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Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Glad to hear your success story. Whatever you did with the first girl you mentioned, keep doing that!

As far as flake red flags, one pattern that I've found is overly-enthusiastic passionate making out right off the bat. I've had a number of those, and they never really got anywhere.

I agree with above posters that you really have to been balling to have perceived high social status here.

While I too acknowledge the benefits of going out with a wing or group, most of my pulls were from going solo or when my wing was nowhere in sight- even in very fresa places.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Keep in mind that Guad is known for kidnappers stealing women to Russia to be slaves and such. Not much you can really do with that information, but I think they might be a little more wary of strangers than other places.

But yeah, the biggest factor will be that a lot of these women are upper middle class and are not impressed by your money/USA. You have to use pure game.
I used some good game on a hottie there. She had her own new car and apartment. Even though I had my own hotel room, she kept offering for me to stay over at her place. Perhaps acting like you actually need their help could work with a girl who has her own place. "I am running out of money, can I crash on your couch for a night or two?"

If only Roosh would write a Bang Mexico, then we would know what kind of game to use.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Guys, I have two months between jobs and am trying to pick between Colombia, Mexico and the DR. Has anybody been to a combination of these places that can give me some feedback? I am looking for quality over quantity. I was recently in the Phils for 5 months. I don't need 3 girls a day at this point. I have read the threads but an exact comparison is difficult. I am curious, for those that have been to any combination of these places, which one would you pick today if you had two months?

By the way, my Spanish is lousy. My plan is to spend the time improving my language skills. I have been to Colombia twice and had issues with lack of Spanish. I have not been to the other two.

Bankroll is approximately $6000 for the two months (including flights).

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

I have been to Mexico for 4 months and DR for 1.5 years. Never been to Colombia.

To me, average quality is better in Mexico. But I prefer lighter skin and prettier face (mexico) rather than body (DR). Though DR does have girls of all types if your game is good enough.

DR was easier though. Especially with a bankroll like that you will get laid easily just inviting girls to a nice apartment/neighborhood.

Mexico has pretty faces.
DR has bodies.
DR girls are easier.

So DR wins.
If your game/looks are really good then Mexico would be worth a go. I plan on going back to Mexico at some point. I would probably hit up Guadalajara, Monterrey, and maybe a few other places.

However, DR is a guaranteed win. The girls are down to party.

If you start factoring sightseeing into it, then the verdict could change.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Quote: (11-23-2014 12:15 PM)kavakid Wrote:  

Keep in mind that Guad is known for kidnappers stealing women to Russia to be slaves and such.

If only Roosh would write a Bang Mexico, then we would know what kind of game to use.

Care to tell more about the kidnapping women to Russia stories? Not saying it's BS but am rather curious.

You should write Fornicate Mexico.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Thanks for all your help guys, I’ve +1’d anyone who helped

As an update, 3 weeks, 6 bangs so far, Your advice was spot on. I was able to lower the flake rate significantly on new prospects by only working 1 to 3 days out. Still having a ton of trouble though... this is tough to say the least, I'd say tougher than the U.S. at times.

Now that I’ve been able to get the date numbers up, I’m facing a different issue, serious game-playing and attitude change:

Out of my dates, I had 5 first dates with girls of 6 to 7 hotness with a solid connection, girls cracking up, proactively touching me, asking me questions. But the interest fell off a cliff afterwards. Messaged them on whatsapp 24 to 48 hrs after the date, they’re very excited to hear from me, but when I wanted to make a 2nd date plan, they blew me off saying they’re busy or they’ll let me know. Tried the normal rebukes, sometimes they felt the loss and set up a date, but then cancelled. I got a bit frustrated and called 2 girls out on it. They said something like “well I want a guy who will conquer me” or “what are you looking for exactly” and alluded to the fact that we’re just friends like “amigos”. When I clarified that I don’t need or want friends, the conversation became combatative and I’d have to pull a power move basically saying maybe we’re looking for different things. Then the girl would call my bluff and it was done. In most cases the girl then messaged me again a few days later but it was a huge waste of time, they're only messaging me to test me. As soon as I gave them the slightest power, letting them know that I was also into them, their interest fell off a cliff. This has happened on post-bang situations too. If I became too responsive to a girl after a bang, they just began to ignore my messages.

Speaking with some of the gamers here, I was told the main reason is that I didn’t get the make-out kiss on the 1st date. So..-> Last 3 dates where i had strong chemistry, pushed for the kiss, got the cheek, repeatedly. Gave them the standard line: Want to spend my time with someone I like, don’t have much time, from a liberal culture, won’t call them again if they don’t like me. We can be “amigos” in facebook. They called my bluff. Went from a fun , high chemistry date to nothing within minutes.

Sometimes it happens with the kiss too: E.G. Pipelined a girl for 1 week, 1st date, got her back to my place, started fooling around, but she stopped me at 2nd base, tried all the techniques, didn't work, she told me the 2nd date I’d get everything. Next day she texted me saying she “loved me” and plenty more… I played it a bit cooler but still responded, By day 3 she was ignoring my messages. Now she’s apparently busy for the whole month of December with work.

At this point I’m a bit dumbfounded as to how to play these chicks, it just seems way way harder than American girls.

I’m open to your suggestions but here are my initial ideas as to why this isn’t working:

1)Seems to be more L.A. than Mexico here. Confident beta saying you’re open to serious things seems to hand over too much power. Even mentioning the word “novia” seems to give a lot of power. Seems like Alpha might work far better. Seems like being a jerk without a lot of negging might work. These girls treat you bad b/c they’re accustomed to being treated bad from guys here. Maybe immediately throw them in the friend zone, calling them “amiga” before they do, tease a lot, have them win you over?

2)This may sound like high school but there doesn’t seem to be natural Segway to the kiss on the 1st date. I’m generally going for the kiss at the end of the date… Should I go in for it earlier? … Sometimes I bring the girl to my place and try kissing her on the couch.. could this be the issue that puts her guard up? My apt is in the middle of the bar area so it's great logistics, girls have no prob. coming upstairs. If I do want to go in for the kiss earlier, there seems to be a plausible deniability thing going on, if we’re in a café they don’t want to be seen kissing. I’ve read that girls are ok with kissing in public, I just haven’t seen that so far.

3)Conversation-wise, there’s not much give and take. In Colombia these girls seemed to talk a lot more about their interests and dreams. If they didn’t have many then they were more excited to hear about you. Here, most of these girls are studying or working a ton, with really no end, they’re just not as happy, nor are they very talkative. There’s no Segway to a natural connection at times. I can make them laugh a ton but it’s not building attraction. In other countries telling jokes builds attraction, in both Colombia and the Philippines I often got that “I want to bang you” stare after I made them laugh really hard. Here, I just haven’t seen that stare once. I do make semi-sexual jokes, nothing horrible, and the girls do laugh a lot. Could this be one thing?

4)Kino/Anything sexual: I’ve been told I should kino a lot. With almost every girl so far, If I try to hold her hand or do anything very affectionate during the date, they pull away or their guard goes way up. To even get a girl to sit close to me is like pulling teeth here, if you do get it, they then back away after a few minutes, and you can’t get them to be compliant. They’re very combatitive and stubborn sometimes. If I say , sit closer, they’ll say they’re fine where they are, and they’ll even move away during the conversation. Am I running into the wrong girls? Or is there some kino tactic I’m not aware of? So far this has been more like the Philippines where Kino scares the girls away.

5)I’m not messaging the girl the next day like I would in the U.S., I’m waiting about 36 hours like I would in Colombia to build the attraction. In the U.S. with the higher-class girls, if you don’t contact them within 24 hours, a lot will write you off. Could this be a big issue?

Open to your thoughts and ideas, I really want to conquer this!
Once I do so , I'm going to post a bad-ass analytical data sheet for everyone.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

hey man,

PM me with any questions in Colombia, i lived there for 8 months in 6 cities with great success.
GDL is way tougher than Colombia, Haven't been to the DR in yrs but that's your best bet if you can't speak Spanish well.
Also, Colombia is huge, each city is different. Medellin is fun, but not easy for clean bangs, Bogota en Zona T (zona rosa) is your best bet for speaking English, use online game or day game the main centro commercial. Stay as close as you can to Zona Rosa for bang logistics.
Both GDL and Colombia may take you more than a week to figure out, if you only have 2 weeks, D.R. might be your best bet.


Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Quote: (12-03-2014 03:53 PM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

1)Seems to be more L.A. than Mexico here. Confident beta saying you’re open to serious things seems to hand over too much power. Even mentioning the word “novia” seems to give a lot of power. Seems like Alpha might work far better. Seems like being a jerk without a lot of negging might work. These girls treat you bad b/c they’re accustomed to being treated bad from guys here. Maybe immediately throw them in the friend zone, calling them “amiga” before they do, tease a lot, have them win you over?

Continue with confident beta, stop getting baited into relationship conversations. Keep it mysterious unless you start having sex with one on the regular or you are meeting strong LMR. I have a strong suspicion they are shit-testing you and you might be falling for it.

What you want to do is run against the grain. Yes, Mexican men can be jerks to ridiculous levels, as a gringo you can leverage this in your favour by not falling in line with this type of game. However, it depends on the girl. If she is some bar girl or club girl, you're right it may be better to have a more alpha presence. However, a more sweeter girl or a university student you will want to leverage majorly, this is my bread and butter when in LA or Mexico.


2)This may sound like high school but there doesn’t seem to be natural Segway to the kiss on the 1st date. I’m generally going for the kiss at the end of the date… Should I go in for it earlier? … Sometimes I bring the girl to my place and try kissing her on the couch.. could this be the issue that puts her guard up? My apt is in the middle of the bar area so it's great logistics, girls have no prob. coming upstairs. If I do want to go in for the kiss earlier, there seems to be a plausible deniability thing going on, if we’re in a café they don’t want to be seen kissing. I’ve read that girls are ok with kissing in public, I just haven’t seen that so far.

End of the date going for a kiss in Mexico = too late. This isn't like in NA where a good date is often culminated with a kiss and that's a goal in itself. In LA, a kiss is part of a good date and doesn't necessarily mean anything if you get it, but it means something if you don't.

In my experience, I can't remember a girl I fucked without kissing on the first date. Whether the kiss came extremely quickly or a little later doesn't matter but it needs to be done.

Kissing in public is fine. But it has to be done in the right situation. Try to get them moved away from public eye (like you are walking down the street or off in the corner or something). Move them around the venue, and if with friends, isolate them.

As for bringing a girl to your place and trying to escalate physically recently in an encounter, I would say this isn't the same as in NA. If you had already been physical before and then got her into your apartment then that may go somewhere. If you haven't, this is could lead to nothing.

You have to remember that for the most part Mexican girls are quite conservative. Meeting some guy and going to his apartment and fucking him in a short period of time isn't a typical thing that happens in Mexico. Sure, it happens, and I have done it, but it's not entirely regular.

I would take the girl for a walk on your first dates (after drinks or whatever you are doing). Go to the park or something, if the date has been going good and you have been escalating in other ways, sit down on a bench and kiss them.


4)Kino/Anything sexual: I’ve been told I should kino a lot. With almost every girl so far, If I try to hold her hand or do anything very affectionate during the date, they pull away or their guard goes way up. To even get a girl to sit close to me is like pulling teeth here, if you do get it, they then back away after a few minutes, and you can’t get them to be compliant. They’re very combatitive and stubborn sometimes. If I say , sit closer, they’ll say they’re fine where they are, and they’ll even move away during the conversation. Am I running into the wrong girls? Or is there some kino tactic I’m not aware of? So far this has been more like the Philippines where Kino scares the girls away.

This is unusual. I don't have an answer for this other than either you are getting unlucky with unaffectionate girls or giving off a bad vibe.

Start slowly...always kiss on cheek when meeting them. Touch their legs/back. She how they react.

I didn't see if you said this are only speaking in Spanish with them right?

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

BTW, 6 girls in 3 weeks in Mexico is actually quite strong. You may be doing nothing really wrong at all. However, it does sound like you are spending a lot of time on this.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Oh, and another thing.

Don't spend too much time/resources on pipelining. Mexico is a social circle game. Why many of these girls may be flaking on you is because normally girls in Mexico meet people through social circles. You may want to try asking these girls to go out with their friends. This may seem counter-intuitive but penetrating social circles in Mexico is key. If you play your cards right, you can actually set up a bidding war between the girls in a group for you. This is often how I played things in Mexico.

And if you are doing night game, getting groups (particularly mixed groups) to draw you in because you are a gringo works well as well. Even the guys can work to your advantage, if they are interested in you and asking you questions, the girls will be too. I met a girl that I had a year and a half relationship with this way.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

I agree with everything Americas said.

Waiting to the end of a date for the kiss has not worked for me, either.

For kino, it could be more playful touches on the arm or back first. You could lightly put your arm around them walking down Chapultepec. That is less intimate and less boyfriend-ish than wanting to hold her hand. But no hover hands [Image: wink.gif]

A lot of these girls have painted nails. If it seems like they just had their nails done, that could be a kino "trick"- to take their hand while sitting next to or across from them to take their hand and seem interested in their nails. That could lead to a palm-reading thing if you are into that or feel like bullshitting it.

Asking a girl to sit closer is also not the best. You should lead her to sit right next to you as you are sitting down. Girls are telling you what they want, to be conquered. I think alpha is the way. Just an alpha who does not neg and even gives compliments.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

.Dont treat these girls like you do in the US. It's okay to go on a date in the morning and then hang out the day after or even that same day. No reason to be aloof, make yourself seem less available, or push and pull or whatever works in America. Girls there don't go out with you just to get a meal or hang out, they do it because they are interested romantically.
These girls are touching you during the date? Man if it were me I would of did these three things.
1. Set up a date later that evening
2. Moved the date to my crib
3. At the very most set up another date 24 hours later maximum

This is just my experience but I think we can all agree is that you should not game Mexican girls like you would in the Western world. It's literally has the opposite effect.

There's a member I met in GDL who lived there quite a while. Hopefully he chimes in on this.

Can you tell us about your night game?

And GDL isn't as easy of a city to get lays like DF. Americas is also dropping some good stuff too. 2 new girls per week is pretty good my man.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Co sign everything said above. I would always schedule dates in the afternoon public walkable place so we had time to transition into the night time mood. I'd usually take a stroll through the park or something then follow up with want to go back to my place to watch a movie.
Never really hold hands (mine get sweaty randomly [Image: tard.gif]), but do put my arm around them while we are walking and definitely get touchy during the date but just arms and back.
As stated above, see it from their POV, you are a foreigner in a social circle type city, no matter how attractive they think you are shit can still be sketch for them so you have to get them to relax and feel very comfortable. I do this through jokes and A LOT of teasing. One thing that has really helped me is to let them see me interact with other people, like the restaurant workers, the little kids asking for money, cab drivers etc I try to make everyone smile and laugh further reinforcing the idea in their minds i'm a normal fun guy.
As far as flakes after dates, never really happened to me, i think because i usually try to set up my place as a chill safe environment. Meeting friends can be a boost too. Just went out on a date with a fresa, met her friends had all those stuck up bishes laughing and eye fucking me within the hour, when my date wasn't looking.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Americas, Moto and Mentavious know what they are talking about. Nothing to add, also, respect for 6 girls in three weeks in Mexico. Not bad at all.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Any of you guys will be in Mexico this mid-December? Will be in Sonora and Zacatecas.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Ill be in Guadalajara from Dec 27. Might even spend new years there.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Quote: (12-04-2014 02:17 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

Any of you guys will be in Mexico this mid-December? Will be in Sonora and Zacatecas.

Have you already been to Zacatecas? If so, how was it? The North is the only area left in Mexico I haven't explored and for some reason this city/state has always interested me.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Quote: (12-04-2014 03:10 PM)Americas Wrote:  

Quote: (12-04-2014 02:17 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

Any of you guys will be in Mexico this mid-December? Will be in Sonora and Zacatecas.

Have you already been to Zacatecas? If so, how was it? The North is the only area left in Mexico I haven't explored and for some reason this city/state has always interested me.

Yeah man I made a thread on it:

Zacatecas Thread

And yes I like it. Its very colonial and traditional with very nice girls. My father is from Zacatecas so I go often there. The girls have Cat woman eyes or as people from Zacatecas say "Ojos de Gato" which is uniquely from Zacatecas and Aguascalientes. Only thing is that its a little city. Good for tourism for a day or 2 but nothing much else.

I also have a Sinaloa thread as well:
Sinaloa Thread

Northern Mexico is my spot. Going to Sonora in a week or so once I'm done with finals here in college.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Quote: (12-04-2014 02:54 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Ill be in Guadalajara from Dec 27. Might even spend new years there.

I'll try to see if I can go to Guadalajara. Its like 8 hours on bus from Zacatecas. Will see.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Quote: (12-04-2014 03:28 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

Quote: (12-04-2014 02:54 PM)germanico Wrote:  

Ill be in Guadalajara from Dec 27. Might even spend new years there.

I'll try to see if I can go to Guadalajara. Its like 8 hours on bus from Zacatecas. Will see.

I'm headed back to the states for Christmas, but I may be back for New Years. Would be cool to meet up with y'all if possible.

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Well shit if I can find a cheap New Years ticket then I'll head down

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!


tnx again for all the advice,

If any of you are in GDL and want to meet up, do some day game or night game approaches or whatever, PM me with your Whatsapp. I think i'm going to stay here a while and get my Spanish perfect.

I'm in the Chapultepec area.


Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Better yet, I've posted a Guadalajara Meetup here so I don't end up spamming this board.
If anyone needs GDL advice as well feel free to ask, I'm finally getting settled in after a month, thanks

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

I'm trying to pipeline for Guadalajara, at the moment I'm on Mexican Cupid filtering 18-25, no kids- There's basically nothing. Any other sites you guys have had success with?

Data Sheet: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico!

Hey there,

yes, way too much experience with this recently, I would almost avoid pipelining completely, huge waste of time. There's this huge idea of "desconfianza" due to kidnappings and things and it seems to have gotten way worse over the past year to the point where online dating is considered a joke here. It's weird b/c I had plans to come here a year to 2 years ago and there were a ton of chicks online and great responses.. when i was pipelining but when I finally showed up this year it was like there had been a war in Guadalajara in terms of the negative attitutude towards it. Even if you do chat with 20 girls, maybe 1 will show up to a date.

Luckily the day/night game opportunities are pretty freaking great if you have basic game and balls, It's probably one of the most efficient areas i've seen in terms of talking to and interacting with women in reality.

When you get here i'd be glad to show you around to some of the day game areas and the types of game... there are plenty of women to go around [Image: wink.gif] PM me

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