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The future of mainstream America

The future of mainstream America


Favorite Food: Pizza, Fried tacos, Chinese, Pasta, Mexican, Cheese Cake, And donuts.

Anything with cheese!!!

Sometimes I tell foreign girls, "In America, it's not a meal unless it has cheese in it." They always think I'm joking..... but I'm not.

The future of mainstream America

The humanity...

The future of mainstream America

What has been seen cannot be unseen

Go balls deep

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-08-2011 09:09 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

The humanity...

Ugh. I doubt she is 703 though. 5'9" and more than twice the size of a NFL OL (who is 6'2"-6'6")???

The future of mainstream America

If I hadn't already been desensitized to disgusting shit by dissecting a cadaver I'd be clawing my eyes out right now. Shit, I kind of feel like doing it anyway. And I didn't flinch at skinning a dead guy's face and cutting it in half.

The future of mainstream America



In the past year I have managed to gain sixty pounds towards my goal of having a perfect soft and round body. I may be a little on the small side now, but I am looking forward to gaining even more in the coming year. My goal is to eventually make it to at least three hundred and fifty by adding another hundred pounds, and the sky's the limit from there! I love each and every new curve that comes along with stuffing myself full of lovely and fattening foods, and I know you'll love to watch me on my gaining journey.

Is this real? It's almost scary when you realize that they're basically trying to eat themselves to death. It would be like a site where drug addicts take pics of themselves shooting up until they overdose.

The future of mainstream America

I saw a guy in the clinic today who was obese and had every major risk factor for heart disease. He was making progress with quitting smoking and losing weight with a cardio-heavy exercise regimen even though he had sciatica and needed steroids to not be in constant pain from it. I don't even know how I'd handle one of these chicks coming in and telling me "no don't you see, I WANT to eat myself to death, being morbidly obese is beautiful!" This kind of shit has to fit one of the DSM diagnoses, it's delusional and positively self-destructive in every way.

The future of mainstream America

Its definitely along the same lines as people who are in to body modification and cutting. Even though obesity is now a 1 in 4 thing in the US, being morbidly obese remains a way to draw a disproportionate amount of attention to yourself.

Some self destructive behaviors are more about playing the odds, be it smoking or base jumping. However, morbid obesity guarantees you will have a numerous painful long lasting health problems, and it guarantees that these problems will kill you.

Conscientiousness is a leading indicator of life expectancy. People that take themselves from obese to morbidly obese are not conscientiousness, they are dumb. I think of all of these out of shape females as just an evolutionary signal of who to avoid. Of course, its still preferable to be surrounded by attractive girls no matter how brain dead they are.

The future of mainstream America

There's a movie out that's about cows like this and the websites they're on. I can't remember what the hell its called but its an underground one. Flesh or something like that.

The future of mainstream America

You guys still haven't seen anything yet:


The future of mainstream America

Fuck, I nearly threw up in my mouth. That site needs to come with 20 warnings before your eyes see the monstrosities.

The sad part is that the 'fat acceptance' groups, plus size models, etc. are trying quite hard to jam their way into mainstream society. In 50 years our society will be a mixture of Idiocracy and Wall-E.

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-09-2011 01:37 AM)El Rey Wrote:  

Fuck, I nearly threw up in my mouth. That site needs to come with 20 warnings before your eyes see the monstrosities.

The sad part is that the 'fat acceptance' groups, plus size models, etc. are trying quite hard to jam their way into mainstream society. In 50 years our society will be a mixture of Idiocracy and Wall-E.


[Image: potd.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The future of mainstream America

I didn't even bother to click the links, realizing that what has been seen cannot be unseen.

That said, I have some hope for the future when it comes to the fatties and the eventual taming of this disease we call obesity:

1. Childhood obesity is already declining...good news for the next generation. I think we're in the midst of this epidemic's crest, and in 15-20 years (especially once the boomers pass on-age is a big factor in obesity rates, and our society is aging more than many others) we may be able to hope for a decline. At the very least, it does not look like things will get too much worse with the way obesity rate increases have slowed in the past decade.

2. Fatties don't live long. Let them say what they wish about the sanity of their lifestyle choice, but the fact of the matter is that obesity kills. The health effects of the condition are very well documented and indisputable, and it is well known that these effects can and often do lead to early death. Morbid obesity may very well be as dangerous as smoking is. There is already talk of America's current obesity epidemic lowering life expectancy. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that morbid obesity will lead to earlier death. It is essentially going to be Darwinism at work.

3. Another example of Darwinism working against fatties: they can't reproduce. Well, they can (and obviously do to a significant extent), but not as much as their thinner selves could. Obesity is strongly linked to decreased fertility in females and enhanced chances of stillbirth. Obesity hits fertility in males hard as well.

You can also combine this with the fact that most people simply do not find morbid obesity to be particularly appealing in a mate. This completes the picture of the Darwinian impact of obesity. Fatties have:

-Fewer opportunities to mate (they are not as appealing to others, this goes for both men and women).
-Higher mortality rates (further cutting into the opportunities to mate that they do have).
-Lower quality mates when they do get them (higher quality females don't like morbidly obese men [even the obese women don't want them, unless they're Rick Ross and rolling in cash], and high quality men stay away from female land-whales).
-Lower chances of procreating to begin with(poorer fertility). The kids they do produce will be of lower genetic quality (they don't attract high quality mates in most cases, remember).

4. In addition to all of this, the government is starting to see the effects of obesity and it is publicizing them accordingly. Some states are mandating the display of nutritional facts in restaurants, and the menus in school cafeterias are getting healthier.

You can even see the cultural impact starting to emerge. I hate reality TV, but shows like "The Biggest Loser" are popular and do promote healthier habits. Our current generation is growing up seeing this influence. This, combined with recently observed declines in childhood obesity, gives me hope that this generation will probably be slightly healthier than the last, and that at the very least we are unlikely to see rates climb much further among them.

Keep in mind that 40 years ago, smoking was everywhere and that was socially acceptable. Avoiding the habit actually incurred a social cost, much less stigmatizing it. Once knowledge of its health impact became widespread, it started to disappear and the government began to attack and tax the habit relentlessly.

I do not want to make a direct comparison between smoking and obesity since the two problems are in many ways fundamentally distinct in nature. That being said, lessons from the decline of big tobacco can teach us a little something about the decline and fall of old habits. What is acceptable and mainstream now can become intolerable and stigmatized later on. Who in 1950's America could have predicted the decline of tobacco to its present state in the American conscience?

Could America adopt a similar change of heart when it comes to obesity? We can't know for sure, but it is entirely possible.

5. Other countries are not going to catch the USA. The only nations fatter than the USA are in the Pacific Rim(Nauru, Tonga, Samoa, etc), plus Kuwait. In the developed world, nobody can catch the USA, and nobody will. Why? Culture. Unique factors linked to American culture and infrastructure (car-centric, no mass transit, "bigger is better", ,massive food portions, etc) push them above others.

Nations like Australia, Canada and the UK will come relatively close (within 12 or so percentage points), but will still never quite hit American rates. Like the USA, they are also beginning to see growth in their obesity rates slow and level off, with childhood obesity declining in some cases. This further lowers the chances of them ever catching up to, much less surpassing, the USA.

Conclusion: Things are bad, but there is hope. The chances of fatties reaching their fat utopia and spreading it further are lower than they want you to believe.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

The future of mainstream America

Is childhood obesity is declining in America because poor families can't afford to feed them as much?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The future of mainstream America

Athlone McGinnis... forum scholar.


Is childhood obesity is declining in America because poor families can't afford to feed them as much?

Even when poor, a family can eat quite well at fast food restaurants. While jobless and depressed, you can perhaps argue they'll eat even more. Eating is an American's favorite coping mechanism.

The future of mainstream America

The Obesity epidemic has hit L.A. I had been gone for bit. Come back, and the girls are 5-10 pounds heavier. Not fat (yet), but L.A. has changed. Even two years ago, you'd see head turners on every block. Now, those same girls are more meh.

The future of mainstream America

I disagree on a few points Athlone.

The families that are reproducing the most are poor/uneducated, and... more often than not... you guessed it, fat thanks to food stamps and poor lifestyle choices. It's an endless cycle kind of like depending on medicare... where there is little to no motivation to change. Idiocracy had it right. Cafeterias in certain parts of the country might be improving their menus, that's true... what's also true is that these kids are coming home to cheap sugary sodas, junk food, and video games.

The biggest thing working against all of these positive cultural changes is the whole "BBW" insanity.

"No, you aren't beautiful, and you shouldn't feel comfortable in your flabby skin. You're gross, disgusting, and should shed the weight before your man/woman leaves you for someone of higher quality... or you have a heart attack."

That's the kind of message we need to be sending to these people directly, not indirectly. A few depression-based suicides would actually be a good thing. Yeah I know, I'm an asshole who hates fatties. People need to get the message that it's really not ok at all to be overweight. It's too bad we can't enforce it better without government involvement, because I don't see Americans getting motivated to change anytime soon (within the next 50 years).

For me, I think it's more of hating laziness and people who lack discipline of any kind... so naturally that throws certain groups of people in there.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The future of mainstream America

Some of those beasts in the photos had tattoos. I wonder what would happen if an obese chic actually did decide to lose weight? Remember when you were a kid and drew on a balloon with a marker? Then when it popped it would look like a shrunken ink blot? I wonder if that's what happens when fat chics with tattoos lose weight?

The future of mainstream America

Athlone: The only problem I have with your argument is that obesity isn't a particularly heritable trait. Whether you're obese is determined more by factors like lifestyle, occupation, and socioeconomic status. There may be some degree of genetic susceptibility, but the current evidence is that such a factor is pretty weak if it exists at all. That said, I do agree that there are forces at work that are likely to bring down obesity rates in the coming years. More than anything, governments have finally started to take the obesity epidemic seriously as a public health issue, most likely because obesity-associated medical costs are becoming a significant driver of our healthcare financing problem.

Gmac: Food stamps aren't the reason why poor people have higher rates of obesity. Poor people eat a lot of fast food and other unhealthy shit because it's cheaper, more available in areas where they live (google "food desert" if you don't know what I'm talking about), and takes less time to prepare than balanced, healthy food. We need to fix our ass-backwards food policies that reduce the price of unhealthy foods by subsidizing things like high-fructose corn syrup and start subsidizing fruits and vegetables instead. A tax on common fast food ingredients with the revenues allocated to subsidies for healthy foods and incentives for grocery stores to open locations in low-income areas would go a long way toward addressing the obesity epidemic among the poor.

The future of mainstream America

I wasn't using it as the main or sole reason, just one example of misusing the system. Most of the "food" and drinks purchased aren't ideal. They're convenient and less healthy options.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-09-2011 01:59 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I wasn't using it as the main or sole reason, just one example of misusing the system. Most of the "food" and drinks purchased aren't ideal. They're convenient and less healthy options.

Fair enough, I just don't think it's accurate to characterize the problem as poor people being weak-willed and irresponsible. There are real incentives that make it quite rational for people at low socioeconomic levels to eat like shit. If anything, it's the well-off SWPL crowd that has no excuse for leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-09-2011 10:40 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

4. In addition to all of this, the government is starting to see the effects of obesity and it is publicizing them accordingly. Some states are mandating the display of nutritional facts in restaurants, and the menus in school cafeterias are getting healthier.

I remember reading an article a few months ago where they interviewed people at restaurants where the nutrition facts were on the menu. These were some places with 2-3K calorie meals and ridiculous amounts of carbs, fat, sodium, sugar, etc. They found that most people read the nutritional info and STILL ordered these horrible menu choices. I think they may have done studies on this and found the same result, don't quote me on it though. But all you have to do is go to most any restaurant on a busy night and look around. People are normally ordering large meals (got to love those American portion sizes) that are ridiculously bad for you. And they still fucking order desert!

It all comes down to willpower and discipline. The majority of people don't have enough, for either nutrition or exercise. Just try and change your family and close friends, it's pointless to try and help people who will never try and change.

And does anyone else shake their head when they see SWPL chicks sitting outside of Chipotle and happily scarfing down entire burritos and chips? Like these hoes never heard of portion control. It's sad when your bulking nutrition plan is these hoes everyday nutrition plan.

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-09-2011 02:20 PM)El Rey Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2011 10:40 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

4. In addition to all of this, the government is starting to see the effects of obesity and it is publicizing them accordingly. Some states are mandating the display of nutritional facts in restaurants, and the menus in school cafeterias are getting healthier.

I remember reading an article a few months ago where they interviewed people at restaurants where the nutrition facts were on the menu. These were some places with 2-3K calorie meals and ridiculous amounts of carbs, fat, sodium, sugar, etc. They found that most people read the nutritional info and STILL ordered these horrible menu choices. I think they may have done studies on this and found the same result, don't quote me on it though. But all you have to do is go to most any restaurant on a busy night and look around. People are normally ordering large meals (got to love those American portion sizes) that are ridiculously bad for you. And they still fucking order desert!

It all comes down to willpower and discipline. The majority of people don't have enough, for either nutrition or exercise. Just try and change your family and close friends, it's pointless to try and help people who will never try and change.

And does anyone else shake their head when they see SWPL chicks sitting outside of Chipotle and happily scarfing down entire burritos and chips? Like these hoes never heard of portion control. It's sad when your bulking nutrition plan is these hoes everyday nutrition plan.

Ding Ding Ding! It all comes down to discipline. All the information in the world won't help people if they don't care and/or can't control themselves.


Fair enough, I just don't think it's accurate to characterize the problem as poor people being weak-willed and irresponsible. There are real incentives that make it quite rational for people at low socioeconomic levels to eat like shit. If anything, it's the well-off SWPL crowd that has no excuse for leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Point taken, but I have a unique perspective because of my career and I'm able to view these eating habits on a daily basis. Being weak-willed and irresponsible is exactly what it boils down to. What rationality is there aside from "junk food is cheap?" Fresh food is pretty cheap too, but a lot of families would rather take short cuts instead of cooking a healthy meal every night.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-09-2011 11:50 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Is childhood obesity is declining in America because poor families can't afford to feed them as much?

The funny thing is, that in North America, it's cheaper to eat crap food than it is to eat quality food.

Everything is pumped with sugar and all sorts of other crap. I have to practically scrutinise the label of everything to prevent myself from being laden down with all this fatty junk.

Go out and eat a nice nutritious meal comprised from non processed materials can cost me a fortune over a prolonged basis.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The future of mainstream America

Quote: (09-09-2011 11:50 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Is childhood obesity is declining in America because poor families can't afford to feed them as much?

Last I heard the opposite is true. Poor families are the ones with fat kids because cheap food is fat food.

High carbs, high fat, low in protein.

Box Mac n Cheese
Processed meats
Fried processed meats
Welfare trashbag cereal

Fruits, veggies, and lean meats tend to cost more, ounce for ounce

I know a lot of schools are revamping breakfast and lunch this might be why its going down. A lot of lower income families (the ones with fat kids) rely on the school system to feed the kids, if the schools are now providing healthier lunches then 2/3 of the kids meals are now healthier then they were.

I was a public school lunch kid growing up and I remember the options were basically a shitty room temperature salad, or pizza. What do you think I chose? My family couldn't afford to pack my lunch. And breakfast was always cereal, always.

I also know for a fact some public schools are pulling soda entirely. Right after I graduated from highschool my entire school system replaced all the soda machines with juice/water.

I would also say that the reason childhood obesity is up is due to single parent households. No matter how you cut it one parent makes less then two and with so many single parent households, adults who might make decent money, are being stretched to thin because raising a child is to taxing on them financially.

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