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LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 07:50 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Ultra-late is not necessary, but 3:30am closing is more reasonable. For a city of LA's stature, 4 or 5 at the least. It says quite a lot when DC's nightlife is better than LA's.

The fact that DC's closing time is later should tell you that it's not a good metric for measuring the quality of the nightlife.

[Image: attachment.jpg10011]   

[Image: attachment.jpg10012]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

This is the problem with the partiers mentality. The fact that you can drink till later--with a bunch of dudes, or couples, or even chicks--doesn't necessarily mean that it's easier to get laid there. Chicks don't only exist after the sun goes down, or in bars.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 07:42 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2013 07:30 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I completely agree with G on the last call policy. It's the dumbest thing ever. Quite a tragedy when you think about it.

While I agree that 1:30a is early, I don't think you should be having to work a battle of attrition in the bars till 5:30a to get laid. That getting-started-ultra-late-thing is way over-rated. You wake up late the next day, or have bloodshot eyes for your approaches. I've been to cities where I'm fucking yawning at the venue because "things don't get started till 3:30a," and it's "only" 3:45a. I like pussy, but I have other things to do the next day. It shouldn't disrupt my life this much. This philosophy encourages the "weekend warrior" philosophy, rather than gaming throughout the week.

Go to bar, pull before last call. It's no big deal. Alternatively, work day game, take your chicks to the bar for a couple of rounds, and then hit one of your apartments. I don't see a qualitative difference exclusively on time.

No one is twisting your arm and forcing you to stay out till 5:30 am.

You have free will to go home at 1:30am anytime you want.

Like Vicious said, he gets it done by 2am in NYC. But I am sure he likes having the option of staying out later if he needs to.

Would you rather have less time or more time to accomplish a goal?


Go to bar, pull before last call. It's no big deal.

And if you don't?

You take a huge loss on the night.

You really wouldn't want to be able to get at least one more cocktail at 1:31am and see a place packed with hot girls in high heels and skirts?

Or would you really rather just get a taco with extra guac on the way home to your apartment?

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

I'm an LA native, currently living here with no plans to leave and there are two big advantages to LA: one is the weather. You can be outside comfortably 350 days of the year here. New York can't say that.

Two is the fact that there are a lot of girls here to do Hollywood shit that doesn't include acting. My last bang was a girl here from some flyover state doing some editing shit living in a crappy part of town not too far away from the decent part of town i live in that i met randomly at a bar. My value is instantly higher to a girl that doesn't have deep roots here. Two of my friends are banging girls right now with the same story - coincidence?

Yes, night game is hard here because of the lack of a central hub of the city and the 2AM bar limitation. Social circle game is big here, because house parties and kickbacks are a HUGE part of so cal social life. So if you're a stranger or a doofus socially, you're at a disadvantage.

That said, LA definitely has a bar culture - especially since the explosion of the gastropub thing here a few years ago. There is always some bar of the moment that is hip and has it going on with the girls. I was at this place called Harvard & Stone last weekend, and it was like a bordello. People making out everywhere and getting trashed. It was fun.

LA also draws tons of tourists, which is another category of girls you can game on. I do it at the Santa Monica third street promenade, or as I call it, the third world promenade, because of all the tourists.

You could do a hell of a lot worse than LA as far as finding girls to bang.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

In a place with early last call, like Baltimore, it absolutely blows that by 1am you have to start wrapping it up at the point that girls just begin to get tipsy and your game is warmed up. Yeah, you could go out earlier at 9 or 10pm, but ONS generally happen from interaction that go well past midnight.

The two cities I've been to with early last calls (Baltimore and Toronto) have a challenging environment for getting ONS, which typically take 2-5 hours to execute unless you're in a place like Iceland. If you're just getting numbers, it doesn't matter, but when you're going for the home run, you need extra innings.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 07:59 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

You really wouldn't want to be able to get at least one more cocktail at 1:31am and see a place packed with hot girls in high heels and skirts?

The game clock is the same for everyone; all that closing time does is sound the horn. I'd much rather know that I don't have to try to outlast all the other crabs in the bucket until 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning. That's like having a boxing match with no rounds. I might win, but I have to fight to the finish. I'd rather have things called and a winner declared. If I lost, I can have another fight tomorrow, because I didn't wear myself out in the one fight.

Quote: (02-14-2013 07:59 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Or would you rather just get a taco with extra guac on the way home to your apartment?

Would much rather get my taco-truck burrito on the early side and do some approaches at the bookstore or the beach the next day than wait till 4:30a, and still get nothing, but then have all of my morning hours burnt on catching up on sleep.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Los Angeles at 1:31am:

[Image: Tacoselbroncotruck.jpg]

NYC at 1:31 am:

[Image: 6a00e54ef9f45688330120a568039c970b-800wi]

The choice is yours.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

I'm sympathetic to Tuth's viewpoint, since staying out late does fuck up the next day, but if you're going to go out at night, you want to do so in an environment where you can pull a chick back. If you're going out and already know you're not getting more than a number or kiss, why bother... day game is better. If it wasn't for the chance of a ONS, clubbing would be pointless to me.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

New York at 3:30a:

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 08:10 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

New York at 3:30a:

Los Angeles at 3:30 am ON A FRIDAY:

[Image: dark_street.jpg]

NYC at 3:30am ON A MONDAY:

[Image: 3782121952_8403272c2e.jpg]

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Tuthmosis and BasilRansom the Next Morning:

[Image: attachment.jpg10013]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

The Long Ride Home After a NYC Night:

The End of the Night in LA, 12 Months Out of the Year:

[Image: attachment.jpg10015]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA at 11:30pm

[Image: mystery03.jpg]

NY at 11:30pm

[Image: sleeping-on-couch.jpg]

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA at 3:30a:

[Image: attachment.jpg10016]   

NY at 3:30a:

[Image: attachment.jpg10017]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Los Angeles at 1:35am after everyone get's timed out at the bar on a Saturday Night:

[Image: car_traffic_la.jpg]

NYC at 2:30 am because you had a little more time to spit Game at the Model Girl on a Monday Night:

[Image: bed,black,,,white,girl-360532060bc39766c...5af7_h.jpg]

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 08:30 PM)PartyonBro Wrote:  

LA at 11:30pm

[Image: mystery03.jpg]

Hah! This pic will live on in infamy forever. Perfectly encapsulates the cultural low point of the "PUA" scene. I'm guessing that was taken around 2006 or so..

BTW, anyone know who that dweeb is in the white pants? Whenever I see this pic I wanna slap that faux-cocky expression off his face.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA in February:

[Image: attachment.jpg10018]   

NY in February:

[Image: attachment.jpg10019]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?


Sharkeez is awful.

Anything spelled "Sharkeez" of course is.

That is also probably summer. LA has a low of 50 degrees right now. Those girls would have on their UGG Boots and Jeans.

NYC at 2:15am on a Tuesday Night:

[Image: trivia-goodfellascopa-590x350.jpg]

Los Angeles at 2:15am on a Friday Night after getting timed out at Sharkeez:

[Image: neil_strauss_style_mystery_papa.jpg]

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

The Ride Home in NY:

[Image: attachment.jpg10020]   

The Ride Home in LA:

[Image: attachment.jpg10021]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

The Bill in Manhattan:

[Image: attachment.jpg10024]   

The Bill in Los Angeles:

[Image: attachment.jpg10023]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Sound That Keeps Waking You Up in LA:

[Image: attachment.jpg10026]   

Sound That Keeps Waking You Up in NY:

[Image: attachment.jpg10025]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

This thread is getting hung up on a marginal thread. I'm completely on Tuthmosis' side. Part of it is that most girls feel like a whore if they leave the bar early just to go home with you. I know I spelled it out somewhere, but girls 18-25 *do not* go out to get laid. They go out to have fun. Unless they're chubbies or nymphos, they go home with you usually only when all other after-party options are exhausted. Also, I don't feel like I have much of a chance if it's 12:45AM already, even though I technically have 45 minutes left. I know, that might shift if bars will open til 4. But I think Tuth's analogy of a boxing round is perfect - better they decide it early than late.

That aside...

Manhattan vs the other Boroughs & LA: LA may be just as bad in this department. Outside of the city (eg north of Bel Air, South of LAX, east of Downtown) your prospects start to decline dramatically, even though there are millions more people living in those outlying areas. Admittedly, I'm biased by my experience, but I rarely hear about people raving about anything beyond Pasadena. The Beach Cities have received very mixed reviews.

Attractiveness of the girls: Let's get one thing straight - we're here to fuck, not to ogle. We're not here to get pictures of us with hot girls so we can post them on facebook the next day and make our friends think we fucked them. The allure of 9s will wear off pretty quick when you can't touch them. Generally more 9s means it's easier to bang more attractive girls. But if the choice comes down to a city full of 8s that you can bang and a city full of 9s that you can't, guess which one wins hands down... I'm not saying that LA is one and NYC is the other - I don't know that it is. But it's what you can bang that matters.

Culture: This is pretty amorphous but... it seems like LA has the trashier version of everything New York has. New York has models and fashion shows, LA has... high end denim and Dov Charney. New York has Broadway, LA has... Hollywood. NY has top shelf restaurants, LA has... food trucks. NY has Central Park, LA has... Echo Park. NY has Ricans, LA has Mestizas.

NY has:

[Image: 09_American_psycho.jpg]

LA has:

[Image: Lessthan01st1.png]

One of the biggest factors in macking girls is how provincial the girls are, and how tight their local network is. The less provincial they are, the fewer people they're still hanging out with from college and high school, the easier it is to mack. I went to a shitty house party in OC recently, and most of the people knew each other from god damn high school. There was also a solid 8.5-9, blonde, thin, tall, dating a fairly average dude. This sort of thing happens when social circles are the main barrier to entry. NY will have the edge here, provided the girl is not some NY JAP or something.

"I think any time we say "Day Game" is vital to the success in a place is just code talk for the nightlife in that city sucks beyond belief."



I think the panning of Mexican girls is going a bit overboard. I wouldn't say their general attractiveness level is below average. Yes it will be if you are in the poor parts of east LA. But the ones who mingle in Hollywood or the West Side are no more likely to be unattractive than any other type of woman. Go to Staples Center during a Laker game and tell me you don't see tons of cute Mexican girls.

Lol and you posted a pic of paid beer reps... whose sole job is to look hot. (I had a roommate briefly who did this, she was hot.) I'd be impressed if you could find representative photos anywhere near as consistently attractive, with girls who aren't cherry picked.

Here are some photos I pulled of high schoolers (google photo search of 'los angeles high school student photo'). This is not to ogle over, just to give you a sense of what they look like. For whatever reason, it's okay to say that Bolivian chicks are ugly, but it's not PC to say that if those same Bolivian chicks moved to LA...

I linked most of these because the pics are huge.

[Image: lisamural.jpg]
(4th from left is a cutie)

Compare to something like this.

I do know a guy who is Latino, and he swears up and down there are cute Latina girls, in places like Montebello; the middle class ones apparently don't stick around here. That may be 100% true, but I'm talking about the city of LA, including the Westside. You'll also find some educated, middle to upper class Latinas around sometimes, I've banged a couple.

While Latinos may comprise half the city's population, including the mayor, psychologically speaking, Latinos are about 5% of the population in the minds of (predominantly middle-upper class) whites in LA. Sort of how like whites in LA will tell you that 'no one' takes the bus, because the eclectic mix of poor, senile, retarded and traveling European people don't really figure as people in their mind. All this shit is the stuff you're not even supposed to notice or consciously think - you're supposed to stay in your own bubble and not notice.

Honestly, I've never felt the desire to live in NYC. I've spent a few days here and there there. People are packed in pretty tight, and you're constantly surrounded by riff-raff when you aren't in LA, unless you're broke. (NY people thinks this makes them hard, uh, no. And who gives a fuck? You wouldn't subject yourself to that shit if you didn't have to.)

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

What $3,000/Month Gets You In Manhattan:

[Image: attachment.jpg10027]   

What $3,000/Month Gets You In Los Angeles:

[Image: attachment.jpg10028]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 09:45 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

What $3,000/month Gets You In Manhattan:

What $3,000/month Gets You In Los Angeles:

Hahahaha. That LA one is plausible, if the place had multiple bedrooms and you were sharing it with your buddies.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA could be worse ...

It could be Toronto ...

While I don't doubt the members posting in the thread, I just wanted to keep some perspective.

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