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Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

You don't like kimchi? Really, Kai, what gives? I'm sure you know that most Chinese will tell you kimchi was invented in China (pao cai).

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

As always, smashing post! Seems like you've get the ideal type of woman that every guy dreams of finding. Very refreshing to hear there are still traditional women like these for whom you are their whole world and who will be by your side at all time, no matter what.

I'm very happy for you and looking forward to meet such a gem myself as well!

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-13-2014 05:59 PM)Global Entry Wrote:  

You don't like kimchi? Really, Kai, what gives? I'm sure you know that most Chinese will tell you kimchi was invented in China (pao cai).

I cannot stand the smell of fermented cabbage, or cabbage period. I really don't like any musty and bitter vegetables. Chinese and Koreans love any musty and bitter unfortunately. However Chinese have more food diversity than Koreans in my opinion. Chinese won't eat the exact same stuff with every meal like Koreans with kimchi. They eat the stuff like it is rice. Yuck. Smells like shit to me.

Bok choy, broccoli, and spinach are big favs of mine and that's as bitter as I can eat.

Chinese think they invented all Asian food and that's true for the most part.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-13-2014 09:04 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

As always, smashing post! Seems like you've get the ideal type of woman that every guy dreams of finding. Very refreshing to hear there are still traditional women like these for whom you are their whole world and who will be by your side at all time, no matter what.

I'm very happy for you and looking forward to meet such a gem myself as well!

Thanks. All of you can get one too. I had a few to pick from. Just put in the work and look around. When she comes out of heaven unexpectedly, just don't call her lucifer and run away scared. Lol

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-13-2014 09:29 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2014 09:04 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

As always, smashing post! Seems like you've get the ideal type of woman that every guy dreams of finding. Very refreshing to hear there are still traditional women like these for whom you are their whole world and who will be by your side at all time, no matter what.

I'm very happy for you and looking forward to meet such a gem myself as well!

Thanks. All of you can get one too. I had a few to pick from. Just put in the work and look around. When she comes out of heaven unexpectedly, just don't call her lucifer and run away scared. Lol

That is one of the most cheerful and hopeful things I've read on this forum.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Sorry reply comes a bit late, this will kind of be the opposing viewpoint.

I would say the cat below accurately represents everyone from China:

Its part of their culture not to tell you what they are REALLY thinking or they would lose face and you would lose face because face is apparently the most important thing in the world. Face is bvllsh1t.

There is a funny thread that I was following for awhile about a new guy who goes off to teach in China right. I can't remember the thread's name, its on the forum somewhere and his teaching staff takes him out for dinner and treats him really well and he's happier than a pig in shit, got news for you pal: if Chinese people are being nicer than usual, they secretly hate you.

Chinese business do that with everyone and for the first little while everything seems to be going hunky Dorey, then somewhere along the line IT happens. You see Chinese people, most of them anyway are extremely narcissistic and if you know anything about narcissism you know that narcissists are obsessed with the concept of 'face' and they think they are the smartest people on Earth. You'd never know unless you know exactly what to look for and after awhile of being in China, you'll know the cues they give off right away. Being overly friendly to foreigners is one such cue, when they are looking your way they don't see a human being or even a meat bag, they see a big ,dumb, easily fooled, walking dollar sign. Get down to talking to most of them and you'll usually find out that the men are interested in doing some business of some kind and the women 'business related' are looking for a 'favor'.

They really honestly think we are the dumbest people on Earth and that smile and friendly demeanor only lasts as long as you play along with their little game. As soon as you point out that you are not interested in whatever proposition they are slowly building up to, the gloves come off.

I'll give you a perfect example: Badwolf shows up early to work, Cherry the cute Chinese academic manager comes over grinning ear to ear.

C:"Hi Badwolf, so nice to see you! How is your day? Are you happy? Have you eaten yet?"

B:"Hi Cherry, whats up?"

C:"I was just wondering (playing with her hair and touching your arm) could you possibly just do this one small favor for me?"

B:"Sure, what is it?"

C:"Well the kids are here early and they want to practice their speaking skills, would you mind giving them an extra class (2 hours[I always show up for work early])"

B:"Ya no problem, I get paid extra right?"

C:"No this would be more of a favor you do for me"

B:"Ok, so what favor are you going to do in return?"

C:"Huh? What do you mean (Smile fading)"

B:"Well I'm not getting paid and you said this was a favor, could I take a longer lunch or skip out during that meeting?"

C:"Of course not, this is a favor you would be doing FOR ME"

B:"But you're the manager, you're the one who makes the what are you going to do in return?"

C:"(Visibily annoyed, smile gone, serious face and tone) Look, are you going to do this OR NOT?!?"

B:"Uh, no... not until I see some money, go ask Brit he's an idiot, he'll do it."

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Bad Wolf, Bad! *rolls up the newspaper*

[Image: CMon-Man-300x200.png]

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Now that being said, some Chinese women wear their hearts on their sleeves. Mine, I tell my family, must be mentally retarded because she doesn't possess the same traits that the a-typical opportunistic Chinese does... and Chinese usually come in 2 types (farmer types): that don't give a sh1t about money cause they typically have none and have learned to hack it with nothing and rich elites who live for nothing but money.

In a tier 1 city, you're not likely to find a decent/honest girl from an upper crust family. The upper class, at least in China, is usually comprised of the filthiest, dirtiest, most corrupt bunch of slags you can possibly imagine... and their children are no different. It's very rare to find a woman who has been raised around rich parents to not be seriously money conscious in some way. Most Chinese women from the middle to upper classes will lie to your face so that you don't think they are too wealthy. I haven't been with those girls long enough to give you a reason suffice to say, they will do it.

I can tell you that my wife, who is from the peasantry gets screwed over and stomped on regularly in her place of work by her boss and colleagues who think nothing of assigning her extra work, being very friendly and then stabbing her in the back. She frequently rants about it to me over skype... she's been around me to long and takes people at face value.

Now that being said, the Chinese are also the people I would seek advice from if I wanted to say conquer a country, break into a job position or get my hands on money. They are incredibly business savvy and extremely loyal to their family. If you can actually get one to open up about her true feelings and 'bond' with you then you've got someone who as Kai said, will take a bullet for you and fight to the death. A lot of people ask me why I prefer these types of people? I prefer life's survivors and the Chinese of all people know how to make it in the world. You can put them into pretty much any situation, and they will be the ones coming out on top. Their women keep 'reality' in perspective, so you can expect a minimum of bullshit. Chinese women do a lot of conspiring and planning but as-long as you are married to her you can rest assured she is plotting against your enemies and neighbors. My wife's favorite character from South Park is Eric, she thinks he's 'Smart'. If that doesn't give you a bit of insight into the Asian brain, I don't know what will. If you want to make it through the next 50 years successfully, you better hook up to a rice burner, they are taking over and there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop them now. The men are reckless expansionists and the women are opportunistic snakes, and if they can't own you they'll do their best to enslave you somehow... they are the real life Borg and either your likeness will be added to their own or you will be assimilated.

Fox Mulder should have married Chinese, both share the same philosophy

"Trust No One".

Our world is doomed but at least they'll kill feminism in the process. [Image: smile.gif]

Your eyes say YES but your brain says...... YES YES YES! How could you say no to those eyes? Resistance is futile..

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

You are so very spot on about how Chinese girls try to lie about how much money they have to avoid being to rich in your eyes. I have seen other Asian girls do this as well. I think it is a defense tactic so they don't chase off good men too easily. Rich women are hard to marry off in Asia sometimes. In the US they are too easy to marry off.

Good points and insight. I will add some more points later on this as well.

I would also like to hear if BB or others have any interactions with rich girls like this as well.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (08-20-2014 03:35 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I'm also curious where Filipinas fit in this regard. Given their Catholic background and association with the Spanish and American, I imagine at least large portions of the populations have a stronger attachment to guilt than shame.

What say you?

With Filipinas I find they manage conflict by blatantly changing the subject or, especially, laughing instead of answering questions.

It gets frustrating for me, instead of saying they don't know or telling you something you don't want to hear they just laugh and you don't know what the hell is going on at first. Especially with giving directions it is really bad, if they don't know they just give you directions anyway because I think it is considered impolite to not answer at all.

It's more of a symptom of the disorganized here-and-now lack of planning than real malevolence, I still like the Filipinos.

It kind of hard to get mad at people who are sort of like playful children who don't want to get in trouble.
You have to be careful trying to pin them down because if the mood subtly becomes tenser they _really_ do not like it and start to resent you as a bully.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-07-2014 10:13 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Damn, this thread literally killed my desire to go to Asia. I had a feeling Asian women would be more loyal comparing to women from other parts of the world, I guess that is not true. I have been thinking about having kids lately and because Asian people are known for having high IQ's, ...

Filipinas are not smart, the closer to the tropics you get, the less emphasis on mental activity . However, they are quite ready to generate babies.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-16-2014 05:52 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2014 10:13 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Damn, this thread literally killed my desire to go to Asia. I had a feeling Asian women would be more loyal comparing to women from other parts of the world, I guess that is not true. I have been thinking about having kids lately and because Asian people are known for having high IQ's, ...

Filipinas are not smart, the closer to the tropics you get, the less emphasis on mental activity . However, they are quite ready to generate babies.

Them being young helps alot in terms of healthy and smart babies. My wife is 5 years younger than me and we had no issues throughout the pregnancy and childbirth. Our OBGYN was astonished at how easy everything was and praised us on how effortless the birth was.

In America or the West us men are heavily pressured into marrying women our own age and they wait to fucking long to have kids. My exwife was 1 year older than me and refused to have kids because she wanted a Phd instead. All these c sections, invitro and twins, Aspergers and Autism increases, diabetes during pregnancy, stuff is on the rise for a reason. They made us do so many fucking tests while my wife was pregnant and I would do a time out sign with my hands and ask them, why is that necessary and how much extra does that cost. They would tell me shit like, oh all mothers need to be tested for this and that, because it is a problem. They thought it was strange that I would question them about this like that.

By not marrying an American, you are increasing your chances of healthy and intelligent babies just from having a woman with younger and fresher birthing equipment. You can chase 18-25 year old women in Asia with no shaming cunts at the bank, the post office, the stores, the restaurants, etc. giving you ugly looks because of your age difference. You are doing the correct thing in Asian culture in fact. Only a 70 year old with a 20 year old looks a little bit funny to them and that is saying something right there.

When a woman is younger than you, they let you lead and are far less likely to question anything you say. None of this headbutting shit with a ball busting cunt, like it is in America. Your stress is down and so is theirs. This helps sperm thrive and be healthier without a body high in cortisol and junk like that. So you also have that aspect of loyalty to work in your favor as well.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Mine is getting up there, I think she's 26 this year. She's seriously worried that the wall is incoming and at night she's been putting on these 'herbal' masks... she looks 15 but I guess they might help her look 10. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Wow, this turned into a really serious thread. Thanks BWolf and TravelerKai.

I will say this again. As a foreigner, you can float in and float out of social norms and cultural expectations. You can adapt to culture and be likeable or play stupid and it'll be excused. I've pretty much only dated rich FOB chinese/taiwanese/thai girls or middle-class/upper-middle class J girls.

The rich have their own brands of problem and the rich girl issue is due to fear and insecurity. Is this guy liking me for me, or for a huge dowry? Its not much different than rich US guys . Another possibility is fear of K&R (Kidnapping and Ransom). My ex-GF's aunt got kidnapped at a HK club, taken to ATM, and told to give the pin to them. There is no limit on withdrawals. She refused and got stabbed 14 times.

I've interacted w/rich and poor much more, and I'll appluad those for taking a serious discussion about it. There is always a flip.

The new rich in China is obnoxious, pretentious and oblvious. There still exists an "old rich" who practice stealth wealth. The old rich is invisible and way richer and more powerful. 1 ex-GF's family owns skyscrapers all across China and a huge part of Tsingtao. Another chick's family owns a veritable Real Estate Empire----10+ units at Noble Remix in Thong-lo (BKK), resorts in Northern Thailand, multiple condos and houses. One side of my family is heavily involved in Chinese manufacturing and there is a lot hidden power (guanxi) and wealth. People who have owned (maybe not on paper) land for hundreds of years and controlled politics (even through Communist China). Don't for a second think that you'll be able to tell who these people are. The "old rich" rarely broadcast or flash.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Funniest sh1t ever. My wife says stuff like this all the time.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

I have found Thai and Philippines girls to be very dishonest in relationships. However, Vietnamese girls tend to be a bit better. (Source, I keylog most the girls I end up dating). I don't know what it is but I agree that SEA girls overall aren't too honest in relationships.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-20-2014 07:22 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

Funniest sh1t ever. My wife says stuff like this all the time.

Those memes are fucked up. Some are dead accurate too.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-20-2014 07:22 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

Funniest sh1t ever. My wife says stuff like this all the time.

[Image: attachment.jpg21690]

Your wife asks white guys if they want to sex her all the time...? [Image: confused.gif]

Jesus, Man.

[Image: biggrin.gif]

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (09-20-2014 07:22 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

Funniest sh1t ever. My wife says stuff like this all the time.

Had a good laugh at some of them. You can get a lot of those in other Asian countries too.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

hahahaa rainy made the crossover! nice to see her on the forum

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Women don't realize, feminism created YELLOW FEVER and Asian women are the solution to anti-marriage and maintaining traditional families. Yellow fever is returning power to men. The last couple of videos, notice there aren't any Asian women on the panel defending dykes/gays and single parent households.

We need some more memes with black dudes and Asian girls to really drive it home. Men, seriously, stop dating American women and get your ass over to Asia, marry a girl and help overthrow the feminist overlords. <-- Kristina Wong LOL. "SUCK IT WHITE LADIES". While she's still a westernized cunt, I'd still take her over the White broad.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Westernized Japanese chick is hurting for some black

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

What you are getting if you date American-Asians.

Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Man - this thread is interesting. I've read every single post.

Please BB and TravelerKai - keep it going!


Asian Women and Lying in the Context of Long-term Relationships

Quote: (10-13-2014 11:11 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

Man - this thread is interesting. I've read every single post.

Please BB and TravelerKai - keep it going!


Yeah thanks for bringing it back up. I've been living in Asia for 10 years in the next couple of nights I will try and write some things out about the girls I've met.

One thing: S.Koreans girls are the best lay in Asia. Damn I need to find some more.

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