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Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Two come to mind:

1.He was the first to get laid in my grade. He dated most of the hot girls and took some of their virginities in high school. Later on in college, he killed it. He was tall, good looking, athletic and had a natural way with women. It seemed like he was always escalating in a smooth way. He had a natural asshole game that worked. Everything in life seemed to come easy to him except longevity. An unexpected illness took his life at 23.

2.Also a natural alpha. Excelled in sports, tall, handsome and had a physical presence. He never really developed a career or direction in life. The irony is that he lives with a girl from high school and is completely whipped. He used to bang her and treat her like crap years ago. He alternates between living with his girlfriend and at home with his mother. Despite his lack of success in life, he still has that alpha presence and pulls rather easily in bars.

Although, I didn’t fully process it at an early age, I learned that asshole game works and nice guys finish last with regard to sexual success. Alpha tendencies can be developed over time and beta tendencies can be decreased. However, you know a true alpha when you see one. These guys usually had physical and athletic prowless at a young age.

I am curious to hear how other natural alphas have faired later in life.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

One guy, at that time a good friend of mine. Nit really good in sports or with large built, actually rather small guy, like 1.75 and 70kg. But he had exotic middle eastern looks and very good asshole natural game. He had like 50 or more girls by age of 20 when rest of us were really nowhere. Now his been in a relationship with one girl for more then 5 years, has kids house and everything. He has something on the side tho but I think he really had enough at early age and is quite happy now with his life

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Let's see... thinking way back... a kid I grew up with, was definitely the alpha type, super athlete and even though we were friends, in middle school he once thought it'd be funny to ask me "CJ, are you ever gonna get laid?" The joke is on him now, because I guarantee I've smashed 10x as many girls as him. He got married right out of college, had a couple of kids and put on a few pounds, nothing ridiculous, but I doubt he'd beat me in a game of 1-on-1 today.

My freshman roommate in college was definitely the Alpha type too. He always had two things around him: girls and drugs. He's still a friend to this day, and has moved out to Vegas. I've made it out there a couple times, and we met up once; the "two things" haven't changed.

Another guy I knew as a freshman in college, definitely had the Alpha demeanor, size and athleticism, but he also settled down way too early, with a girl he'd dated way too long. I'm sure his penis is very disappointed in him.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I know a guy who went bald and didn't seem to have the clout he had when he got older and it might have had something to do with that? It's strange because I'm balding, but I'm getting more pussy now than when I was younger.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I think he's a Green Beret now. Most of the ones I remember when I was younger tend to disappear. Makes me think that sooner or later I should disappear, too.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

1. Natural alpha. Slayed tons of chicks in high school. Never moved away from home. Last pic I saw of him was of him and a chick I went to high school with. They were both fat.

2. Another pretty natural kid. All star hockey player, couldve went pro had he took it more seriously. He is now a serious body builder and personal trainer. I saw a pic of his girlfriend yesterday, fat AND ugly.

3. Shorter kid but really into sports and music. He was kinda a religious goody two shoes type kid as we were growing up. He found alcohol and works in the nighlife industry as a bartender now (hes 29 years old). Dude is always trying to get into a serious long term relationship, but when hes single he slays pussy. Great dude to game with.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

come to think of it, even the kids that did really good (but not natural alphas) have gone downhill as well. It's almost like they become victims of their own success. They enjoyed their natural gift, but settled down during high school or shortly after.

It's like they were given a first round bye to the playoffs, and just decided that was good enough.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Some are doing alright, most flatlined. Decent jobs I guess, I haven't seen anything special.

A lot are getting married at 21, 22. I expect to see a lot of fat couples in 5-10 years

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I lost touch with everyone after high school, so I don't really know how their lives went. I friended everyone I recognized on facebook last fall and it seems like 99% of them are married. The one guy I would say was a real natural in high school, he's still in my hometown, he's married but I can't see pictures of his wife anywhere, and he's in approximately the same shape he was in back in HS. Doesn't look like he's doing much professionally, probably pulling in $40-45k in a relatively expensive part of the country. He must be about 30, he was a grade above me.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

the first one among all my friends to get laid back in high school, he went on an absolute terror after that and slayed everything from age 13-15, but then he knocked a girl up.

amazingly, he recovered from that and got back on the saddle and slayed it even as a father in high school... then the fucker got married and had two more kids.

unbelievably, after getting divorced, losing his hair, and some of his looks, he still has been able to pull off a notch count this year far better than my own. a bald single father with three kids. some dudes just have it, I guess.

this is my best friend, by the way.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Most of my friends were alpha's growing up. They were killing it then & they're killing it now. Nothing but success.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I thought of another one. Guy I knew in the army. He wasn't tall or great looking but his attitude was amazing, and he just had this honey badger dangerous-as-fuck aura about him. I had 40 pounds, 3 inches, and a lot of training on him and he was about the last person I wanted to rumble with. He had a rough upbringing, he'd even been stabbed in his mid teens, almost died from a collapsed lung. So, of course, he had an easy time picking up girls with that aura going for him.

This chick he was banging before we deployed tried to get him for child support, despite the fact that the timeline was obviously messed up. Before that got resolved, he was killed in a suspicious firearms incident. The investigation claimed it was a self inflicted wound, but I can't believe it. He was excellent with firearms, drunk or not, and there's no fucking way he would've committed suicide. My bet is one of the idiots in the room with him when he died shot him accidentally, but you never know. He was the kind of guy I could see getting murdered.

Edit - to clarify the way they said he died

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

All of my buddies that slayed in high school all burned out and got fat. Most were into drugs, booze and girls. Start that young and sooner or later it catches up.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

He died at age 25. Dude was an alpha as long as I can remember. This dude was 5 years older than me but I probably rolled with him from age 8 onward. When he was 13, he was into riding bikes,hanged out with dudes who were 19 and over, his girlfriend was the hottest chick in the hood, he couldn't fight but everybody respected him, funny as fuck, straight don't give a fuck mentality. Even though before he died he was getting girls, I am sure he didn't fuck as many girls as I did.

This other kid from my school, met him when I was 13. All girls liked him, he was a white kid that was only into black chicks. G as fuck, we became best friends. He was getting more girls than me at the time, I had my share, but I couldn't compete with him. Now as adults, the roles have been reversed. There is no way that he can compete against me, even though he still super social and would fight you for the smallest reason, he married a mediocre 4 and has a kid with her. Before he got her pregnant I was trying to get him to join my lifestyle, he thought I was being immature, oh well.

But I tell you guys one thing, the intelligent alphas always beat the more aggressive alphas. A guy who is very social on this forum and stands up for himself is way ahead the aggressive alpha he sees on the streets. Knowledge above lion instinct.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I don't know what's going to happen with me

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Friend of kine. As alpha as they come. A bit of a poet type, but few know this side of him. He pulled like crazy, and only got better with time.

Great presence. Was never an athlete, but he got ripped and started martial arts.

What happened to him? He put the partying on the side, focuses on family, work, and school. From what he's told me, he's had a girl or two here and there, but nothing like before.

Really look up to the guy. Learned a lot from spending time with him.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

90% of the guys in my neighborhood growing up

They were all the heads of their respective crews, which made them Alpha by definition. You have other top dogs who followed and look up to you. All those guys had a reputation for being good fighters too. No coincidence.

I was fortunate that the older cats took an interest in me, and saw my potential even before I did.

Matter of fact, starting to actively game at 15 I felt like a late bloomer. My moms was hella strict, but all that did was "force" me in to the lifestyle even faster.

Looking back gives me a certain fondness for the informal training I got everyday by soaking up game and chopping it up with those guys. Some went on to be lifetime criminals; in and out of the system. Others, settled down and started families.

Another common thread for those "Alpha's": None of them had much adult supervision


Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

My cousin, still around at 20, but starting the long slide down. He has the don't give a f*ck abundance mentality and a good a**hole game. I idolized him growing up, now he lives in a trailer in the bad part of town, drinks and smokes too much and owes me $60. Still getting major notches each year but currently recovering from an accident involving a girl inexperienced with blowjobs who had braces. He'll probably be dead or in prison before too long.

Good brawler too now that I think of it.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

One of my friends is a classic bad boy to the core. I didn't meet him until he was 22 and had already done most of his damage. By then, he was locked into an LTR with a cute girl he would marry and is now having a kid with in his late 20s. He had already fathered an illegitimate kid with a summer fling about a year or two before he had met his wife. He smoked, drank, partied hard and hooked-up all through high school and college with some super hot model types (blonde, blue eyes, 8-10s were his type), including one noteable threesome he shared with me. Nowdays, he can't seem to hold down a job without getting fired, so he just sits around and plays SAHD while his wife makes the $$$. He's had a lot of babymomma drama. He's had a few nasty falling outs with a few close male friends, even I've sort of had to wind it down with him. He got fired from his last job when he got into a verbal confrontation with his boss when he went in to give his notice that he was moving out of state and therefore resigning unless they were willing to negotiate a part-time/work-from-home arrangement. When you can't give a 2 weeks notice without them getting pissed and telling you to forget the 2 weeks, you know you've got issues.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Quote: (07-29-2014 08:59 AM)DChambers Wrote:  

Still getting major notches each year but currently recovering from an accident involving a girl inexperienced with blowjobs who had braces.

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

I can't think of a ton, I have no idea what happened to many I went to high school with, here are those I can recall:
1. Hit in head with beer bottle, brain injury, vegetable
2. LA music producer...still swimming in pussy
3. Married a an irish chick that looks like Faye Reagan
4. Retiring Major League Baseball player...still swimming in pussy
5. Married a gf with unplanned pregnancy at age 35
6. Married a hot french canadian girl

All seem to be doing fine, all except the beer bottle to the head guy were high intelligence vs. thug/badboy game though.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

The ones I know are all married to attractive women...but married nonetheless. Mostly successful sales guys. Nope, wait, one I know is a drunk and financially unsuccessful, but somewhat due to knocking up a chic and her being a total bitch to him, never letting him see the kid.

I would bet most natural (young) alphas end up being successful in some regard their entire lives, with the normal small percentage of fall-aparts. Probably your standard bell-curve only further right on the success scale...and maybe slightly larger standard deviation. You'd probably see more extremely successful guys, but also more extreme cases of failure because of higher incidences of 'inability to deal with rejection' (in business or women). This would also align with the general profession choice of more sales guys.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

All of the naturals I knew in high school never left my home town. To my knowledge they've gotten fat and hold mediocre jobs.

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

Everybody knows a guy named Johnny who bangs a lot of girls.

One of the guys I used to roll with n High School. He was 3 years older than me and couldn't give a fuck about school. He was a ripped guy that was 5'7 and a somewhat effeminate vibe to him. He was a contrast of I don't give a fuck/charismatic jokester. He had this great personality about him and he was always good with his friends, drinking and smoking .

He slayed so much pussy he said he had to hide from all the girls in his life from time to time. I remember all the girls he banged said the same thing about him "I thought Johnny was gay at first" and when I would ask him how he banged his girls, he would describe things that I only learned here in RVF.

Right now he's in an LTR with a model and even though he didn't finish high school per say, he has a successful business.

Life is good

Alphas you knew at a young age and what happened to them later in life

In all honesty, I've surpassed any of the early bloomers and I'm 21 years old (shows how quickly people can go downhill after high school). I've prided myself on always going uphill, and have watched the fall from grace of many a man. Those that work on themselves I'm still good friends with, because they're climbing the mountain with me.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

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