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100 Approach Study Japan
00 Approach Study Japan
That kind of stuff was really common, but I think it's not quite like it used to be. People just don't give a shit about foreigners anymore. Interest in foreign countries is really slipping, and the number of kids participating in study abroad and stuff is on the decline as well. The only people who ever come up to me wanting to speak English are club rats and old ladies. I actually kind of like it better that way... If I pull a girl who speaks zero English and has no interest in America, it means my game did it. Maybe... kind of.

@the virgin chronicles
Yeah, the pickup stuff is really interesting over here. Everyone is aware of it, and they talk about it on TV a lot. The street Nanpa guys are retards, but the online stuff isn't terrible. I've read most of the stuff that's out there and some of it is actually pretty solid advice. I even read a texting guide that was eerily similar to Roosh's. There's a lot of stuff that says Beta Game is effective for approaches. Like, go for an observational opener, pretend like you're nervous or compliment girl a bunch to get her guard down, and move in for the kill when you get her out on a date.

Hey, sorry for the lack of updates. I really appreciate the feedback. I'll try to throw up like 10 approaches tonight after practice. It's fun to look through my notes and write these things up, but it takes time and I've been lazy and busy.
00 Approach Study Japan
Deleted. I'm a retard.
00 Approach Study Japan
These videos seemed relevant to the topic...

00 Approach Study Japan
it's kinda true. Lots of single women and men are called 'parasite singles' because they won't leave their parents house , but they work and make money. Seems like i've met quite a few hotties who haven't had a boyfriend in a while , but i've also met girls who are always in demand.

Japanese people are married to their work. The company comes first, then everything else follows it.

They will often stay late , because it's rude to leave before the boss does. It's pointless and inefficient. Not all companies are like this. But it's a common thing.
00 Approach Study Japan
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been super busy... Felled a girl on the lady basketball team at our gym and my first ever married woman. I'm feeling great. I was gonna try to do 10, but I wanted to talk about some really fucking weird hamster LMR shit that happened and this is gonna get long, I think.

Japanese lesson: Charai ← flashy, flirty, easy, and maybe a bit trashy. It has such an amazing nuance that I wanted to share it. When used on a woman it can mean "skanky." Men who are Charai can be a playboy or a horny bastard who goes after anything with a vagina. One of Japan's greatest words.

@Sargon of Akkad
Yeah... Japan is so gay sometimes. Stuff like that in the second video is all too common. Japanese people don't tend to stray far from their social circles. It's very common to marry your high school sweetheart, a person you met through a intramural sports, or a coworker. If you aren't social in school and your workplace doesn't have a lot of 'talent,' you're pretty much fucked. It's either go for Nanpa, or give up and hump pillows while watching child porn (which is legal) and pay for cuddling.

Approaches 22,23,24.

I decided to go with a friend (we'll call him Dave) and hit up the Italian family restaurant near the college. Tons of girls, prime hunting ground. The primary mission was studying, but I decided to get some approaches in. You have to be quite careful, though, because there are signs up in the restaurant warning against Nanpa and “related behavior.”

The first approach was a group of 6 girls. They were looking over at us and smiling, so I winked. They laughed and dared one another to talk to us. I initiated.

The girls seemed really entertained, so I moved around to talk to them. Their table had a bench seat on one side and chairs on the other. I sat facing the bench in between a cute-ish girl (5.5), a fat girl (1), and a girl I don't remember (3ish?). Across from me in the corner was cute girl with amazingly silky hair (7). On her left was a plain girl with a shitty attitude (4), and a bit further to the left is a total hottie who would be a 9 if not for some massively rabbity incisors (7).

The 4 was pouting. I tried to entertain her, but she wouldn't budge. “This foreigner is just trying to Nanpa. This sucks.” I handed her a menu and told her to eat some ice cream. I told her, “I'd buy you one, but we just met, and that would be Charai." She said something shitty.

(22) The Rabbit chick seemed really into me, and we exchanged numbers. She said she wanted to make me her boyfriend and started calling me “hubby,” but the silken-haired girl in the corner looked jealous. When she asked for my number too, the angry girl in the middle just about lost it. I apologized and left. I texted the Rabbit a bit, but she stopped responding after I asked her out on a date.

(23) After a few weeks I remembered the silken haired girl in the corner and hit her up. She agreed to go out with me right away, but when she showed up, she was fat... I couldn't see what her body looked like in the corner of the booth the day we'd met. Hair was absolutely amazing, though. I showed her a nice evening and thought about busting one in her hair, but never could pull the trigger.

(24, this was the same day at the Italian place) After I left the table, Rabbit girl bounced to go to her part time job, and the other girls left shortly thereafter. I sat and studied with my friend for a bit when a couple of girls sat in the booth across the aisle from ours. One was on the low end of average (4), and the other was insanely sexy with an average face (7.5).

My buddy was kind of irritated, but I had to go for it. Girl's legs were out of control. She was wearing super high heels and a black leather miniskirt, with a blue top belted at the midsection. She clomped around like a fucking donkey, but I kinda liked it. I waited until my buddy got up to go to the bathroom and went over. I opened by telling The 4 that my friend was into her but he was too shy to come over and talk. I asked if she would break the ice and write my friend a note. She said no. I said, “It's OK. I'll just write a note and say it's from you. With lots of hearts.” We got to talking and I found out that they were freshmen and that The Leggy 7.5 had just turned 19. My buddy came back and scolded me for too much Nanpa. I wanted to bitchslap him, but he might have actually helped me.

I looked at the girls sadly and said, “dad says I have to study, so I have to go now.” They giggled and waved. I went back to my table and wrote two notes, one for each girl.

For The 4,
Thanks for the note! Your handwriting looks exactly like Skotch's! Here's my number.

Signed, Dave.

For Leggy 7.5,
I didn't want you to feel left out. Here's my number.

Signed, Skotch.

Later that night I got an angry text from my friend and a text from the leggy 7.5. We chatted a bit, and made plans to play basketball. At first I was sure it was a ticket to nowhere, but it worked out great. I spent no money, had an excuse to be handsy, and she got really horny for me. Later that week I took her to Mexican (lolz) and back to my place.

Here's where shit got weird. I tried to escalate things quickly, but she never let me kiss her. We watched a movie and chatted a bit. At around 11:45 I thought for sure I'd lost, but just then, almost as if she'd rehearsed it, she started freaking out about missing her train. I offered to let her stay and she immediately accepted. Maybe Japanese guys fall for that shit...?

I got her something to sleep in and got up to turn the lights off. By the time I got back to the bed, literally 3 seconds, she was 'sleeping.' I laid down next to her. She started talking and moving around. I shook her. She fake sleep talked. She grabbed onto me and put her head on my chest. I shook her and she fake sleep talked again. She tried to kiss me. I pushed her back. This weird little fake sleep talking routine continued for a good 15 minutes before she finally 'woke up.' I asked her what the hell that was and she accused me of lying.

I called her out on the faking. She said she totally wasn't faking, that she was a sleep talker/walker, and that her friends could back her up if I just called them in the morning. I turned away from her and tried to sleep. I wanted to fuck her, but I didn't know if it was a misguided attempt to appear less slutty, or some kind of trick to nail me for rapin'. She said, “Now that I slept a little bit, I'm not tired. What should we do?” I grabbed her and kissed her.

I got everything off but her panties. After a while, she gave me head. I went to finger her, but she stopped me. “I only do that with my boyfriend.” Then she got really accusatory, saying that I only wanted to fuck her. I didn't deny it. Then she told me to be her boyfriend. I said no. She said she wanted sex, but couldn't do it with someone she wasn't dating. We argued for maybe half an hour, she sucked me off, and we went to sleep. When I got up, she was gone, and I had a message on my phone about how I was her boyfriend now.

She bombarded me with texts, LINE messages, and calls for about a week. I only responded once to say that we were not dating. I think she must've called me about 40 times all told. It was slightly scary, but very entertaining.

Batting Average: .104

(I wasn't going to include anything less than sex in my batting average, but I think I'll count that as a half a lay)
00 Approach Study Japan
Back in the day (like 8-10 years ago) there was a PUA in Tokyo called Maniac High that posted on You can google and check his old posts; don't know if any of it is relevant today because. It's interesting that girls will flat out say you are doing nanpa.
00 Approach Study Japan
Approaches 26,27,28,29,30.

Went out drinking with plans to meet up with Dave. There's a chain of British style pubs in Japan called the HUB, and we decided to hit a couple. I'd had some experience with them when I lived in Nagoya. They're good places to meet women who are interested in foreigners, but you're guaranteed an under-pour and they get unreal crowded. Most women who go regularly have their guard up, but it's better than most Izakayas (Japanese style bars) where you really can't approach at all.

(25) I got there around 8... way too early, I know. I grabbed a whiskey, backed up to the bar, and surveyed the room. Just one decent prospect. Very tall, big ol' heels, bomb hair, decent face, bad teeth, approximate age is 28 (7). She was at a standing table watching soccer, so I waved to her and motioned for her to come over. She walked up and introduced herself in almost perfect English. She said she was waiting for her friend to come and asked if I'd buy her a drink. I decided to pimp her a bit.

Me: “Should you really be in a bar if you have no money?”
Her: “Well, I'm waiting for my friend... She's gonna pay, but we could drink together until she comes.”
Me: “What kind of drink do you like? (motioning to the bartender)
Her: “I like cassis and orange!” ← (I don't think they have this in The States, but girls here love the shit)
Me: “No, that's not a good drink.”

I ordered a double Laphraoig on the rocks. If you don't know, Laphraoig is the smoky-est, peaty-est, flavory-est whiskey around. It tastes like eating a handful of peat.

Me: “We're gonna share this.”
Her: “Ok.....” (taking a sip and wincing)
Me: “Good, right? What do you do? You look like a secretary.”
Her: “I work in a bank.”
Me: “Wow. Do you steal?”
Her: “No!”
Me: “It's cool, you can tell me. What do you steal, like 100 bucks a day?”
Her: “No. No way!”
Me: “Yeah, you're right. You can't get too greedy, or you'll get busted. 50? 20?”
Her: “I don't steal."
Me: “You should use that money you stole to buy a drink.”
Her: “Stop it! I make a lot of money. I don't need to steal.”
Me: “You said you didn't have any money.”
Her: “...I don't....”

I continued to tease her and make her drink nasty-ass Laphraoig for about 20 minutes before she snapped. She pulled a bank envelope from her purse and produced about 1500 dollars. I laughed for maybe 5 minutes. She gave me her number and told me to call her at the end of the night. I told myself she'd be my hail mary, but I forgot. Probably for the best.... I texted her a few days later. She told me she would be at the HUB on such-and-such a day and to come if I felt like it. I did not feel like it.

(26) Dave showed up a bit later. We did some shots and had a few Guinnesses a piece. Some girls came in and we approached. One was busted (2). The second was cute with a good body, but wearing flats, kind of iffy hair, maybe 26 or so (7.5). The last was passable, tall but kind of plain (5.5). I latched on to the 7.5. By this time I was getting way too drunk and girl seemed pretty put off by my aggressiveness. I defended her when a weird dude came over to hit on her, but it wasn't enough. We bailed.

(27) We walked around a bit more and found some more girls. I went up and said hello. I don't really remember what I said, but I got blown out and realized I was way too drunk.

We hit a convenience store. I had a microwave hamburger with a pack of ham sandwiched in the middle, chicken nuggets, a fist-sized pork dumpling, and a can of coffee. Japanese convenience stores are the shit.

(28) We saw a group of about 4 girls walking. They were all 6s. I asked them where I could find a good bowl of Tororo Soba (a noodle you dip in a slimy yam paste). It's one of my favorite Japanese foods, but foreigners aren't supposed to know about it. I let them tease me a bit and pulled a number. They said they'd meet us after some reunion party or some such nonsense. I never did text them.

(29) Dave went to a police box to ask for directions to the HUB. I saw a girl in a poncho passing out fliers for a bar so I hit her up. I asked her for directions to another bar (it's funnier in Japanese). She laughed. I talked to her about doing English lessons and told her I'd give her a little discount or try to work out a “special deal.” We flirted a bit and I gave her my phone and told her to put in her number. A guy in the same kind of poncho came running over yelling. I yanked my phone away and bounced. I texted her a bit the next day. Apparently she was scolded by the manager and warned about the dangers of giving your number to a foreigner. She stopped responding when I asked her out.

(30) We got to the second HUB and there wasn't much. Just some girls in the corner blocked by a table of rowdy African people. Dave had an idea. “Dude, I'm gonna coin a new phrase right now... The Slingshot! I'm gonna go make friends with those black guys, and use them to bounce over to those girls. Get it? Slingshot around the black holes!” He's a nerd, but it worked. One could have been gorgeous, but had pretty square chin, which I think Roissy says is courtesy of an Alpha dad (7). The other was sexy with short hair, color contacts, a white skirt with black leggings, and thigh-high boots (8.5). Dave claimed her since it was his Slingshot maneuver that enabled the approach.

The conversation was good, but Dave was getting way too wrapped up in it. He was leaning in really far and giggling like a girl. His game had been good up to that point. We had been talking about going to a karaoke booth, which can sometimes lead to something (as you'll see in a few dozen approaches), but they just sort of fizzled out. Dave's girl was tired, and mine developed a sudden boyfriend. I wanted to push Dave down the stairs. I mean, I don't want to say it was his fault, but it was totally his fault.

Lessons Learned: Make sure your friend is on the same page as you or he'll drag you down with him. Push every encounter or you'll just end up with a bunch of numbers that lead to nothing. I need to work on night game some more.

Batting Average: .083
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (02-13-2013 01:24 PM)Skotch Wrote:  

@Sargon of Akkad
Yeah... Japan is so gay sometimes. Stuff like that in the second video is all too common. Japanese people don't tend to stray far from their social circles. It's very common to marry your high school sweetheart, a person you met through a intramural sports, or a coworker. If you aren't social in school and your workplace doesn't have a lot of 'talent,' you're pretty much fucked. It's either go for Nanpa, or give up and hump pillows while watching child porn (which is legal) and pay for cuddling.

No wonder the suicide rates are so high. Sheesh.
00 Approach Study Japan
I'm really enjoying this thread and how you're approaching like a madman. One question though, it seems like you're getting a lot of numbers from these approaches but choosing not to follow up with many of them. Were the women really that bad to not merit a text back? I can't help but wonder if you had gotten more bangs by following up.

Am I wrong or are Japanese women that flaky that if you can't get a SNL they're a lost cause?
00 Approach Study Japan
I thought the same thing when I first started looking through my notes. I should have texted anyway just to see, but they really are that flakey/ignorey. The girls are high quality, but I hate text ignores so much, that I'm pretty cowardly about following up. It's something I need to work on.

If you go on Chiebukuro (The Japanese Yahoo! Answers) and look for threads about girls who flake, it's unreal. "What's the psychology behind flaking?" "Why do girls ignore texts?" "I asked a girl out, but she always cancels." "Question for girls: What do you think when you ignore a text?" It's an epidemic. I should follow up more, though. There's nothing to lose.

To be fair to the women, it's not just them. It's actually a surprise if any Japanese person follows through on plans.
00 Approach Study Japan
I used to worry about this when dealing with Japanese students at my university. Almost every single person I made plans to meet with ended up flaking. At first I just hoped that these particular Japanese students were weird and not representative of the population as a whole, but after reading this thread, that seems not to be the case.

It seem that when I get to Japan, I should probably concentrate mainly on night game and getting SNLs, if getting a girl over there to follow through with her plans is that hard.
00 Approach Study Japan
For me this is the most entertaining thread on the site. Japanese people are so inscrutable, but Skotch does a great job of mixing observational humor with regular game. Keep it up, man.
00 Approach Study Japan
I can't believe they have anti-PUA signs in restaurants in Japan. Is 'nanpa' really that common? I had fantasized about traveling to Japan and running game, picking up cute Japanese chicks but the reality sounds like you'll get called out on it just for approaching.
00 Approach Study Japan
I think the "nanpa" thing is partly because it's an anti-social culture and partly because Japan is a small place and information spreads really fast.
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (02-13-2013 08:24 PM)Skotch Wrote:  

I thought the same thing when I first started looking through my notes. I should have texted anyway just to see, but they really are that flakey/ignorey. The girls are high quality, but I hate text ignores so much, that I'm pretty cowardly about following up. It's something I need to work on.

If you go on Chiebukuro (The Japanese Yahoo! Answers) and look for threads about girls who flake, it's unreal. "What's the psychology behind flaking?" "Why do girls ignore texts?" "I asked a girl out, but she always cancels." "Question for girls: What do you think when you ignore a text?" It's an epidemic. I should follow up more, though. There's nothing to lose.

To be fair to the women, it's not just them. It's actually a surprise if any Japanese person follows through on plans.

Yes, that is one of the most annoying parts of the culture. I can often barely get businesses to reply to emails so you can imagine how flaky the girls are.
00 Approach Study Japan

I got everything off but her panties. After a while, she gave me head. I went to finger her, but she stopped me. “I only do that with my boyfriend.” Then she got really accusatory, saying that I only wanted to fuck her. I didn't deny it. Then she told me to be her boyfriend. I said no. She said she wanted sex, but couldn't do it with someone she wasn't dating. We argued for maybe half an hour, she sucked me off, and we went to sleep. When I got up, she was gone, and I had a message on my phone about how I was her boyfriend now.

Should have agreed with her, banged her, and deleted her number afterwards. Don't be afraid to do "whatever it takes."

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (02-28-2013 01:46 AM)Samseau Wrote:  


I got everything off but her panties. After a while, she gave me head. I went to finger her, but she stopped me. “I only do that with my boyfriend.” Then she got really accusatory, saying that I only wanted to fuck her. I didn't deny it. Then she told me to be her boyfriend. I said no. She said she wanted sex, but couldn't do it with someone she wasn't dating. We argued for maybe half an hour, she sucked me off, and we went to sleep. When I got up, she was gone, and I had a message on my phone about how I was her boyfriend now.

Should have agreed with her, banged her, and deleted her number afterwards. Don't be afraid to do "whatever it takes."

Haha. Japanese girls are really screwed in the head, even by the standards of women. Wanting you to announce magic words before the finger in her puss turns into a cock. Japanese girls have their positives and are of course better than Americans but I still think they are possibly the most overrated ethnic group.
00 Approach Study Japan
japanese girls aren't fucked in the head but they love to hide behind their dating tradition. Usually they start doing that stuff right after the guy or girl professes his liking of the girl ”付き合ってくれるん?" (will you go steady with me?)
00 Approach Study Japan
Though this thread is fascinating, it's kinda starting to creep me out. Calling guys out constantly for nampa, extremely high flakiness. I'm beginning to expect to have a bit of a hard time when I get to Japan next month [Image: sad.gif]
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (03-01-2013 08:17 PM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Though this thread is fascinating, it's kinda starting to creep me out. Calling guys out constantly for nampa, extremely high flakiness. I'm beginning to expect to have a bit of a hard time when I get to Japan next month [Image: sad.gif]

meh. I pretty much just stick to non-Japanese girls. They tend to be easy pickings since Japanese guys are shy and Westerners are working their way through the Roppongi skanks. You'll be fine if you are in Tokyo.
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (03-01-2013 08:19 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2013 08:17 PM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Though this thread is fascinating, it's kinda starting to creep me out. Calling guys out constantly for nampa, extremely high flakiness. I'm beginning to expect to have a bit of a hard time when I get to Japan next month [Image: sad.gif]

meh. I pretty much just stick to non-Japanese girls. They tend to be easy pickings since Japanese guys are shy and Westerners are working their way through the Roppongi skanks. You'll be fine if you are in Tokyo.

Actually, I'll be in Osaka.
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (03-01-2013 08:23 PM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2013 08:19 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2013 08:17 PM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Though this thread is fascinating, it's kinda starting to creep me out. Calling guys out constantly for nampa, extremely high flakiness. I'm beginning to expect to have a bit of a hard time when I get to Japan next month [Image: sad.gif]

meh. I pretty much just stick to non-Japanese girls. They tend to be easy pickings since Japanese guys are shy and Westerners are working their way through the Roppongi skanks. You'll be fine if you are in Tokyo.

Actually, I'll be in Osaka.

I don't have much direct experience there. if you can't find expats, you should at least have an easy time with the locals. You should get more bonus points as a foreigner there than you would in Tokyo where we are a dime a dozen. And if you like scotch, check out Bar Sato there.
00 Approach Study Japan
Good to know.

By the way, I know this is off topic, but what can one expect to spend each month in Japan just for...
- food,
- toothpaste, shower gel, deodorant etc. and
- public transportation
00 Approach Study Japan
Quote: (03-01-2013 08:55 PM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Good to know.

By the way, I know this is off topic, but what can one expect to spend each month in Japan for...
- food
- toothpaste, shower gel, deodorant etc.
- public transportation?

Are you coming as a student?

I don't know your lifestyle so it is hard to provide an estimate. Assuming you want to spend as little as possible, I'd estimate in USD:

Food - Fast food/box lunch meals are good and can be had for $4-6. Multiple by the number of times you eat each day. If you buy groceries and fix your own food, you can get costs down to $2-3/meal.

Transport - I'd budget $120/month but of course it can be less if you are walking to school/work every day.

Toiletries - Comparable to Germany. Bring a supply of any vitamins you take as these are much more expensive in Japan. Roll on deodorant can also be hard to find.
00 Approach Study Japan
Yeah, I'll be there as a student, within walking distance of my university, but I still prefer to get around, and I tend to hang around coffee shops.

I guess for basic necessities, I can count on 60,000-70,000 yen a month for food, toiletries and public transportation. Not sure if that sounds right.

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