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One of the best player blog's you've never read!

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Once upon a time, between Sept 2010 and Jan 2011, there was a blogger named Soloman II who was a consumate player of high caliber. He posted some of the most insightful things I've ever read on the game, including this graph (that I've been posting around the forum):

[Image: sol_access_chart.jpg]

This was from his post, The Marriage Zone.

But this is just a tip of the iceberg. He wrote 31 proverbs, in line with his religious theme, just like the real book of proverbs. Here are some other pics of his hilarious and amazing posts:

[Image: chuckfilet_sg.jpg?w=597&h=292]

[Image: solomon-chart.jpg]

Unfortunately he deleted his blog after receiving 100,000 views, because he was posting very revealing pictures of the sluts he banged and he didn't want to be found out. However, another blogger named Dalrock preserved his best material, which you can find here:

I highly recommend reading this article, which I consider his best:


Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

What a great post. Cheers for that.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!



[Image: 13ofthetop10lies.jpg]

I have finally come to the point in my life where I simply cannot continue being upset by this shit. I’m too old, my job is too stressful, I travel too much, and I’m just downright tired of getting worked up every time some woman lies to me. I swear to Christ I’d rather have my girlfriend let some random guy fuck her in the ass and email me photos of it than for her to go to lunch with an attractive male coworker and lie about it later.

Trying to change a woman’s natural propensity for dealing in falsehoods or attempting to kill the rationalization hamster that enables her to do so with a straight face and a clear conscience is a fool’s quest.

I think this is one of the best side-effects of learning game that doesn't often get discussed on the blogs and forums. Once you realize how fundamentally deceptive women are, you see their bullshit coming a mile away and it desensitizes you. It's almost scary how easy it is to deconstruct female behavior and accurately represent it in a chart like that.

I really don't even get pissed at women anymore for lying about how certain dicks don't count or when a friend tells me about some crazy shit a girl did to them. All I think now is "yeah, that's pretty much what you should expect." It would be like getting mad at a dog for barking, even though that's what they're programmed to do.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

I especially love the "I'm not an easy lay" lie.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!


Ground chuck responded “That’s bullshit. I came from the same cow as the filet, so it shouldn’t matter that I’m a different cut of meat. Besides, that’s what makes me special, unique, and popular to so many men. I didn’t asked to be ground up with filler, it just happened that way, so I shouldn’t be valued less for it”.

[Image: banana.gif]

That's fuckin' epic!

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

The proverb 17 post is my favorite of his.

It's a damn shame he's gone. He left the scene as quick as he arrived.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

I have no idea what the back story is but I was extremely sad to see this blog go the way of the archive.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Solomon actually left just before he received 100,000 views. Some information from his blog (he had live conversations recorded and phone pics too) was apparently leaked and identities were compromised, and he was forced to delete everything. It happened very suddenly. He made one last blog post a couple of hours before the delete lamenting the fact that the compromise had to bring things to an end (I forget exactly what it said, perhaps "Tough luck" or something to that effect), and then shut it all down.

Its too bad. He's one of the greatest ever to do it.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Damn, that boy got talent!

[Image: pimp.gif]

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

That Slut Zone-Player Zone chart alone--which I saw back when I discovered the site--is worth its weight in blogs. It's a shame this cat fell off. Maybe I don't understand the situation, but why don't guys that know him encourage him to come back with a new persona? He could reclaim his "safe" content and leave out the personal shit that landed him in hot water.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Bunches of great stuff but like so many other PUA bloggers he sounds so bitter and conflicted over women. I can't relate to that at all.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Is there any way to contact him, or is he gone for good?

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

That's a damn good post Samseau.

Much thanks for sharing.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-02-2011 12:13 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Bunches of great stuff but like so many other PUA bloggers he sounds so bitter and conflicted over women. I can't relate to that at all.

All creative people and artists have that inner torment. It's almost like a necessary precondition for greatness in writing, music, etc.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-02-2011 12:13 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Bunches of great stuff but like so many other PUA bloggers he sounds so bitter and conflicted over women. I can't relate to that at all.

Same here. I really enjoyed his writing on philosophical topic, but as soon as he starts talking about women, I can't help myself but dismiss it all as "bitching". Makes me thinking whether he prays to false gods and hates himself for that.

But, after all, it supports my theory that the better you become in the game, the more difficult it will be for you to keep a real fulfilling relationship.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Great blog, I read half of its archive. Can relate to much of his feelings. Yeah, 90% of women are like that. Perhaps 99% in the US. I wonder if he traveled at all internationally? Perhaps he might have found a keeper that way.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-02-2011 12:13 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Bunches of great stuff but like so many other PUA bloggers he sounds so bitter and conflicted over women. I can't relate to that at all.

Quote: (08-02-2011 07:52 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Same here. I really enjoyed his writing on philosophical topic, but as soon as he starts talking about women, I can't help myself but dismiss it all as "bitching". Makes me thinking whether he prays to false gods and hates himself for that.

But, after all, it supports my theory that the better you become in the game, the more difficult it will be for you to keep a real fulfilling relationship.

Context is important here too, guys.

As I've noted in other threads, location matters when it comes to gender dynamics. It is true that many PUAs sound quite bitter/angry or have views of women that sound cynical, cold and calculating.

It is also true that most PUAs you know are also concentrated in just a few places. The vast majority of them are American, and they're concentrated in major cities like LA, NYC, Boston and Washington DC, with the occasional Londoner and Torontonian thrown in.

Their attitude is largely a reflection of their environment. You will find it harder to relate to if you come from an environment(i.e. Stockholm, Kiev, Minsk, Paris, Brazil, etc) where the dating market for men is much less dysfunctional and gender relations are healthier and radical, American-style feminism is not pervasive.

There is a reason why so many well known PUAs (Gmac, Roissy/Heartiste, Roosh, Virgle Kent, The Rookie, etc) are concentrated in DC, and not in Chicago, Dallas or St. Louis. It isn't as though you don't need game in those cities (PUAs are there), but its is generally agreed that gender relations in these places are less dysfunctional. Guys there can get further without the cynicism and the cold, calculating approach to women because the environment is healthier, and they have a better chance of getting what they want.

Bottomline: If you'd spent most of your life in a place like NYC or DC, you'd quite likely relate to this more.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

While what you say is true AM I think a truly stellar "gamer" would be aware of this and assume a neutral, factual stance. I've noticed Roosh has mellowed considerably since coming to Poland.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-03-2011 04:44 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

While what you say is true AM I think a truly stellar "gamer" would be aware of this and assume a neutral, factual stance. I've noticed Roosh has mellowed considerably since coming to Poland.

That's exactly my point.

Healing doesn't truly begin until you isolate yourself from the dysfunctional environment. The change you see likely wouldn't have occurred if he'd remained in DC or any place like it. It was his exposure to a healthier environment more favorable to his interests as a male (and free of the radical, largely anti-male influences of american feminism) that made the difference.

People do not usually operate entirely independent of environmental stimuli. One needs to place himself in a more positive environment to truly bring about the full extent of positive change.

Until that happens, cynicism, bitterness and distrust will remain by necessity. That's human nature.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-03-2011 05:35 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Healing doesn't truly begin until you isolate yourself from the dysfunctional environment. The change you see likely wouldn't have occurred if he'd remained in DC or any place like it. It was his exposure to a healthier environment more favorable to his interests as a male (and free of the radical, largely anti-male influences of american feminism) that made the difference.

People do not usually operate entirely independent of environmental stimuli. One needs to place himself in a more positive environment to truly bring about the full extent of positive change.

Until that happens, cynicism, bitterness and distrust will remain by necessity. That's human nature.

This is true. I was a cynical cunt until I got out of London. Now, I'm a different type of cunt from Toronto experiences. Another move beckons?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Lol Moma.

I used to be cynical about Toronto too but I enjoy since my boys are there and apparently they have been tearing it up while I was out of Toronto.
My eventual goal is winters in Southeast Asia and South America and summers in Europe.
Maybe a bit of Africa thrown in too.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

I was on this forum yesterday, and I followed a link to a guys blog similar to Roissy, and now I can not find it. Some memorable posts were "usuing real grammer when texting" and another one about "game for good looking men". I think his name is Mike, anyone know what the address is?? I would love to keep reading it.

Great post Samseau!!

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-03-2011 06:45 PM)sylo Wrote:  

I was on this forum yesterday, and I followed a link to a guys blog similar to Roissy, and now I can not find it. Some memorable posts were "usuing real grammer when texting" and another one about "game for good looking men". I think his name is Mike, anyone know what the address is?? I would love to keep reading it.

Great post Samseau!!

Was it Assanova? He talks a lot about game for good-looking men.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

Quote: (08-03-2011 04:35 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2011 12:13 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Bunches of great stuff but like so many other PUA bloggers he sounds so bitter and conflicted over women. I can't relate to that at all.

Quote: (08-02-2011 07:52 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Same here. I really enjoyed his writing on philosophical topic, but as soon as he starts talking about women, I can't help myself but dismiss it all as "bitching". Makes me thinking whether he prays to false gods and hates himself for that.

But, after all, it supports my theory that the better you become in the game, the more difficult it will be for you to keep a real fulfilling relationship.

Context is important here too, guys.

As I've noted in other threads, location matters when it comes to gender dynamics. It is true that many PUAs sound quite bitter/angry or have views of women that sound cynical, cold and calculating.

It is also true that most PUAs you know are also concentrated in just a few places. The vast majority of them are American, and they're concentrated in major cities like LA, NYC, Boston and Washington DC, with the occasional Londoner and Torontonian thrown in.

Their attitude is largely a reflection of their environment. You will find it harder to relate to if you come from an environment(i.e. Stockholm, Kiev, Minsk, Paris, Brazil, etc) where the dating market for men is much less dysfunctional and gender relations are healthier and radical, American-style feminism is not pervasive.

Gratifying to hear L.A. is in there, it's not just me... I think another part is the social atomization - plenty of guys get laid through their social circle, so game isn't as useful. If you don't have a circle though, you've got to chase. Maybe it's the same with girls - move to new city --> weak circle --> goes out more --> becomes bitchier, sluttier.

Just found out of the girls I knew from school, this one is moving to DC. I think she's got the DC look down. My heart goes out to y'all.

[Image: DCGirl.jpg]

Quote: (08-03-2011 06:45 PM)sylo Wrote:  

I was on this forum yesterday, and I followed a link to a guys blog similar to Roissy, and now I can not find it. Some memorable posts were "usuing real grammer when texting" and another one about "game for good looking men". I think his name is Mike, anyone know what the address is?? I would love to keep reading it.

One of the best player blog's you've never read!

From Crime and Federalsim:


Women largely derive their status (that is, power over other women) through selecting superior men....To gain control over other women, women thus select the best possible man.

From Roissy:


Reputation is the throne of the woman, but it is the grave of the man.


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