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Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Feminist social engineering

Male representatives from the Sormland County Council in Sweden and the Left Party are actively campaigning for “sitting only” public restrooms.

These socialist and feminist political groups are aiming to make restrooms more sanitary, and we all know how easy it is for men tend to miss their target when they pee standing up.

The groups are also stressing how peeing sitting down empties the bladder more effectively and can therefore improve a man’s erectile health and sex life.

University of Louisville professor John Gamel doesn’t believe that seated urination laws will necessarily make male restrooms any more sanitary than they already are. Gamel spoke to The Huffington Post about how even after peeing sitting down, no man will want to shake himself off by sticking his hand between his legs and into a toilet.

He’ll get up, shake himself off and the inevitable sprinkle will find its way to the seat.

Feminists in various areas of Europe have actually begun carrying signs saying “Drop your trousers and sit” with a picture of a man peeing standing up covered by a big red “X.”

Some women have even posted fliers in public restrooms saying “Not another filthy puddle on MY bathroom floor!”

Though this outrageous law would only first be enacted in Sweden, The Naked Scientist reports that a similar initiative is also being pushed by activist organizations in Germany, France and Holland.

Via Inquisitr


University of Arizona researchers
public restrooms are breeding places for disease-causing bacteria.

"Every time you go to the bathroom you're playing Russian Roulette," said Chuck Gerba, a professor of soil and water science. Gerba and his assistant, microbiology and immunology graduate student Denise Kennedy, are the first people to study public restro oms so thoroughly.

And what they found might surprise you.

While men's restrooms smell worse and contain more litter than women's restrooms, women's restrooms actually contain more fecal bacteria than men's. Fecal bacteria, found in the intestinal tract, are an indicator of the potential presence of other disease -causing organisms that shed from the intestinal tract.[/b]

Kennedy discovered a two-to-one ratio between the bacteria in women's and men's bathrooms, which means there are more bacteria in women's bathrooms to cause sickness.

"I didn't expect women's restrooms to be so much higher in bacteria than men's," Kennedy said.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Would urinals be illegal in men's bathrooms then?

Also, why are women complaining about pee puddles in public bathrooms? Are unisex bathrooms common in Northern Europe?

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

2 things come to mind.

1) Dammit wouldn't that make it more likely to catch diseases? I dunno, just prefer to shoot from a distance.
2) I would just piss in the toilet while standing up, like I do at home. LOL. Big fail. Unless I get a ticket for doing that.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Headline: "Eurozone unemployment falls due to new high-paying "Bathroom Monitor" positions."

Just like how feminists protest by going topless, men will protest this law by pissing everywhere...standing up.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

How would that be enforced, and who would even pay attention? You know, sometimes I can't even take these stories that seriously, because it's almost like we're being not-so-subtley-trolled by liberal groups.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

I hope they do so I can pee all over the bathroom STANDING UP I up I might add.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Pissing on the seat will become an act of rebellion

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

So they're going to make men piss while sitting down when they're in a public bathroom? The question then becomes: Why use a public bathroom when there are tree toilets everywhere that don't bitch about you standing up to piss on them?

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

If you listen to most janitors out there, female washrooms are much more dirty on average vs. men's washrooms.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Quote: (06-14-2013 04:37 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

If you listen to most janitors out there, female washrooms are much more dirty on average vs. men's washrooms.

I worked at a gas station-mini mart after school when I was in high school. When you had bathroom cleaning duty it was a given the women's would be far more disgusting.

Sure dudes had piss puddles around the urinals, but you can just mop that up with bleach and other cleaning products. The all toilets women's rooms required hand cleaning. It was sick. And those little pails for used tampons are beyond horrific. The sight of blood doesn't bother me, but the mix of dried, fresh blood with the stench was enough to lose your lunch.

Another thing I noticed, women have a bad habit of just leaving soiled panties behind. Didn't even have the courtesy to throw them in the trash. And I knew these weren't the sized panties that a hot chick would wear.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

I was staying at an airbnb room last month here in Germany and the host, a 25 year old female art student, actually had the gall to ask me to pee sitting down.

I asked her what her actual problem was. She said there were some droplets on the rim. I said, "I'll clean those, is there anything else?" She mumbled "no that's it."

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

This probably has as much to do with Islam as with feminism.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Girls tell me all the time how women's bathrooms are disgusting. I've brought girls in the men's room many a time and they always say wow this is cleaner then the women's room!

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Both are bound to be disgusting, humans are fucking horrible animals.

I work in an investment bank and you won't believe the toilet etiquette of men in their 40s and 50s working there. Bogies and snot on the doors and walls, the porcelain painted brown, shitty tissues lying on the floor, piss all over the seat.

I rarely use public toilets unless I really, really have to go.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

This just proves that women love/must complain about something anything, even if that something that doesn't effect them at all.

[Image: attachment.jpg12678]   

Girls should be an ornament to the eye, not an ache in the ear.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

I rarely use public restrooms because the outdoors are much cleaner. I thought that's what all smart men do?

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Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

I piss outside, have pretty much every day of my life. I think most bathrooms are gross.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

I know a lot of people on this site like to worry about some silly things as long as it pertains feminists and men but this is just beyond silly, it's ridiculous.

Does anyone really think that even if a feminist organization tried to go ahead with this the men of Europe would just say, "you know, they're right, let's start peeing sitting down, and let's pass this law because it totally makes sense".

It's just so ridiculous that I can't understand why so many of you are even getting upset about this or taking it seriously.

Just for the sake of discussion, let's pretend that this is not silly and deserves a more thorough analyses:

The EU's population is more than 500 million people, and that's not counting with the rest of Europe, which is around 740 million, so

1 - Just because something might happen in Sweden it certainly doesn't mean it would happen to the rest of Europe

2 - Even though it certainly carries more weight, just because something might happen in France, German and Holland it certainly doesn't mean it would happen to the rest of Europe

3 - A 30 sec google search shows these articles came out in June of 2012 *edit*, so we've been "on the verge" for awhile now, a year to be more precise

4 - The Naked Scientist's article which the previous articles quote and are based upon is from May of 2009, so 4 years ago; we've been "on the verge" for quite sometime apparently, and even though it mentions France, Germany and Holland it doesn't even mention Sweden.

Anyway, there are more important things to worry about for sure.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

You're obviously not in Europe. I've been in apartments with all or mostly guys, and seen signs saying "Men, please sit down. Its for the ladies and everyone's hygiene" in German.

They'll make me sit down to pee when they break both my legs but the sentiment is not uncommon here. Don't underestimate the common simp.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Quote: (06-14-2013 07:42 PM)augen sehen Wrote:  

You're obviously not in Europe. I've been in apartments with all or mostly guys, and seen signs saying "Men, please sit down. Its for the ladies and everyone's hygiene" in German.

They'll make me sit down to pee when they break both my legs but the sentiment is not uncommon here. Don't underestimate the common simp.'s a girls apartment or what? I don't get it.Why would someone put that sign up in an apartment?

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Quote: (06-14-2013 07:42 PM)augen sehen Wrote:  

You're obviously not in Europe. I've been in apartments with all or mostly guys, and seen signs saying "Men, please sit down. Its for the ladies and everyone's hygiene" in German.

They'll make me sit down to pee when they break both my legs but the sentiment is not uncommon here. Don't underestimate the common simp.

Now I'm not, I've been living in the US for the past 3 years but I'm European and I've never seen any signs like that ever, are you telling me things have changed this much in 3 years?

And what kind of apartments were these, you mean you've had male roommates that have written or gotten signs like those and put them in the bathroom?

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Let's not react to the shittest.

Agree and Amplfy: This is a good idea. Also men's suicide rates are higher than women's. If women live longer they're going to incur more healtcare expenses. Therefore the state should institute a monthly female suicide quota.

Ignore it. This is unenforceable. Are they gonna have monitors in there and stalls made of glass turning each bathroom into a Panopticon? Didn't think so.

Reframe: Tell a feminist that this law will make it illegal for her to piss with her dick as well.

Seriously the more I hear these absurd feminist stories the more I think Henry Makow is right...

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

"The average male can eat praline-walnut ice cream off the bathroom floor."

Paulie Walnuts

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Quote: (06-14-2013 08:17 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:'s a girls apartment or what? I don't get it.Why would someone put that sign up in an apartment?

It was in the toilet, in a men's apartment. I thought of taking a picture but I was a little drunk since it was a house party so I didn't.

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