up. She's not a dime piece but she's definitely cute, being on that dudes arm would turn some heads down here.

I see a lot of Aussie dudes in Bangkok who have Aussie girls easily 1, if not 2, points lower than them.

You can see the despair on the poor guys face while his beast of a girlfriend holds his hand like a vice to stop him from running after all of the petite, pretty Thai girls walking by.

Random thought but I wonder how many relationships end after a trip like that? "Hmmmm giant cow or nice little petite thing? What am in doing with my life?"

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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