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Another 30 days in Europe

Another 30 days in Europe

My boy LJ got the +1. Raw dog too.

- Clint Barton

Another 30 days in Europe

"Kids. I met your mother in the club. When we swooped in the bathroom, it was love at first bang. After I shot my load all over the stall, I just knew she would be a good wife someday."

Slubu, please go to the clinic when you get back home.

I don't want to see your adventures come to an end due to mad poosy disease.

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-23-2014 05:51 PM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Slubu - once you arrived at Studio why did you let the hot chick go who walked in with you ? Because her friends were not hot like her ?
Also how much was bottle service there ?

Well it was my Iceland buddy's decision really, but when she tried to bring dudes he told her you can stay but not them and she bounced with them. It was like 125 euros or something for the bottle/table.

Quote: (08-24-2014 03:18 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

Wow, these stories of Slubu's exploits are stuff of legend!

On a serious note, do you and your crew (I assume you guy's are all over 30) ever feel like at some point age will catch up with you or you still feel that you can keep the energy levels up and these young girls will be interested in you for another couple years?

Every year it gets harder for me to do this, but I still find the energy somehow. I'm lucky in that I can pass for as low as 25 to some people, so it's not hard for me to lie about my age given the situation. Also, just go east and the age difference matters less.

Quote: (08-25-2014 06:14 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

"Kids. I met your mother in the club. When we swooped in the bathroom, it was love at first bang. After I shot my load all over the stall, I just knew she would be a good wife someday."

Slubu, please go to the clinic when you get back home.

I don't want to see your adventures come to an end due to mad poosy disease.

I always get checked when I go through a run like this. Sadly I may not get to see my bathroom girl again because of a conflicting schedule. Shame.

Another 30 days in Europe

Funny. I had the discussion about age with CR in person just last week. You can certainly feel that energy slipping from you as you age. You still go about the same activities and push yourself but the come-down is pretty hard. When I came back from my list trip I almost felt melancholic as a result.

Another 30 days in Europe

Day 26:

Slow day after the festivities of the night before. But if you recall the last part of my story from Day 25, my buddy on his way home starting running and ran into the okcupid girl. Well he messaged her in the morning to come out to meet us tonight with friends, and she agrees. He then starts showing me pictures and I remark that she looks kind of mannish in some of them... He says that I'm worrying him and I ask him didn't you see her, to which he replies it was 6am and he was hammered.

We go grab some dinner at a beer hall. There's a couple at the bar and their one friend who is just sitting there alone, decently cute but nothing to write home about. The couple leaves and I go talk with the alone girl, she is so angry at the world. Hates the couple, hates Tallinn, and so on. I ask her what's good tonight, she suggests some place and I invite her to join and get her number. She says maybe. We finish up dinner and head outside to smoke a cigarette. See a cute older girl, start talking to her and she is a Russian Estonian. Suggests a bar she knows and walks away. We walk around trying to find something, the city is just dead so we try the bar the Russian recommends.

We grab some seats and my buddy tells the okcupid girl to come by and she agrees. She then arrives. 100% a man! My Iceland buddy just loses it and starts laughing uncontrollably. Now I'm laughing, and the girls..or should I say one girl and the tranny..ask what we are laughing about. I say we are just drunk ignore us. My buddy still tries to make small talk with the nontranny girl, but it's useless. The "girls" get embarrassed and leave within 5 minutes. There is a girl next to us at the bar and goes "you know that was a man right?" We tell her that's what we saw right now, and she states that "no, he/she is known in Tallinn. She is a man." [Image: lol.gif]

After that incident off we go to the triangle area and check out Shooters. I'm texting with Clint that everywhere sucks and he is trying some pubs by him. We go outside and start talking to two girls, my Iceland buddy is just completely bantering on full speed with a hot one. He tells her to buy him a drink, she says you buy me a drink, he says let's go find a girl to buy both of us a drink. They go back inside, my buddy and I go to two blondes in the corner and start chatting them up. The street is so much better in Tallinn than anywhere else, Roosh hit it on the head. We go with them to a bar nearby and here we go again with the fucking Hunger Games. A guy tells me to stop talking to the blonde I was talking to, and was getting aggressive. I tell him ease up man, where are you from, etc. etc. and five minutes later he is planning to come visit me in New York to see an NBA game.

Iceland buddy comes back and says he got the Estonian Switch after making out with her on the dancefloor. My girl is now off with the NBA loving Estonian who wanted to fight me, and my other buddy invites his girl over but she declines and gives him her number instead. We give up, get some food and head home cursing about the Estonian Switches again.

Another 30 days in Europe

Day 27:

Nearing 4 straight weeks now. I am struggling so much that I want a night off but it's the home stretch as we only have three nights left. I setup a date from a girl I met out last week and meet her out. She looks better than I remember, but acts kind of reserved. We go have some hot drinks at a jazz bar which then starts playing really gay music so we leave. Arrive at another pub, convince her to have an actual alcoholic drink and we chat. She is laughing, allowing my touches but she has work the next day. I try to invite her back, she declines but we have a good makeout session. Out of time on this one.

Head back to the apartment and have a drink with the boys before heading out again. Go to the triangle and go inside Shooters, there are 4 attractive girls ranging from 7-8.5 at a table drinking and pulling petals off a bouquet of flowers. I walk over and ask what they are celebrating and hear one girl go "shto?" Russians of course. I switch over to Russian and the birthday girl who is turning 20 and is the hottest one throws her arms around me and hugs me. Only one speaks English, the ugliest one of course (though by ugly I mean 7), and is translating for us. They invite us to the bar next door so we follow them, but once inside they are in ADD mode jumping all over the place and we decide we don't want to put up with that.

We leave the triangle area and start walking towards the posh lounge, and see two girls wearing matching outfits on the street. My buddy stops them, one is pretty hot the other is just bangable. We convince them to come to the lounge with us (seriously the street here is amazing) and they agree. Walk over to the lounge but it's closed, but the club next to it is open. So we go there, only two other people inside. Now my Iceland buddy has yet to bone on this trip, so my other buddy and I agree to defer to him and give him the hot one. I've had my success already this entire trip, so I tell him he can have the bangable one if he wants. We order drinks and we block out the bangable one from really communicating with her hot friend to let our buddy work. He is being very aggressive and telling her all the ways he is going to fuck her, and she is still there. Bangable one has her hands on my other buddy, so going decently well.

Out of nowhere ten 18 year old girls walk in and start going nuts on the dance floor. Some are really hot too. The girls we had with us start talking shit on them of course. Two of these girls come up to us and say that they are going to have a dance competition and that they want us to judge it. Fuck yes we will judge it. They ask what song we want and I say Billie Jean. We try to pull up chairs to sit like judges but the bouncers won't let us, and when we return the bangable girl and hot girl from the street had disappeared. Doesn't matter one bit as we now have a selection of hotter and younger vying for our attention.

Billie Jean comes on and the girls come and start rubbing their butts on us, trying to get selected. We pick out 5 of them, the three hottest, the actual best dancer, and a frumpy one so it doesn't seem like we are just choosing based on looks. My buddy takes one of the hot ones in the corner and starts talking to her. The two other hot ones make a sandwich with my Iceland buddy and he is just smiling ear to ear; I wish I took a picture. I grab the frumpy one and knowing how much we get the Estonian Switch ask her which ones have boyfriends. Basically all of them except two of the uglier ones, so I don't bother anymore. However the one my buddy pulled into the corner has a boyfriend but "is confused."

I go to the smoking area and now there are maybe 5 extra people in the club. Start talking to this blonde and she keeps telling me how "fucking cute" I am, so I grab her and start making out with her. She says she has to leave to walk some bozo home with her other girlfriend and I can't convince her otherwise, settling for a number. I text her after she left that it was nice meeting her, and she responds "nice meeting you too hottie [Image: wink.gif]" I really don't get this damn city. It's on it's off it's on again. We walk outside and my buddy is sitting there alone and we ask him where his girl went, to which he responds she told me to wait here 30 seconds and then come find her down the street so she can go home with him but without her friends seeing. We let him be and wish him luck.

Iceland buddy is now pissed at not being able to close anything and smashes his umbrella against a pole. I laugh and tell him to calm down, let's walk back to the triangle area. On the way I see two hot blondes, stop them and start chatting. They are from Finland and headed back to their hotel. I convince them to come join us for a drink and they agree. Off we go to one of the bars in the triangle and sit them down at a booth, my buddy working on one and I the other. Damn they are really attractive girls. I go get drinks and of course when I come back someone has blown Rue's Whistle as a guy is in my spot getting ready for the Hunger Games. We tell him to leave and he does, we take the shots and my hands go to work on my girl.

She is telling me her friend has a boyfriend, that my friend won't get anywhere, to which I retort let's see what happens. I text my other buddy about his status with the dancing queen and he has the girl back at the apartment, but she has told him no sex 5x now. We drink and drink at the bar, and eventually convince the girls to come back to our apartment. They keep telling us nothing will happen and just for one drink, but of course we agree and walk over. Open the door and my buddy and his girl are watching some Saw movie on full blast for some reason. She is in his clothes but they haven't boned yet I found out later. I tell my buddy in another language use the excuse that we are here to take her into your room and he does. Now the four of us are having drinks and listening to music, my girl singing her heart out to Juicy by Biggie. I grab her and ask her if I can steal her away for a minute, to which she responds surprisingly "sure."

We go into my room and I try to makeout with her. Nothing. She lets me rub her butt, kiss her neck but won't fucking makeout with me. I ask her if she has a boyfriend she says no, and gave some other excuse about just breaking up and not being ready, despite now licking my neck and telling me how good I smell. Fucking hell. I try again for a few minutes and she keeps saying she has to go while I'm still trying to escalate. No dice so we head back into the main room where my buddy and his girl were there. Knowing nothing is going to happen we wind the party down and let the girls go. My Iceland buddy tells me he tried to kiss her too but she wouldn't because she had a boyfriend. Eat some food and pass out. In the morning I wake up and ask my buddy if he boned the 18 year old and he says nope, just breast action sadly.

So nobody banged, but we had a hell of a fun night and ended up with I would say the highest quality of the Tallinn trip back at our place all the same night. All three were easily 8s. Not bad for a Monday night, though I still would have preferred to have concluded the night with some penetration.

Another 30 days in Europe

Slubu, from what I gather from the threads Moscow ,Kiev, and Budapest are ur current top 3 fav cities for consistent high ratios of 8s-10s. Yes?

How Does Tallin fare ratio and consistency wise compared to ur top 3??

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-26-2014 07:58 AM)theVampire Wrote:  

Slubu, from what I gather from the threads Moscow ,Kiev, and Budapest are ur current top 3 fav cities for consistent high ratios of 8s-10s. Yes?

How Does Tallin fare ratio and consistency wise compared to ur top 3??

High ratios that exist or that I get? Moscow can't be touched for number of "10s" if we avoid the age old dispute of their existence. Budapest is pretty damn close though, and lots of 8s-9s there. I'd put Kiev third to be honest for a variety of factors.

As for the actual attainability..Moscow first then Budapest. And for me. As you know everyone's different.

Tallinn's ratio is just terrible. Hunger Games. But maybe it's because I am not here during school season. The girls here can be pretty hot though, but don't touch Moscow/Buda or even Kiev. I have yet to walk into a place and be shocked like I was in Moscow or sometimes in Kiev. Though one thing I will say about Tallinn is the quality that you do get is pretty high. But it's such a torturous adventure to get there.

Another 30 days in Europe

Currently day gaming at my campus
4 approaches so far, 2 numbers

1st attracted but has a child and husband (didn't look like it)

2nd has a boyfriend but she couldn't stop nervous laughing and she passed my compliance tests so it's a toss up

3rd hooked hard and she is craving the dick

4th was interested at first but I messed it up, good thing is I know why

Also I'm getting good at detecting the crazies

Life is good

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-22-2014 05:02 PM)slubu Wrote:  

So dead on a Friday. Currently taking a shit in the basement of a piano bar.

I actually laughed out loud there.

Tell that London bathroom slut that you have a lawyer friend who just moved to London and would love to meet her.

I'll toss you $20 and a soaked condom.

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-26-2014 02:10 PM)simondice Wrote:  

Currently day gaming at my campus
4 approaches so far, 2 numbers

1st attracted but has a child and husband (didn't look like it)

2nd has a boyfriend but she couldn't stop nervous laughing and she passed my compliance tests so it's a toss up

3rd hooked hard and she is craving the dick

4th was interested at first but I messed it up, good thing is I know why

Also I'm getting good at detecting the crazies

I just noticed I put this on the wrong thread [Image: lol.gif]

Carry on..

Life is good

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-26-2014 12:20 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Moscow can't be touched for number of "10s" if we avoid the age old dispute of their existence. Budapest is pretty damn close though, and lots of 8s-9s there. I'd put Kiev third to be honest for a variety of factors.

As for the actual attainability..Moscow first then Budapest. And for me. As you know everyone's different.

The girls here can be pretty hot though, but don't touch Moscow/Buda or even Kiev. I have yet to walk into a place and be shocked like I was in Moscow or sometimes in Kiev. Though one thing I will say about Tallinn is the quality that you do get is pretty high.

Also for me Moscow and Kiev are the best places in the world,
the amount of pretty, feminine, sweet girls is just astonishing.

Tallin and Budapest are also very good choices.

From this great thread, I understand that, as I also experienced before,
the crappiest times were been in Poland
(butterface, turkey-face girls with random behaviours)

Another 30 days in Europe

Haha, "you opened some American girls by mistake"... that says SO much.. when I hear an American accent overseas around me I just cringe... don't want to know them..

Another 30 days in Europe

Slubu, how many days you have left?
Go to Helsinki for a few nights, I'd love to hear your experiences

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-27-2014 09:29 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Slubu, how many days you have left?
Go to Helsinki for a few nights, I'd love to hear your experiences

Tonight's the last night...

Bathroom betty flaked on meeting up tonight. Kind of bummed, was looking to pound her gymnast body a few more times. Now I have to go out into the wild again and fight off hundreds of tourists for some sex.

I'm also leaning towards making this my last all out blitz type trip. Not sure I can handle doing this again, and I enjoyed Budapest the most even though I did go out almost every night. Maybe Tallinn just has me soured so I'll reserve making any decisions until I come back and have some time to unwind.

Another 30 days in Europe

you'll change your mind after you spend some days back in the states [Image: smile.gif]

Another 30 days in Europe

slubu, the adventures you had are great, you must write a book about these 30 days in Europe,
with details especially on the great time in Budapest [Image: wink.gif]

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-26-2014 12:20 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2014 07:58 AM)theVampire Wrote:  

Slubu, from what I gather from the threads Moscow ,Kiev, and Budapest are ur current top 3 fav cities for consistent high ratios of 8s-10s. Yes?

How Does Tallin fare ratio and consistency wise compared to ur top 3??

High ratios that exist or that I get? Moscow can't be touched for number of "10s" if we avoid the age old dispute of their existence. Budapest is pretty damn close though, and lots of 8s-9s there. I'd put Kiev third to be honest for a variety of factors.

As for the actual attainability..Moscow first then Budapest. And for me. As you know everyone's different.

Tallinn's ratio is just terrible. Hunger Games. But maybe it's because I am not here during school season. The girls here can be pretty hot though, but don't touch Moscow/Buda or even Kiev. I have yet to walk into a place and be shocked like I was in Moscow or sometimes in Kiev. Though one thing I will say about Tallinn is the quality that you do get is pretty high. But it's such a torturous adventure to get there.

Slubu, Very Shocking and Fascinating at the same time to hear Budapest knocking Kiev out for the No 2 position in ur opinion[Image: icon_surprised.gif] ....and this is with seeing large hoards of the general public during the DAY as well in each City,yes?? Cause I know ur usually out and about durring the night hitting Clubs-Bars.

I always knew Budapest was very talented, ..but more like NBA D-league talented, just on the cusp(much like Czech,Poland,Slovakia, and Scandinavia). Always considered Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, and lastly Baltics to be "The Big Leagues". .....Id love to hear the specific factors that put Kiev 3rd in ur mind?

Also, now that u have another 30 days under ur belt and have seen additional territories my question is this: If you had to move PERMANENTLY to a country with ur CURRENT FINANCIAL allowance, where would you chose and why??

Another 30 days in Europe

I'm finding it hilarious how people are so mind blown that Budapest is such a great city!
how many people have actually gone their?
I feel like there has been so many people blindly jumping in the slavophile wagon that they don't even look at other countries
Im seeing countless post on people thinking Budapest has low talent.
where is this idea coming from?.

but at the same time....I hope no one goes their and ruins it haha.

I am the cock carousel

Another 30 days in Europe

I'll get to your guys' questions/comments in a bit. Just want to finish out the reports.

Day 28:

I went to pick up my blazer at the dry cleaners after having to disinfect it following the bathroom incident on Saturday night. Come home and relax, get ready for the night. We decide to go out later tonight since it's a Sunday and we know we will end up at Shooters anyway. First stop is dinner, and after struggling to find a place open that late we end up at some Jazz restaurant that is actually very busy.

We sit down and one of the waitresses that Clint met recognized us and asked to please wait on us as she is so bored. Obviously we agree, chat her up and have some delicious food while drinking some beers. We finish dinner and go lounge in the main area, watching the band a bit before heading out. As we are sitting and watching, we watch more of the Hunger Games in action except this time it was with an older set in their 50s. A guy walks in with what we presume was his girl, only to have a random dude there start hitting on her and dancing with her. They both come and try to take her, and last we saw they were sitting around her on the sidewalk each vying for her attention. Unbelievable this city.

We leave the Jazz bar and head towards the posh lounge when my friend stops two girls walking on the street. One blonde, one brunette, both better bodies than faces. The blonde yells at her friend to not take us with them, but the brunette invites us along. I let my two buddies go and tell them I will go scout out the other places and you can see what happens with these two girls. So off I go alone and the posh lounge is closed. I go to Venus club, empty. As I'm walking out I see two girls and stop them to ask what's good, they mention Venus and I tell them nobody is inside, to which they retort that we should make it a 3 person party. Awesome is the first thought that goes through my head. We go inside and then the Estonian Switch, they tell me it was nice meeting you and engage in conversation with each other. I really don't get this country at all.

I leave and head back to meet up my buddies who texted me they are at a table with 4 girls now. I arrive and sit in, the girls are very nice to me. The best looking one has a boyfriend so after some initial flirting that dies down. She eventually leaves, making it a very favorable 3 on 3 now. The blonde, the brunette and another latin looking one with amazing tits who is celebrating her bday. We pair off pretty easily, I with the blonde, my buddy with the tits and my Iceland buddy with the brunette. Outside we go for a smoke and I see a girl I met at Club Hollywood the week before and spent two hours with, AND was texting that day. Went to say hi and get the Estonian Switch, her asking me to basically leave her and her friend alone. Whatever. Go back to the blonde and I can tell easily she is into me. We convince the girls for an afterparty, but as we are walking there they want to go into some late night shack for food. Great.

We go inside and they just want to use the bathroom. After much convincing, the blonde and brunette agree to come back but tits goes home. So my buddy heads back to Shooters and myself and Iceland buddy head home with these girls. Get inside, put on music and start playing I never at my suggestion to get the girls more drunk. During the game the girls admit to having one night stands, sex with people they didn't know, etc. Sluts, looking good. I try to take the blonde into my room and she declines but agrees to come outside to have a cigarette with me. Once outside we start making out, but she is resisting everything else. I lift up her shirt to see a flat gorgeous stomach to my surprise because she had some babyfat on her face. Try to get out her tits, finger her, talk dirty, but can't get the motor to rev high enough to desire sex. Eventually we go back in and my Iceland buddy and his girl are just sitting there waiting for us to come back, so no dice with him either. The girls leave, we go to bed with balls the color of an unpolluted sky.

Another 30 days in Europe

Day 29:

The last night. Truthfully I was looking forward to this trip ending as I really dislike Tallinn despite having some success here. But it's just too damn wild and so much effort is required to fight off guys and get girls to go home with you it just drains you as a person.

We have dinner reservations at 9 at a great restaurant supposedly, so we head out a bit earlier to hit up a place called Porgu for some beer they are known for. All I can say is it is one of the best beers you will ever have. We got one beer each and afterwards the best way I can explain it was that we were euphorically drunk. We were all in such a good mood and laughing so hard, but also somehow drunk off one beer. I couldn't walk a straight line to the restaurant, my buddy kept walking to his jacket and back for no reason, and Iceland buddy dropped his plate when we sat down at the restaurant. What a beer. Our waitress is great at the restaurant and cute too, I make drunken claims of tapping out for her and giving up girls.

After dinner we want another one of those beers so back we go there, have another then head out to club Hollywood for ladies' night. We go inside and it's pretty dead, but start making approaches. For some reason I'm really into this 6'3 chick likely for the novelty of it. Also start hitting it off with another blonde but she has a boyfriend, yet we are holding hands at times and no resistance to my touches. My Iceland buddy meets a girl who is into him and leaves with her and her friend quite quickly to another bar. 30 minutes later he texts us that he got Estonian Switched, as predicted, and she went from loving him to not even acknowledging him at the new bar. So he comes back, my other buddy has a girl he is making out with and doing shots with, and I really have nothing sticking. Do a few more approaches and by now the club is closing and my buddy is trying to take his girl home.

I go outside with Iceland buddy and people start pouring out. Ladies and gentlemen, let the Hunger Games begin! I know this sounds trite by now but unless you see this in real life it's hard to imagine. There are guys everywhere just waiting, watching, planning. A girl will be approached if she is alone for anything more than 10 seconds. A blonde walks by and goes sits on a bench so my Iceland buddy follows, and 5 minutes later they disappear together. Good job by him it appears. I chat up two girls and my other buddy comes out with his girl, who is apparently friends with the two I'm talking with. I try to convince them to go have another drink and they decline stating they are tired and want to go home. So they take – I shit you not – about ten steps away from us and get stopped by two other guys and engage them in conversation. At this point we just start laughing at the absurdity of this city. We start walking and my buddy sees the girl he was making out with, talks to her and off they go to another bar.

Now alone I say fuck this shit if everyone is hunting I will too. I see a girl walking by herself, run up to catch up with her and she is not having any of it. See another girl walking by herself but she is just far enough where I would literally have to sprint to get to her and I didn't feel like doing that. I walk back to Shooters and see my buddy standing alone of course, as his makeout girl is now with another dude, making out with him. It's a pure last man standing game here, as I see a bunch of girls from the club now holding hands or kissing random guys that were not with them before. Tired and ready for this trip to end, we walk home and hope that at least our Iceland buddy got some action with the street meat from the bench. Sadly when we walk in he is just there himself. We recap the night, curse the city and get to bed so we can make our flights the next day.

Another 30 days in Europe

I was at the ladies night as well on the Wed night. It was a night with a bad f/m ratio. In the smoking room, I have heard an American guy telling this redhead girl that he came from NYC and when he started to speak a little bit Russian I was like that must be Slubu [Image: smile.gif] Wanted to say hi but of course didn't want to disturb.

Another 30 days in Europe

Good stories, interesting to read. Too bad I couldnt make it out and too bad you didnt enjoy the city too much.

Another 30 days in Europe

Quote: (08-28-2014 04:19 AM)theVampire Wrote:  

Slubu, Very Shocking and Fascinating at the same time to hear Budapest knocking Kiev out for the No 2 position in ur opinion[Image: icon_surprised.gif] ....and this is with seeing large hoards of the general public during the DAY as well in each City,yes?? Cause I know ur usually out and about durring the night hitting Clubs-Bars.

I always knew Budapest was very talented, ..but more like NBA D-league talented, just on the cusp(much like Czech,Poland,Slovakia, and Scandinavia). Always considered Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, and lastly Baltics to be "The Big Leagues". .....Id love to hear the specific factors that put Kiev 3rd in ur mind?

Also, now that u have another 30 days under ur belt and have seen additional territories my question is this: If you had to move PERMANENTLY to a country with ur CURRENT FINANCIAL allowance, where would you chose and why??

Kiev is good don't get me wrong, and a lot of fun. I just for now prefer Budapest. Easier to live in, girls have better faces, better food, etc. Just have to deal with those harsh rejections.

Quote: (08-29-2014 09:47 AM)signoria Wrote:  

I was at the ladies night as well on the Wed night. It was a night with a bad f/m ratio. In the smoking room, I have heard an American guy telling this redhead girl that he came from NYC and when he started to speak a little bit Russian I was like that must be Slubu [Image: smile.gif] Wanted to say hi but of course didn't want to disturb.

Haha you should have said hi (assuming it was me).

Quote: (08-29-2014 10:24 AM)evilhei Wrote:  

Good stories, interesting to read. Too bad I couldnt make it out and too bad you didnt enjoy the city too much.

Yeah would've been good to meet up, maybe next time. The city was tough man, some sweet girls there and I had fun but just putting up with all those fights to get some pussy makes a man tired.

Another 30 days in Europe

Slubu's adventures in Budapest were excellent, Budapest and Kiev will be again on my travel list for sure in the next months,
I had as well a great time in these two cities, they are just perfect for poosy hunting that gives great results

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