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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

I've stayed pretty quiet about posting my overall impressions on the Philippines on my blog, but I think I will be putting together a post on it relatively soon.

Many people raved about the Philippines on the internet and this forum. When I went there, I really wasn't impressed with the women. I did like how cheap it was there, and I thought that Filipinos were generally friendly. However, I wasn't a fan of people honking all the time in cars, the pollution and abundance of homeless people in Manila, the tasteless food (the cooking oil they use has a bad smell), and the jeepneys. I had a hard time breathing while riding in jeepneys, and to get somewhere took loads of time because they were always trying to get new customers. After a few rides in them, I started to pay for taxis since they weren't that expensive. I felt like a walking $$ sign a majority of the time while traveling in the Philippines because it felt like people always wanted my money.

What I did like were the beautiful beaches in Boracay. I really wouldn't go to the Philippines to pick up girls, and I would rather go there on a vacation with a regular. I found Filipino girls to be quite a disappointment compared to Northeast Asian women. Yes, I did see some decent girls in the Philippines. But, compared to Korea and Taiwan I saw much hotter girls. When I got back to Taiwan from the Philippines, I was actually happy to see the abundance of good looking girls. I felt that Filipino women were pretty short compared to Korean women, and they didn't have the style of Taiwanese and Japanese women. When I was in Cebu, I found myself sarging more Korean women than Filipino girls at the malls.

Does anyone else have similar impressions of the Philippines?

Currently traveling around Asia come join me on the LS Blog.

Bolo and Latinstylez's Adventures

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

100% Agree. I was expecting more from the Phillipines. From the reports on the forum, I thought I would just stay here my whole trip. While Manila-Boracay was a decent time, I had no interest in exploring further and moved on to Malaysia.

In 2 weeks, didn't see a single girl I was dying to approach. The girls I did meet had no sophistication or intrigue to them. Won't be back.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

It seems like the main advantages of the Phillipines are as follows:

1. Extremely low cost.
2. Ease of getting laid.
3. English speaking and somewhat Americanized (easier to adapt to).

I'd say you'd likely be right about Taiwan, Japan, Korea, etc. Girls in these places are likely more stylish and significantly taller.

The problem is these girls aren't quite as easy to get in bed, and their locales are far more expensive to live in, visit and sarge/date in. That and, to maximize your success in a place like Korea and Japan and have a shot at higher tier women there, you need to know the language.

The PI is just a ridiculous value. Keep in mind, Pinays are very cute. Sure, they don't have as many stunners as the Japanese and Koreans(or, arguably, even the Thais). They're not as stylish as northeast Asians either, I'll agree(probably has something to do with economics). They're also short (average height for females there is 4'11"). But the average pinay is still pretty cute: she lacks body fat, has a trim body, and has a pretty chill persona on top of being relatively more DTF earlier on than your average Korean/Japanese girl. There aren't many stunners, but there aren't so many trolls/land whales either. They seem to cluster right around 7(on a 10 scale). If you're like me and you actually don't mind and maybe slightly prefer short chicks* then its even better for you.

In short, you might not see as many 9's walking around as you'd like...but there is an abundance of cute, down to earth and down to **** 7s who are young (or very young looking/well kept even into older age), in good shape (tight, fairly toned bodes, some of the better asses in Asia) and remarkably open to dating foreigners (if you're a black American, it beats Korea by a million miles and is one of the most welcoming places in Asia for you to go). Maybe you aren't DYING to approach these girls, but you you'd probably consider them all solidly bangable...and you can have a veritable parade of them if you so chose. Combine this abundance with the prevalence of English (minimal adaptive effort required) and the absurdly low cost of living and you honestly have a pretty solid deal.

Not hard to justify going there repeatedly, I'd imagine.

*I'm not sure where my preference for relatively small girls came from. I'm of average US height(5'10"). Maybe its the East Indian ancestry from 3-4 generations back, I dunno, but Fillipinas' small stature is a plus for me.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Agree with Athlone

Plus there are more than 7,100 islands in the Phils. The pollution and agressive begging is only really a problem in Manila and Cebu.

I have been there 3 times in the last 12 month, have been to a dozen or so islands and still feel like I am scratching the surface.

For food. Either eat at western places like TGIs or bang a cute filipina who knows how to cook. The food my filipina gfs rustle up for me tastes great and filipinas love looking after their guys.

As for walking $ sign. Its a third world country. What do you expect?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

i haven't been to the Philippines but i saw quite a few chicks from there in the girlie bars in hong kong and wasn't particularly impressed by the quality

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-17-2011 09:56 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

While Manila-Boracay was a decent time, I had no interest in exploring further and moved on to Malaysia.

In 2 weeks, didn't see a single girl I was dying to approach. The girls I did meet had no sophistication or intrigue to them. Won't be back.

Hey Bigxxx,

I felt like I was approaching much less because of the lack of quality as well. What did you think of Malaysia?

Quote: (04-17-2011 11:18 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

It seems like the main advantages of the Phillipines are as follows:

1. Extremely low cost.
2. Ease of getting laid.
3. English speaking and somewhat Americanized (easier to adapt to).

I think you make a great point as to the main advantages of going to the Philippines. The low cost was one of the reasons I decided to go there in the first place. Being able to talk to people in English, is also an added plus.

When I am traveling to different countries, I like to go to places that have a high abundance of good looking women. While I am paying more for a higher standard cost of living by traveling to countries like: Taiwan, Japan, and S. Korea, I am more motivated to talk to the local women. I think you would agree that you wouldn't want to go back to a country with unattractive women right?

I know we all have our own opinions and many people do enjoy the Philippines. I am just not one of those people.

@ Lumiere
You're right I shouldn't be surprised that people view me as a $ sign because I am in the Philippines. I just felt that the culture was a bit more money oriented than other places I have traveled.

Currently traveling around Asia come join me on the LS Blog.

Bolo and Latinstylez's Adventures

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?


I think you would agree that you wouldn't want to go back to a country with unattractive women right?

Depends what the rest of the country is like, it can have ugly girls and still be an amazing place for history, culture, food, things to do etc.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-18-2011 08:19 AM)Gringo Wrote:  


I think you would agree that you wouldn't want to go back to a country with unattractive women right?

Depends what the rest of the country is like, it can have ugly girls and still be an amazing place for history, culture, food, things to do etc.

Good point, but I wouldn't want to stay there for too long heh... Or I may start developing a liking for the local women. Would that mean my taste in women would go down? Haha...

I know I wasn't too fond of Ecuadorian women, but I'd like to go back to check out the Galapagos one day...


Currently traveling around Asia come join me on the LS Blog.

Bolo and Latinstylez's Adventures

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-17-2011 01:09 PM)LatinStylez Wrote:  

people honking all the time in cars, the pollution

Coming from India, I was like wow the air is so much cleaner and the car honking is so much quieter. [Image: smile.gif] Everything is relative.

I agree filipinas are disappointing visually speaking. I think girls look better even in India.

To answer your question. I WILL be going back to Philippines -- hopefully next month. This time I plan to stay for four months.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-18-2011 07:54 AM)LatinStylez Wrote:  

I think you would agree that you wouldn't want to go back to a country with unattractive women right?

I guess its all relative. I personally still think Filipinas are pretty attractive. Again, not as many stunners as the Japanese and the Koreans, but still pretty cute. I personally like their body type, skin tone, don't mind the height, etc.
Then I add in all of the other values the Phillipines offers(cost, english, ease of getting laid, etc) and I come to conclusion that the benefits outweigh the costs. Its all about what you emphasize personally. I would never pick Korea over the PI, but that's because of reasoning that relates to my own personal factors and values.

This is just my own opinion, however. Like you, I would not want to go back to a country with unattractive women but the PI doesn't fit that bill for me personally.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-18-2011 04:01 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

For food. Either eat at western places like TGIs or bang a cute filipina who knows how to cook.

That was actually one of my ideas in TODO list as I plan to visit the Philippines this year - to get an apartment, and hire a lady to cook food for me. Has anyone done that?

Quote: (04-18-2011 07:54 AM)LatinStylez Wrote:  

I think you would agree that you wouldn't want to go back to a country with unattractive women right?

Well, some of us go back to the USA [Image: smile.gif]

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-18-2011 05:29 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Well, some of us go back to the USA [Image: smile.gif]


Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

I'm in Boracay right now and it's not bad. Manila is a dump, I got out after two days, but Boracay is really chill and the beaches are amazing. The nightlife is pumping right now because its Holy Week. Lots of hot Phil girls as well as tourist chicks from Taiwan, Japan, and S. Korea.

I think the big thing about the Phil that I like is that they speak English. I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes. I don't know, it seems like the Phil is more Americanized and I just feel more comfortable here talking to chicks. Today I was on the beach and two girls starting talking to me. I could have a normal conversation with them just as if they were from the US - I can't do that elsewhere in Asia because of the language/cultural barrier.

So yeah, I sorta like the Phil. It's not bad. Sure the food is awful but I just stick to western places or go to the all you can eat buffets they have in Boracay. The girls may not be as hot as elsewhere but there are a ton of above average looking girls along with some hot Asian tourists. So overall it's not bad. It's cheap too, though accommodation is more expensive than elsewhere in SE Asia.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?


I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes.

Maybe you should learn the local language then if it's such a big problem. People moaning about foreigners not speaking English when they've went to their country without bothering to learn the local language is retarded.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-19-2011 07:58 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes.

Dude, you went to their country and you're complaining they don't speak your (foreign) language good enough??? I can't fucking believe it! Entitlement phrases like that are the reason why Americans are considered arrogant jerks pretty much everywhere around the world. As a further example of hypocrisy, here in the USA they complain about "for English press one, for Spanish press two".

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

nomadicdude -

"I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes."

I have to agree with Gringo and Oldnemesis, that comment was a real foul ball.


1. Learn their language
2. Stay home

Comments and attitude like that give us American's a bad name.

"Sure the food is awful"

See here is another negative comment about the food.

I really have a hard time believing that a whole cultures cuisine is "awful", "terrible" and "horrible".

Can someone weigh in who likes the Fillipino culture? Lumiere?

And I will ask it again, has anyone actually tried their pig roasts and can say they are terrible?

Looks pretty grindy to me.

I really need to go to this spot and set the record straight.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Like I said.

You want to eat well in the Phils? Bang a local chick who seriously is in to you.

Pinays loooooooove looking after their man and if you meet the right girl and you treat them right they will treat you like a king.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-19-2011 06:15 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Like I said.

You want to eat well in the Phils? Bang a local chick who seriously is in to you.

Pinays loooooooove looking after their man and if you meet the right girl and you treat them right they will treat you like a king.

Got you.

So the food is good.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-19-2011 04:57 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-19-2011 07:58 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes.

Dude, you went to their country and you're complaining they don't speak your (foreign) language good enough??? I can't fucking believe it! Entitlement phrases like that are the reason why Americans are considered arrogant jerks pretty much everywhere around the world. As a further example of hypocrisy, here in the USA they complain about "for English press one, for Spanish press two".

What I meant is that it's sorta messed up when guys go to these countries and "date" Asian women who don't really even speak English. I mean let's face it, they are just doing it for the pussy. I'm just saying that I can't do that. I can't put up with it just for the pussy.

I didn't mean that these chicks should learn better English. I don't give a fuck if they speak English in general, but when it comes to supposed "dating" then I think it's just fucking retarded what foreign guys do in these Asian countries. At least in the Philippines guys can have a real relationship with a girl because she speaks decent English.

I hate fucking retarded Americans and I don't consider myself one.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-19-2011 07:02 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Got you.

So the food is good.

Street food = bad (way better in thailand)

Availability of western food = easy. Easy in Kenny Rodgers' or TGIs or Pizza Hut if you like.

Local Food = Good if you know a good cook or a good restuarant. Kaldereta, Adobo, Crispy Pata and Lechon are tasty as hell.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Who wants to go to Philippenes and even see a TGI or Pizza Hut though let alone eat in one?

Never tried the pig roasts there but have in other Asian countries like Indonesia and they were delicious. A whole BBQ roasted pig...what could be bad? [Image: biggrin.gif]


What I meant is that it's sorta messed up when guys go to these countries and "date" Asian women who don't really even speak English. I mean let's face it, they are just doing it for the pussy. I'm just saying that I can't do that. I can't put up with it just for the pussy.

Pretty much the only reason the majority of this board seem to travel is for pussy, most peoples lives appear to revolve around getting pussy. Personally I'd fuck a girl whether her English was good or not, makes little difference to me.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-20-2011 08:55 AM)Gringo Wrote:  

Who wants to go to Philippenes and even see a TGI or Pizza Hut though let alone eat in one?

Not me.

Never ate in a TGIs in my life in any country and if I want a pizza in Phils I will go to Yellow Cab pizza (a filipino pizza chain) because it tastes better to me than pizza hut.

Just puzzles me that people bitch and whine about food in the Phils though when they have the option of eating the same crap there that they eat back home.

If you dont the local food, dont eat it.

Its not like you dont have a choice when the place is liberally dotted with all the same western food joints you find in europe and n. america.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

I am finally getting it.

It seems that the people that say Fillipino food is "awful", "terrible" and "horrible" are eating at the super bargain basement street food joints. Which I understand are not nearly as good as the Thai street food joints. Fair enough.

Also, it seems that they are not really exploring things that the culture is famous for ie pig roasts.

Or eating at the finer restaurants or in people's houses.

So basically, they are just scratching the surface.

I knew I would get to the bottom of this one.

Either way, I am going to find out for myself soon enough.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

So does the pussy taste good there haha.

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-18-2011 05:29 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2011 07:54 AM)LatinStylez Wrote:  

I think you would agree that you wouldn't want to go back to a country with unattractive women right?

Well, some of us go back to the USA [Image: smile.gif]

I can't believe what you guys are saying about the U.S. I have seen some very attractive women in the U.S. It really depends on where in the U.S you go. For instance, I had never seen so many attractive women in my life when I was in Miami and then when I went to Boston, I was taken down a huge notch.

But I think the U.S has a look for everyone (it is a land of immigrants after all) whereas other countries tend to largely have one type of woman..



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