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Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:28 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This is the most red-pill place on the internet. If the blacks here can't accept the truth about their culture, then there is not a bit of a hope for Black America.

This sort of argument would be more convincing if it didn't equate black with ghetto. Why is ghetto culture anymore my culture than trailer trash meth culture is your culture?

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

I think we've established that a large percentage of the black population is well known for criminal activity and they have cultivated a bad reputation.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:36 PM)j r Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:28 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This is the most red-pill place on the internet. If the blacks here can't accept the truth about their culture, then there is not a bit of a hope for Black America.

This sort of argument would be more convincing if it didn't equate black with ghetto. Why is ghetto culture anymore my culture than trailer trash meth culture is your culture?

When did I equate black with ghetto?

But you're right, people DO equate black with ghetto. And do you know why so many black ghetto's exist? Because 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:40 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I think we've established that a large percentage of the black population is well known for criminal activity and they have cultivated a bad reputation.

All races commit crime, depending on their circumstances.

White collar crimes, banking schemes, morgage fraud, etc. are crimes committed mostly by Whites.

Street crime is more Black.

Russia is whiter then America yet more corrupt.

We are all criminals.

I think circumstances determine our crimes more so then our race.

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:41 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

why so many black ghetto's exist? Because 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock

A ghetto is a ghetto if the kids have parents or if the kids don't have parents.

If every kid in the ghetto had a mother and a father, it would still be a ghetto.

It would be a safer ghetto, but, it would still be a ghetto.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

I think guys have got to be careful about making the "red-pill" synonymous with an ideological laundry list or party-line that everyone's got to agree with. First to be red-pill you had to acknowledge female nature. Then you had to have a certain view of cultural issues and politics. Then you have to take a certain perspective on race, etc.

I agree with O'Reilly, Sotomayor, and others here about black culture in America, but there should be room for disagreement.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

edit. fuck. see above.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:50 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

I think guys have got to be careful about making the "red-pill" synonymous with an ideological laundry list or party-line that everyone's got to agree with. First to be red-pill you had to acknowledge female nature. Then you had to have a certain view of cultural issues and politics. Then you have to take a certain perspective on race, etc.

I agree with O'Reilly, Sotomayor, and others here about black culture in America, but there should be room for disagreement.

Red pill means, to me, of not being shy to the truth. When you've got official data that shows thousands of black youths murdered each year, and even more being incarcerated, then it's time to stop living in denial.

There are problems MUCH MUCH deeper than mere bigotry or racism.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 03:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:50 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

I think guys have got to be careful about making the "red-pill" synonymous with an ideological laundry list or party-line that everyone's got to agree with. First to be red-pill you had to acknowledge female nature. Then you had to have a certain view of cultural issues and politics. Then you have to take a certain perspective on race, etc.

I agree with O'Reilly, Sotomayor, and others here about black culture in America, but there should be room for disagreement.

Red pill means, to me, of not being shy to the truth. When you've got official data that shows thousands of black youths murdered each year, and even more being incarcerated, then it's time to stop living in denial.

There are problems MUCH MUCH deeper than mere bigotry or racism.

Your truth is highly selective and ignores lots of relevant factors. For instance, the out of wedlock thing matters, but not as much as you think. My parents were not married. I've got a masters degree from a well-known school and a job at a fairly prestigious institution. I'm as bougie as they come. Meanwhile, I have two cousins whose parents were married and together until the day that my uncle died. Both of those cousins are ghetto as fuck.

There 40 million black people in this country and you want to wrap us all up in your stereotypical view. That's fine, but my reality trumps your stereotypes. That's red pill.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:35 PM)LoveBug Wrote:  

While I don't necessarily agree with all of his politics Bill O'Reilly puts on an entertaining show, he is a lot more charismatic/engaging than some of his liberal MNBC counterparts like the slurring speech Matthews guy

I usually really dislike Bill, I even made a whole thread about him. However, in this circumstance, he was absolutely correct. I just don't know how the rest of America doesn't see it, or doesn't wanna believe it. Thank God it hasn't really made the news over here in the same way, as my facebook would be full of social campaigners on TM's behalf.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 03:21 PM)j r Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 03:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:50 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

I think guys have got to be careful about making the "red-pill" synonymous with an ideological laundry list or party-line that everyone's got to agree with. First to be red-pill you had to acknowledge female nature. Then you had to have a certain view of cultural issues and politics. Then you have to take a certain perspective on race, etc.

I agree with O'Reilly, Sotomayor, and others here about black culture in America, but there should be room for disagreement.

Red pill means, to me, of not being shy to the truth. When you've got official data that shows thousands of black youths murdered each year, and even more being incarcerated, then it's time to stop living in denial.

There are problems MUCH MUCH deeper than mere bigotry or racism.

Your truth is highly selective and ignores lots of relevant factors. For instance, the out of wedlock thing matters, but not as much as you think. My parents were not married. I've got a masters degree from a well-known school and a job at a fairly prestigious institution. I'm as bougie as they come. Meanwhile, I have two cousins whose parents were married and together until the day that my uncle died. Both of those cousins are ghetto as fuck.

There 40 million black people in this country and you want to wrap us all up in your stereotypical view. That's fine, but my reality trumps your stereotypes. That's red pill.

J r,

How exactly does "your" reality trump Sam's stereotypes, I mean factual statistics.

You're using two examples, one you and the other your cousins and then drawing conclusions based on 40 million people and saying that proves children being born out of wedlock isn't an issue?

Meanwhile the prison poplulation is about 50-60% black last time I looked while the black population is about 12-13% of the total population here.

The absence of a father figure is a noted detail in criminal behavior of all races.

to quote O'reilly, "wise up"

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 04:11 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 03:21 PM)j r Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 03:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:50 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

I think guys have got to be careful about making the "red-pill" synonymous with an ideological laundry list or party-line that everyone's got to agree with. First to be red-pill you had to acknowledge female nature. Then you had to have a certain view of cultural issues and politics. Then you have to take a certain perspective on race, etc.

I agree with O'Reilly, Sotomayor, and others here about black culture in America, but there should be room for disagreement.

Red pill means, to me, of not being shy to the truth. When you've got official data that shows thousands of black youths murdered each year, and even more being incarcerated, then it's time to stop living in denial.

There are problems MUCH MUCH deeper than mere bigotry or racism.

Your truth is highly selective and ignores lots of relevant factors. For instance, the out of wedlock thing matters, but not as much as you think. My parents were not married. I've got a masters degree from a well-known school and a job at a fairly prestigious institution. I'm as bougie as they come. Meanwhile, I have two cousins whose parents were married and together until the day that my uncle died. Both of those cousins are ghetto as fuck.

There 40 million black people in this country and you want to wrap us all up in your stereotypical view. That's fine, but my reality trumps your stereotypes. That's red pill.

J r,

How exactly does "your" reality trump Sam's stereotypes, I mean factual statistics.

You're using two examples, one you and the other your cousins and then drawing conclusions based on 40 million people and saying that proves children being born out of wedlock isn't an issue?

Meanwhile the prison poplulation is about 50-60% black last time I looked while the black population is about 12-13% of the total population here.

The absence of a father figure is a noted detail in criminal behavior of all races.

to quote O'reilly, "wise up"

99% of the people in jail for rape are men. I guess you should wise up and see the patriarchy and the rape culture.

You guys want to pick and choose which generalizations you accept and which you reject based in which ones accord to your preexisting stereotypes. That's fine. Just don't expect me to take it seriously.

And I never said that out of wedlock births isn't an issue. I said that Samseu was inflating its importance and minimizing downplaying the importance of other factors.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

jr, I think your defensiveness is unwarranted. Nobody is saying "all blacks" and nobody is expecting you or any of the other black guys here to take responsibility for the issues facing the black community (really, the lower class black community, to be specific).

I think some of us view this sort of denial of the issues and some of their root causes by educated black guys who have seen past the BS when it comes to feminism as a bit surprising. And frankly, to Samseau's point, if the black guys at RVF, of all the black people out there, can't see it, there doesn't seem to be much hope that things will change for the black community in general (again, lower class black community in particular; middle/upper class blacks are doing just fine on average).

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

When you read some feminist or PC multiculturalist writing about the evils of the white man, how seriously do you take it?

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

This thread is starting to sound like the threads where white guys go to certain places and assume that black men won't pull no women. How would you know this if you are not black and you have never experienced what is like to live like a black man?

If you guys think that Zimmerman would shoot Trayvon if Trayvon was white, then you must be kidding yourself.

Racial profiling video..I am sure EVERY SINGLE black cat on this forum has experienced a similar situation (while doing nothing wrong)

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 04:58 PM)pitt Wrote:  

This thread is starting to sound like the threads where white guys go to certain places and assume that black men won't pull no women. How would you know this if you are not black and you have never experienced what is like to live like a black man?

If you guys think that Zimmerman would shoot Trayvon if Trayvon was white, then you must be kidding yourself.

You know this because you are white?

I am sure Zimmerman would let a guy pound his head into concrete just because he is white. That racist asshole.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:02 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 04:58 PM)pitt Wrote:  

This thread is starting to sound like the threads where white guys go to certain places and assume that black men won't pull no women. How would you know this if you are not black and you have never experienced what is like to live like a black man?

If you guys think that Zimmerman would shoot Trayvon if Trayvon was white, then you must be kidding yourself.

You know this because you are white?

No, simply because white people are treated better than blacks in general.
Look at the racial profiling video, this is the evidence for my argument.

Do you disagree?

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:28 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:02 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 04:58 PM)pitt Wrote:  

This thread is starting to sound like the threads where white guys go to certain places and assume that black men won't pull no women. How would you know this if you are not black and you have never experienced what is like to live like a black man?

If you guys think that Zimmerman would shoot Trayvon if Trayvon was white, then you must be kidding yourself.

You know this because you are white?

No, simply because white people are treated better than blacks in general.
Look at the racial profiling video, this is the evidence for my argument.

Do you disagree?

Yes, like I said, Zimmerman would probably let a white guy pound his head in the concrete. It's not fair he wouldn't let a black guy do the same.

Hey man, I am just enjoying the hypocrisy here.

You say white people couldn't know what blacks deal with but start talking as if you know what white people would or wouldn't do.

Please continue...

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Lets rewind this:

Do you think that Zimmerman would follow Trayvon if Trayvon was white?

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:40 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Lets rewind this:

Do you think that Zimmerman would follow Trayvon if Trayvon was white?

Did Zimmerman know TM was black when he first started following him?

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:40 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:40 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Lets rewind this:

Do you think that Zimmerman would follow Trayvon if Trayvon was white?

Did Zimmerman know TM was black when he first started following him?

Of course he did. Zimmerman is not daltonic.

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 04:58 PM)pitt Wrote:  

If you guys think that Zimmerman would shoot Trayvon if Trayvon was white, then you must be kidding yourself.

No. You might be able to argue that he first found him suspicious (partly) because he was black, but those or two separate issues. But he shot the kid not because he was black but because Trayvon was attacking him. Very different.

You don't want to believe he really did attack - fine. But without any more facts that's nothing more than mental masturbation, so I don't really see the point of using that argument here. We only have the information that is available.

In any event, I think Zimmerman would have been suspicious of anyone walking through the neighborhood in the manner that Trayvon was, but of course that's just my opinion. At the end of the day, unless you have info the rest of us don't have, suspicion still does not warrant an attack, whether that suspicion was acceptable or not.

Anyhow, here's a question for you based on your video. The black ladies also failed to call out the white guy and said something about how they didn't expect to see a white guy with burglary tools. Which brings the question to mind - what if a black man had "racially profiled" Trayvon that night and got attacked and then killed him in defense?

Would blacks be demanding justice and threatening a civil rights suit then? Would they be calling for blood and threatening family members?

If the answer is no, then why do it in the case of a Hispanic? If racial profiling is real - and in this case, I insist it was at least somewhat warranted given the racial profile of the burglars targeting that neighborhood - then isn't it the entire society's problem? Why should one man be punished for jumping to a conclusion even black people themselves would have jumped to? If black people hold the same prejudices, aren't they just as responsible? And isn't it then a bit hypocritical to call foul?

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:56 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:40 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:40 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Lets rewind this:

Do you think that Zimmerman would follow Trayvon if Trayvon was white?

Did Zimmerman know TM was black when he first started following him?

Of course he did. Zimmerman is not daltonic.

So he saw through his hoody at night while it was raining. Sort of like superman, eh?

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 04:11 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Meanwhile the prison poplulation is about 50-60% black last time I looked while the black population is about 12-13% of the total population here.

Most of the prisoners are there for drugs.

There is a so called "War on Drugs".

If there was a "War Against White Collar Crime". More White people would go to jail.

Law enforcement focus its attention more in some places and less in others.

That said, I will admit that American Blacks are statistically more prone to commit crime, but I think its because of the situation they were born into, not because of their biology.

If me and you were in their shoes -- we would statistically have a much, much higher chance of committing crime.

Roosh just did a blog post about The Vikings. Only a few hundred years ago, White people were very violent and "uncivilized".

Here is a quote:

"Scandinavians used to have a principal profession of killing, robbing, and kidnapping. This wasn’t just a few bad apples in Scandinavian society but a cultural norm where the word “viking” was a verb that meant the invasion of other lands. They robbed and murdered with impunity, even on each other"

Scandinavia was murderous. They evolved over time.

I think races and cultures evolve due to their circumstances.

I think a lot of people are mislead by that prison statistic.

I'm reminded of the Mark Twain quote:

"There are 3 kinds of lies.. Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 06:07 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

That said, I will admit that American Blacks are statistically more prone to commit crime, but I think its because of the situation they were born into, not because of their biology.

If me and you were in their shoes we would statistically, have a much, much higher chance of committing crime.

Roosh just did a blog post about The Vikings. Only a few hundred years ago, White people were very violent and "uncivilized".

Here is a quote:

"Scandinavians used to have a principal profession of killing, robbing, and kidnapping. This wasn’t just a few bad apples in Scandinavian society but a cultural norm where the word “viking” was a verb that meant the invasion of other lands. They robbed and murdered with impunity, even on each other"

Scandinavia was murderous. They evolved over time.

I think races and cultures evolve due to their circumstances.

This seems irrelevant.

I don't think Fisto is arguing that blacks are genetically predisposed to crime.

He's simply asserting that blacks in modern America are known to commit more crime, as the statistics show; thus men like Zimmerman are naturally going to be more suspicious of them. And that we shouldn't fault them for it, especially when the neighborhood in question is particularly targeted by black criminals.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 06:10 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

I don't think Fisto is arguing that blacks are genetically predisposed to crime.


I don't think Fisto was saying that.

I just wanted to say something about that prison statistic.

Quote: (07-26-2013 06:10 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

This seems irrelevant.

It may be irrelevant, but do you think its accurate?

Were Scandinavians murderers who became peaceful?

Quote: (07-26-2013 06:10 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

He's simply asserting that if blacks currently are known to commit more crime then men like Zimmerman are naturally going to be more suspicious of them. And that we shouldn't fault them for it, especially when their neighborhoods are particularly targeted by black criminals.

I agree with this.

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